126 research outputs found

    Panorama geral da comercialização de alimentos orgânicos no Distrito Federal.

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    O segmento dos orgânicos oferece grande potencial de expansãodevido a um maior reconhecimento, nas últimas décadas, de sua relevância ambiental, econômica e alimentícia por parte dos consumidores. O estudo teve como objetivo caracterizar a comercialização de alimentos orgânicos oriundos da agricultura familiar no Distrito Federal. Trata-se de pesquisaexploratóriae descritiva, tomando como referência dados CLIUM.ORG|490de estudos realizados pela Companhia Nacional de Abastecimento (CONAB/MAPA), consulta a sites das Comunidades que Sustentam a Agricultura Brasília (CSA Brasília) e da Empresa de Assistência Técnica e Extensão Rural do Distrito Federal (EMATER-DF). A pesquisa foi realizada no período de agosto a dezembro de 2021. Os resultados indicam que as feiras são os principais locais de comercialização de alimentos orgânicos na região, sendo a grande maioria do grupo dashortaliças. Houve uma queda de 35% no número de feiras em função da pandemia de Covid-19. Ao mesmo tempo, foi observado o surgimento e crescimento de novas formas de comercialização, como as CSAs e oDelivery, este último,como resultado do impacto da Covid-19,cresceu cerca de 40

    Uma ação sinérgica por direitos reprodutivos: uma história sem fim

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    No Brasil, os direitos reprodutivos estão previstos em legislação nacional e normativas do Ministério da Saúde, devendo ser objeto de políticas públicas, e também uma agenda do movimento de mulheres desde os anos 1970. O planejamento familiar integra essas políticas, tendo como base os princípios da não coerção e escolha informada e responsável, implicando em parâmetros éticos. O Conselho Municipal de Saúde de Porto Alegre, mecanismo instituído por lei para exercer o controle social sobre essas políticas, foi instado em 2006 a assegurar os parâmetros éticos e legais quando um programa de implantes hormonais em adolescentes foi autorizado pela prefeitura sem debate no Conselho. A proposta deste artigo é refletir a partir da Ciência Política e do Feminismo sobre as estratégias utilizadas pelo movimento de mulheres para a reversão desse programa, suas alianças e argumentos, bem como as lições aprendidas. Como resultado se obteve a reversão do programa de implantes e o reposionamento do Conselho como órgão deliberativo da política de saúde.In Brazil, reproductive rights are provided for a national legislation and regulations of the Ministry of Health, should be the object of public policy, and is an agenda of women's movement since 1970 decade. Family planning integrates these policies, based on the principles of non-coercion, informed choice and responsible, resulting in ethical standards. The health council of Porto Alegre, a mechanism established by law to exercise social control over those policies, was asked in 2006 to ensure the ethical and legal parameters when a program of hormone implants in adolescents has been authorized by the city without a debate in the Council. The purpose of this paper is to discuss, from the Political Science and Feminist Theory the strategies used by the feminist movement for the reversal of this program, its alliances and arguments, as well as lessons learned. As a result is has obtained the reversal of the implants program and the deliberative body of the Health Council on health public policy

    Inclusive charged hadron elliptic flow in Au + Au collisions at sNN\sqrt{s_{NN}} = 7.7 - 39 GeV

