103 research outputs found

    A Network Based Methodology to Reveal Patterns in Knowledge Transfer

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    This paper motivates, presents and demonstrates in use a methodology based in complex network analysis to support research aimed at identification of sources in the process of knowledge transfer at the interorganizational level. The importance of this methodology is that it states a unified model to reveal knowledge sharing patterns and to compare results from multiple researches on data from different periods of time and different sectors of the economy. This methodology does not address the underlying statistical processes. To do this, national statistics departments (NSD) provide documents and tools at their websites. But this proposal provides a guide to model information inferences gathered from data processing revealing links between sources and recipients of knowledge being transferred and that the recipient detects as main source to new knowledge creation. Some national statistics departments set as objective for these surveys the characterization of innovation dynamics in firms and to analyze the use of public support instruments. From this characterization scholars conduct different researches. Measures of dimensions of the network composed by manufacturing firms and other organizations conform the base to inquiry the structure that emerges from taking ideas from other organizations to incept innovations. These two sets of data are actors of a two- mode-network. The link between two actors (network nodes, one acting as the source of the idea. The second one acting as the destination) comes from organizations or events organized by organizations that “provide” ideas to other group of firms. The resulting demonstrated design satisfies the objective of being a methodological model to identify sources in knowledge transfer of knowledge effectively used in innovation

    An integrative dynamic model of Colombian population distribution, based on the maximum entropy principle and matter, energy, and information flow

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    Human society has increased its capacity to exploit natural resources thanks to new technologies, which are one of the results of information exchange in the knowledge society. Many approaches to understanding the interactions between human society and natural systems have been developed in the last decades, and some have included considerations about information. However, none of them has considered information as an active variable or flowing entity in the human–natural/social-ecological system, or, moreover, even as a driving force of their interactions. This paper explores these interactions in socio-ecological systems by briefly introducing a conceptual frame focused on the exchange of information, matter, and energy. The human population is presented as a convergence variable of these three physical entities, and a population distribution model for Colombia is developed based on the maximum entropy principle to integrate the balances of related variables as macro-state restrictions. The selected variables were electrical consumption, water demand, and higher education rates (energy, matter, and information). The final model includes statistical moments for previous population distributions. It is shown how population distribution can be predicted yearly by combining these variables, allowing future dynamics exploration. The implications of this model can contribute to bridging information sciences and sustainability studies

    Time Series from Clustering: An Approach to Forecast Crime Patterns

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    This chapter presents an approach to forecast criminal patterns that combines the time series from clustering method with a computational intelligence-based prediction. In this approach, clusters of criminal events are parametrized according to simple geometric prototypes. Cluster dynamics are captured as a set of time series. The size of this set corresponds to the number of clusters multiplied by the number of parameters per cluster. One of the main drawbacks of clustering is the difficulty of defining the optimal number of clusters. The paper also deals with this problem by introducing a validation index of dynamic partitions of crime events that relates the optimal number of clusters with the foreseeability of time series by means of non-linear analysis. The method as well as the validation index was tested over two cases of reported urban crime. Our results showed that crime clusters can be predicted by forecasting their representative time series using an evolutionary adaptive neural fuzzy inference system. Thus, we argue that the foreseeability of these series can be anticipated satisfactorily by means of the proposed index

    Uncertainty Model For Quantitative Precipitation Estimation Using Weather Radars

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    This paper introduces an uncertainty model for the quantitatively estimate precipitation using weather radars. The model considers various key aspects associated to radar calibration, attenuation, and the tradeoff between accuracy and radar coverage. An S-band-radar case study is presented to illustrate particular fractional-uncertainty calculations obtained to adjust various typical radar-calibration elements such as antenna, transmitter, receiver, and some other general elements included in the radar equation. This paper is based in “Guide to the expression of Uncertainty in measurement” [1] and the results show that the fractional uncertainty calculated by the model was 40 % for the reflectivity and 30% for the precipitation using the Marshall Palmer Z-R relationship

    Identificação de fatores de tipo categórico relacionados com a condição estrutural de tubulação de esgoto de Bogotá a partir de conceitos de entropia da informação

