9 research outputs found

    Charakterisierung von "compatible solute"-Synthesen in Cyanobakterien und Rotalgen

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    Untersucht wurde die Synthese von osmotisch wirksamen Substanzen ("compatible solutes") in Rotalgen und Cyanobakterien. In dem marinen Cyanobakterium Crocosphaera watsonii wurde nachgewiesen, dass an Stelle des erwarteten Glucosylglycerols Trehalose als „compatible solute“ dient, welches über den OtsAB Biosyntheseweg synthetisiert wird. Weiterhin wurde die Synthese von Isofloridosid/Floridosid in Rotalgen untersucht. Die Funktionalität eines Proteins, das als potentieller Kandidat für diese Biosynthese in Frage kam, konnte in biochemischen und genetischen Untersuchungen verifiziert werden

    Analisa Pondasi Pile Raft Pada Tanah Lunak Dengan Plaxis 2d

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    Permasalahan penurunan menjadi salah satu masalah yang sering dihadapi para perencana pondasi bangunan dikarenakan oleh kondisi tanah yang lunak. Untuk mengatasi permasalahan yang ada, banyak perencana menggunakan pondasi raft atau pondasi rakit, karena dianggap mampu memberikan faktor keamanan yang memadai dalam menghadapi kegagalan daya dukung ultimate. Namun diperkirakan pondasi raft ini akan mengalami penurunan yang besar. Permasalahan tersebut mungkin dapat berkurang jika adanya penambahan pile pada pondasi raft sehingga menjadi pondasi pile raft. Dengan penambahan pile pada pondasi raft diharapkan perencanaannya mempertimbangkan segi ekonomis. Dengan menggunakan beban merata 6 t/m2, dilakukan penelitian pada pondasi pile raft dengan memvariasikan tebal raft yakni 80 cm, 100 cm, 120 cm dan 140 cm. Untuk panjang pile divariasikan dari panjang 5 m, 7 m, 9 m, 13 m dan 15 m. Analisis penurunan dilakukan dengan menggunakan software Plaxis 2D dan Metode Poulos. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Penambahan jumlah pile pada pondasi raft menghasilkan profil penurunan yang berkurang namun pada suatu keadaan tertentu penambahan pile tidak memberikan kontribusi yang lebih signifikan. Begitupun dengan perhitungan Poulos, pada konfigurasi pile tertentu tidak memberi kontribusi lagi. Sehingga desain yang ekonomis pada penelitian ini adalah dengan menggunakan tebal raft 80 cm dengan panjang pile 13 m dan konfigurasi pile 7x7

    Salt Acclimation of Cyanobacteria and Their Application in Biotechnology

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    The long evolutionary history and photo-autotrophic lifestyle of cyanobacteria has allowed them to colonize almost all photic habitats on Earth, including environments with high or fluctuating salinity. Their basal salt acclimation strategy includes two principal reactions, the active export of ions and the accumulation of compatible solutes. Cyanobacterial salt acclimation has been characterized in much detail using selected model cyanobacteria, but their salt sensing and regulatory mechanisms are less well understood. Here, we briefly review recent advances in the identification of salt acclimation processes and the essential genes/proteins involved in acclimation to high salt. This knowledge is of increasing importance because the necessary mass cultivation of cyanobacteria for future use in biotechnology will be performed in sea water. In addition, cyanobacterial salt resistance genes also can be applied to improve the salt tolerance of salt sensitive organisms, such as crop plants

    Essays on Philanthropy

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    The basic concern of any empirical work is to employ statistical data that correspond to the notion of the theoretical variables in the model. The problems and economic consequences connected with the measurement of selected economic variables are the focus of this thesis. It consists of three chapters that in succession analyze the issues associated with the measurement of economic growth, multi-factor productivity and capital input into production. The first chapter looks into the differences among the growth rates of GDP per capita based on data from the three most commonly used databases, namely International Financial Statistics, World Development Indicators and Penn World Table. Using a wide international dataset, we find significant differences in the growth rates that are mainly due to the adjustment for cross-country comparability of GDP per capita levels. Importantly, these differences are correlated with the level of development. We replicate six recent studies of growth determinants and find their results sensitive to the choice of data. The second chapter analyses the sensitivity of calculated multi-factor productivity (MFP) growth to assumptions of growth accounting, concentrating on the measurement of quantity, composition and the respective shares of labor and capital inputs, and..