870 research outputs found

    Kesan pendekatan konstruktivisme dan pendekatan tradisional dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran komponen sastera bahasa Melayu

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    Kajian ini bertujuan mengenal pasti kesan penggunaan pendekatan konstruktivisme dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran (P&P) Komponen Sastera (Komsas) dengan pendekatan tradisional terhadap pencapaian murid tingkatan dua. Sebanyak 66 murid tingkatan dua dipilih sebagai subjek kajian daripada sebuah sekolah menengah di daerah Kluang yang dijalankan menggunakan kajian kuasi eksperimen. Reka bentuk kajian yang digunakan ialah ujian pra-ujian pasca kumpulan kawalan tidak serupa. Murid dibahagikan kepada dua kumpulan, iaitu kumpulan eksperimen menggunakan pendekatan konstruktivisme dan kumpulan kawalan menggunakan pendekatan tradisional. Ujian-t telah digunakan untuk menganalisis data yang diperoleh. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahawa tidak terdapat perbezaan yang signifikan terhadap pencapaian murid dalam ujian pra bagi kedua-dua pendekatan, tetapi terdapat perbezaan yang signifikan dalam ujian pasca. Dalam ujian pasca, min markat bagi kumpulan eksperimen adalah lebih tinggi berbanding min markat kumpulan kawalan. Hal ini menunjukkan bahawa pendekatan konstruktivisme dapat membantu pelajar mempelajari Komsas Bahasa Melayu dengan baik. Implikasi kajian ini ialah guru perlu mengubah suai pendekatan pengajaran mereka agar murid dapat mempelajari Komsas dengan lebih seronok dan bermakna

    Biotransformation of soluble starch to cyclodextrin using immobilized recombinant escherichia coli on hollow fiber membrane

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    The growing interest of industries toward β-cyclodextrin (β-CD) is undeniably due to its unique structure that capable of forming inclusion agent. β-CD has been widely used in numerous industries such as in pharmaceutical, cosmetic and biotechnology. β-CD is form through the enzymatic reaction between cyclodextrin glucanotransferase (CGTase) and starch. The CGTase can be found naturally in Bacillus sp. However, Bacillus sp. produce low amount of CGTase. Thus, genetically modified E. coli can be used to solve the problem by producing high amount of CGTase. The drawbacks of CGTase production when using E. coli as a host is the occurrence of cell lysis. Hence, cell immobilization is an alternative way to reduce the cell lysis with high CGTase production. Adsorption is well known technique in cell immobilization. The advantage of adsorption technique is simple, direct contact between nutrients and matrix, and enhancing the cell stability with high yield of cell immobilization. Besides, kinetic study is also performed to understand the mechanism of adsorption reaction. The objectives of this study are to optimize the immobilization yield by manipulating the process parameters of the recombinant E. coli cells on the hollow fiber membrane via adsorption technique and to evaluate the performance of immobilized CGTase on the production of CD. The recombinant E. coli was immobilized on the hollow fiber membrane. The effect of contact time, temperature, agitation rate, pH and type of medium on the cell immobilization yield (cell concentration) was investigated by using one-factor-at-one-time (OFAT) method. The cell concentration by the immobilized cells showed 150 mg/ml under the conditions of 24 hr of contact time, 200 rpm and pH 7 at 30 °C by using Terrific broth. The significant of process parameters (temperature and contact time) on the immobilization yield was further optimized by using response surface methodology (RSM). Under the optimized conditions (20 hr of contact time and 35°C), ±227 mg/ml of cell concentration was recorded. The kinetic study of the adsorption of cell onto the hollow fiber membrane was also performed. Based on the correlation coefficient (R2), the best-fitted model is the Pseudo second-order kinetics model (R2 = 0.9515). Besides, the model was also fitted to Langmuir isotherm with the R2 of 0.989. The effect of reaction parameters such as substrate concentration, pH and agitation rate on production of β-CD by the immobilized cells was determined. The result showed that at 6% of substrate concentration, pH 9 and 200 rpm of agitation rate, the highest CD production of ±7.8 mg/ml was produced. Then, at the optimized reaction conditions (200 rpm, pH 8.5 and 5.5% of substrate concentration), the highest CD production (±11.6 mg/ml) was recorded. For the reaction kinetic study, it showed that the Vmax of both immobilized cells (±2.18 mg/ml.hr) and free cells (±2.25 mg/ml.hr) was almost similar. The Km value for the immobilized cells (±5.14 mg/ml) was almost the same as the free cell (±5.42 mg/ml). The immobilized cells also could retain 24.4% from its initial activity even after 6 successful cycles. Thus, these findings showed that the immobilized recombinant E. coli on the hollow fiber membrane is a promising technique to produce high concentration of β-CD

