84 research outputs found

    Axiology of Bikers’ Group Identity (based on the Internet Communication)

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    The paper presents the results of discourse analysis of bikers’ communication. The authors aim to reveal key axiological values in biker subculture, as well as discovering linguistic features in discourse of this social group and characterizing its members’ identity. The study takes a close look at how values are actualized through their linguistic forms in discourse. The research is innovative in that it attempts to employ discourse analysis in order to explore youth subcultures, specifically biker subculture. The paper offers a literature review focusing on biker subculture and covering some aspects of youth discourse in general. The authors provide a theoretical background for using the category of topos to reveal values in biker subculture. The findings include a list of principal topoi that provide a frame for the construction of bikers’ collective social identity. The authors argue that the social category ‘biker’ is constructed through the topoi of ‘bike’, ‘pleasure’, ‘danger’ and ‘brotherhood’. The conclusion is drawn that the biker is discursively constructed as a person who loves life, respects and appreciates peers, treats riding a bike with all responsibility, but who at the same time takes а risk to get excitement. Linguistic resources used in bikers’ communications are various and embrace lexical units of evaluation, references to feelings and emotions, metaphors, a vast number of jargonisms and elements of folklore

    Ontogenetic and Phylogenetic Approaches for Studying the Mechanisms of Cognitive Dysfunctions

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    This chapter summarizes the phylogenetic and ontogenetic approaches for studying cognitive disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease. It gives an extended example of evaluation of animal behavior and brain properties using an original model of prenatal hypoxia in rats by various physiological, behavioral, immunohistochemical, molecular biological, and biochemical techniques at different stages of postnatal development, which provide a better understanding of the pathological processes in the human brain during the development of neurodegeneration

    Changes in Body Fat and Related Biochemical Parameters Associated With Atypical Antipsychotic Drug Treatment in Schizophrenia Patients With or Without Metabolic Syndrome

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    Background: Metabolic syndrome (MetS) is a common problem in schizophrenia patients and associated with increased mortality due to cardiovascular disease. Second-generation antipsychotics (SGAs) play an important role in facilitating MetS. Objective: The study aimed to assess weight changes and alterations of indicators of body fat composition and lipid-glucose metabolism induced by reinitiating atypical antipsychotics in patients with schizophrenia when with or without MetS. Methods: After giving informed consent, newly admitted patients with a clinical diagnosis of schizophrenia (ICD-10: F20) and an age between 18 and 55 years were included. MetS was diagnosed according to International Diabetes Federation (IDF) criteria. At entry and after 6 weeks of treatment, anthropometry and biochemical analysis were carried out. Total and visceral fats were measured with the use of non-invasive bioimpedance analysis and subcutaneous fat with calculation of total adipose tissue with the use of caliperometry. Based on biochemical assessments low density (LDL) and very low-density lipoproteins (VLDL), atherogenic index and Homeostatic Model Assessment of Insulin Resistance (IR-HOMA) were calculated. Statistical analysis was conducted using Wilcoxon signed-rank test, Mann-Whitney U-test, and chi-squared test. Differences were considered statistically significant at p < 0.05. Results: A total of 114 patients (59M/55F) with schizophrenia were examined; they were divided into two groups with (n = 43; 37.7%) and without (n = 71; 62.3%) MetS. After a 6-week SGA treatment, only the total fat fold, waist circumference, triglyceride level, and atherogenic index underwent statistically significant changes in patients with MetS. In those without MetS, statistically significant changes across all fat indicators were noted. Also, a significant increase in blood glucose and HOMA-IR parameters, triglyceride, and VLDL levels and atherogenic index was observed in this group. Discussion: The study illustrates the benefits of estimating both anthropometric and biochemical parameters shortly after (re)installing treatment of schizophrenia in order to minimize the risk of MetS development