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    A systematic study is presented for centrality, transverse momentum (pTp_T) and pseudorapidity (η\eta) dependence of the inclusive charged hadron elliptic flow (v2v_2) at midrapidity(η<1.0|\eta| < 1.0) in Au+Au collisions at sNN\sqrt{s_{NN}} = 7.7, 11.5, 19.6, 27 and 39 GeV. The results obtained with different methods, including correlations with the event plane reconstructed in a region separated by a large pseudorapidity gap and 4-particle cumulants (v24v_2{4}), are presented in order to investigate non-flow correlations and v2v_2 fluctuations. We observe that the difference between v22v_2{2} and v24v_2{4} is smaller at the lower collision energies. Values of v2v_2, scaled by the initial coordinate space eccentricity, v2/εv_{2}/\varepsilon, as a function of pTp_T are larger in more central collisions, suggesting stronger collective flow develops in more central collisions, similar to the results at higher collision energies. These results are compared to measurements at higher energies at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (sNN\sqrt{s_{NN}} = 62.4 and 200 GeV) and at the Large Hadron Collider (Pb + Pb collisions at sNN\sqrt{s_{NN}} = 2.76 TeV). The v2(pT)v_2(p_T) values for fixed pTp_T rise with increasing collision energy within the pTp_T range studied (<2GeV/c< 2 {\rm GeV}/c). A comparison to viscous hydrodynamic simulations is made to potentially help understand the energy dependence of v2(pT)v_{2}(p_{T}). We also compare the v2v_2 results to UrQMD and AMPT transport model calculations, and physics implications on the dominance of partonic versus hadronic phases in the system created at Beam Energy Scan (BES) energies are discussed.Comment: 20 pages, 12 figures. Version accepted by PR

    Strangeness Enhancement in Cu+Cu and Au+Au Collisions at \sqrt{s_{NN}} = 200 GeV

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    We report new STAR measurements of mid-rapidity yields for the Λ\Lambda, Λˉ\bar{\Lambda}, KS0K^{0}_{S}, Ξ\Xi^{-}, Ξˉ+\bar{\Xi}^{+}, Ω\Omega^{-}, Ωˉ+\bar{\Omega}^{+} particles in Cu+Cu collisions at \sNN{200}, and mid-rapidity yields for the Λ\Lambda, Λˉ\bar{\Lambda}, KS0K^{0}_{S} particles in Au+Au at \sNN{200}. We show that at a given number of participating nucleons, the production of strange hadrons is higher in Cu+Cu collisions than in Au+Au collisions at the same center-of-mass energy. We find that aspects of the enhancement factors for all particles can be described by a parameterization based on the fraction of participants that undergo multiple collisions

    Lower production of IL-17A and increased susceptibility to Mycobacterium bovis in mice coinfected with Strongyloides venezuelensis

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    The presence of intestinal helminths can down-regulate the immune response required to control mycobacterial infection. BALB/c mice infected with Mycobacterium bovis following an infection with the intestinal helminth Strongyloides venezuelensis showed reduced interleukin-17A production by lung cells and increased bacterial burden. Also, small granulomas and a high accumulation of cells expressing the inhibitory molecule CTLA-4 were observed in the lung. These data suggest that intestinal helminth infection could have a detrimental effect on the control of tuberculosis (TB) and render coinfected individuals more susceptible to the development of TB

    Poly(ethylmethacrylate-co-diethylaminoethyl acrylate) coating improves endothelial re-population, bio-mechanical and anti-thrombogenic properties of decellularized carotid arteries for blood vessel replacement

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    Decellularized vascular scaffolds are promising materials for vessel replacements. However, despite the natural origin of decellularized vessels, issues such as biomechanical incompatibility, immunogenicity risks and the hazards of thrombus formation, still need to be addressed. In this study, we coated decellularized vessels obtained from porcine carotid arteries with poly (ethylmethacrylate-co-diethylaminoethylacrylate) (8g7) with the purpose of improving endothelial coverage and minimizing platelet attachment while enhancing the mechanical properties of the decellularized vascular scaffolds. The polymer facilitated binding of endothelial cells (ECs) with high affinity and also induced endothelial cell capillary tube formation. In addition, platelets showed reduced adhesion on the polymer under flow conditions. Moreover, the coating of the decellularized arteries improved biomechanical properties by increasing its tensile strength and load. In addition, after 5 days in culture, ECs seeded on the luminal surface of 8g7-coated decellularized arteries showed good regeneration of the endothelium. Overall, this study shows that polymer coating of decellularized vessels provides a new strategy to improve re-endothelialization of vascular grafts, maintaining or enhancing mechanical properties while reducing the risk of thrombogenesis. These results could have potential applications in improving tissue-engineered vascular grafts for cardiovascular therapies with small caliber vessels