    Factors influencing brand recognition: a case of Prudential BSN Takaful Berhad / Zakaria Mat Zin, Noorliyana Zakaria and Intan Nadia Othman

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    The focus of this study is on Prudential BSN Takaful Berhad (PruBSN) in understanding the influence of brand recognition. There is another insurance company that carries ‘Prudential’ as part of its company name which is Prudential Assurance Malaysia Berhad (PAMB). Since there are two insurance companies carrying the same prominent name, there is a brand confusion issue among the policyholders or customers.. This brand confusion has caused a negative impact on PruBSN. The purpose of this study is to assist PruBSN to overcome the issue of this brand confusion by looking at the factors that influence brand recognition. The research framework has been constructed with three postulated independent variables (IVs) on brand recognition.. The objectives of the study were to study the relationship between product knowledge, product innovation and brand experience as the IVs, towards brand recognition and to determine the strength of each variables on brand recognition. To achieve this, correlation and regression analysis were conducted using SPSS, the statistical analysis software. The researchers have also used SWOT analysis to study the situational analysis of PruBSN. Some recommendations were developed based on the SWOT and TOWS analyses. Using a quantitative method of survey to gather the data, an online data collection process ensued. The researchers managed to collect 120 completed responses. The study concludes that only brand experience has the strongest influence on brand recognitio

    Le Maroc sur la bonne voie pour devenir une puissance énergétique

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    Renewable energies are a sustainable, unlimited and carbon-free solution to face the future of energy challenges. In this context, Morocco has a considerable asset to position itself on this promising market. In addition, renewable energies have been highlighted as a key strategic element source of green growth in the country. The Kingdom of Morocco, which has neither oil nor gas, turned to renewable energies as early as 1960, giving priority to hydroelectricity and the construction of dams. However, most of the country's power plants were and remain powered  by diesel or gas, which has a heavy impact on its export balance payments. Since then, the demand for electricity has continued to grow since the development of the country, on the one hand, and the use of desalination facilities, on the other hand, which consume a lot of electricity, to meet the needs of drinking water in constant increase. Morocco has adopted the path of renewable energies through a strategy focused on the development of solar, wind and hydropower to boost its political energy by adapting it to the challenges posed by today's world. The main objective of this article, which through a qualitative and explicit systematic review, tries to select, extract and evaluate the study of a scenario for 2030 and analyze the relevant data from the studies included in the review for the Moroccan electricity system in order to identify the challenges to be met to make energy both an instrument of growth and competitiveness for Morocco and to achieve a possible export of this green energy to Europe. Renewable energies have become a project of reign which should give hope to emerging economies deprived of fossil energy, in search of sustainable development.   Keywords: Renewable energy, solar, wind and hydroelectric energy, growth. JEL Classification: L72, O44, P18 Paper type : Theoretical Research Les énergies renouvelables sont une solution durable, illimitée et décarbonée pour faire face à l'avenir des défis énergétiques. Dans ce contexte, le Maroc a un atout considérable pour se positionner sur ce marché prometteur. En outre, les énergies renouvelables ont été mises en avant comme un élément stratégique clé, source de croissance verte du pays. Le Royaume du Maroc, qui n'a ni pétrole ni gaz, s'est tourné vers les énergies renouvelables dès 1960, donnant la priorité à l’hydroélectricité et la construction de barrages. Cependant, la plupart des centrales électriques du pays étaient et restent alimentées par du diesel ou du gaz, ce qui a un impact lourd sur ses paiements de solde exportateur. Depuis lors, la demande d'électricité n'a cessé de croître du fait du développement du pays d'une part et du fait de l'utilisation d'installations de dessalement d'autre part très consommatrices d'électricité, pour répondre aux besoins en eau potable en constante augmentation. Le Maroc a adopté la voie des énergies renouvelables à travers une stratégie ciblée sur le développement du solaire, de l'éolien et de l'hydraulique pour booster son énergie politique en l'adaptant aux défis posés par le monde d'aujourd'hui. L'objectif  principal de cet article qui à travers  une revue systématique qualitative et explicite essaye de sélectionner, extraire et évaluer l’étude d’un scénario à l'horizon 2030 et analyser les données pertinentes des études incluses dans la revue  pour le système électrique marocain afin d'identifier les défis à relever pour faire de l’énergie à la fois un instrument de croissance et de compétitivité pour le Maroc et de réaliser une éventuelle exportation de cette énergie verte vers l'Europe. Les énergies renouvelables sont devenues un projet de règne qui devrait donner espoir aux économies émergentes dépourvues d'énergie fossile, en quête de développement durable.   Mots clés : Énergie renouvelable, énergie solaire, éolienne et hydroélectrique, croissance. Classification JEL :  L72, O44, P18 Type de l’article : Article théorique

