160 research outputs found

    Analytical Assessment of Borehole Water in Some Local Government Areas of Akwa Ibom State, South-South Nigeria

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    In this study, analytical assessment of borehole water was carried out in selected non-oil producing Local Goverment Areas of Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria. The areas were Uyo, Itu, and Ibesikpo Asutan Local Government Areas. The sampling areas were divided into three (3) zones with nine (9) sampling sites. For Itu L.G.A., the sampling site were,Urua Ekpa (BW1), Akon Itam (BW2) and Nung Ukot Itam (BW3); Uyo L.G.A., the sampling sites were Oron road, (BW4), Ekpri Nsukara (BW5), Obio Offot (BW6); the sampling sites in Ibesikpo L.G.A. were Ikot Akpanabia (BW7), Ikot Atang (BW8), Mbikpong (BW9). A total of nine water samples, obtained from boreholes in the study areas, were analyzed for their physico-chemical parameters such as pH, temperature, salinity, conductivity, total dissolved oxygen, dissolved oxygen, biochemical oxygen demand, chemical oxygen demand, alkalinity, acidity and total dissolved solid. Anions determined were phosphates (PO4 3- ), nitrates (NO3 - ), chlorides (Cl - ), sulphates (SO4 2- ) while cations analysed were Mg 2+ ,Cd 2+ , Fe 2+ , Ni2+ and Pb 2+ . The results obtained reveal that the amounts of all the heavy metals determined in all the water samples were within the WHO acceptable standard for drinking water, with the exception of iron. It was also observed that the anions concentrations were below the WHO acceptable standard for drinking water. The high concentrations of cations in the analyzed ground water can largely be attributed to anthropogenic sources. In conclusion, the physico-chemical properties, as well as the concentrations of cations and anions in the under ground water usually affect the overall water quality, hence highlighting the need for frequent monitoring

    Effect of water immersion on monomer and strength of FRC

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    This journal suppl. entitled: Abstracts of the Academy of Dental Materials Annual Meeting, 8-11 October 2014 - Bologna, ItalyPURPOSE: There is an interest in the use of fiber-reinforced composite (FRC) to support the concept of minimal invasive dentistry. The exposure of FRC to the oral environment causes detrimental effect of water sorption (Takashi et al. Dent Mat 2006 22:291). With time water molecules will act as plasticizers and decrease the mechanical properties (Mese and Guzel. J Prosthet Dent 2008 99:153). Monomer system is the backbone of the dental composite (Garcia et al. Clinical Dentistry 2005: 215) and residual monomer may dissolve in water (Tanaka et al. J Oral Rehab 1991 18:353). Some released monomers are knownto elicit cytotoxic effects (Sakaguchi and Powers. Craig’s Restorative Dental Materials 2012:343), and methyl methacrylate (MMA) is mentioned as cytotoxic (Pradeep and Sreekumar. J Contemp Dent Pract 2012 6:838). This study investigated the effect of water immersion duration on monomer release and the compressive strength of fiber-reinforced composite. METHODS AND MATERIALS: Materials used were: E-glass fibre (Stick Tech, Finland), bis-GMA (Sigma–Aldrich, USA), MMA (ProSciTech, Australia), CQ (Esstech, USA) and CEMA (Esstech, USA). Fifteen specimens (2mm×2mm×25mm) with the composition of: 78.4% bis-GMA+19.6%MMA+ 1.0%CQ + 1.0%CEMA were prepared and divided into 2 groups: compressive strength (CS-12specimens) and residual monomer (RM-3specimens). Each specimen had two fiber rovings of 25mm and placed in a mould, and light-cured with halogen light-curing unit on both sides for 3×40 s. Specimens from each group were divided into three groups based on the water immersion durations (1, 14 and 21 days) and immersed into 10 ml distilled water at 37 ◦C. The three RM-specimens were analyzed using HPLC to test the residual monomer concentration. All CS-specimens were tested using UTM (Torsee’s UTM, Tokyo Testing Machine Mfg., Co., Ltd., Japan) for the compressive strength. RESULTS: The data of MMA concentration was descriptively analyzed. It started on day 1 (2352.96µg/ml) followed by an increase on day14 (3567.15µg/ml) and decreased on day 21 (2427.19µg/ml). Compressive strength showed an average (MPa) for day 1 (93.84±8.30); day 14 (67.83±4.82) and day 21 (51.08±2.10), respectively. Data from the compressive strength was analyzed by ANOVA, and it proved a significant decrease as the water immersion duration increases (p < 0.05). CONCLUSION: The duration of water immersion of e-glass FRC showed different effect on the concentration of released monomer and the compressive strength. Highest concentration of MMA concentration occurred on day 14 and followed by a decrease. As for the compressive strength, it decreased as the water immersion duration increased.postprin

