138 research outputs found

    Estudis dels principals arbres ornamentals, no autòctons, disponibles a Catalunya

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    Després de l'estudi realitzat per la ICEA sobre els arbres autòctons, ha estat convenient tractar dels arbres naturalitzats i adaptats. Aquests són molt més nombrosos a Catalunya, de manera que per cada arbre autòcton en corresponen deu dels altres. Per motius que expliquem, l'estudi se centra en un col?lectiu de 119 arbres no autòctons. D'acord amb una enquesta, la meitat dels arbres indicats són fàcils de produir i es comercialitzen regularment. Els restants, per problemes de propagació, de cultiu o de rendibilitat, tenen una comercialització més variable. Les produccions anuals per arbre estan dins l'interval de 1.000 a 5.000 unitats per any, per a 36 espècies, o sigui, el 30 % del total. Les restants es reparteixen entre els intervals superiors a 5.000 i inferiors a 1.000. L'aplicació determinada per a cada arbre, en relació a les 41 comarques catalanes, permet conèixer quins són els arbres adients per a cadas cuna. Els quadres de característiques i d'exigències arrodoneixen l'estudi, proporcionant una informació completa per a cada un dels 119 arbres. Dins el col?lectiu, hi ha 37 arbres de flor, dels quals hem realitzat l'estudi fenològic. L'Àrea Metropolitana de Barcelona reuneix excel?lents condicions per a la plantació d'aquests arbres de flor. De les 37 espècies, n'hi van bé 33, o sigui, un 90 %.After the publication of the research on the catalan native tree by the ICEA, it has become convenient to study the naturalized and adapted tree. In Catalonia, there are ten naturalized and adapted trees for each native one. As we will explain later, this research focuses on a group of 119 non-native trees. Following a survey, half of these 119 trees are easy to produce and to marked. The remainders, which have some problems to propagate, cultivate and become rendible, present a more variable marketing. The annual production is between 1.000 and 5.000 trees for each specie; that means a 30 % of the total production. Remainders are between more them 5.000 and less them 1.000. The chapter «Application» indicate the species of non-native trees wich are more convenient to each of the different 41 catalan region. To provide better documentation, the study is completed with information about the «Characteristics» and the «Requirements» of these 119 trees. Because of their flowering, 37 species are thoroughly studied, Barcelona?s Metropolitan Area has an ideal climate for these trees. In fact, 33 out of 37 species, that is a 90 %, can be perfectly adapted to this area.Después del estudio realizado por la ICEA sobre el árbol autóctono, ha sido conveniente tratar el árbol naturalizado y adaptado. Éste es mucho más numeroso en Cataluña, de forma que por cada árbol autóctono, corresponden diez de los otros. Por los motivos que se explican, el estudio se centra en un colectivo de 119 árboles no autóctonos. Según una encuesta, la mitad de los árboles indicados son fáciles de producir y se comercializan regularmente. Los restantes, por problemas de propagación, cultivo o rentabilidad, presentan una comercialización más variable. Las producciones anuales por árbol resultan estar en el intervalo de 1.000 a 5.000 unidades por año, para 36 especies, o sea, el 30 % del total. Las restantes se reparten entre los intervalos superiores a 5.000 e inferiores a 1.000. La aplicación determinada para cada árbol, con relación a las 41 comarcas catalanas, permite conocer cuales son los árboles convenientes para cada comarca. Los cuadros de características y de exigencias redondean el estudio, proporcionando una información completa para cada uno de los 119 árboles. En el colectivo hay 37 árboles de flor, de los que se ha realizado el estudio fenológico. El Área Metropolitana de Barcelona reúne excelentes condiciones para la plantación de estos árboles de flor. De las 37 especies, 33, o sea, el 90 %, se adaptan perfectamente a la zona