    A study on the viability of the rear seat belt law in Malaysia /Jihad Syahida Nadia Zakaria... [et al.]

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    This paper studies the viability of the newly implemented rear seat belt law in Malaysia. To extract relevant information, semi-structured interviews were conducted with three road traffic authorities to supplement the library-based information which were mostly on global illustrations of the rear seat belt law being implemented. Factors like safety, culture and passenger overload were considered to be largely insufficient to influence the viability of this law from being implemented. Our study also signify that although it is too soon to study whether this newly legislated law will be able to reduce the rate of fatalities in our country, worldwide statistics have proven this fact. Finally, our findings indicate that although the relevant government bodies are certain that enough research has been done to prove the suitability of the rear seat belt law in Malaysia, the end-result will largely depend on public's compliance of the law

    The role of humanitarian missions in surgical training for maxillofacial surgery residents: SOS Face Marrakesh experience

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    Resident´s participation in humanitarian work has been controversial, while it´s recognized by some authors to bring significant value to the resident´s education. Herein, we aim to provide an evidence of the role of humanitarian missions in the surgical training as part of residency program, through report of a 10 years experience of SOS FACE Marrakesh, a non-benefit association within maxillofacial surgery department of Marrakesh. Its operating mode is to organize humanitarian missions coupled to targeted surgical training program, which is framed by educational objectives using a pedagogic portfolio. As a result, 60.6% of the residents felt an improvement in surgical skills, and the evaluation of residents before and after the targeted training showed an increase of 57% in average clinical knowledge, especially the diagnosis part. In conclusion, humanitarian work helps to improve surgical skills in addition to enhancement of human values and we suggest incorporating volunteerism in residency programs

    Analisis Nilai Pengukuran Penerangan pada Laboratorium Ergonomi sesuai Permenaker No 05 Tahun 2018

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    Laboratorium ergonomi yang diteliti merupakan salah satu dari fasilitas dari pendidikan tinggi vokasi pada jenjang diploma. Laboratorium ergonomi digunakan untuk berbagai kegiatan praktikum antara lain pengukuran data antropometri, work sampling, serta biomekanika. Kegiatan tersebut dilakukan selama 8 jam per hari sehingga memerlukan penerangan yang sesuai dengan standar agar tidak menimbulkan penyakit akibat kerja, yaitu gangguan penglihatan dan berkurangnya konsentrasi pada saat beraktifitas. Analisa penerangan di ruangan akan dikaji sesuai dengan  Permenaker 05 Tahun 2018. Laboratorium ergonomi terbagi menjadi 3 ruangan yaitu ruang teknisi, ruang dosen, dan laboratorium utama. Penentuan titik pengukuran dilakukan sesuai dengan SNI 7062:2019 dengan jenis penerangan umum. Hasil pengukuran rata-rata intensitas pencahayaan pada laboratorium ergonomi adalah sebesar 101,23 lux, 136,63 lux, dan 161,58 lux. Ketiga ruangan tersebut belum memenuhi standar pencahayaan pada peraturan. Faktor-faktor yang berpengaruh kondisi tersebut yaitu: adanya jendela persegi di ruangan ini tertutup oleh komponen bangunan gedung sehingga menghalangi sinar matahari sebagai pencahayaan alami masuk ke dalam ruang laboratorium ergonomi