    Assessment of Water Quality from Bore Holes in Ikot Akpaden and Some Surrounding Villages of Mkpat Enin Local Government Area of Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria

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    The physico-chemical  and bacteriological analysis of borehole water in Ikot Akpaden and the surrounding villages in Mkpat Enin  Local Government  area of Nigeria designated as S1,S2,S3,S4,S5 and S6 have been carried out using  standard analytical techniques. The physico-chemical results show that the  secondary water quality parameters such as pH, EC, TDS, Turb., Alka., CaH., MgH., TH., DO., Cl-., NO3-, NO2-, SO42-, F-,  Fe were either within or below the permissible range  recommended by  NSDWQ, USPH and WHO.The   Statiscal analysis shows a  high positive correlation  between EC and TDS ; TH and MgH;  SO42- and CaH ; evidently, their distribution were significantly correlated, r &gt;0.5. High negative correlation coefficient were seen between F- and Alka; NO2- and pH . Coefficient of Variation has also been calculated for the various parameters. However, the results of bacteriological analysis indicated that the water samples were E.coli contaminated in sites S4 and S5, while all the samples were T.c contaminated. Keywords: Borehole water; Physico-Chemical, Bacteriological , Analysis , Statistical

    Batch experiments on the removal of U(VI) ions in aqueous solutions by adsorption onto a natural clay surface

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    The efficiency of the clay from Bikougou deposit (Gabon) as adsorbent for removing U(VI) ions dissolved artificially in aqueous solutions has been studied. Batch experiments have been performed for that by varying pH, U(VI) ions solution concentration, ionic solution strength, clay dosage, interaction duration and temperature. The U(VI) ions uptake per unit mass of clay, increases with the increase in pH (2-7), U(VI) ions solution concentrations and temperature. It decreases with the increase in ionic solution strength and clay dosage. The adsorption isotherm is best described by Dubinin-Kaganer-Radushkevich isotherm model. The kinetics of the adsorption of U(VI) ions on clay surface follows the pseudo-second-order kinetic model and the interaction realized spontaneously is exothermic. The mean values of thermodynamic constants ?H°, ?S° and ?G° obtained at 308k are respectively-62.54kJ/mol, -0.18kJ/K.mol and -8.68 kJ/mol. Keywords: Adsorption capacity, adsorbent, U(VI) ions solution, isotherm model, distribution constan


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    The rise of concerns related to maintaining the health of populations through the regular practice of physical and sports activity is at the origin of a meteoric proliferation that has tipped fitness establishments into an increasingly competitive field rougher in major Cameroonian urban centers. In this context, the development of strategies to capture and retain customers is essential for the promoters of said establishments. This pilot and preliminary study aims to analyze the effectiveness of the marketing-mix strategies on the clientele of fitness establishments in the city of Yaoundé. To achieve this, a qualitative case study approach was favored, and semi- structured interviews were conducted with participants sampled randomly in 7 cases. The qualitative analysis of the adopted marketing-mix policies was carried out using Sphinx IQ software. I n addition to the availability of fitness seekers to pay when they are satisfied with the services offered to them, the results show that a cross between pull and push strategies, an increase in the number of rooms available 24 hours a day, as well as a product offer corresponding to expectations have a positive impact on attracting and retaining customers. Thus, by making it possible to understand the strategic aspects on which fitness establishments will have to rely in order to be more competitive, these preliminary results mark out avenues for reflection on applications of the marketing-mix in a new economic sector and in boom in fitness in Cameroon

