55 research outputs found

    Koncepcja kształcenia dla potrzeb gospodarki przestrzennej na obszarach morskich i nadmorskich

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    Problemy gospodarki przestrzennej na obszarach morskich i nadmorskich są specyficzne i bardzo złożone. W Polsce kształcenie specjalistów z zakresu problematyki morskiej jest prowadzone na dwóch ogólnych kierunkach studiów (oceanografia, oceanotechnika) oraz kilku specjalistycznych (technicznych, ekonomicznych lub wojskowych). Natomiast brakuje kierunku studiów, który wypełniałby lukę między kształceniem przyrodniczym (oceanografia) a ogólnotechnicznym (oceanotechnika). Stąd powstał pomysł opracowania specjalności „morskiej” na magisterskich studiach uzupełniających z zakresu gospodarki przestrzennej. Zaproponowana specjalność obejmuje 480 godzin przedmiotów specjalizacyjnych (z tego na wykłady obowiązkowe i fakultatywne przypada 270 godzin, a na ćwiczenia i ćwiczenia terenowe 210 godzin), co daje 43% całości godzin, oraz 150 godzin przewidzianych na seminarium i pracownię magisterską. Łącznie daje to 630 godzin (czyli 57% całości) przeznaczonych na realizację specjalności

    Multiproxy paleoceanographic study from the western Barents Sea reveals dramatic Younger Dryas onset followed by oscillatory warming trend

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    The Younger Dryas (YD) is recognized as a cool period that began and ended abruptly during a time of general warming at the end of the last glacial. New multi-proxy data from a sediment gravity core from Storfjordrenna (western Barents Sea, 253 m water depth) reveals that the onset of the YD occurred as a single short-lived dramatic environment deterioration, whereas the subsequent warming was oscillatory. The water masses in the western Barents Sea were likely strongly stratified at the onset of the YD, possibly due to runoff of meltwater combined with perennial sea-ice cover, the latter may last up to several decades without any brake-up. Consequently, anoxic conditions prevailed at the bottom of Storfjordrenna, leading to a sharp reduction of benthic biota and the appearance of vivianite microconcretions which formation is favoured by reducing conditions. While the anoxic conditions in Storfjordrenna were transient, the unfavorable conditions for benthic foraminifera lasted for c. 1300 years. We suggest that the Pre-Boreal Oscillation, just after the onset of the Holocene, may have been a continuation of the oscillatory warming trend during the YD.Narodowe Centrum Nauki granty: 2016/21/B/ST10/02308, 2019/33/B/ST10/00297, 2013/10/E/ST10/0016

    The level of physical activity in the lifestyle of physical education students

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    Subject: The level of physical activity in the lifestyle of physical education students Introduction: Physical activity is defined as voluntary and spontaneous physical activity practiced during leisure time. Thanks to it, the body can function properly and develop on many levels. It plays an important role in social and physical development, as well as intellectual and emotional development. It finds its place in the fight against civilization diseases, it is also beneficial in resisting many other diseases.    Aim: The aim of the article is to assess the level of physical activity of physical education students of various specializations.   Material and methods: The research was conducted among students of physical education at the University of Rzeszów. 60 people took part in them - 38 women and 22 men aged 19-30. The respondents answered anonymously to 18 closed, single-choice questions.   Results: The majority of students are engaged in physical activity outside a college, and 65% of it is at amateur level activity. The most common reason why respondents take up physical activity is to improve the functional fitness of the body. 58% of the respondents undertook physical activity more than 3 times a week.   Conclusions: Most of the respondents do physical activity outside of their studies. The most common reason for taking up physical activity among the respondents was the improvement of the functional fitness of the body, and the factors influencing the fact that students are physically active were to the greatest extent sports activitiesSubject: The level of physical activity in the lifestyle of physical education students Introduction: Physical activity is defined as voluntary and spontaneous physical activity practiced during leisure time. Thanks to it, the body can function properly and develop on many levels. It plays an important role in social and physical development, as well as intellectual and emotional development. It finds its place in the fight against civilization diseases, it is also beneficial in resisting many other diseases.   Aim: The aim of the article is to assess the level of physical activity of physical education students of various specializations.   Material and methods: The research was conducted among students of physical education at the University of Rzeszów. 60 people took part in them - 38 women and 22 men aged 19-30. The respondents answered anonymously to 18 closed, single-choice questions.   Results: The majority of students are engaged in physical activity outside a college, and 65% of it is at amateur level activity. The most common reason why respondents take up physical activity is to improve the functional fitness of the body. 58% of the respondents undertook physical activity more than 3 times a week.   Conclusions: Most of the respondents do physical activity outside of their studies. The most common reason for taking up physical activity among the respondents was the improvement of the functional fitness of the body, and the factors influencing the fact that students are physically active were to the greatest extent sports activities   Key words: physical activity; lifestyle; physical education; student

