229 research outputs found

    Spike Afterpotentials Shape the In Vivo Burst Activity of Principal Cells in Medial Entorhinal Cortex

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    Principal neurons in rodent medial entorhinal cortex (MEC) generate high-frequency bursts during natural behavior. While in vitro studies point to potential mechanisms that could support such burst sequences, it remains unclear whether these mechanisms are effective under in vivo conditions. In this study, we focused on the membrane-potential dynamics immediately following action potentials (APs), as measured in whole-cell recordings from male mice running in virtual corridors (Domnisoru et al., 2013). These afterpotentials consisted either of a hyperpolarization, an extended ramp-like shoulder, or a depolarization reminiscent of depolarizing afterpotentials (DAPs) recorded in vitro in MEC principal neurons. Next, we correlated the afterpotentials with the cells' propensity to fire bursts. All DAP cells with known location resided in Layer II, generated bursts, and their interspike intervals (ISIs) were typically between 5 and 15 ms. The ISI distributions of Layer-II cells without DAPs peaked sharply at around 4 ms and varied only minimally across that group. This dichotomy in burst behavior is explained by cell-group-specific DAP dynamics. The same two groups of bursting neurons also emerged when we clustered extracellular spike-train autocorrelations measured in real 2D arenas (Latuske et al., 2015). Apart from slight variations in grid spacing, no difference in the spatial coding properties of the grid cells across all three groups was discernible. Layer III neurons were only sparsely bursting (SB) and had no DAPs. As various mechanisms for modulating ion-channels underlying DAPs exist, our results suggest that temporal features of MEC activity can be altered while maintaining the cells' overall spatial tuning characteristics. SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT Depolarizing afterpotentials (DAPs) are frequently observed in principal neurons from slice preparations of rodent medial entorhinal cortex (MEC), but their functional role in vivo is unknown. Analyzing whole-cell data from mice running on virtual tracks, we show that DAPs do occur during behavior. Cells with prominent DAPs are found in Layer II; their interspike intervals (ISIs) reflect DAP time-scales. In contrast, neither the rarely bursting cells in Layer III, nor the high-frequency bursters in Layer II, have a DAP. Extracellular recordings from mice exploring real 2D arenas demonstrate that grid cells within these three groups have similar spatial coding properties. We conclude that DAPs shape the temporal response characteristics of principal neurons in MEC with little effect on spatial properties

    Interactive Audio Augmented Reality in Participatory Performance

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    Interactive Audio Augmented Reality (AAR) facilitates collaborative storytelling and human interaction in participatory performance. Spatial audio enhances the auditory environment and supports real-time control of media content and the experience. Nevertheless, AAR applied to interactive performance practices remains under-explored. This study examines how audio human-computer interaction can prompt and support actions, and how AAR can contribute to developing new kinds of interactions in participatory performance.This study investigates an AAR participatory performance based on the theater and performance practice by theater maker Augusto Boal. It draws from aspects of multi-player audio-only games and interactive storytelling. A user experience study of the performance shows that people are engaged with interactive content and interact and navigate within the spatial audio content using their whole body. Asymmetric audio cues, playing distinctive content for each participant, prompt verbal and non-verbal communication. The performative aspect was well-received and participants took on roles and responsibilities within their group during the experience

    Low-energy peak structure in strong-field ionization by mid-infrared laser-pulses: two-dimensional focusing by the atomic potential

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    We analyze the formation of the low-energy structure (LES) in above-threshold ionization spectra first observed by Quan et al.\ \cite{quan09} and Blaga et al.\ \cite{blaga09} using both quasi-classical and quantum approaches. We show this structure to be largely classical in origin resulting from a two-dimensional focusing in the energy-angular momentum plane of the strong-field dynamics in the presence of the atomic potential. The peak at low energy is strongly correlated with high angular momenta of the photoelectrons. Quantum simulations confirm this scenario. Resulting parameter dependences agree with experimental findings \cite{quan09,blaga09} and, in part, with other simulations \cite{liu10,yan10,kast11}.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figure

    Evidence-Based Cognitive Rehabilitation: Systematic Review of the Literature From 2009 Through 2014

