306 research outputs found

    Type Three Secretion System-Dependent Microvascular Thrombosis and Ischemic Enteritis in Human Gut Xenografts Infected with Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli

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    Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC) is a leading cause of severe intestinal disease and infant mortality in developing countries. Virulence is mediated by a type three secretion system (T3SS), causing the hallmark attaching and effacing (AE) lesions and actin-rich pedestal formation beneath the infecting bacteria on the apical surface of enterocytes. EPEC is a human-specific pathogen whose pathogenesis cannot be studied in animal models. We therefore established an EPEC infection model in human gut xenografts in SCID mice and used it to study the role of T3SS in the pathogenesis of the disease. Following EPEC O127: H6 strain E2348/69 infection, T3SS-dependent AE lesions and pedestals were demonstrated in all infected xenografts. We report here the development of T3SS-dependent intestinal thrombotic microangiopathy (iTMA) and ischemic enteritis in similar to 50% of infected human gut xenografts. Using species-specific CD31 immunostaining, we showed that iTMA was limited to the larger human-mouse chimeric blood vessels, which are located between the muscularis mucosa and circular muscular layer of the human gut. These blood vessels were massively invaded by bacteria, which adhered to and formed pedestals on endothelial cells and aggregated with mouse neutrophils in the lumen. We conclude that endothelial infection, iTMA, and ischemic enteritis might be central mechanisms underlying severe EPEC-mediated disease

    Study of cosolvent-induced α-chymotrypsin fibrillogenesis: Does protein surface hydrophobicity trigger early stages of aggregation reaction?

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    The misfolding of specific proteins is often associated with their assembly into fibrillar aggregates, commonly termed amyloid fibrils. Despite the many efforts expended to characterize amyloid formation in vitro, there is no deep knowledge about the environment (in which aggregation occurs) as well as mechanism of this type of protein aggregation. Alpha-chymotrypsin was recently driven toward amyloid aggregation by the addition of intermediate concentrations of trifluoroethanol. In the present study, approaches such as turbidimetric, thermodynamic, intrinsic fluorescence and quenching studies as well as chemical modification have been successfully used to elucidate the underlying role of hydrophobic interactions (involved in early stages of amyloid formation) in α-chymotrypsin-based experimental system. © 2009 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC

    The Impact of Hypomania on Aerobic Capacity and Cardiopulmonary Functioning—A Case Report

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    Background: Hypomanic episodes are characterized by increased goal-directed behavior and psychomotor agitation. While the affective, cognitive, and behavioral manifestations of such episodes are well-documented, their physiological influence on aerobic capacity and cardiopulmonary functioning are unknown.Methods: We describe a case report of an individual with schizophrenia who experienced a hypomanic episode while serving as a control participant (wait list) in a single-blind, randomized clinical trial examining the impact of aerobic exercise (AE) on neurocognition in people schizophrenia. As part of the trial, participants completed two scheduled clinical assessments and cardiopulmonary exercise tests (VO2max) at baseline and 12 weeks later at end of study. All participants received standard psychiatric care during the trial. Following a baseline assessment in which he displayed no evidence of mood lability, the subject returned on Week-12 for his scheduled follow-up assessment displaying symptoms of hypomania. He was able to complete the follow-up assessment, as well as third assessment 2 weeks later (Week-14) when his hypomanic symptoms ebbed.Results: While not engaging in AE, the subject's aerobic capacity, as indexed by VO2max, increased by 33% from baseline to Week-12. In comparison, participants engaged in the aerobic exercise training increased their aerobic capacity on average by 18%. In contrast, participants in the control group displayed a small decline (−0.5%) in their VO2max scores. Moreover, the subject's aerobic capacity increased even further by Week-14 (49% increase from baseline), despite the ebbing of his hypomania symptoms at that time. These changes were accompanied by increases in markers of aerobic fitness including peak heart rate, respiratory exchange rate, peak minute ventilation, watts, and peak systolic blood pressure. Resting systolic and diastolic blood pressure, and peak diastolic blood pressure remained unchanged.Conclusions: Our findings suggest that hypomania produce substantial increase in aerobic capacity and that such elevations may remain sustained following the ebbing of hypomanic symptoms. Such elevations may be attributed to increased mobility and goal-directed behavior associated with hypomania, as individuals in hypomanic states may ambulate more frequently, for longer duration, and/or at higher intensity. Our results provide a first and unique view into the impact of hypomania on aerobic capacity and cardiopulmonary functioning