    Selected school solutions in the field of a healthy lifestyle among children and adolescents

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    Introduction and aim: Lifestyle is the daily behaviors, habits and activities adopted by people. It is one of the factors that largely determines the state of human health. It is important to pay attention to what habits and activities we implement in our lives. The source of behaviors are usually attitudes and values acquired in the family and the nearest social environment. The basic categories of pro-health behaviours are related to physical health, psychosocial health, health prevention and avoiding harmful behaviours, preventing an illness and supporting recovery. Anti-health behaviors contribute to health disorders, negative impacts in emotional, physical and psychosocial sphere. The aim of the study was to present selected school solutions in the field of pro-healthy lifestyle among children and adolescents, the influence of pro-healthy lifestyle and assessment of the implementation of health education at schools. Material and method: 85 children and adolescents in the age range of 10-19+ years participated in the study. Twenty-three students in the age range of 10-12 years, 27 students in the age range of 13-16 years and 35 students in the age range of 17-19+ years were surveyed. Twenty-eight males and 57 females took the survey. Results: Respondents most often engage in physical activity 2-3 times per week. The vast majority of respondents actively participate in physical education classes at school as well as undertake extracurricular physical activity. The most popular activities are cycling and team games. The main source of knowledge about pro-healthy lifestyle among children and adolescents is the Internet and the least popular is the press. Conclusions: The majority of students know what a pro-healthy lifestyle is, while less than half of the respondents have no such knowledge. The researched gain knowledge about the way of promoting pro-healthy lifestyle by school, most often through the organization of "Health Day". The majority of children and adolescents participate in extracurricular physical activity, while the rest of the respondents do not undertake such activity

    Characterization of in vitro and in vivo metabolism of antazoline using liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry

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    Antazoline (ANT) was recently shown to be an effective and safe antiarrhythmic drug in the termination of atrial fibrillation. However, the drug is still not listed in clinical guidelines. No data on ANT metabolism in humans is available. We used liquid chromatography coupled with tandem mass spectrometry to identify and characterize metabolites of ANT. We analyzed plasma of volunteers following a single intravenous administration of 100 mg of ANT mesylate and in in vitro cultures of human hepatocytes. We revealed that ANT was transformed into at least 15 metabolites and we investigated the role of cytochrome P450 isoforms. CYP2D6 was the main one involved in the fast metabolism of ANT. The biotransformation of ANT by CYP2C19 was much slower. The main Phase I metabolite was M1 formed by the removal of phenyl and metabolite M2 with hydroxyl in the para position of phenyl. Glucuronidation was the leading Phase II metabolism. Further study on pharmacokinetics of the metabolites would allow us to better understand the activity profile of ANT and to predict its potential clinical applications. Ultimately, further investigation of the activity profile of the new hydroxylated M2 metabolite of ANT might result in an active substance with a different pharmacological profile than the parent molecule, and potentially a new drug candidate