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    Background. Breast cancer ranks as the second most common cancer (14.9 %) and the most common female cancer (20.9 %) in Russia. at the time of diagnosis, 11.0 % of patients have already developed metastases, and 10.3 % of patients die within the first year of diagnosis from disease progression. distant metastasis is the leading cause of death from breast cancer, and brain metastasis is a significant prognostic factor for poor survival.Case description. We report the case of a long-lasting control of advanced breast cancer with brain metastases in a 32-year-old woman. low grade tubular breast carcinoma was histologically confirmed. immunohistochemical study: eR-ts-4 points, PR-ts – 3 points, Her-2 positive, Ki67 – 35.0 %. BRCa1 5382ins C mutation was not detected. the long-term use of therapy with lapatinib and capecitabine was described.Conclusion. this case demonstrates the feasibility of long-term (31 months) control over Her-2 positive disseminated breast cancer with multiple metastases to the brain and bones, while maintaining the quality of life and social activity of a young patient. despite the risks associated with whole brain radiotherapy, no cognitive impairment was observed. therapy with lapatinib and capecitabine was effective for 28 months with good tolerance.Введение. Среди злокачественных новообразований рак молочной железы в Российской Федерации занимает второе место (14,9 %), а среди онкологической патологии у женщин – первое место (20,9 %). У 11,0 % больных к моменту постановки диагноза имеются отдаленные метастазы, 10,3 % пациенток умирают в течение первого года жизни от прогрессирования заболевания. наиболее частая причина гибели больных раком молочной железы – отдаленные метастазы, наиболее опасным считается поражение головного мозга.Описание клинического случая. Приводим клиническое наблюдение длительного лечения диссеминированного рака молочной железы с метастазами в головной мозг у пациентки 32 лет. Гистологическое заключение: тубулярная карцинома молочной железы, низкой степени злокачественности G1. иммуногистохимическое исследование: eR–ts – 4 балла, PR-ts – 3 балла, Her-2 положительный, Ki67 – 35,0 %. Герминальная мутация BRCa1 5382ins C не обнаружена. Представлены этапы терапии, в том числе с длительным использованием препаратов лапатиниб и капецитабин.Заключение. Представленный случай демонстрирует возможность длительного (31 мес) контроля над Her-2 позитивным раком молочной железы с множественными метастазами в головной мозг и кости с сохранением качества жизни и социальной активности пациентки молодого возраста. При этом не отмечено когнитивных нарушений, несмотря на риски, связанные с облучением всего головного мозга. Терапия лапатинибом и капецитабином была эффективна в течение 28 мес с хорошей переносимостью

    Морфофенотипический предиктор развития висцерального ожирения у больных шизофренией, получающих антипсихотическую терапию