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    Objective To conduct an updated, systematic review of the clinical literature, classify studies based on the strength of research design, and derive consensual, evidence-based clinical recommendations for cognitive rehabilitation of people with TBI or stroke. Data Sources Online Pubmed and print journal searches identified citations for 250 articles published from 2009 through 2014. Study Selection 186 articles were selected for inclusion after initial screening. 50 articles were initially excluded (24 healthy, pediatric or other neurologic diagnoses, 10 non-cognitive interventions, 13 descriptive protocols or studies, 3 non-treatment studies). 15 articles were excluded after complete review (1 other neurologic diagnosis, 2 non-treatment studies, 1 qualitative study, 4 descriptive papers, 7 secondary analyses). 121 studies were fully reviewed. Data Extraction Articles were reviewed by CRTF members according to specific criteria for study design and quality, and classified as providing Class I, Class II, or Class III evidence. Articles were assigned to 1 of 6 possible categories (based on interventions for attention, vision and neglect, language and communication skills, memory, executive function, or comprehensive-integrated interventions). Data Synthesis Of 121 studies, 41 were rated as Class I, 3 as Class Ia, 14 as Class II, and 63 as Class III. Recommendations were derived by CRTF consensus from the relative strengths of the evidence, based on the decision rules applied in prior reviews. Conclusions CRTF has now evaluated 491 papers (109 Class I or Ia, 68 Class II, and 314 Class III) and makes 29 recommendations for evidence-based practice of cognitive rehabilitation (9 Practice Standards, 9 Practice Guidelines and 11 Practice Options). Evidence supports Practice Standards for attention deficits after TBI or stroke; visual scanning for neglect after right hemisphere stroke; compensatory strategies for mild memory deficits; language deficits after left hemisphere stroke; social communication deficits after TBI; metacognitive strategy training for deficits in executive functioning; and comprehensive-holistic neuropsychological rehabilitation to reduce cognitive and functional disability after TBI or stroke

    Psychometric validation of the European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer–Quality of Life Questionnaire Sexual Health (EORTC QLQ-SH22)

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    BACKGROUND: The European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) Quality of Life Group developed a questionnaire to assess sexual health in patients with cancer and cancer survivors. This study evaluates the psychometric properties of the questionnaire. METHODS: The 22-item EORTC sexual health questionnaire (EORTC QLQ-SH22) was administered with the EORTC QLQ-C30 to 444 patients with cancer. The hypothesised scale structure, reliability and validity were evaluated through standardised psychometric procedures. RESULTS: The cross-cultural field study showed that the majority of patients (94.7%) were able to complete the QLQ-SH22 in less than 20 min; 89% of the study participants did not need any help to fill in the questionnaire. Multi-item multi-trait scaling analysis confirmed the hypothesised scale structure with two multi-item scales (sexual satisfaction, sexual pain) and 11 single items (including five conditional items and four gender-specific items). The internal consistency yielded acceptable Cronbach's alpha coefficients (.90 for the sexual satisfaction scale, .80 for the sexual pain scale). The test-retest correlations (Pearson's r) ranged from .70 to .93 except for the scale communication with professionals (.67) and male body image (.69). The QLQ-SH22 discriminates well between subgroups of patients differing in terms of their performance and treatment status. CONCLUSION: The study supports the reliability, the content and construct validity of the QLQ-SH22. The newly developed questionnaire is clinically applicable to assess sexual health of patients with cancer at different treatment stages and during survivorship for clinical trials and for clinical practice

    The coronary CT angiography vision protocol : a prospective observational imaging cohort study in patients undergoing non-cardiac surgery

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    INTRODUCTION: At present, physicians have a limited ability to predict major cardiovascular complications after non-cardiac surgery and little is known about the anatomy of coronary arteries associated with perioperative myocardial infarction. We have initiated the Coronary CT Angiography (CTA) VISION Study to (1) establish the predictive value of coronary CTA for perioperative myocardial infarction and death and (2) describe the coronary anatomy of patients that have a perioperative myocardial infarction. METHODS AND ANALYSIS: The Coronary CTA VISION Study is prospective observational study. Preoperative coronary CTA will be performed in 1000–1500 patients with a history of vascular disease or at least three cardiovascular risk factors who are undergoing major elective non-cardiac surgery. Serial troponin will be measured 6–12 h after surgery and daily for the first 3 days after surgery. Major vascular outcomes at 30 days and 1 year after surgery will be independently adjudicated. ETHICS AND DISSEMINATION: Coronary CTA results in a measurable radiation exposure that is similar to a nuclear perfusion scan (10–12 mSV). Treating physicians will be blinded to the CTA results until 30 days after surgery in order to provide the most unbiased assessment of its prognostic capabilities. The only exception will be the presence of a left main stenosis >50%. This approach is supported by best available current evidence that, excluding left main disease, prophylatic revascularisation prior to non-cardiac surgery does not improve outcomes. An external safety and monitoring committee is overseeing the study and will review outcome data at regular intervals. Publications describing the results of the study will be submitted to major peer-reviewed journals and presented at international medical conferences