    Inferring the Regulatory Network of the miRNA-mediated Response to Biotic and Abiotic Stress in Melon

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    [EN] Background: MiRNAs have emerged as key regulators of stress response in plants, suggesting their potential as candidates for knock-in/out to improve stress tolerance in agricultural crops. Although diverse assays have been performed, systematic and detailed studies of miRNA expression and function during exposure to multiple environments in crops are limited. Results: Here, we present such pioneering analysis in melon plants in response to seven biotic and abiotic stress conditions. Deep-sequencing and computational approaches have identified twenty-four known miRNAs whose expression was significantly altered under at least one stress condition, observing that down-regulation was preponderant. Additionally, miRNA function was characterized by high scale degradome assays and quantitative RNA measurements over the intended target mRNAs, providing mechanistic insight. Clustering analysis provided evidence that eight miRNAs showed a broad response range under the stress conditions analyzed, whereas another eight miRNAs displayed a narrow response range. Transcription factors were predominantly targeted by stressresponsive miRNAs in melon. Furthermore, our results show that the miRNAs that are down-regulated upon stress predominantly have as targets genes that are known to participate in the stress response by the plant, whereas the miRNAs that are up-regulated control genes linked to development. Conclusion: Altogether, this high-resolution analysis of miRNA-target interactions, combining experimental and computational work, Illustrates the close interplay between miRNAs and the response to diverse environmental conditions, in melon.The authors thank Dr. A. Monforte for providing melon seeds and Dra. B. Pico (Cucurbits Group - COMAV) for providing melon seeds and Monosporascus isolate respectively. This work was supported by grants AGL2016-79825-R, BIO2014-61826-EXP (GG), and BFU2015-66894-P (GR) from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (co-supported by FEDER). The funders had no role in the experiment design, data analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.Sanz-Carbonell, A.; Marques Romero, MC.; Bustamante-González, AJ.; Fares Riaño, MA.; Rodrigo Tarrega, G.; Gomez, GG. (2019). Inferring the Regulatory Network of the miRNA-mediated Response to Biotic and Abiotic Stress in Melon. BMC Plant Biology. 1-17. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12870-019-1679-0S117Zhang B. MicroRNAs: a new target for improving plant tolerance to abiotic stress. J Exp Bot. 2015;66:1749–61.Zhu JK. Abiotic stress signaling and responses in plants. Cell. 2016;167:313–24.Bielach A, Hrtyan M, Tognetti VB. Plants under stress: involvement of auxin and Cytokinin. Int J Mol Sci. 2017;4(18):7.Zarattini M, Forlani G. 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    Characterization of buriti (Mauritia flexuosa) pulp oil and the effect of its supplementation in an In vivo experimental model.

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    Mauritia flexuosa (buriti) pulp oil contains bioactive substances and lipids that are protective against cardiovascular and inflammatory diseases. We performed physical and chemical analyses to verify its quality and stability. buriti oil was stable according to the Rancimat test, presenting an induction period of 6.6 h. We evaluated the effect of supplementation with crude buriti oil and olive oil on metabolic parameters in 108 Swiss mice for 90 days. We investigated six groups: extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) 1 and 2 (1000 and 2000 mg/kg), buriti oil (BO) 1 and 2 (1000 and 2000 mg/kg), synergic (S) (BO1 + EVOO1), and control (water dose 1000 mg/kg). The animals were euthanized to examine their blood, livers, and fats. The supplementation did not interfere with food consumption, weight gain, and histological alterations in the liver. Group S showed the strongest relationship with the fractions HDL-c and non-HDL-c, indicating a possible cardioprotective effect. Moreover, we observed significantly higher IL-6 levels in the control, EVOO2, and BO1 groups than in the EVOO1 group. Resistin was also significantly higher for the synergic treatment than for the control. We conclude that BO combined with EVOO could be an excellent food supplement for human consumption