    Despertando al cuerpo desde el movimiento: expresión corporal y Parkinson

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    La Enfermedad de Parkinson (EP) constituye una condición de salud que afecta la expresión motriz y por ende la comunicación de las personas con su entorno. Asimismo, las personas con Parkinson presentan una cualidad del sistema motor denominada kinesia paradojal por la cual pueden moverse como si no tuvieran la enfermedad si se dan las condiciones ambientales adecuadas. En este trabajo caracterizamos la propuesta de la expresión corporal en el contexto del Taller de Parkinson, una metodología no farmacológica complementaria que utiliza lenguaje lúdicos y artísticos para estimular la movilidad de las personas con EP, con el objetivo del mejoramiento de su calidad de vida. Describimos objetivos, técnicas y estrategias utilizadas en el taller de expresión corporal y desarrollamos un modelo de clase de expresión corporal con personas con Parkinson. Finalmente incluimos algunas de nuestras observaciones y conclusiones, donde destacamos la posibilidad de los participantes con EP de moverse paradojalmente (inesperadamente, considerando la enfermedad) y usar el cuerpo propio y el entorno en beneficio de la expresión corporal de sus emociones y contenidos semánticos comunicables.Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a health condition that affects motor expression and, then, people’s communication with their environment. Besides, people with Parkinson have a motor system property which is called paradoxical kinesia by which they are able to move as if they did not have the disease, provided there are the right environmental conditions. We show the project of body expression into the Parkinson Workshop, which is a nonpharmacological and complementary methodology that uses playful and artistic languages to stimulate the mobility in people with PD to help the improvement of their quality of life. We describe the aims, techniques and strategies used at the body expression workshop and develop a model of a body expression class with Parkinson’s patients. Finally we add some observations and conclusions in which we highlight the possibility showed by the participants with PD of paradoxically moving (to move in an unexpectedly way, considering that they have the disease) and using their own bodies and their environment to help the expression of their emotions and reportable semantic contents through their bodies.Fil: Nomdedeu, Gisela Angela. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas; ArgentinaFil: Bacigalupe, Maria de Los Angeles. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo. División Etnografía; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas; ArgentinaFil: Picciuchi, Verónica M.. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas; ArgentinaFil: Sansalone, Natalia. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas; Argentin

    Ultrastructural, cytogenetic, and molecular findings in mast cell leukemia : Case report

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    We report a de novo aleukemic form of MCL with a complex monosomic karyotype with LOH for multiple chromosomes and TP53 mutation. Additionally, whereas D816V KIT was not found, the c-Kit transmembrane domain p.M541L variant was detected which is the most common SNP of KIT gene in humans with controversial pathogenic role. In these cases, it is crucial to perform a rapid broad molecular study for an accurate diagnosis which could help to initiate targeted therapy

    Treatment with G-CSF reduces acute myeloid leukemia blast viability in the presence of bone marrow stroma

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    BACKGROUND: The resulting clinical impact of the combined use of G-CSF with chemotherapy as a chemosensitizing strategy for treatment of acute myeloid leukemia (AML) patients is still controversial. In this study, the effect of ex vivo treatment with G-CSF on AML primary blasts was studied. METHODS: Peripheral blood mononuclear cells from AML patients were treated with G-CSF at increasing doses, alone or in co-culture with HS-5 stromal cells. Cell viability and surface phenotype was determined by flow cytometry 72 h after treatment. For clonogenicity assays, AML primary samples were treated for 18 h with G-CSF at increasing concentrations and cultured in methyl-cellulose for 14 days. Colonies were counted based on cellularity and morphology criteria. RESULTS: The presence of G-CSF reduced the overall viability of AML cells co-cultured with bone marrow stroma; whereas, in absence of stroma, a negligible effect was observed. Moreover, clonogenic capacity of AML cells was significantly reduced upon treatment with G-CSF. Interestingly, reduction in the AML clonogenic capacity correlated with the sensitivity to chemotherapy observed in vivo. CONCLUSIONS: These ex vivo results would provide a biological basis to data available from studies showing a clinical benefit with the use of G-CSF as a priming agent in patients with a chemosensitive AML and would support implementation of further studies exploring new strategies of chemotherapy priming in AML

    Clinical and molecular characterization of diffuse large B-cell lymphomas with 13q14.3 deletion.

