183 research outputs found

    Arm-wave display in a liolaemus lizard

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    Lizards show a great variety of visual displays. Among them, arm-waving is a behaviour that has received little attention and its role is still controversial. Here, I analyse the armwaves of Liolaemus pacha lizards in their natural habitat with the aim of determining their function. Arm-waving was performed by both sexes, usually with the ventral body surface in contact with the ground. Furthermore, it was more frequent when alone, and during female-male interactions. The results of this study are suggestive but not conclusive regarding the possible function of this behaviour.Fil: Vicente, Natalin Soledad. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico - Tucumán. Unidad Ejecutora Lillo; Argentin

    تحليل الأخطاء فى استخدام الفعل الماضى والمضارع فى التركيب أو الجملة لتلاميذ الصف الحادى عشر فى المدرسة الثانوية روضة الجنة بالنكارايا

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    تلاميذ المدرسة الثانوية يستخدمون كثيرا الفعل الماضي و المضارع فى كتابة الجملة أم الإنشاء، ولكنه قد يعملون الأخطاء فى استخدامهما. أما هدف هذا البحث العلمي لمعرفة الأخطاء اللغوية الشائعة أسبابها التي تركبها تلاميذ الصف الحادى عشرفى المدرسة الثانوية روضة الجنة بالنكارايا فى استخدام الفعل الماضى والمضارع. يكون هذا البحث بحثا كميا وصفيا. و استخدمت الباحثة طريقة الاختبار و طريقة الوثيقة لجمع البيانات فى هذا البحث. غرض الاختبار هنا لمعرفة كفاءة فى كتابة الجملة و الانشاء. تحلل الباحثة أنواع الأخطاء خلال الطبقة اللغوية العربية. الوثيقة فى هذا البحث مشتملة وثيقة أوراق نتيجة اختبار التلاميذ. دلّت نتيجة هذا البحث على أن الأخطاء اللغوية العربية فى استخدام الفعل الماضى والمضارع لتلاميذ الصف الحادى عشر فى المدرسة الثانوية روضة الجنة بالنكارايا منها: كانت الأخطاء التي وضعها التلاميذ فى نوع سوء التنظيم(misformating) بالتكرار 157 (60،15%)، وفى نوع الافتراض (misordering) بالتكرار 49 (18،77%)، وفى نوع الإضافة (addition)بالتكرار 28 (10،73%)، و وفى نوع الحذف (omission) بالتكرار 27 (10،34%). فأسباب وقوعها: 1) متأثر باللغة الأولى التي يستوعب التلاميذ قبل اللغة العربية 2) عدم الفهم فى استعمال اللغة الأولى إلى لغة الهدف عليه أي اللغة العربية (فى قواعد اللغة العربية). ABSTRAK Siswa-siswa MA banyak menggunakan fi’il madhi dan mudhari’ pada penulisan kalimat maupun karangan, akan tetapi terkadang mereka melakukan kesalahan dalam penggunaannya. Adapun tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui kesalahan berbahasa secara umum dan sebab-sebabnya yang dilakukan oleh siswa-siswa kelas XI MA Raudhatul Jannah Palangka Raya dalam penggunaan fi’il madhi dan mudhari’. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif deskriptif dan peneliti menggunakan tes serta dokumentasi dalam pengumpulan data. Tujuan penggunaan tes adalah untuk mengetahui kemampuan menulis dan mengarang. Peneliti menganalisis macam-macam kesalahan yang dilakukan siswa melalui taksonomi berbahasa Arab. Dokumentasi pada penelitian ini mencakup lembar nilai tes siswa. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa kesalahan berbahasa Arab dalam penggunaan fi’il madhi dan mudhari pada siswa kelas XI MA Raudhatul Jannah, yaitu: kesalahan yang dilakukan siswa pada jenis misformating dengan frekuensi 157 (60,15%), pada misordering dengan frekuensi 49 (18,77%), pada addition dengan frekuensi 28 (10,73%), dan pada omission dengan frekuensi 27 (10,34%). Adapun sebab-sebab terjadinya: 1) Dipengaruh oleh bahasa pertama yang digunakan siswa sebelum bahasa Arab, 2) Ketidakpahaman pada penggunaan bahasa pertama ke bahasa tujuan yaitu bahasa Arab (dalam hal kaidah bahasa Arab)

