589 research outputs found

    Energy in elastic fiber embedded in elastic matrix containing incident SH wave

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    A single elastic fiber embedded in an infinite elastic matrix is considered. An incident plane SH wave is assumed in the infinite matrix, and an expression is derived for the total energy in the fiber due to the incident SH wave. A nondimensional form of the fiber energy is plotted as a function of the nondimensional wavenumber of the SH wave. It is shown that the fiber energy attains maximum values at specific values of the wavenumber of the incident wave. The results obtained here are interpreted in the context of phenomena observed in acousto-ultrasonic experiments on fiber reinforced composite materials

    Chapter 21 Effective Fight against Extremist Discourse Online

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    "The Handbook of Computational Social Science is a comprehensive reference source for scholars across multiple disciplines. It outlines key debates in the field, showcasing novel statistical modeling and machine learning methods, and draws from specific case studies to demonstrate the opportunities and challenges in CSS approaches. The Handbook is divided into two volumes written by outstanding, internationally renowned scholars in the field. This first volume focuses on the scope of computational social science, ethics, and case studies. It covers a range of key issues, including open science, formal modeling, and the social and behavioral sciences. This volume explores major debates, introduces digital trace data, reviews the changing survey landscape, and presents novel examples of computational social science research on sensing social interaction, social robots, bots, sentiment, manipulation, and extremism in social media. The volume not only makes major contributions to the consolidation of this growing research field, but also encourages growth into new directions. With its broad coverage of perspectives (theoretical, methodological, computational), international scope, and interdisciplinary approach, this important resource is integral reading for advanced undergraduates, postgraduates and researchers engaging with computational methods across the social sciences, as well as those within the scientific and engineering sectors.

    Effect of dental adhesives on the exudative phase of the inflammatory process in subcutaneous tissue of rats

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    Estudaram-se as alterações vasculares do tecido conjuntivo subcutâneo de ratos induzidas por sistemas adesivos dentinários (único passo), comparados com solução fisiológica (controle negativo) e Furacin (controle positivo), durante a fase exsudativa do processo inflamatório. Com esse propósito, injetaram-se intravenosamente, na veia do pênis de ratos, 20 mg/kg de peso corporal de "Evan's blue", e no tecido subcutâneo inoculou-se 0,1 ml de cada substância a ser analisada. Após intervalo de três horas os animais foram sacrificados, suas peles excisadas e recortadas com perfurador de 2,5 cm de diâmetro. As peças foram imersas imediatamente em oito ml de formamida e levadas ao banho-maria a 37ºC, por 72 horas, para remoção do corante. O líquido contendo o corante extravasado foi filtrado, analisado no espectrofotômetro (620 nm) e classificado segundo os critérios estabelecidos por Nagem-Filho, Pereira (1976). O potencial irritativo dos produtos, após análise estatística, se apresentou em ordem decrescente: Furacin (considerado como grau de magnitude severo) >; Single Bond e Bond 1 (que se mostraram significamente similares, classificados como moderados) >; soro fisiológico (comportando-se como não-significante quanto ao grau de irritação).The vascular changes in the subcutaneous connective tissue of rats induced by dentin bonding systems (one step) was studied and compared to those induced by saline solution (negative control) and Furacin (positive control), during the exudative phase of the inflammatory process. Twenty mg/kg of Evan's blue were injected intravenously in the vein of the rats' penises; 0.1 ml of each substance tested was inoculated in the subcutaneous tissue. After a 3 hour period the animals were sacrificed and their skins were excised and punched out with a standard steel 2.5 cm in diameter. The specimens were immediately immersed in 8 ml of formamide and taken to a double boiler for 72 hours at 37ºC, to remove the dye. The liquid containing the overflowed dye was filtered, analyzed in the spectrophotometer (620 nm) and classified according to the criteria established by Nagem-Filho, Pereira (1976). After statistical analysis, the irritative potential of the substances was ranked as follows: Furacin (severe) >; Single Bond and Bond 1 (moderate - no significant differences between the dentin bonding systems tested) >; saline solution (not significant as regards the irritation degree)