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    Background: Deletions at 13q14.3 are common in chronic lymphocytic leukemia and are also present in diffuse large B-cell lymphomas (DLBCL) but never in immunodeficiency-related DLBCL. To characterize DLBCL with 13q14.3 deletions, we combined genome-wide DNA profiling, gene expression and clinical data in a large DLBCL series treated with rituximab, cyclophosphamide, doxorubicine, vincristine and prednisone repeated every 21 days (R-CHOP21). Patients and methods: Affymetrix GeneChip Human Mapping 250K NspI and U133 plus 2.0 gene were used. MicroRNA (miRNA) expression was studied were by real-time PCR. Median follow-up of patients was 4.9 years. Results: Deletions at 13q14.3, comprising DLEU2/MIR15A/MIR16, occurred in 22/166 (13%) cases. The deletion was wider, including also RB1, in 19/22 cases. Samples with del(13q14.3) had concomitant specific aberrations. No reduced MIR15A/MIR16 expression was observed, but 172 transcripts were significantly differential expressed. Among the deregulated genes, there were RB1 and FAS, both commonly deleted at genomic level. No differences in outcome were observed in patients treated with R-CHOP21. Conclusions: Cases with 13q14.3 deletions appear as group of DLBCL characterized by common genetic and biologic features. Deletions at 13q14.3 might contribute to DLBCL pathogenesis by two mechanisms: deregulating the cell cycle control mainly due RB1 loss and contributing to immune escape, due to FAS down-regulation

    The expression level of BAALC -associated microRNA miR-3151 is an independent prognostic factor in younger patients with cytogenetic intermediate-risk acute myeloid leukemia

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    Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) is a heterogeneous disease whose prognosis is mainly related to the biological risk conferred by cytogenetics and molecular profiling. In elderly patients (⩾60 years) with normal karyotype AML miR-3151 have been identified as a prognostic factor. However, miR-3151 prognostic value has not been examined in younger AML patients. In the present work, we have studied miR-3151 alone and in combination with BAALC, its host gene, in a cohort of 181 younger intermediate-risk AML (IR-AML) patients. Patients with higher expression of miR-3151 had shorter overall survival (P =0.0025), shorter leukemia-free survival (P =0.026) and higher cumulative incidence of relapse (P =0.082). Moreover, in the multivariate analysis miR-3151 emerged as independent prognostic marker in both the overall series and within the unfavorable molecular prognostic category. Interestingly, the combined determination of both miR-3151 and BAALC improved this prognostic stratification, with patients with low levels of both parameters showing a better outcome compared with those patients harboring increased levels of one or both markers (P =0.003). In addition, we studied the microRNA expression profile associated with miR-3151 identifying a six-microRNA signature. In conclusion, the analysis of miR-3151 and BAALC expression may well contribute to an improved prognostic stratification of younger patients with IR-AML

    Clinical and molecular characterization of diffuse large B-cell lymphomas with 13q14.3 deletion

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    Background: Deletions at 13q14.3 are common in chronic lymphocytic leukemia and are also present in diffuse large B-cell lymphomas (DLBCL) but never in immunodeficiency-related DLBCL. To characterize DLBCL with 13q14.3 deletions, we combined genome-wide DNA profiling, gene expression and clinical data in a large DLBCL series treated with rituximab, cyclophosphamide, doxorubicine, vincristine and prednisone repeated every 21 days (R-CHOP21). Patients and methods: Affymetrix GeneChip Human Mapping 250K NspI and U133 plus 2.0 gene were used. MicroRNA (miRNA) expression was studied were by real-time PCR. Median follow-up of patients was 4.9 years. Results: Deletions at 13q14.3, comprising DLEU2/MIR15A/MIR16, occurred in 22/166 (13%) cases. The deletion was wider, including also RB1, in 19/22 cases. Samples with del(13q14.3) had concomitant specific aberrations. No reduced MIR15A/MIR16 expression was observed, but 172 transcripts were significantly differential expressed. Among the deregulated genes, there were RB1 and FAS, both commonly deleted at genomic level. No differences in outcome were observed in patients treated with R-CHOP21. Conclusions: Cases with 13q14.3 deletions appear as group of DLBCL characterized by common genetic and biologic features. Deletions at 13q14.3 might contribute to DLBCL pathogenesis by two mechanisms: deregulating the cell cycle control mainly due RB1 loss and contributing to immune escape, due to FAS down-regulatio

