266 research outputs found

    Editorial Board

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    The Rise of Public Networks for Economic Inclusion: Strategic Dilemmas Experienced by Flemish SSE-Organizations

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    In this article, we summarize the dominant experiences, discussions, and judgments of Flemish SSE-organizations joining emerging public multi-actor networks to tackle the socio-economic challenge of economic inclusion. Based on a longitudinal qualitative research track combining case-study research, focus group research and action research (i.e. pilot studies), we recently find out that the initial enthusiasm, willingness and interest of SSE-organizations to participate has gradually been replaced by emerging feelings of cautiousness, disappointment, and frictions. When considering the dominant underlying classical rational management paradigm of these networks, we can better understand the precise nature and origin of these growing frictions. As such, emerging strategic network paradigms seem to provoke serious dilemmas. Based on our research results these frictions relate to (i) the reasons for being invited to participate, (ii) the meaning of related concepts (i.e. quality, professionalism, and innovation), (iii) the assumed disturbance of competition, and (iv) the pressure of isomorphic management model

    Competence-based learning and societal awareness: Building up experiences within the discipline of interior architecture

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    By means of the bachelor proof, students of interior architecture of the University of Antwerp (Faculty of Design Sciences) are stimulated to design interiors for real-life public libraries in view of particular societal challenges. During three subsequent years the teaching staff elaborated a set of learning objectives and activities that jointly form a competence-based learning process focussed on the development of the societal awareness of design students. In this paper we report on the intermediate experiences of the teachning staff and the students as indicated by a set of mainly qualitative data. In short it concerns four lessons learned relating to the over- and underestimation of (i) disciplinary filters, (ii) comfort-zones, (iii) motivating complexities and (iv) copy-cat behavior.[EN]http://ocs.editorial.upv.es/index.php/HEAD/HEAD18Vallet, N.; Somers, I.; Corthaut, M. (2018). Competence-based learning and societal awareness: Building up experiences within the discipline of interior architecture. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 451-459. https://doi.org/10.4995/HEAD18.2018.8012OCS45145

    La qualité des relations sociales au sein des SCOP : premiers enseignements d'une enquête en Rhône-Alpes

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    Ce travail de recherche a été mené depuis le printemps 2012 jusqu'à l'automne 2013 et nous a amenés à enquêter auprès de 40 SCOP. Dans la première partie de ce rapport, nous présentons les éléments saillants de nos observations qui sont ressortis comme récurrents dans un grand nombre de cas. Nous en tirons un constat résumé par le titre de "la qualité des relations humaines au sein des SCOP" pour pointer des caractéristiques communes présentées en trois chapitres qui portent sur : - les indicateurs favorables de qualité de l'emploi ; - des collectifs participatifs et cohésifs ; - des organisations introspectives et adaptatives. En outre, la diversité est extrême à l'intérieur du monde des SCOP. Ce sera l'objet de la seconde partie de ce rapport où nous tenterons de développer des analyses pertinentes des différences entre les SCOP qui ressortent de notre enquête. C'est à travers trois chapitres que nous avancerons ces propositions d'analyse en nous fondant sur : - les diverses données recueillies sur les SCOP ; - les résultats des questionnaires adressés aux salariés ; - un essai de typologie des SCOP en 7 catégories

    How to Co-Create Collective Awareness on the Benefits of Trees

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    Nature is our ally in solving all kinds of social problems. This was well understood by the researchers of the ongoing URBiNAT (2018-2023) project, with focus on the regeneration of under-served urban neighbourhoods1, through the co-creation of Nature-Based Solutions. Combining physical and infrastructural – green - solutions with social and economic practices, this project aims at creating collective awareness and contribute to a better understanding of human and non-human dimensions of our urban environments by conducting research, exploring case studies and implementation in several cities. How can these results and working methods also apply to trees and better conservation of the tree stock2, which also play a key role in many challenges society is facing? Trees are essential in tackling climate change through mitigation and adaptation. They are natural and free air conditioners, they purify the air, provide carbon storage and biodiversity in the soil/underground and they fulfil a landscape or social role in villages and cities. Moreover, they provice a green counterweight to the increasing use of space in Flanders3, something that could be experienced first-hand during the corona crisis. Yet trees still often disappear to make room for other space claims in Flanders. Today, citizens and permit providers (mainly municipalities) make an important mark on the above-ground use of space: recent research by the Department of Environment & Spatial Development Flanders shows that most applications for tree felling are submitted by citizens, and that municipal authorities approve nearly every application. In this new research proposal, integrating the approach of the URBiNAT project in order to prevent the disappearing tree stock in Flanders, we want to know why trees are cut down and how we can co-create collective awareness on the benefits of trees with the stakeholders involved in Flanders