    Signaling Pathways of Cardiac Remodeling Related to Angiotensin II

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    Heart failure affects more than 23 million people worldwide, and its prognosis remains poor. Hypertension is one of the most prominent human health problem and places individuals at a higher risk for heart failure. Several factors interplay the development of hypertension contributing for decompensated heart hypertrophy. The renin-angiotensin system (RAS) has been shown to be the foremost regulator of blood pressure. Many evidences have pointed out the importance of RAS and its key mediator, angiotensin II (Ang II), on signaling pathways involved in cardiac remodeling. The Ang II-induced hypertrophic effects seem to be related to increased reactive oxygen species (ROS). Under oxidative stress conditions, as those observed in hypertension and heart failure, the matrix metalloproteinases (MMP) is activated. Ang II is connected with TNF-α and TGF-β by ROS-NF-κB-MMP mechanisms, which are involved in heart failure. The rationale of the present chapter is structured on the progression of heart failure related to Ang II, TNF-α and TGF-β by common signaling pathways. Pharmacotherapeutics approaches to the heart failure abound, but the mortality rates remain high. This chapter will also describe molecular mechanisms involved in heart failure highlighting that TGF-β and/or TNF-α inhibitors could contribute to treatment to this serious clinical condition

    B1 B cells acquire a proliferative and anti-inflammatory profile during pregnancy in mice

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    B1 B cells are a distinct subpopulation of B cells characterized by their unique capacity of self-renewal and the ability to secrete IgM without foreign antigen exposure (natural antibodies). In addition, upon activation, B1 B cells produce large quantities of the potent anti-inflammatory cytokine IL-10. Though the mechanisms that control natural antibodies production are not fully elucidated, it was recently associated with a down-regulation of CD1d expression in B1 B cells. Taking into account that both, IL-10 and natural antibodies are known to be fundamental components in pregnancy wellbeing, the aim of this study was to evaluate proliferation status as well as CD1d expression and IL-10 production by B1 B cells during pregnancy. Flow cytometry analysis, on splenic B1 B cells from pregnant (P) and non-pregnant (NP) mice was performed to evaluate ki-67 (proliferation marker) and CD1d expression as well as IL-10 production upon LPS stimulation. We observed significantly higher expression levels of Ki-67 in splenic B1 B cells from P compared to NP (Unpaired t-test p<0,0001; n=3) mice which was mirrored by higher percentages of B1 B cells in the spleen of P mice (Unpaired t-test p=0,0095; n=11). In addition, B1 B cells from P mice expressed lower levels of CD1d as compared to NP mice (Unpaired t-test p<0,0001; n=3). Furthermore, LPS-stimulated B1 B cells from P mice produced significantly higher levels of IL-10 compared to NP mice in vitro (Unpaired t-test p=0,015; n=5).Overall, our results demonstrate that not only B1 B cells are expanded in the spleen during pregnancy but they also seem to acquire the capacity to produce higher levels of natural antibodies and IL-10 during this period, suggesting their critical role in the intricate process of pregnancy tolerance.Fil: Valeff, Natalin Jimena. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Houssay. Centro de Estudios Farmacológicos y Botánicos. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Medicina. Centro de Estudios Farmacológicos y Botánicos; ArgentinaFil: Abba, Martin C.. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Centro de Investigaciones Inmunológicas Básicas y Aplicadas; ArgentinaFil: Jensen, Federico. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Houssay. Centro de Estudios Farmacológicos y Botánicos. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Medicina. Centro de Estudios Farmacológicos y Botánicos; ArgentinaLXVI Reunión anual de la Sociedad Argentina de Investigación Clínica; LXIX Reunión Anual de la Sociedad Argentina de Inmunología; LIII Reunión Anual de la Asociación Argentina de Farmacología Experimental y XI Reunión Anual de la Asociación Argentina de NanomedicinasBuenos AiresArgentinaSociedad Argentina de Investigación ClínicaSociedad Argentina de InmunologíaAsociación Argentina de Farmacología ExperimentalAsociación Argentina de Nanomedicina


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    The purpose of this research is to find out how much influence financial leverage on tax avoidance with Kepemilikan Manajerial as a moderating variable. The object of research used in this study is LQ45 companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) in 2016-2019. The sample selection method uses purposive sampling. The number of samples in this study were 68 samples from 17 companies that fit the sample criteria. Hypothesis testing is done by using moderated Regression analysis processed using SPSS software version 24. The results of this study indicate that financial leverage has a positive effect on tax avoidance. and kepemilikan manajerial reinforces the negative effect of financial leverage on tax avoidanc

    Research on Indonesian Chinese Education Institutions and Teacher's Situation in the New Century