    Uma proposta de classificação de analogias para o ensino nas ciências da saúde

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    O objetivo desse trabalho é contribuir para o processo de ensino de Ciências da Saúde por meio da apresentação de uma nova proposta de classificação de analogias contendo suas categorias, ca­racterizações e tipologias, elaborada a partir de duas dissertações de mestrado. Sua formulação ocorreu após análise de livros didáticos de Enfermagem e de Fisioterapia, de questionários e entrevistas com profissionais das áreas. A proposta contém oito categorias com respectivas caracterizações e apresenta uma tipologia própria, flexível de modo a ser reconstruída e se aplica a outras áreas do conhecimento. Os resultados apontam a necessidade de ampliar o sistema de classificação utilizado no ensino de ciên­cias de modo a contemplar as analogias encontradas no presente estudo

    Properties of Camphorated Paramonochlorophenol and Camphorated Paramonochlorophenol Associated to Calcium Hydroxide

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    Objective: To evaluate the biocompatibility of camphoratedparamonochlorophenol (CMCP) at a proportion of 3.5:6.5 andcamphorate paramonochlorophenol associated to calcium hydroxide(CMCP+Ca(OH)2) in rat subcutaneous tissue, and the antimicrobialpotential of these medications against some microorganisms.Method: Ten Wistar rats were anesthetized and received anintravenous injection of Evan’s blue dye followed by inoculation of0.1 mL of the tested drugs in the dorsal region. The amount ofreleased dye bound to plasma proteins was evaluated underspectrophotometry. The antimicrobial activity of the substancesagainst S. aureus, S. mutans, B. subtilis and C. albicans wasverified by measuring the zones of bacterial growth inhibition usingthe agar diffusion test.Results: The mean optical density values for CMCP andCMCP+Ca(OH)2 were 0.325±0.025 (moderate reaction) and0.211±0.040 (mild reaction), respectively. The measurements ofthe zones of bacterial growth inhibition were as follows: CMCP =7.29 mm and CMCP+Ca(OH)2 = 7.29 mm for S. aureus; CMCP = 8.57mm and CMCP+Ca(OH)2 = 7.0 mm for S. mutans; CMCP = 8.57 mmand CMCP+Ca(OH)2 = 7.43 mm for B. subtilis; and CMCP - 8.71 mmand CMCP+Ca(OH)2 - 8.29 mm para C. albicans.Conclusion: The obtained data indicated that CMCP was moreirritating than CMCP+Ca(OH)2, while no statistically significantdifference was observed between the tested substances regardingtheir antimicrobial activity (ANOVA)

    Vorticity Dynamics and Sound Generation in Two-Dimensional Fluid Flow

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    An approximate solution to the two-dimensional incompressible fluid equations is constructed by expanding the vorticity field in a series of derivatives of a Gaussian vortex. The expansion is used to analyze the motion of a corotating Gaussian vortex pair, and the spatial rotation frequency of the vortex pair is derived directly from the fluid vorticity equation. The resulting rotation frequency includes the effects of finite vortex core size and viscosity and reduces, in the appropriate limit, to the rotation frequency of the Kirchhoff point vortex theory. The expansion is then used in the low Mach number Lighthill equation to derive the far-field acoustic pressure generated by the Gaussian vortex pair. This pressure amplitude is compared with that of a previous fully numerical simulation in which the Reynolds number is large and the vortex core size is significant compared to the vortex separation. The present analytic result for the far-field acoustic pressure is shown to be substantially more accurate than previous theoretical predictions. The given example suggests that the vorticity expansion is a useful tool for the prediction of sound generated by a general distributed vorticity field