    Phospholipase A2-activating protein is associated with a novel form of leukoencephalopathy

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    Leukoencephalopathies are a group of white matter disorders related to abnormal formation, maintenance, and turnover of myelin in the central nervous system. These disorders of the brain are categorized according to neuroradiological and pathophysiological criteria. Herein, we have identified a unique form of leukoencephalopathy in seven patients presenting at ages 2 to 4 months with progressive microcephaly, spastic quadriparesis, and global developmental delay. Clinical, metabolic, and imaging characterization of seven patients followed by homozygosity mapping and linkage analysis were performed. Next generation sequencing, bioinformatics, and segregation analyses followed, to determine a loss of function sequence variation in the phospholipase A2-activating protein encoding gene (PLAA). Expression and functional studies of the encoded protein were performed and included measurement of prostaglandin E2 and cytosolic phospholipase A2 activity in membrane fractions of fibroblasts derived from patients and healthy controls. Plaa-null mice were generated and prostaglandin E2 levels were measured in different tissues. The novel phenotype of our patients segregated with a homozygous loss-of-function sequence variant, causing the substitution of leucine at position 752 to phenylalanine, in PLAA, which causes disruption of the protein's ability to induce prostaglandin E2 and cytosolic phospholipase A2 synthesis in patients' fibroblasts. Plaa-null mice were perinatal lethal with reduced brain levels of prostaglandin E2 The non-functional phospholipase A2-activating protein and the associated neurological phenotype, reported herein for the first time, join other complex phospholipid defects that cause leukoencephalopathies in humans, emphasizing the importance of this axis in white matter development and maintenance

    Tourism Destination Management: A Collaborative Approach

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    Collaboration is a key factor of sustainable growth across territories and industrial sectors. Tourism, one of the largest industries in the world, has been subject to strongest innovation in the last years. Main reasons of this reside both in the availability of new ICTs - Information and Communication Technologies - and organizational models, which directly connect tourists among them and with service providers, and in the always more personalized supply of tourism experience. Tourism destinations can benefit of such innovations if they are able to reorganize the territorial tourism offer around different pattern of collaboration in order to give 2.0 tourists opportunities to live an augmented tourism experience. This paper deals with the possible forms of collaborative networks that can rise within a destination with a focus on relationships between services delivered by the Tourism Destination and the requests of services at the different phases of the tourist 2.0 lifecycle

    Serum amyloid A (SAA): a novel biomarker for uterine serous papillary cancer

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    BACKGROUND: Uterine serous papillary carcinoma (USPC) is a biologically aggressive variant of endometrial cancer. We investigated the expression of Serum Amyloid A (SAA) and evaluated its potential as a serum biomarker in USPC patients. METHODS: SAA gene and protein expression levels were evaluated in USPC and normal endometrial tissues (NEC) by real-time PCR, immunohistochemistry (IHC), flow cytometry and by a sensitive bead-based immunoassay. SAA concentration in 123 serum samples from 51 healthy women, 42 women with benign diseases, and 30 USPC patients were also studied. RESULTS: SAA gene expression levels were significantly higher in USPC when compared with NEC (mean copy number by RT\u2013PCR\ubc162 vs 2.21; P\ubc0.0002). IHC revealed diffuse cytoplasmic SAA protein staining in USPC tissues. High intracellular levels of SAA were identified in primary USPC cell lines evaluated by flow cytometry and SAA was found to be actively secreted in vitro. SAA concentrations (mgml 1) had a median (95% CIs) of 6.0 (4.0\u20138.9) in normal healthy females and 6.0 (4.2\u20138.1) in patients with benign disease (P\ubc0.92). In contrast, SAA values in the serum of USPC patients had a median (95% CI) of 15.6 (9.2\u201356.2), significantly higher than those in the healthy group (P\ubc0.0005) and benign group (P\ubc0.0006). Receiver operating characteristics (ROC) analysis of serum SAA to classify advanced- and early-stage USPC yielded an area under the ROC curve of 0.837 (P\ubc0.0024). CONCLUSION: SAA is not only a liver-secreted protein but is also a USPC cell product. SAA may represent a novel biomarker for USPC to assist in staging patients preoperatively, and to monitor early-disease recurrence and response to therapy

