2,317 research outputs found

    Non-topological gravitating defects in five-dimensional anti-de Sitter space

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    A class of five-dimensional warped solutions is presented. The geometry is everywhere regular and tends to five-dimensional anti-de Sitter space for large absolute values of the bulk coordinate. The physical features of the solutions change depending on the value of an integer parameter. In particular, a set of solutions describes generalized gravitating kinks where the scalar field interpolates between two different minima of the potential. The other category of solutions describes instead gravitating defects where the scalar profile is always finite and reaches the same constant asymptote both for positive and negative values of the bulk coordinate. In this sense the profiles are non-topological. The physical features of the zero modes are discussed.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure

    Kink-antikink, trapping bags and five-dimensional Gauss-Bonnet gravity

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    Five-dimensional Gauss-Bonnet gravity, with one warped extra-dimension, allows classes of solutions where two scalar fields combine either in a kink-antikink system or in a trapping bag configuration. While the kink-antikink system can be interpreted as a pair of gravitating domain walls with opposite topological charges, the trapping bag solution consists of a domain wall supplemented by a non-topological defect. In both classes of solutions, for large absolute values of the bulk coordinate (i.e. far from the core of the defects), the geometry is given by five-dimensional anti-de Sitter space.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figure

    Completitud y continuidad en Fundamentos de la geometría de Hilbert: acerca del Vollständigkeitsaxiom (Completeness and Continuity in Hilbert’s Foundations of Geometry: on the Vollständigkeitsaxiom)

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    El artículo documenta y analiza las vicisitudes en torno a la incorporación de Hilbert de su famoso axioma de completitud, en el sistema axiomático para la geometría euclídea. Esta tarea es emprendida sobre la base del material que aportan sus notas manuscritas para clases, correspondientes al período 1894–1905. Se argumenta que este análisis histórico y conceptual no sólo permite ganar claridad respecto de cómo Hilbert concibió originalmente la naturaleza y función del axioma de completitud en su versión geométrica, sino que además permite disipar equívocos en cuanto a la relación de este axioma con la propiedad metalógica de completitud de un sistema axiomático, tal como fue concebida por Hilbert en esta etapa inicial. The paper reports and analyzes the vicissitudes around Hilbert’s inclusion of his famous axiom of completeness, into his axiomatic system for Euclidean geometry. This task is undertaken on the basis of his unpublished notes for lecture courses, corresponding to the period 1894–1905. It is argued that this historical and conceptual analysis not only sheds new light on how Hilbert conceived originally the nature of his geometrical axiom of completeness, but also it allows to clarify some misunderstandings regarding this axiom and the metalogical property of completeness of an axiomatic system, as it was understood by Hilbert in this initial stage

    Time-dependent gravitating solitons in five dimensional warped space-times

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    Time-dependent soliton solutions are explicitly derived in a five-dimensional theory endowed with one (warped) extra-dimension. Some of the obtained geometries, everywhere well defined and technically regular, smoothly interpolate between two five-dimensional anti-de Sitter space-times for fixed value of the conformal time coordinate. Time dependent solutions containing both topological and non-topological sectors are also obtained. Supplementary degrees of freedom can be also included and, in this case, the resulting multi-soliton solutions may describe time-dependent kink-antikink systems.Comment: 19 pages, 10 figure

    Geometry, Formalism and Intuition: David Hilbert and the formal Axiomatic Method (1891-1905)

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    El artículo presenta y analiza un conjunto de notas manuscritas de clases para cursos sobre geometría, dictados por David Hilbert entre 1891 y 1905. Se argumenta que en estos cursos el autor elabora la concepción de la geometría que subyace a sus investigaciones axiomáticas en Fundamentos de la geometría (1899). Por un lado, afirmo que lo que caracteriza esta concepción de la geometría es: i) una posición axiomática abstracta o formal; ii) una posición empirista respecto del origen de la geometría y de su lugar dentro de las distintas teorías matemáticas. Por otro lado, sostengo que el papel que Hilbert le confiere a la intuición geométrica en el proceso de axiomatización (formal) de esta teoría, permite apreciar claramente su oposición respecto de las posiciones formalistas (extremas) con las que habitualmente es identificado.The paper presents and analyzes a set of unpublished notes for lecture courses on geometry, which David Hilbert gave between 1891 and 1905. it will be argued that in these lecture courses the author elaborates the conception of geometry which underlies his axiomatic investigations in Foundations of Geometry (1899). on the one hand, it is claimed that this conception of geometry can be characterized by: i) an abstract or formal axiomatic view; ii) an empiricist stance regarding the origins of geometry and its place among the different mathematical theories. on the other hand, it is asserted that the role that Hilbert assigns to geometrical intuition in the process of the (formal) axiomatization of this theory, can be used to perceive his clear opposition with regard to (radical) formalist views which he is often identified with