    Induced pseudoscalar coupling of the proton weak interaction

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    The induced pseudoscalar coupling gpg_p is the least well known of the weak coupling constants of the proton's charged--current interaction. Its size is dictated by chiral symmetry arguments, and its measurement represents an important test of quantum chromodynamics at low energies. During the past decade a large body of new data relevant to the coupling gpg_p has been accumulated. This data includes measurements of radiative and non radiative muon capture on targets ranging from hydrogen and few--nucleon systems to complex nuclei. Herein the authors review the theoretical underpinnings of gpg_p, the experimental studies of gpg_p, and the procedures and uncertainties in extracting the coupling from data. Current puzzles are highlighted and future opportunities are discussed.Comment: 58 pages, Latex, Revtex4, prepared for Reviews of Modern Physic

    Coordinate Gene Regulation during Hematopoiesis Is Related to Genomic Organization

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    Gene loci are found in nuclear subcompartments that are related to their expression status. For instance, silent genes are often localized to heterochromatin and the nuclear periphery, whereas active genes tend to be found in the nuclear center. Evidence also suggests that chromosomes may be specifically positioned within the nucleus; however, the nature of this organization and how it is achieved are not yet fully understood. To examine whether gene regulation is related to a discernible pattern of genomic organization, we analyzed the linear arrangement of co-regulated genes along chromosomes and determined the organization of chromosomes during the differentiation of a hematopoietic progenitor to erythroid and neutrophil cell types. Our analysis reveals that there is a significant tendency for co-regulated genes to be proximal, which is related to the association of homologous chromosomes and the spatial juxtaposition of lineage-specific gene domains. We suggest that proximity in the form of chromosomal gene distribution and homolog association may be the basis for organizing the genome for coordinate gene regulation during cellular differentiation

    Prenatal Cocaine Exposure Increases Synaptic Localization of a Neuronal RasGEF, GRASP-1 via Hyperphosphorylation of AMPAR Anchoring Protein, GRIP

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    Prenatal cocaine exposure causes sustained phosphorylation of the synaptic anchoring protein, glutamate receptor interacting protein (GRIP1/2), preventing synaptic targeting of the GluR2/3-containing alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid-type glutamate receptors (AMPARs; J. Neurosci. 29: 6308–6319, 2009). Because overexpression of GRIP-associated neuronal rasGEF protein (GRASP-1) specifically reduces the synaptic targeting of AMPARs, we hypothesized that prenatal cocaine exposure enhances GRASP-1 synaptic membrane localization leading to hyper-activation of ras family proteins and heightened actin polymerization. Our results show a markedly increased GRIP1-associated GRASP-1 content with approximately 40% reduction in its rasGEF activity in frontal cortices (FCX) of 21-day-old (P21) prenatal cocaine-exposed rats. This cocaine effect is the result of a persistent protein kinase C (PKC)- and downstream Src tyrosine kinase-mediated GRIP phosphorylation. The hyperactivated PKC also increased membrane-associated GRASP-1 and activated small G-proteins RhoA, cdc42/Rac1 and Rap1 as well as filamentous actin (F-actin) levels without an effect on the phosphorylation state of actin. Since increased F-actin facilitates protein transport, our results suggest that increased GRASP-1 synaptic localization in prenatal cocaine-exposed brains is an adaptive response to restoring the synaptic expression of AMPA-GluR2/3. Our earlier data demonstrated that persistent PKC-mediated GRIP phosphorylation reduces GluR2/3 synaptic targeting in prenatal cocaine-exposed brains, we now show that the increased GRIP-associated GRASP-1 may contribute to the reduction in GluR2/3 synaptic expression and AMPAR signaling defects
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