    Buccal dental-microwear and dietary ecology in a free-ranging population of mandrills (Mandrillus sphinx) from southern Gabon

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    Analyses of dental micro- and macro-wear offer valuable information about dietary adaptations. The buccal surface of the teeth does not undergo attrition, indicating that dental microwear may directly inform about food properties. Only a few studies have, however, investigated the environmental and individual factors involved in the formation of such microwear in wild animals. Here, we examine variation of buccal microwear patterns of mandibular molars in a large free-ranging population of mandrills (Mandrillus sphinx). We first explore the influence of seasonality and individual’s sex, age and tooth macrowear–expressed as the percent of dentine exposure (PDE)–on six microwear variables. Second, we analyze the interplay between individual’s diet and PDE. In a last analysis, we revisit our results on mandrills in the light of other primate’s microwear studies. We show that the average buccal scratch length and the frequency of vertical buccal scratches are both higher during the long dry season compared to the long rainy season, while we observe the inverse relationship for disto-mesial scratches. In addition, females present more disto-mesial scratches than males and older individuals present higher scratch density, a greater proportion of horizontal scratches but a lower proportion of vertical scratches than young animals. PDE yields similar results than individual’s age confirming earlier results in this population on the relationship between age and tooth macrowear. Because seasonality and individual characteristics are both known to impact mandrills’ diet in the study population, our results suggest that buccal microwear patterns may inform about individual feeding strategies. Furthermore, PDE increases with the consumption of potentially abrasive monocotyledonous plants, independently of the individuals’ age, although it is not affected by food mechanical properties. Finally, buccal scratch densities by orientation appear as relevant proxies for discriminating between different primate taxa.The Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft grant (DFG, KA 1082-20-1), the “Station d’Etudes en Ecologie Globale” (INEE-CNRS), the “Laboratoire International Associé” (CIRMF and INEE-CNRS), granted to MJEC, and the Spanish "Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación" (grant numbers CGL2011-22999 and CGL2014-52611) granted to APP, have all contributed to the achievement of this study

    Chemical composition of a standard sugarcane wine of Saccharum officinarum Linn from Woleu-Ntem, Gabon

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    The alcohol level and phytochemical screening of sugarcane wine of Saccharum officinarum Linn were studied. The proof of sugarcane wine was evaluated at more than 14% (v/v). Studies of phytochemical constituents showed the presence of alkaloids, polyphenols, tannins, reductor compounds and flavonoids. Many of these compounds are benefit for the human health. Presence of polyphenols and flavonoids allow the wine to get antioxidant properties

    Evaluation of Chikungunya Diagnostic Assays: Differences in Sensitivity of Serology Assays in Two Independent Outbreaks

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    Chikungunya is a mounting public health concern in many parts of the world. Definitive diagnosis is critical in differentiating the diseases, especially in dengue endemic areas. There are some commercial chikungunya kits and published molecular protocols available, but no comprehensive comparative evaluation of them was performed. Using sera collected in outbreaks caused by two variants of Chikungunya virus (A226 and 226V), we tested 2 commercial IgM tests (CTK lateral flow rapid test and EUROIMMUN IFA) alongside our in-house IgM assays (using both variants of the virus). Sensitivities of 2 published PCR protocols were also evaluated based on RNA standards derived from cell-cultured viruses. The commercial assays had different performances in each outbreak, with CTK's lateral flow test having the best performance in the first outbreak and EUROIMMUN IFA being more sensitive in the second outbreak. Use of the current circulating virus in a test assay improves sensitivity of the MAC-ELISAs. For PCR, a probe-based real time RT-PCR method was found to be 10 times more sensitive than the SYBR Green method. Despite this, the latter protocol is found to be more suitable and cost-effective for our diagnostic laboratory. This evaluation demonstrates the importance of appraisal of commercial kits and published protocols before application of a diagnostic tool in the clinical and operational setting