428 research outputs found

    Multi-year N and P removal of a 10-year-old surface flow constructed wetland treating agricultural drainage waters

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    Surface flow constructed wetlands (SFCWs) can be e\u21b5ectively used to treat agricultural drainage waters, reducing N and P surface water pollution. In the Venice Lagoon drainage basin (northeastern Italy), an SFCW was monitored during 2007\u20132013 to assess its performance in reducing water, N, and P loads more than 10 years after its creation. Nitrogen concentrations showed peaks during winter due to intense leaching from surrounding fields. Phosphorus concentrations were higher after prolonged periods with no discharge, likely due to mobilization of P of the decomposing litter inside the basin. Over the entire period, N removal eciency was 83% for NO3\u2013N and 79% for total N; P removal eciency was 48% for PO4\u2013P and 67% for total P. Values were higher than in several other studies, likely due to the fluctuating hydroperiod that produced discontinuous and reduced outflows. Nitrogen outlet concentrations were reduced by the SFCW, and N removal ratios decreased with increasing hydraulic loading, while no strong correlations were found in the case of P. The SFCW was shown to be an e\u21b5ective long-term strategy to increase water storage and reduce N and P loads in the Venice Lagoon drainage basin

    Physicochemical parameters and antibiotics residuals in Algerian honey

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    The aim of the present study was to evaluate the quality of 36 samples of different honey type supplied by local producers from Algeria in order to verify its compliance with the standards of Codex Alimentarius and  European Union (EU). For that, five physicochemical parameters were  analyzed using the HPLC method: hydroxyl-methyl furfural (HMF), sugars, diastase activity and search of antibiotic contamination with streptomycin and tetracycline. The physicochemical analyses of the Algerian honeys show that 56% of samples correspond to Codex standards and 44% not in  conformity with the standards required by the Codex Alimentarius and EU, because part of the samples had one or more defects. The percentage not in conformity was due to the high rates of hydroxyl-methyl furfural, sucroseand also to the low enzyme level. Analysis performed by the laboratory to detect residues of tetracycline and streptomycin in honey have revealed insignificant traces of oxytetracycline in two samples of honey (0.03 ppb). From the present study, it is observed that the Algerian honey samples is not completely in agreement with the requirements of international honey standards which could be caused by inappropriate actions during processing and storage steps.Key words: Honey quality, sugar, diastase activity, hydroxymethylfurfural, antibiotic residues

    Standardization of techniques used in facial nerve section and facial movement evaluation in rats