    AmyloGraph : a comprehensive database of amyloid-amyloid interactions

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    Information about the impact of interactions between amyloid proteins on their fibrillization propensity is scattered among many experimental articles and presented in unstructured form. We manually curated information located in almost 200 publications (selected out of 562 initially considered), obtaining details of 883 experimentally studied interactions between 46 amyloid proteins or peptides. We also proposed a novel standardized terminology for the description of amyloid-amyloid interactions, which is included in our database, covering all currently known types of such a cross-talk, including inhibition of fibrillization, cross-seeding and other phenomena. The new approach allows for more specific studies on amyloids and their interactions, by providing very well-defined data. AmyloGraph, an online database presenting information on amyloid-amyloid interactions, is available at (). Its functionalities are also accessible as the R package (). AmyloGraph is the only publicly available repository for experimentally determined amyloid-amyloid interactions

    Plastic debris composition and concentration in the Arctic Ocean, the North Sea and the Baltic Sea

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    Neuston samples were collected with a Manta trawl in the rim of the Arctic Ocean, in the Northern Atlantic Ocean and the Baltic Sea at eleven coastal and open-sea locations. All samples contained plastics identified by FTIR microscopy. Altogether, 110 microplastics pieces were classified according to size, shape, and polymer type. The concentrations at the locations were generally low (x̅ = 0.06, SD ± 0.04 particles m−3) as compared to previous observations. The highest concentrations were found towards the Arctic Ocean, while those in the Baltic Sea were generally low. The most abundant polymer type was polyethylene. Detected particle types were mainly fragments. The number of films and fibers was very low. The mean particle size was 2.66 mm (SD ± 1.55 mm). Clustering analyses revealed that debris compositions in the sea regions had characteristic differences possibly reflecting the dependences between compositions, drifting distances, sinking rates, and local oceanographic conditions.</p

    Construction of bionanoparticles with the use of a recombinant DNA vector-enzymatic system, containing artificial poliepitopic proteins, for the delivery of new generation vaccines

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    DNA/RNA amplification technologies, such as the Polymerase Chain Reaction have revolutionized modern biology, medical diagnostics and forensic analyses, among others. A number of alternative nucleic acids amplification methods have been developed, tailored to specific applications. Here we present a refined version of a DNA fragment amplification technology, which enables the construction of ordered concatemers in a head-to-tail-orientation. A very high number of DNA segments, at least 500 copies, can be consecutively linked. Other key features include: (i) the application of a dedicated vector-enzymatic system, including selected subtype IIS restriction endonucleases, which has been designed to automatically generate long Open Reading Frames and (ii) an amplification-expression vector with a built-in strong transcription promoter along with optimal translation initiation signals, which allow for a high level of expression of the constructed artificial poliepitopic protein. This highly advanced technology makes it possible to obtain ordered polymers of monomeric, synthetic or natural, DNA far beyond the capabilities of current chemical synthesis methods. The constructed poliepitopic proteins are further used for construction of several types of nanoparticles, including inclusion bodies and bacteriophages, containing multiple genetic fusion with poliepitopic proteins.The technology offers significant advances in a number of scientific, industrial and medical applications, including new vaccines and tissue pro-regenerative methods. The technology is protected by an international patent application and is available for licensing. Acknowledgments: project was supported by National Center for Research and Development, Warsaw, Poland, grant no STRATEGMED1/235077/9/NCBR/2014 and POIG.01.04.00-22-140/12; Jagiellonian Center for Innovation, Krakow, Poland; SATUS VC, Warsaw, Poland and BioVentures Institute Ltd, Poznan, Poland

    Economic, implementation and organizational determinants of the gambling digitalization.