    Oscillatory stimuli differentiate adapting circuit topologies

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Springer Nature via the DOI in this record.Biology emerges from interactions between molecules, which are challenging to elucidate with current techniques. An orthogonal approach is to probe for 'response signatures' that identify specific circuit motifs. For example, bistability, hysteresis, or irreversibility are used to detect positive feedback loops. For adapting systems, such signatures are not known. Only two circuit motifs generate adaptation: negative feedback loops (NFLs) and incoherent feed-forward loops (IFFLs). On the basis of computational testing and mathematical proofs, we propose differential signatures: in response to oscillatory stimulation, NFLs but not IFFLs show refractory-period stabilization (robustness to changes in stimulus duration) or period skipping. Applying this approach to yeast, we identified the circuit dominating cell cycle timing. In Caenorhabditis elegans AWA neurons, which are crucial for chemotaxis, we uncovered a Ca2+ NFL leading to adaptation that would be difficult to find by other means. These response signatures allow direct access to the outlines of the wiring diagrams of adapting systems.The work was supported by US National Institutes of Health grant 5RO1-GM078153-07 (F.R.C.), NRSA Training Grant CA009673-36A1 (S.J.R.), a Merck Postdoctoral Fellowship at The Rockefeller University (S.J.R.), and the Simons Foundation (S.J.R.). J.L. was supported by a fellowship from the Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds. E.D.S. was partially supported by the US Office of Naval Research (ONR N00014-13-1-0074) and the US Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR FA9550-14-1-0060)

    Tourism and toponymy: Commodifying and Consuming Place Names

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    Academic geographers have a long history of studying both tourism and place names, but have rarely made linkages between the two. Within critical toponymic studies there is increasing debate about the commodification of place names, but to date the role of tourism in this process has been almost completely overlooked. In some circumstances, toponyms can become tourist sights based on their extraordinary properties, their broader associations within popular culture, or their role as metanyms for some other aspect of a place. Place names may be sights in their own right or ‘markers’ of a sight and, in some cases, the marker may be more significant than the sight to which it refers. The appropriation of place names through tourism also includes the production and consumption of a broad range of souvenirs based on reproductions or replicas of the material signage that denote place names. Place names as attractions are also associated with a range of performances by tourists, and in some cases visiting a place name can be a significant expression of fandom. In some circumstances, place names can be embraced and promoted by tourism marketing strategies and are, in turn, drawn into broader circuits of the production and consumption of tourist space

    Smart Tourism Destinations: Can the Destination Management Organizations Exploit Benefits of the ICTs? Evidences from a Multiple Case Study

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    Recent developments of ICTs enable new ways to experience tourism and conducted to the concept of smart tourism. The adoption of cutting-edge technologies and its combination with innovative organizational models fosters cooperation, knowledge sharing, and open innovation among service providers in tourism destination. Moreover, it offers innovative services to visitors. In few words, they become smart tourism destinations. In this paper, we report first results of the SMARTCAL project aimed at conceiving a digital platform assisting Destination Management Organizations (DMOs) in providing smart tourism services. A DMO is the organization charged with managing the tourism offer of a collaborative network, made up of service providers acting in a destination. In this paper, we adopted a multiple case studies approach to analyze five Italian DMOs. Our aims were to investigate (1) if, and how, successful DMOs were able to offer smart tourism services to visitors; (2) if the ICTs adoption level was related to the collaboration level among DMO partners. First results highlighted that use of smart technologies was still in an embryonic stage of development, and it did not depend from collaboration levels

    Differential Gene Expression Regulated by Oscillatory Transcription Factors

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    Cells respond to changes in the internal and external environment by a complex regulatory system whose end-point is the activation of transcription factors controlling the expression of a pool of ad-hoc genes. Recent experiments have shown that certain stimuli may trigger oscillations in the concentration of transcription factors such as NF-B and p53 influencing the final outcome of the genetic response. In this study we investigate the role of oscillations in the case of three different well known gene regulatory mechanisms using mathematical models based on ordinary differential equations and numerical simulations. We considered the cases of direct regulation, two-step regulation and feed-forward loops, and characterized their response to oscillatory input signals both analytically and numerically. We show that in the case of indirect two-step regulation the expression of genes can be turned on or off in a frequency dependent manner, and that feed-forward loops are also able to selectively respond to the temporal profile of oscillating transcription factors