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    AIM: standardization of the technique to section the extratemporal facial nerve in rats and creation of a scale to evaluate facial movements in these animals before and after surgery. STUDY DESIGN: Experimental. METHOD: twenty Wistar rats were anesthetized with ketamine xylazine and submitted to sectioning of the facial nerve near its emergence through the mastoid foramen. Eye closure and blinking reflex, vibrissae movement and positioning were observed in all animals and a scale to evaluate these parameters was then created. RESULTS: The facial nerve trunk was found between the tendinous margin of the clavotrapezius muscle and the auricular cartilage. The trunk was proximally sectioned as it exits the mastoid foramen and the stumps were sutured with a 9-0-nylon thread. An evaluation and graduation scale of facial movements, independent for eye and vibrissae, was elaborated, together with a sum of the parameters, as a means to evaluate facial palsy. Absence of eye blinking and closure scored 1; the presence of orbicular muscle contraction, without blinking reflex, scored 2; 50% of eye closure through blinking reflex, scored 3, 75% of closure scored 4. The presence of complete eye closure and blinking reflex scored 5. The absence of movement and posterior position of the vibrissae scored 1; slight shivering and posterior position scored 2; greater shivering and posterior position, scored 3 and normal movement with posterior position, scored 4; symmetrical movement of he vibrissae, with anterior position, scored 5. CONCLUSION: The rat anatomy allows easy access to the extratemporal facial nerve, allowing its sectioning and standardized suture. It was also possible to establish an evaluation and graduation scale of the rat facial movements with facial palsy based on the clinical observation of these animals.OBJETIVOS: Padronização da técnica de secção do nervo facial extratemporal em ratos e elaboração de uma escala de avaliação da mímica facial desses animais antes e após essa secção. TIPO DE ESTUDO: Experimental. MÉTODO: Vinte ratos Wistar foram anestesiados com xilasina e ketamina e submetidos à secção do nervo facial próximo à sua emergência pelo forame mastóideo na pele. Todos os animais foram avaliados. Foram observados: fechamento ocular, reflexo de piscamento, movimentação e posicionamento das vibrissas, e foi elaborada uma escala de avaliação e graduação destes parâmetros. RESULTADOS: O tronco do nervo facial foi encontrado entre a margem tendinosa do músculo clavotrapézio e a cartilagem auricular. O tronco foi seccionado proximal à sua saída pelo forame mastóideo e os cotos foram suturados com nylon 9-0. Foi elaborada uma escala de avaliação e graduação da mímica facial independente para olho e vibrissa e a somatória dos parâmetros, como forma de avaliar a face paralisada. A ausência de piscamento e de fechamento ocular recebeu valor 1; a presença de contração do músculo orbicular, sem reflexo de piscamento, valor 2; fechamento ocular de 50% através de reflexo de piscamento, valor 3, o fechamento de 75%, valor 4. A presença de reflexo de piscamento com fechamento ocular completo recebeu valor 5. A ausência de movimento e posição posterior das vibrissas recebeu pontuação 1; tremor leve e posição posterior, pontuação 2; tremor maior e posição posterior, pontuação 3 e movimento normal com posição posterior, pontuação 4. A movimentação simétrica das vibrissas, com posição anterior recebeu pontuação 5. CONCLUSÃO: O rato apresenta anatomia que permite fácil acesso ao nervo facial extratemporal, possibilitando secção e sutura desse nervo de forma padronizada. Também foi possível estabelecer uma escala de avaliação e graduação da mímica facial dos ratos com paralisia facial a partir da observação clínica desses animais.UNIFESPUNIFESP-EPMUNIFESP, EPMSciEL

    Root Bacteria Recruited by Phragmites australis in Constructed Wetlands Have the Potential to Enhance Azo-Dye Phytodepuration

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    The microbiome associated with plants used in phytodepuration systems can boost plant growth and services, especially in ecosystems dealing with recalcitrant compounds, hardly removed via traditional wastewater (WW) treatments, such as azo-dyes used in textile industry. In this context, we aimed to study the cultivable microbiome selected by Phragmites australis plants in a Constructed Wetland (CW) in Morocco, in order to obtain candidate inoculants for the phytodepuration of azo-dye contaminated WW. A collection of 152 rhizospheric and endophytic bacteria was established. The strains were phylogenetically identified and characterized for traits of interest in the phytodepuration context. All strains showed Plant Growth Promotion potential in vitro and 67% of them significantly improved the growth of a model plant in vivo compared to the non bacterized control plants. Moreover, most of the isolates were able to grow in presence of several model micropollutants typically found in WW, indicating their potential use in phytodepuration of a wide spectrum of effluents. The six most promising strains of the collection were tested in CW microcosms alone or as consortium: the consortium and two single inocula demonstrated to significantly increase the removal of the model azo-dye Reactive Black 5 compared to the non bacterized controls

    Microbial oil-degradation under mild hydrostatic pressure (10 MPa): which pathways are impacted in piezosensitive hydrocarbonoclastic bacteria?