    The lincRNA HOTAIRM1, located in the HOXA genomic region, is expressed in acute myeloid leukemia, impacts prognosis in patients in the intermediate-risk cytogenetic category, and is associated with a distinctive microRNA signature

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    Altres ajuts: SDCSD from School of Medicine, University of BarcelonaLong non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) are deregulated in several tumors, although their role in acute myeloid leukemia (AML) is mostly unknown.We have examined the expression of the lncRNA HOX antisense intergenic RNA myeloid 1 (HOTAIRM1) in 241 AML patients. We have correlated HOTAIRM1 expression with a miRNA expression profile. We have also analyzed the prognostic value of HOTAIRM1 expression in 215 intermediate-risk AML (IR-AML) patients.The lowest expression level was observed in acute promyelocytic leukemia (P < 0.001) and the highest in t(6;9) AML (P = 0.005). In 215 IR-AML patients, high HOTAIRM1 expression was independently associated with shorter overall survival (OR:2.04;P = 0.001), shorter leukemia-free survival (OR:2.56; P < 0.001) and a higher cumulative incidence of relapse (OR:1.67; P = 0.046). Moreover, HOTAIRM1 maintained its independent prognostic value within the favorable molecular subgroup (OR: 3.43; P = 0.009). Interestingly, HOTAIRM1 was overexpressed in NPM1-mutated AML (P < 0.001) and within this group retained its prognostic value (OR: 2.21; P = 0.01). Moreover, HOTAIRM1 expression was associated with a specific 33-microRNA signature that included miR-196b (P < 0.001). miR-196b is located in the HOX genomic region and has previously been reported to have an independent prognostic value in AML. miR-196b and HOTAIRM1 in combination as a prognostic factor can classify patients as high-, intermediate-, or low-risk (5-year OS: 24% vs 42% vs 70%; P = 0.004).Determination of HOTAIRM1 level at diagnosis provided relevant prognostic information in IR-AML and allowed refinement of risk stratification based on common molecular markers. The prognostic information provided by HOTAIRM1 was strengthened when combined with miR-196b expression. Furthermore, HOTAIRM1 correlated with a 33-miRNA signatur

    Frequency and clinical impact of CDKN2A/ARF/CDKN2B gene deletions as assessed by in-depth genetic analyses in adult T cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia

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    Altres ajuts: This project was supported by the Asociación Española Contra el Cáncer, AECC (project ref.: GC16173697BIGA), Obra Social "La Caixa" and by Celgene Spain. A. Gonzalez-Perez is supported by a Ramon y Cajal fellowship (RYC-2013-14554) of the Educational Ministry (Madrid, Spain). This work was also partially supported by FEDER funds from CIBERONC (CB16/12/00284 and CB16/12/00400), Madrid, Spain).Recurrent deletions of the CDKN2A/ARF/CDKN2B genes encoded at chromosome 9p21 have been described in both pediatric and adult acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL), but their prognostic value remains controversial, with limited data on adult T-ALL. Here, we investigated the presence of homozygous and heterozygous deletions of the CDKN2A/ARF and CDKN2B genes in 64 adult T-ALL patients enrolled in two consecutive trials from the Spanish PETHEMA group. Alterations in CDKN2A/ARF/CDKN2B were detected in 35/64 patients (55%). Most of them consisted of 9p21 losses involving homozygous deletions of the CDKNA/ARF gene (26/64), as confirmed by single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) arrays and interphase fluorescence in situ hybridization (iFISH). Deletions involving the CDKN2A/ARF/CDKN2B locus correlated with a higher frequency of cortical T cell phenotype and a better clearance of minimal residual disease (MRD) after induction therapy. Moreover, the combination of an altered copy-number-value (CNV) involving the CDKN2A/ARF/CDKN2B gene locus and undetectable MRD (≤ 0.01%) values allowed the identification of a subset of T-ALL with better overall survival in the absence of hematopoietic stem cell transplantation