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    Introduction: this article is the result of the research project “Factor identification of categorical type related to the structural condition of Bogota’s sewage pipelines stemming from concepts of information’s entropy” financed by the Mastery in Hydro-systems of the Pontifical University Javeriana and developed in 2014 and 2015. The objective was to identify the influence of factors of qualitative type (grid type, material of the associated road surface and material of the pipeline) on the structural grade obtained from CCTV  inspections in Bogota during 2007 and 2011. Methodology: the entropy’s concept of mutual information was studied to differentiate the following categorical variables: type of pipelines, type of road surface over the pipeline and materials of the pipeline. Results: obtained from the application of concepts like entropy and mutual information show that the structural classification is independent from the type of pipeline, since they present elevated values of joined entropy and imply a high degree of uncertainty in their relation. Conclusions: the categorical variables studied are important factors to account in an impairment model of sewage pipelines; they also provide decision-making to direct the inspection plans of sewage in the city.Introducción: este artículo es producto del proyecto de investigación “Identificación de factores de tipo categórico con la condición estructural de tuberías de alcantarillado de Bogotá a partir de conceptos de entropía de la información”, financiado por la Maestría en Hidrosistemas de la Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, y desarrollado durante el 2014 y el 2015. El objetivo fue identificar qué influencia tienen factores de tipo cualitativo (tipo de red, material de la superficie vial asociada y material de las tuberías) sobre el grado estructural obtenido a partir de inspecciones CCTV  realizadas en Bogotá entre el 2007 y el 2011. Metodología: se estudiaron los conceptos de entropía de la información mutua a fin de encontrar independencia entre las siguientes variables categóricas: tipo de tubería, tipo de superficie vial sobre la tubería y material de la tubería. Resultados: obtenidos a partir de la aplicación de conceptos tales como entropía e información mutua, muestran que la categoría estructural es independiente del tipo de tubería, del tipo de material de la tubería y del tipo de superficie de la vía que pasa sobre la tubería, ya que presentan valores elevados de entropía conjunta, lo cual implica un alto grado de incertidumbre en sus relaciones. Conclusiones: las variables categóricas estudiadas son factores importantes para tener en cuenta en un modelo de deterioro de las tuberías de alcantarillado, además de facilitar la toma de decisiones para direccionar los planes de inspección del alcantarillado en la ciudad.Introdução: este artigo é produto do projeto de investigação “Identificação de fatores de tipo categórico com a condição estrutural de tubulações de esgoto de Bogotá a partir de conceitos de entropia da informação”, financiado pelo Mestrado em Hidrosistemas da Pontifícia Universidade Javeriana, e desenvolvido durante os anos 2014 e 2015. O escopo foi identificar a influência que tem fatores do tipo qualitativo (tipo de rede, material da superfície viaria associada e material das tubulações) sobre o grau estrutural obtido a partir de inspeções CCTV realizadas em Bogotá entre o ano 2007 e 2011. Metodologia: estudaram-se os conceitos de entropia da informação mutua para achar independência entre as seguintes variáveis categóricas: tipo de tubulação, tipo de superfície viaria sobre a tubulação e material da tubulação. Resultados: obtidos a partir da aplicação de conceitos tales como entropia e informação mutua, mostram que a categoria estrutural é independente do tipo de tubulação, do tipo de material da tubulação e do tipo de superfície da via que passa sobre a tubulação, já que apresentam valores elevados de entropia conjunta, envolvendo um alto grau de incerteza em suas relações. Conclusões: as variáveis categóricas estudadas são fatores importantes para levar em conta em um modelo de deterioração das tubulações de esgoto, além de facilitar a tomada de decisões para direcionar os planos de inspeção do esgoto na cidade

    Métodos de segmentación de nubes en imágenes satelitales

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    El presente artículo tiene como objetivo mostrar los resultados de la aplicación de dos técnicas de segmentación de nubes en imágenes satelitales GOES; la primera, es una técnica basada en re­giones, la umbralización por niveles de grises; y la segunda, es una técnica basada en fronteras la Transformada Hough. Finalmente, se comparan los resultados encontrados por los dos métodos con la segmentación obtenida a partir de un soft­ware especializado en imágenes satelitales me­diante la separación de la banda espectral con la información de interés

    Calibración de imágenes de radares meteorológicos

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    This paper shows the image fusion techniques to complement and calibrate weather radar im­ages present in terrestrial using meteorological satellite images. To calibrate the images weather radar images implemented a fusion method was used discrete wavelet transform (DWT) math ematics tool. As there is a family of wavelets, wavelets is necessary to determine which offers the best results, and it was determined, with the correlation between the results of different wave­let and fusion of the images used in each fusion. We defined a methodology for selecting global threshold segmentation and a methodology for calibration of terrestrial radar images. Following the methodology of calibration images, some re­sults are generated and displayed its advantages. The methodology of calibration images, some re­sults are generated and displayed its advantages.En este documento se ilustran las técnicas de fu­sión de imágenes para complementar y calibrar la información meteorológica presente en imáge­nes de radares terrestres con el uso de imágenes satelitales meteorológicas. Para realizar la cali­bración de las imágenes de radares terrestres se implementó un método de fusión de imágenes basado en la herramienta matemática transforma­da wavelet discreta. Ya que existe una familia de wavelets, es necesario determinar cuál wavelet ofrece el mejor resultado; para esto se determi­na la correlación existente entre los resultados de fusión de diferentes wavelets y las imágenes uti­lizadas en cada fusión. Se define una metodología para selección de umbral global de segmentación y una metodología para realizar la calibración de las imágenes de radares terrestres. Siguiendo la metodología de calibración de imágenes, se gene­ran algunos resultados y se muestran sus ventajas

    Diseño de un modelo de simulación, análisis y selección de alternativas para la mejora de procesos en un restaurante-bar

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    The design prototype of the simulation of the best alternative, selected by a multicriteria technique, exposes a solution for the improvement of the operative process of the restaurant-bar Manhattan, including performance variables. The approach of the improvement alternatives for the operative process starts from the application of the engineering technical tools, later, through a hierarchical analysis process, the prioritization of the 17 alternatives is performed, the three most relevant ones are validly derived: inclusion of an additional waiter for the operation of the establishment, the construction of an additional service bar and the design of a mobile gondola as a new source of attention (sales). The validation of these alternatives is done by simulating them, however, the opportunity to develop the implementation of the mobile gondola. As a result of this implementation, an increase in sales of the business is evidenced, approximately 25% of the total sales during the first month of the gondola’s operation came from this alternative. Once the first two alternatives have been simulated and the third has been implemented, the financial analysis will be carried out for each one in order to obtain the key indicators for the development of the second Hierarchical Analysis (NPV, IRR) that allows us to identify that the construction of an additional service bar in Manhattan is the best alternative taking into account the following criteria: NPV, IRR, income and implementation times.Ingeniero (a) IndustrialPregrad