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    在迈向21世纪之际,印尼政府逐步实行多元文化政策,并大幅度调整对华政策。从此开始,在过去32年中被禁止的印尼华文教育终于重见天日,甚至获得前所未有的发展空间。在印尼,华文教育日渐获得了政府的认可和法律地位,也受到了广大社会的关注。 印尼华人华社更是乘机兴办起各种华文教育的办学形式,从小型的华文家庭补习,发展为较大规模的华文补习班,接着扩大成正式的“三语学校”。此外,华语也被纳入了印尼国家国民教育体系之中,成为外语选修课之一。随后越来越多的国民学校开始设置华语课程,其中部分大学还开设了华文系。 当今,华文已不仅是印尼华族的教育事业,它更扩展为印尼的国民教育事业。但华文教育的“突然”恢复,也面...Entering the 21st century, Indonesian government implement the multicultural policy which substantially revises policy related to China. At this time, Chinese education which has been banned for 32 years may see a sunrise for the first time, moreover, it experience rapid development that it has never seen before. This proven by not only an official recognition from the Government and law that has ...学位:文学硕士院系专业:海外教育学院_语言学及应用语言学学号:2652009115389

    ANALISIS PERILAKU AGRESIF PADA TAYANGAN KARTUN TOM & JERRY KARYA HANNA BARBERA: Penelitian Analisis Isi Video Tayangan Animasi untuk Anak Usia Dini

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    Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh perkembangan teknologi yang semakin pesat, sehingga setiap individu mampu mempelajarinya dengan mudah, salah satunya adalah anak. Televisi maupun Youtube terdapat beberapa konten yang disajikan termasuk menonton film kartun. Film kartun merupakan film yang ditujukan untuk anak, karena film tersebut menampilkan tokoh karakter yang unik, menarik, dan juga lucu yang sangat menghibur bagi siapa saja yang menonton. Namun ada sebagian orangtua film kartun keliru dipilih sebagai tayangan anak-anak seperti pada kartun Tom & Jerry. Kartun Tom & Jerry banyak menampilkan tayangan berperilaku agresif yang dimana akan berpengaruh pada perilaku meniru / imitatif anak. Oleh karena itu perlu dilakukan penelitian terhadap Kartun Tom & Jerry terkait perilaku agresif. Pada penelitian ini berfokus untuk menganalisis perilaku agresif pada tayangan kartun Tom & Jerry anak usia 5—6 tahun. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah observasi terhadap isi konten animasi kartun. Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan bahwa adanya perilaku agresif yang ditunjukkan dalam tayangan kartun Tom & Jerry. Kemudian hasil penelitian memperlihatkan bahwa dari tayangan tersebut ada beberapa perilaku agresif yang sering banyak muncul dalam setiap episode ialah perilaku agresif fisik terdapat perilaku memukul, mencekik, menendang, dan melempar. Pada perilaku agresif verbal terdapat perilaku membuat jebakan, dan mengejek. Sehingga film kartun Tom & Jerry ini tidak dijadikan tontonan anak usia dini, karena akan berpengaruh pada perilakunya. ------- This research is motivated by the rapid development of technology; so that every individual can learn it easily, one of which is a child. Television and Youtube have some content that is presented including watching cartoons. Cartoon films are films aimed at children; because these films feature unique, interesting, and funny characters that are very entertaining for anyone who watches them. However, some parents mistakenly choose cartoon films as children's shows, such as the Tom & Jerry cartoon. Tom & Jerry cartoons display a lot of aggressive behavior which will affect children's 'imitative behavior. Therefore, it is necessary to do research on Tom & Jerry Cartoons related to aggressive behavior. This study focuses on analyzing aggressive behavior in Tom & Jerry cartoons for children aged 5-6 years. This study uses a qualitative approach. The data collection technique used is the observation of the content of animated cartoon content. The results of the study show that aggressive behavior is shown in the cartoon Tom & Jerry. Then the results of the study show that from these shows several aggressive behaviors that often appear in every episode, namely physical aggressive behavior including hitting, choking, kicking, and throwing behavior. In verbal aggressive, behavior there is the behavior of making traps and mocking. So that the cartoon Tom & Jerry is not used as a spectacle for young children; because it will affect their behavior

    Post-transcriptional gene regulation in Drosophila : an investigation into the roles of RNA silencing and the DEAD-box helicase Belle