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    Objective: revealing the role of morphophenotypic indices in the development of visceral obesity in patients with schizophrenia receiving quetiapine and risperidone therapy.Materials and methods. 56 indoor patients with schizophrenia who received quetiapine (n = 23) or risperidone (n = 33) at medium doses were examined. Included persons were from 18 to 65 years old with at least a 1 year history of disease, the condition of which met the criteria of schizophrenia according to ICD-10. The Basis map of sociodemographic and clinical-dynamic signs for patients with schizophrenia was filled in, PANSS in the adapted Russian version – SCI-PANSS, noninvasive bioimpedancemetry, measurement of growth, transversethoracic, biacromial and bicrystal diameter, with calculation of body mass indexes, Tanner and Rees – Eysenk and definition of integral morphophenotypic indicators were carried out. Statistical processing was performed using Student’s t-test with a preliminary estimate of Pearson’s χ2 normal distribution, the Mann – Whitney U test to compare independent samples, the Spearman correlation analysis, the two-sided Fisher test.Results. There were no significant differences in both subgroups in terms of bioimpedancemetry. The correlation between the level of visceral fat and the Rees – Eysenk index in patients receiving risperidone was a moderate inverse: the greater the value of the Rees – Eysenk index, the lower the level of visceral fat (r = –0.73381, t = –4.70833, p = 0.00015). The correlation between the Tanner index and the level of visceral fat in the quetiapine subgroup was strong: the larger the Tanner index, the higher the visceral fat level (r = 0.7763, t = 4.08481, p = 0.00181); in the risperidone subgroup, there was an average direct correlation (r = 0.48133, t = 2.39356, p = 0.02716).Conclusion. The magnitude of the Rees – Eysenk index of schizophrenic patients can be considered among other factors in the management of risperidone in individuals with asthenic physique. The determination of the Tanner index at the beginning of treatment can play the role of a prognostic factor in the development of visceral obesity in patients with schizophrenia in the planned use as a basic therapy for quetiapine.Цель – выявление роли морфофенотипических показателей в развитии висцерального ожирения у больных шизофренией, получающих терапию кветиапином и рисперидоном.Материалы и методы. Обследованы 56 стационарных пациентов с шизофренией, принимавших кветиапин (n = 23) или рисперидон (n = 33) в средних дозах. Включались лица 18–65 лет с давностью катамнеза заболевания не менее 1 года, состояние которых соответствовало критериям шизофрении по МКБ-10. Применялись Базисная карта социо-демографических и клинико-динамических признаков для больных шизофренией, PANSS в адаптированной русской версии – SCI-PANSS. Проводились неинвазивная биоимпедансометрия, измерение роста, поперечно-грудного, биакромиального и бикристального диаметра, вычисление индексов массы тела, Tanner и Rees – Eysenk и определялись интегральные морфофенотипические показатели. Статистическую обработку проводили с использованием t-критерия Стьюдента с предварительной оценкой нормального распределения, χ2 Пирсона, U-критерия Манна – Уитни для сравнения независимых выборок, корреляционного анализа Спирмена (r), двустороннего критерия Фишера.Результаты. Не выявлено достоверных различий в обеих подгруппах по показателям биоимпедансометрии. Корреляция между уровнем висцерального жира и индексом Rees –Eysenk у пациентов, получавших рисперидон, была умеренной обратной: чем больше величина индекса Rees – Eysenk, тем ниже уровень висцерального жира (r = –0,73381; t = –4,70833; p = 0,00015). Корреляция между величиной индекса Tanner и уровнем висцерального жира в группе кветиапина была сильной прямой: чем больше индекс Tanner, тем выше уровень висцерального жира (r = 0,77633; t = 4,08481; p = 0,00181); в группе рисперидона наблюдалась средняя прямая корреляция (r = 0,48133; t = 2,39356; p = 0,02716).Заключение. Величина индекса Rees – Eysenk больных шизофренией может рассматриваться среди других факторов при решении применения рисперидона у лиц с астеническим телосложением. Определение показателей индекса Tanner в начале лечения может играть роль прогностического фактора развития висцерального ожирения у больных шизофренией при планируемом использовании в качестве базисной терапии кветиапина

    Identification of a Small TAF Complex and Its Role in the Assembly of TAF-Containing Complexes

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    TFIID plays a role in nucleating RNA polymerase II preinitiation complex assembly on protein-coding genes. TFIID is a multisubunit complex comprised of the TATA box binding protein (TBP) and 14 TBP-associated factors (TAFs). Another class of multiprotein transcriptional regulatory complexes having histone acetyl transferase (HAT) activity, and containing TAFs, includes TFTC, STAGA and the PCAF/GCN5 complex. Looking for as yet undiscovered subunits by a proteomic approach, we had identified TAF8 and SPT7L in human TFTC preparations. Subsequently, however, we demonstrated that TAF8 was not a stable component of TFTC, but that it is present in a small TAF complex (SMAT), containing TAF8, TAF10 and SPT7L, that co-purified with TFTC. Thus, TAF8 is a subunit of both TFIID and SMAT. The latter has to be involved in a pathway of complex formation distinct from the other known TAF complexes, since these three histone fold (HF)-containing proteins (TAF8, TAF10 and SPT7L) can never be found together either in TFIID or in STAGA/TFTC HAT complexes. Here we show that TAF8 is absolutely necessary for the integration of TAF10 in a higher order TFIID core complex containing seven TAFs. TAF8 forms a heterodimer with TAF10 through its HF and proline rich domains, and also interacts with SPT7L through its C-terminal region, and the three proteins form a complex in vitro and in vivo. Thus, the TAF8-TAF10 and TAF10-SPT7L HF pairs, and also the SMAT complex, seem to be important regulators of the composition of different TFIID and/or STAGA/TFTC complexes in the nucleus and consequently may play a role in gene regulation

    Management of intra-abdominal infections : recommendations by the WSES 2016 consensus conference

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    This paper reports on the consensus conference on the management of intra-abdominal infections (IAIs) which was held on July 23, 2016, in Dublin, Ireland, as a part of the annual World Society of Emergency Surgery (WSES) meeting. This document covers all aspects of the management of IAIs. The Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation recommendation is used, and this document represents the executive summary of the consensus conference findings.Peer reviewe