    Posterior cortical atrophy : impact on daily living activities and exploration of a cognitive rehabilitation approach

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    Posterior cortical atrophy (PCA) is a neurodegenerative disease affecting the posterior region of the brain. Little is known about both the impact of PCA on functioning and how to support patients on a daily basis. The purpose of this study was to describe the functional profile of DD, a woman diagnosed with PCA, as well as to explore a pilot cognitive rehabilitation program designed to optimize functioning in daily living. The ADL Profile was used to assess the daily tasks that DD chose to undertake. Four operations, i.e. formulate a goal, plan, carry out and verify goal attainment, were scored for each task. Difficulties were observed during the execution of all tasks, as she struggled to find items or showed unsafe behaviors. Impairments were also seen in formulating a goal and planning, especially for less routine tasks. DD identified two tasks to be addressed in rehabilitation: setting the table and dealing cards. Learning was optimized using errorless learning and compensatory aids when setting the table, while dealing cards received no intervention. Only setting the table improved significantly with time. Further studies should be conducted to portray a wider functional profile of people living with PCA and develop effective rehabilitation programs

    Motivation as a Mediator of the Relation Between Cognitive Reserve and Cognitive Performance

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    Objectives: Interindividual differences in cognitive aging may be explained by differences in cognitive reserve (CR) that are built up across the life span. A plausible but underresearched mechanism for these differences is that CR helps compensating cognitive decline by enhancing motivation to cope with challenging cognitive situations. Theories of motivation on cognition suggest that perceived capacity and intrinsic motivation may be key mediators in this respect. Method: In 506 older adults, we assessed CR proxies (education, occupation, leisure activities), motivation (perceived capacity, intrinsic motivation), and a global measure of cognitive functioning. Results: Perceived capacity, but not intrinsic motivation, significantly mediated the relation between CR and cognitive performance. Discussion: Complementary with neurobiological and cognitive processes, our results suggest a more comprehensive view of the role of motivational aspects built up across the life span in determining differences in cognitive performance in old age.This publication benefited from the support of the Swiss National Centre of Competence in Research LIVES–Overcoming Vulnerability: Life Course Perspectives, which is financed by the Swiss National Science Foundation (grant number: 51NF40-160590).Peer reviewe

    Inhibition of Wnt/β-Catenin Signaling by a Soluble Collagen-Derived Frizzled Domain Interacting with Wnt3a and the Receptors Frizzled 1 and 8

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    The Wnt/β-catenin pathway controls cell proliferation, death and differentiation. Several families of extracellular proteins can antagonize Wnt/β-catenin signaling, including the decoy receptors known as secreted frizzled related proteins (SFRPs), which have a cysteine-rich domain (CRD) structurally similar to the extracellular Wnt-binding domain of the frizzled receptors. SFRPs inhibit Wnt signaling by sequestering Wnts through the CRD or by forming inactive complexes with the frizzled receptors. Other endogenous molecules carrying frizzled CRDs inhibit Wnt signaling, such as V3Nter, which is proteolytically derived from the cell surface component collagen XVIII and contains a biologically active frizzled domain (FZC18) inhibiting in vivo cell proliferation and tumor growth in mice. We recently showed that FZC18 expressing cells deliver short-range signals to neighboring cells, decreasing their proliferation in vitro and in vivo through the Wnt/β-catenin signaling pathway. Here, using low concentrations of soluble FZC18 and Wnt3a, we show that they physically interact in a cell-free system. In addition, soluble FZC18 binds the frizzled 1 and 8 receptors' CRDs, reducing cell sensitivity to Wnt3a. Conversely, inhibition of Wnt/β-catenin signaling was partially rescued by the expression of full-length frizzled 1 and 8 receptors, but enhanced by the expression of a chimeric cell-membrane-tethered frizzled 8 CRD. Moreover, soluble, partially purified recombinant FZC18_CRD inhibited Wnt3a-induced β-catenin activation. Taken together, the data indicate that collagen XVIII-derived frizzled CRD shifts Wnt sensitivity of normal cells to a lower pitch and controls their growth
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