    Quelques aspects de la littérature arabe revisités

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    L'histoire de la littérature arabe couvre une période de près de 2000 ans, depuis les inscriptions des déserts d'Arabie jusqu'aux œuvres contemporaines. II ne saurait êÙe ici question d'en faire une étude exhaustive. Notre objet est plutôt de fournir un cadre correspondant à la recherche moderne. En effet, du fait de l'histoire particulière des Arabes, qui a connu près de cinq siècles de stagnation voire de décadence, depuis la chute de Bagdad sous les coups des Mongols, en 1258 jusqutà l'avènement de Muhammad Ali (1769-1849), vice-roi de l'Egyptel, la littérature arabe reste mal connue de son peuple qui a perdu. dans sa majorité, le contact direct avec son prestigieux héritage

    Volumetric polymerization shrinkage of contemporary composite resins

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    The polymerization shrinkage of composite resins may affect negatively the clinical outcome of the restoration. Extensive research has been carried out to develop new formulations of composite resins in order to provide good handling characteristics and some dimensional stability during polymerization. The purpose of this study was to analyze, in vitro, the magnitude of the volumetric polymerization shrinkage of 7 contemporary composite resins (Definite, Suprafill, SureFil, Filtek Z250, Fill Magic, Alert, and Solitaire) to determine whether there are differences among these materials. The tests were conducted with precision of 0.1 mg. The volumetric shrinkage was measured by hydrostatic weighing before and after polymerization and calculated by known mathematical equations. One-way ANOVA (;a; or = 0.05) was used to determine statistically significant differences in volumetric shrinkage among the tested composite resins. Suprafill (1.87±0.01) and Definite (1.89±0.01) shrank significantly less than the other composite resins. SureFil (2.01±0.06), Filtek Z250 (1.99±0.03), and Fill Magic (2.02±0.02) presented intermediate levels of polymerization shrinkage. Alert and Solitaire presented the highest degree of polymerization shrinkage. Knowing the polymerization shrinkage rates of the commercially available composite resins, the dentist would be able to choose between using composite resins with lower polymerization shrinkage rates or adopting technical or operational procedures to minimize the adverse effects deriving from resin contraction during light-activation

    Liderança e gestão da mudanção em projetos de transformação : o caso de um projeto de implementação de um sistema ERP

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    No contexto de constante mudança nas organizações que, para se manterem competitivas no mercado passam por transformações das suas estruturas e processos em curtos espaços de tempo, manter o foco e a visão que compõem a essência da empresa é um desafio para que se atinja um nível superior de liderança. Esta investigação é uma proposta de análise às relações de poder e de confiança entre líderes e seus seguidores, que permite potenciar o desempenho e performance das equipas. Organizações com sucesso são aquelas que mantêm relacionamentos na sua base, que promovem uma reflexão sobre processos de mudança e evidenciam como todo o capital humano faz parte desta gestão. Ao analisar uma mudança impulsionada por uma inovação tecnológica com foco na melhoria de processos e uniformização da ferramenta de trabalho, pretende-se evidenciar como grandes líderes devem ser os primeiros a estabelecer os objetivos adequados ao momento da empresa e seguir uma visão sem interferências momentâneas, exercendo a sua influência e liderando pelo exemplo. Neste seguimento, líderes e boas lideranças podem influenciar o sucesso de um projeto e a transformação das organizações, suportando uma estratégia baseada numa comunicação consistente, aberta, clara e objetiva.In a context of constant change, organizations undergo transformations in their structures and processes in short periods of time in order to stay competitive in the market. In such context, keeping the focus and the vision that make up the essence of the company becomes a challenge if its aim is being a top leader. This investigation offers an analysis of the power and trust relationship between leaders and their followers, which enables team performance to be maximised. Successful organizations are those that are based on relationships that promote a reflection on the processes of change and that show the extent to which human capital is part of this management. By analysing a change triggered by a technological innovation, focusing on process improvement and on the standardization of work tools, the purpose of this investigation is showing how great leaders must be the first to set goals that are adjusted to the specific moment the company is living and to follow a vision with no momentary interferences, influencing and leading by example. As such, leaders and good leaderships may influence the success of a project and the transformation of organisations by supporting a strategy based on consistent, open, clear and objective communication

    Mapeamento e analise do ruido ambiental : diretrizes e metodologia

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    Orientador: Stelamaris Rolla BertoliDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia CivilMestrad