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    Celem niniejszej pracy jest zwrócenie uwagi na zmiany finansowe i ekonomiczne w sektorze hazardowym wywołane cyfryzacją. W części teoretycznej hazard zostaje jasno zdefiniowany oraz określony przez jego psychologiczne, socjologiczne i prawne uwarunkowania. Praca skupia się na cyfryzacji form organizacyjnych tego sektora, stosowanych tu technologii oraz czynników stabilizujących lub destabilizujących. W części empirycznej przedstawiono wyniki badań, których głównym celem było określenie wpływu technologicznych przemian oraz powszechnej cyfryzacji na rynek hazardowy. Proces badawczy zrealizowano przy zastosowaniu następujących metod inarzędzi: metody ilościowo – jakościowej, badań etnograficznych, wywiadów eksperckich oraz ankiety. Jako główne źródła danych empirycznych wykorzystano: sprawozdania oraz raporty finansowe Ministerstwa Finansów oraz dane finansowe firmy H2 Gambling Capital. Na podstawie wyników przeprowadzonych badań stwierdzono, że rynek internetowych gier hazardowych ulega ciągłemu postępowi globalnej cyfryzacji i zaczyna łamać tradycyjne schematy dawnych form hazardu.The aim of this thesis is to highlight financial and economic changes in the gambling sector driven by digitalization. In the theoretical part, gambling is clearly defined by its psychological, sociological, and legal conditions. This thesis focuses on the digitalization of the sector’s organizational forms, the technologies used and stabilizing or destabilizing factors. In the empirical part results of a study on impact of technological change and widespread digitization of the gambling market have been presented. The research process was carried out using the following research methods and tools: quantitative-qualitative method, ethnographic research, expert interviews, and a survey. The following were used as the main sources of empirical data: financial statements and reports of the Ministry of Finance and financial data of the H2 Gambling Capital company. Based on the results of the research, it was concluded that the online gambling market is undergoing a continuous progression of global digitalization and is beginning to break the traditional patterns of the old forms of gambling

    Od dyskryminacji do równych płac dla Afroamerykanek

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    Chociaż w Stanach Zjednoczonych nastąpił znaczny postęp w walce z rasizmem i dyskryminacją ze względu na płeć, walka nadal trwa. Niniejsza rozprawa koncentruje się na analizie ewolucji statusu społecznego społeczności Afroamerykanów od czasu zniesienia niewolnictwa i wyeliminowania segregacji sto lat później. Chociaż ponad połowa różnic w wynagrodzeniach wynika z różnych zawodów i 10% z doświadczenia zawodowego, około 40% nadal pozostaje niewyjaśnionych. To, co jest szczególne w ich sytuacji i znaczenie tego tematu, to fakt, że Afroamerykanki doświadczają dyskryminacji nie tylko ze względu na płeć lub rasę, ale z obu powodów jednocześnie (tzw. intersekcjonalność).W pracy dyplomowej argumentuje się, że najbardziej rażąca dyskryminacja została wyeliminowana dzięki przepisom antydyskryminacyjnym, zwłaszcza dzięki uchwaleniu Ustawy o prawach obywatelskich i Ustawy o prawach do głosowania z 1964 i 1965 roku, a także niektórym zarządzeniom wykonawczym aż do administracji prezydenta Obamy. Niemniej jednak, po przyjrzeniu się obecnej sytuacji afroamerykańskich kobiet, można zauważyć, że proces legislacyjny mający na celu osiągnięcie równości jest daleki od zakończenia i przedstawiono kilka sugestii, takich jak nacisk w Kongresie na przyjęcie ustawy Paycheck Fairness Act i Domestic Workers Bill of Rights w celu zapewnienia większych gwarancji dla afroamerykańskich pracowników.Whereas there has been a significant progress in the United States of America in order to combat racism and gender discrimination, the fight remains. This thesis focuses on analyzing how the African American community has evolved in their social status since the abolition of slavery and the elimination of segregation one century later. Although over half of the pay gap is based on different occupations and 10% on work experience, around 40% still remains unexplained. What is particular about their situation and the importance of this topic is the fact that African American women do not only experience discrimination based on their gender or their race, but on both at the same time (the so-called intersectionality).In the thesis it is argued that the most blatant discrimination has been eliminated with anti-discrimination laws, especially with the passage of Civil Rights Act and Voting Rights Act of 1964 and 1965, respectively, and some Executive Orders up until President Obama’s administration. Nevertheless, after looking into the current situation of African American women, it can be seen that the legislative process to achieve equality is far from being over and several suggestions are presented such as the push in Congress to pass the Paycheck Fairness Act and Domestic Workers Bill of Rights in order to assure more guarantees for the African American workers