    Durum Wheat Yield and Grain Quality in Early Transition from Conventional to Conservation Tillage in Semi-Arid Mediterranean Conditions

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    In semi-arid Mediterranean areas, there is a growing interest in adopting conservation tillage practices for their advantages in improving soils fertility, reducing production costs, and stabilizing crop yields. The aim of this study conducted in the 2019 and 2020 seasons was to investigate the effect of three tillage systems—conventional tillage (CT), minimum tillage (MT), and no-tillage (NT)—on grain yield, yield components, and quality indices of a durum wheat crop (Triticum durum Desf. cv. Simeto) grown in monoculture in semi-arid conditions of Northern Algeria. Tillage systems had a significant effect on the average yield of the 2 years, with NT being 28% and 35% higher than CT and MT, respectively—a trend even more evident in the second year under observation. The superiority of NT (p < 0.001) in the second year (2020) is mainly due to the increased spikes density (318.93 spikes m2 under NT vs. 225.07 and 215.20 spikes m2 under MT and CT, respectively). Yield components and quality parameters were more affected by climatic conditions than by tillage treatments. The number of kernels per spike being the most affected by water and heat stresses occurred in 2020 season. A decrease of 51% is noted regardless of the tillage treatment, which negatively affected the grain yield in that year (1.9 vs. 1.3 t ha-1 in 2019 and 2020, respectively). This stress also induced an increase in grain protein content, but a reduction of its weight. The results of this study conducted in the early transition from conventional to conservation tillage show that durum wheat grown under NT results in higher grain yield than the other systems in the specific operative conditions of the study region, providing better seed emergence and better spikes density, especially in the dry years. Moreover, the quality parameters are more affected by weather conditions than by the tillage system—with an interaction year tillage system significant only for the grain

    Choriorétinite extensive bilatérale révélant une infection par le virus de l’immunodéficience humaine (VIH)

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    Au cours de l'infection par le virus de l'immunodéficience humaine(VIH), Les atteintes oculaires sont  polymorphes, pouvant compromettre le pronostic fonctionnel. Nous rapportons l'observation d'un patient présentant une choriorétinite infectieuse sévère révélant une infection par le VIH. Patient âgé de 35 ans avec antécédent de tuberculose pulmonaire en 2007, consulte pour BAV bilatérale progressive depuis 6 mois. Une acuité visuelle à compte les doigts au niveau de l'oeil droit et à mouvement des doigts au niveau de l'oeil gauche, avec présence de foyers choriorétiniens diffus visualisés au fond d'oeil et à l'angiographie. Les  sérologies VIH, toxoplasmose et CMV sont positives. Le patient a été mis sous traitement anti-toxoplasmose (Sulfadiazine et pyriméthamine) et anti-CMV (Ganciclovir per os). L'évolution sous traitement a été marquée par une régression de la hyalite avec la persistance des foyers choriorétiniens évolutifs et une acuité visuelle réduite à perception lumineuse.Key words: Choriorétinite, virus de l´immunodéficience humaine(VIH), Sulfadiazine, pyriméthamine,  Ganciclovi

    Axillary apocrine carcinoma skin: report of a case

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    The cutaneous apocrine carcinomas are malignant tumors rare adnexal, slowly and preferably located in the axillary growth. A girl aged 24 with no particular medical history was addressed to a right axillary mass slowly evolving for two years, associated with pain in the right upper limb. The echo mammogram had shown a mass in the axilla and supraclavicular and axillary MRI had objectified mass axillary measuring 171mm. Pathological examination with immunostaining was in favor of apocrine carcinoma. The cutaneous apocrine carcinomas are well-known in the mammary glands, but it is difficult to morphologically distinguish between breast cancer and apocrine carcinoma.Pan African Medical Journal 2016;
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