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    Oil spills represent an overwhelming carbon input to the marine environment that immediately impacts the sea surface ecosystem. Microbial communities degrading the oil fraction that eventually sinks to the seafloor must also deal with hydrostatic pressure, which linearly increases with depth. Piezosensitive hydrocarbonoclastic bacteria are ideal candidates to elucidate impaired pathways following oil spills at low depth. In the present paper, we tested two strains of the ubiquitous Alcanivorax genus, namely A. jadensis KS_339 and A. dieselolei KS_293, which is known to rapidly grow after oil spills. Strains were subjected to atmospheric and mild pressure (0.1, 5 and 10?MPa, corresponding to a depth of 0, 500 and 1000?m, respectively) providing n-dodecane as sole carbon source. Pressures equal to 5 and 10?MPa significantly lowered growth yields of both strains. However, in strain KS_293 grown at 10?MPa CO2 production per cell was not affected, cell integrity was preserved and PO43- uptake increased. Analysis of its transcriptome revealed that 95% of its genes were downregulated. Increased transcription involved protein synthesis, energy generation and respiration pathways. Interplay between these factors may play a key role in shaping the structure of microbial communities developed after oil spills at low depth and limit their bioremediation potential

    Adubação NPK do algodoeiro em cultivo adensado de safrinha no Cerrado de Goiás - safra 2010/11.

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    O objetivo desse trabalho foi definir doses de NPK para adubação de manutenção do algodão de safrinha adensado, nas condições do Cerrado de Goiás, em função da fertilidade do solo, da expectativa de produtividade e das quantidades exportadas desses nutrientes pela cultura


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    O Memorial do Colégio Manoel Ribas, cujo prédio teve sua construção ligada à criação da Escola de Artes e Ofícios Santa Terezinha, em 1922, seu acervo contempla histórias vividas que podem ser conhecidas através da pesquisa no arquivo fotográfico e documental, vestígios que revelam o cotidiano e a cultura educacional de uma época. Assim, este texto tem por objetivo relatar experiências no Memorial com estudantes e cuja metodologia consistiu em aulas expositivas,visitas e uma releitura do acervo pelos alunos. Como considerações finais, acreditamos que as ações educativas podem contribuir com a divulgação e a valorização desse espaço como patrimônio portador de significados à comunidade escolar

    The role and impact of information technology on the educational process

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    Digital technologies have influenced various spheres of social relations, transcending national borders and legal system peculiarities. As a result, the determinants of social relations have been transformed, impacting the educational process. This study aims to examine the current state of the educational process in Ukraine concerning the application of information and telecommunication technologies. During the research, general methods of scientific inquiry were employed, including dialectical, formal-logical, and structural -functional methods, as well as several empirical methods. The conclusion was drawn regarding the necessity of restructuring elements of the educational process, primarily to enable distance learning. Also, the authors of this research identified the absence of a single correct strategy for adapting entrepreneurial entities to digital technologies. Therefore, an approach to structuring the educational process was proposed, highlighting the measures that need to be modified when utilizing digital technologies. The research findings are relevant and useful for the authorities to implement tools to influence the digitalization of education in Ukraine

    Teaching Culture Indicators: Enhancing Quality Teaching

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    Canadian postsecondary institutions are committed to providing students with high quality teaching and learning experiences. In recent years, provincial and institutional stakeholders have shifted their focus toward better supporting this effort and enhancing an evolving, teaching- and learning-centred institutional culture. As Cox, McIntosh, Reason, and Terenzini (2011) note, a culture with improved teaching quality is likely to lead to improved student engagement and learning. Researchers in the United States, Europe, and Australia have investigated institutional culture and its relationship to high quality teaching over the last 20 years (Aitken & Sorcinelli, 1994; Cox et al., 2011; Hodge, Nadler, Shore, & Taylor, 2011; Gosling, 2013; Harvey & Stensaker, 2008; Kallioinen, 2013; Hunt, 2013, Prosser, 2013); however, to date, there is little, if any, research done in this area in the Canadian context.https://scholar.uwindsor.ca/ctlreports/1004/thumbnail.jp

    Hysteresis of the magnetic properties of soft magnetic gels

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    We present results of an experimental and theoretical study of the magnetic properties of soft magnetic gels consisting of micron-sized magnetizable particles embedded in a polymer matrix. Experiments demonstrate hysteretic dependences of composite magnetization on an applied magnetic field and non-monotonic, with maximum, dependence of the sample susceptibilities on the field. We propose a theoretical approach which describes the main physical features of these experimental results. © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2016