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    Post-transcriptional regulation of gene expression relies on multiple mechanisms to elicit translational control and/or mRNA decay. RNA silencing pathways operate at both stages, targeting a significant fraction of the transcriptome, namely those mRNAs complementary to short interfering RNAs (siRNAs) and microRNAs (miRNAs). Using Drosophila S2 cells, I have carried out a genome-wide search for transcripts regulated by these pathways. mRNA expression profiles were obtained for cells depleted of AGO1, AGO2, PIWI or Aubergine, members of the Argonaute family of proteins essential for RNA silencing, and analyzed alongside profiles from cells depleted of the miRNA-processing enzyme Drosha. Changes in transcript levels in Drosha-depleted cells correlated closely with those in the AGO1 knockdown, demonstrating that miRNA targets change level following inhibition of the miRNA pathway and supporting the idea that miRNAs can cause degradation of the targeted transcripts, and do not just repress translation as previously thought. Furthermore, it was found that a subset of miRNA targets is also regulated by AGO2; together with evidence that AGO1 and AGO2 silence the expression of a common set of mobile genetic elements, this suggests a degree of functional overlap for AGO1 and AGO2 in the Drosophila RNA silencing pathway. I next focused on the Drosophila protein Belle, a member of the conserved family of DEAD-box RNA helicases. Most members of this protein family exhibit NTPase activity stimulated by or dependent on RNA binding and use the energy derived from NTP hydrolysis to unwind double-stranded RNA or disrupt RNA/protein interactions. Many DEAD-box proteins localize to RNA granules such as maternal and neuronal transport mRNPs, polar granules, and P bodies. Belle is a component of nuage within nurse cells and polar granules within the oocyte. It is an essential protein required for larval growth, as well as male and female fertility, and has a putative role in RNA silencing. I show that Belle is required for cell viability. In cells depleted of Belle, general protein synthesis is inhibited. However, a luciferase mRNA reporter with Belle tethered to the 3′ UTR is translationally repressed without any reduction in mRNA levels. Tethering of Belle to the reporter mRNA induces the formation of heavy mRNP complexes. Translational repression is abolished when Belle contains mutations disrupting the putative helicase activity. Using a biochemical and computational approaches, I found that in Drosophila S2 cells, Belle is part of an interaction network consisting of proteins implicated in general protein synthesis as well as selective translational control mechanisms. Belle interacts with translation initiation factors and ribosomal proteins, supporting the idea that Belle is required for general translation efficiency. However it also associates with translationally regulated mRNAs and proteins involved in mRNA translational control and localization, suggesting that Belle may be implicated in mRNP assembly and transport as well as localized mRNA translation. Finally, I show that Belle interacts with AGO2 and other components of the RISC, suggesting that Belle may function as an auxiliary factor in the RNA silencing pathway


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    Penelitian deksriptif ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan bagaimana pemanfaatan bank mini sebagai media pelatihan pada pelatihan Teller Excellence di PT.Bank X Persero,Tbk. Penelitian deskriptif ini tidak dimaksudkan untuk menguji hipotesis tertentu, tetapi hanya untuk menggambarkan apa adanya tentang suatu gejala, variabel atau keadaan. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif dengan menggunakan pendekatan survey. Populasi penelitian ini adalah seluruh peserta pelatihan Teller Excellence di PT. Bank X Persero,Tbk. Instrumen dan pedoman yang digunakan pada penelitian ini berupa instrumen analisis dokumen dan angket, pedoman observasi dan wawancara. Data yang diperoleh disajikan dalam bentuk persentase dan analisis dalam bentuk narasi. Hasil penelitian tentang ini menyimpulkan bahwa pemanfaatan bank mini sebaga media pelatihan pada pelatihan Teller Excellence secara garis besar sudah dimanfaatkan sesuai dengan tujuan yang berlandaskan pada teori peran media pembelajaran oleh Clark. This descriptive study aims to describe how the use of mini bank as a media training on training Teller Excellence in PT.Bank X Persero Tbk. This descriptive study wasn’t had a goal to test specific hypotheses, but only to describe what it is about a phenomenon, variable or circumstances. This research is a descriptive study using survey approach. The research population is all the participants who attend training Teller Excellence in PT.Bank X Persero Tbk. Instruments and guidelines that have been used in this study, is an instrument of analysis of documents and questionnaires, observation and interviews. The data obtained will be presented in the form of percentage and analyzed in narrative form. The results of this research concluded that the use of mini bank as a media training on training Teller Excellence overall has been utilized in accordance with the purpose, which is based on the theory of the role of learning media by Clark

    Penggunaan Metode Pavement Condition Index (PCI) dan Present Serviceability Index (PSI) dalam Penilaian Kerusakan Jalan di Kota Palu (Studi Kasus : Jalan Karanja Lembah, Kota Palu)

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    Street of Karanja Lembah is a provincial road linking Palu City and Sigi Regency. After a visual survey, the road has suffered a lot of damage, especially on its surface. The purpose of this study was to determine the pavement condition values based on the Pavement Condition Index (PCI) method and the Present Serviceability Index (PSI) method, as well as to determine the type of road handling based on the PCI and PSI values obtained on these roads. The PCI method is carried out directly by dividing the road into several segments called segment units, then recording the type of damage, the dimensions of the damage, and the severity of the damage for each type of damage. In research using the PSI method, the PSI value was calculated using IRI (International Roughness Index) data obtained from the Highways Service of Central Sulawesi Province. From the results of the analysis, it was obtained that the average PCI value for Jalan Karaja Lembah was 79.95% with a "very good" pavement condition, while the average PSI value for Jalan Karaja Lembah was 2.13% with a pavement condition "moderate". For the right type of handling for the PSI and PCI methods, namely the type of periodic maintenance