40 research outputs found

    Behavioural plasticity in Argyrodes antipodiana.

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    In this thesis I look at the behavioural plasticity of A.antipodiana while foraging and interacting with conspecifics. The aim is to see how an animal, with apparently limited intelligence is able to deal with environmental variability. I conclude that A.antipodiana appears to have been able to overcome these limitations very effectively by using four methods, of which the first two effectively reduce the amount of learning necessary. Firstly, A.antipodiana simplifies the situation as much as possible by ignoring some of the variability. For example, in social situations, A.antipodiana appears to recognize only a few categories of conspecifics, rather than recognize conspecifics as individuals. Consequently, the social groups of A.antipodiana are not characterized by complicating factors such as aggressive orders or dominance hierarchies. Secondly, A.antipodiana largely ignores current situations and instead bases much of its behavioural decisions on its internal conditions. For example, in male-male conflicts, males respond to their opponents largely according to their own size, level of hunger, the number of contests in which they have participated, or their past experience of winning or losing; rather than to the characteristics of their opponents. Likewise in social interactions A.antipodiana is more inclined to be aggressive towards conspecifics if it itself is foraging, and less inclined if it is feeding with the host. When the situation cannot be simplified, A.antipodiana adopts a third response which is to use the simplest method possible for adjusting its behaviour. For example, A.antipodiana's ability to develop araneophagic skills appears to be governed by a critical period. Thus rather than developing araneophagic skills through trial and error with practise, the ability appears to be simply 'switched on' if required. The fourth means by which A.antipodiana compensates for limited intelligence is to be very selective in the areas in which it does use learning. For example, A.antipodiana seems to use problem solving when foraging, but only when it is actually trying to reach the food bundle upon which the host is feeding. A.antipodiana also seems to learn to move more stealthfully on the host's web. There is even evidence that A.antipodiana may behave with intent when males are competing for opportunities to copulate. Thus the intelligence of A.antipodiana appears to be severely limited. However, despite these limitations, by reducing the amount of learning necessary, and then channelling what learning it has to very restricted, but very poignant areas of its behaviour, A.antipodiana, is able to respond very effectively to its variable environment

    Israel and a sports boycott: Antisemitic? Anti-Zionist?

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    The paper identifies and summarises the debates that surround the place of Israel in international sport and assesses how that place is increasingly being contested. The long-standing conflict between Israel and Palestine has begun to manifest in the world of sport with the paper sketching the debates of those calling for, and those opposed to, sport sanctions/boycott of Israel until the ‘Palestinian Question’ is resolved. Five related tasks are addressed: first, to summarise the call for sanctions/boycott emanating from the Boycott, Disinvestment and Sanctions movement. Second, to explore how this call is establishing itself in the world of sport. The responses of those opposed to any form of sanction/boycott are then considered. The confusion that surrounds the term antisemitism is addressed and the relationship between (anti-) Zionism and antisemitism unpacked. The discussion concludes with an assessment of the claim made by the Israeli state, and its supporters, that any action against the country’s participation in international sport would be an act of antisemitism. Offering a timely, integrated summary of the heated debates that surround the Israel/Palestine conflict, the paper contributes to a wider discussion on the relationship between sport and politics

    Defining and simulating open-ended novelty: requirements, guidelines, and challenges

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    The open-endedness of a system is often defined as a continual production of novelty. Here we pin down this concept more fully by defining several types of novelty that a system may exhibit, classified as variation, innovation, and emergence. We then provide a meta-model for including levels of structure in a system’s model. From there, we define an architecture suitable for building simulations of open-ended novelty-generating systems and discuss how previously proposed systems fit into this framework. We discuss the design principles applicable to those systems and close with some challenges for the community

    Counted in, 2005: a periodic assessment from a weeklong survey of people experiencing homelessness in Dublin.

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    This report is one of a series of periodic assessments. Results are taken from a weeklong survey of people experiencing homelessness in Dublin including A&E departments, people sleeping rough, emergency accommodation, local authority homeless lists, food and day services and street outreach teams. Includes statistics and analysis

    Testing the current models of third language acquisition

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    In this chapter, we argue that another factor should be brought into the generalpicture of third and additional language acquisition: the comprehensiblelinguistic input. Predictions of current models have been predominantly basedon the cognitive-psychological prominence of the three languages (native or not,adult-onset or not, naturalistic or instructed, proficient of not) as well as on thestructural linguistic properties to be acquired, which may overlap or contrast.We argue that even keeping these two factors constant, discrepancies in learningoutcomes still arise, which have to be explained by the linguistic experience ofthe learners. We support our arguments with results from two recently publishedstudies, which document diverging developmental paths for two properties thatshould have been acquired in a similar manner