    Fluid phonons and inflaton quanta at the protoinflationary transition

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    Quantum and thermal fluctuations of an irrotational fluid are studied across the transition regime connecting a protoinflationary phase of decelerated expansion to an accelerated epoch driven by a single inflaton field. The protoinflationary inhomogeneities are suppressed when the transition to the slow roll phase occurs sharply over space-like hypersurfaces of constant energy density. If the transition is delayed, the interaction of the quasi-normal modes related, asymptotically, to fluid phonons and inflaton quanta leads to an enhancement of curvature perturbations. It is shown that the dynamics of the fluctuations across the protoinflationary boundaries is determined by the monotonicity properties of the pump fields controlling the energy transfer between the background geometry and the quasi-normal modes of the fluctuations. After corroborating the analytical arguments with explicit numerical examples, general lessons are drawn on the classification of the protoinflationary transition.Comment: 30 pages, 3 figure

    Heating up the cold bounce

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    Self-dual string cosmological models provide an effective example of bouncing solutions where a phase of accelerated contraction smoothly evolves into an epoch of decelerated Friedmann--Robertson--Walker expansion dominated by the dilaton. While the transition to the expanding regime occurs at sub-Planckian curvature scales, the Universe emerging after the bounce is cold, with sharply growing gauge coupling. However, since massless gauge bosons (as well as other massless fields) are super-adiabatically amplified, the energy density of the maximally amplified modes re-entering the horizon after the bounce can efficiently heat the Universe. As a consequence the gauge coupling reaches a constant value, which can still be perturbative.Comment: 28 pages, 13 figure

    Response of VIRGO detectors to pre-big-bang gravitons

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    The sensitivity achievable by a pair of VIRGO detectors to stochastic and isotropic gravitational wave backgrounds produced in pre-big-bang models is discussed in view of the development of a second VIRGO interferometer. We describe a semi-analytical technique allowing to compute the signal-to-noise ratio for (monotonic or non-monotonic) logarithmic energy spectra of relic gravitons of arbitrary slope. We apply our results to the case of two correlated and coaligned VIRGO detectors and we compute their achievable sensitivities. We perform our calculations both for the usual case of minimal string cosmological scenario and in the case of a non-minimal scenario where a long dilaton dominated phase is present prior to the onset of the ordinary radiation dominated phase. In this framework, we investigate possible improvements of the achievable sensitivities by selective reduction of the thermal contributions (pendulum and pendulum's internal modes) to the noise power spectra of the detectors. Since a reduction of the shot noise does not increase significantly the expected sensitivity of a VIRGO pair (in spite of the relative spatial location of the two detectors) our findings support the experimental efforts directed towards a substantial reduction of thermal noise.Comment: 23 pages in Latex styl

    Inflation-Produced Magnetic Fields in R^n F^2 and I F^2 models

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    We re-analyze the production of seed magnetic fields during Inflation in (R/m^2)^n F_{\mu \nu}F^{\mu \nu} and I F_{\mu \nu}F^{\mu \nu} models, where n is a positive integer, R the Ricci scalar, m a mass parameter, and I \propto \eta^\alpha a power-law function of the conformal time \eta, with \alpha a positive real number. If m is the electron mass, the produced fields are uninterestingly small for all n. Taking m as a free parameter we find that, for n \geq 2, the produced magnetic fields can be sufficiently strong in order to seed dynamo mechanism and then to explain galactic magnetism. For \alpha \gtrsim 2, there is always a window in the parameters defining Inflation such that the generated magnetic fields are astrophysically interesting. Moreover, if Inflation is (almost) de Sitter and the produced fields almost scale-invariant (\alpha \simeq 4), their intensity can be strong enough to directly explain the presence of microgauss galactic magnetic fields.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures. Minor revisions. References added. Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Gravitating multidefects from higher dimensions

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    Warped configurations admitting pairs of gravitating defects are analyzed. After devising a general method for the construction of multidefects, specific examples are presented in the case of higher-dimensional Einstein-Hilbert gravity. The obtained profiles describe diverse physical situations such as (topological) kink-antikink systems, pairs of non-topological solitons and bound configurations of a kink and of a non-topological soliton. In all the mentioned cases the geometry is always well behaved (all relevant curvature invariants are regular) and tends to five-dimensional anti-de Sitter space-time for large asymptotic values of the bulk coordinate. Particular classes of solutions can be generalized to the framework where the gravity part of the action includes, as a correction, the Euler-Gauss-Bonnet combination. After scrutinizing the structure of the zero modes, the obtained results are compared with conventional gravitating configurations containing a single topological defect.Comment: 27 pages, 5 included figure
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