683 research outputs found

    The XMM-Newton survey of the Small Magellanic Cloud: The X-ray point-source catalogue

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    Local-Group galaxies provide access to samples of X-ray source populations of whole galaxies. The XMM-Newton survey of the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC) completely covers the bar and eastern wing with a 5.6 deg^2 area in the (0.2-12.0) keV band. To characterise the X-ray sources in the SMC field, we created a catalogue of point sources and sources with moderate extent. Sources with high extent (>40") have been presented in a companion paper. We searched for point sources in the EPIC images using sliding-box and maximum-likelihood techniques and classified the sources using hardness ratios, X-ray variability, and their multi-wavelength properties. The catalogue comprises 3053 unique X-ray sources with a median position uncertainty of 1.3" down to a flux limit for point sources of ~10^-14 erg cm^-2 s^-1 in the (0.2-4.5) keV band, corresponding to 5x10^33 erg s^-1 for sources in the SMC. We discuss statistical properties, like the spatial distribution, X-ray colour diagrams, luminosity functions, and time variability. We identified 49 SMC high-mass X-ray binaries (HMXB), four super-soft X-ray sources (SSS), 34 foreground stars, and 72 active galactic nuclei (AGN) behind the SMC. In addition, we found candidates for SMC HMXBs (45) and faint SSSs (8) as well as AGN (2092) and galaxy clusters (13). We present the most up-to-date catalogue of the X-ray source population in the SMC field. In particular, the known population of X-ray binaries is greatly increased. We find that the bright-end slope of the luminosity function of Be/X-ray binaries significantly deviates from the expected universal high-mass X-ray binary luminosity function.Comment: 32 pages, 18 figures, accepted for publication in A&A, catalog will be available at CD

    Роль сечової кислоти в механізмах кардіоінотропних ефектів бальнеотерапевтичного комплексу курорту Трускавець

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    В русле концепции оо эндогенной мочевой кислоте как одном из звеньев механизма действия биоактивной воды Нафтуся на функциональные системы организма проанализированы совместные изменения под влиянием бальнеотерапии на курорте Трускавець уровня урикемии и сократительной активности миокарда. Выявлены три типа детерминации урикемией инотропии: ураторто-, уратинверс- и уратнезависимый типы, реализация которых обуславливается констелляцией 22 исходных параметров вегетативной регуляции, велоэргометрии, электролитного и липидного обменов, гемодинамики, а также антропометрии.It is detected three types determination of inotropy by plasma level of uric acid: uratorthodependent, uratinversdependent and uratindependent types. It is selected constellation of initial parameters of vegetative regulation, veloergometry, haemodynamic, antropometry, electrolythic and lipid exchange conditionizes these types

    Panoramic Views of the Cygnus Loop

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    We present a complete atlas of the Cygnus Loop supernova remnant in the light of [O III] (5007), H alpha, and [S II] (6717, 6731). Despite its shell-like appearance, the Cygnus Loop is not a current example of a Sedov-Taylor blast wave. Rather, the optical emission traces interactions of the supernova blast wave with clumps of gas. The surrounding interstellar medium forms the walls of a cavity through which the blast wave now propagates, including a nearly complete shell in which non-radiative filaments are detected. The Cygnus Loop blast wave is not breaking out of a dense cloud, but is instead running into confining walls. The interstellar medium dominates not only the appearance of the Cygnus Loop but also the continued evolution of the blast wave. If this is a typical example of a supernova remnant, then global models of the interstellar medium must account for such significant blast wave deceleration.Comment: 28 pages AAS Latex, 28 black+white figures, 6 color figures. To be published in The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Serie

    Saccharomyces cerevisiae CNCM I-3856 as a New Therapeutic Agent Against Oropharyngeal Candidiasis

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    Oropharyngeal candidiasis is a common opportunistic mucosal infection of the oral cavity, mainly caused by an overgrowth of Candida albicans. This infection can inhibit nutritional intakes and strongly affect quality of life. To date, standard therapeutic strategies involving the administration of antifungal drugs can bring several side effects, not least the emergence of drug-resistant strains. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effectiveness of Saccharomyces cerevisiae CNCM I-3856 (live or inactivated cells) against oropharyngeal candidiasis. Our results show that administration of S. cerevisiae CNCM I-3856 (live or inactivated cells) in the oral cavity of C57BL/6J mice resulted in a protective effect against oropharyngeal candidiasis. The strongest effect was obtained with live S. cerevisiae CNCM I-3856. This was related to: (1) a decrease in C. albicans load in the oral cavity, esophagus, stomach, and duodenum; (2) an early resolution of inflammatory process in the tongue; (3) a marked reduction in C. albicans virulence factors; and (4) a consistent increase in neutrophil antimicrobial capacity. These findings suggest that S. cerevisiae products are potentially beneficial in the treatment of oropharyngeal candidiasis

    Nonthermal X-Rays from Supernova Remnant G330.2+1.0 and the Characteristics of its Central Compact Object

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    We present results from our X-ray data analysis of the SNR G330.2+1.0 and its CCO, CXOU J160103.1--513353 (J1601). Using our XMM-Newton and Chandra observations, we find that the X-ray spectrum of J1601 can be described by neutron star atmosphere models (T ~ 2.5--3.7 MK). Assuming the distance of d ~ 5 kpc for J1601 as estimated for SNR G330.2+1.0, a small emission region of R ~ 1--2 km is implied. X-ray pulsations previously suggested by Chandra are not confirmed by the XMM-Newton data, and are likely not real. However, our timing analysis of the XMM-Newton data is limited by poor photon statistics, and thus pulsations with a relatively low amplitude (i.e., an intrinsic pulsed-fraction < 40%) cannot be ruled out. Our results indicate that J1601 is a CCO similar to that in the Cassiopeia A SNR.X-ray emission from SNR G330.2+1.0 is dominated by power law continuum (Gamma ~ 2.1--2.5) which primarily originates from thin filaments along the boundary shell. This X-ray spectrum implies synchrotron radiation from shock-accelerated electrons with an exponential roll-off frequency ~ 2--3 x 10^17 Hz. For the measured widths of the X-ray filaments (D ~ 0.3 pc) and the estimated shock velocity (v_s ~ a few x 10^3 km s^-1), a downstream magnetic field B ~ 10--50 μ\muG is derived. The estimated maximum electron energy E_max ~ 27--38 TeV suggests that G330.2+1.0 is a candidate TeV gamma-ray source. We detect faint thermal X-ray emission in G330.2+1.0. We estimate a low preshock density n_0 ~ 0.1 cm^-3, which suggests a dominant contribution from an inverse Compton mechanism (than the proton-proton collision) to the prospective gamma-ray emission. Follow-up deep radio, X-ray, and gamma-ray observations will be essential to reveal the details of the shock parameters and the nature of particle accelerations in this SNR.Comment: 26 pages, 3 tables, 7 figures (4 color figures), Accepted by Ap

    The first XMM-Newton spectrum of a high redshift quasar - PKS 0537-286

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    We present XMM-Newton observations of the high redshift z=3.104, radio-loud quasar PKS 0537-286. The EPIC CCD cameras provide the highest signal-to-noise spectrum of a high-z quasar to date. The EPIC observations show that PKS 0537-286 is extremely X-ray luminous (Lx=2x10^47 erg/s), with an unusually hard X-ray spectrum (Gamma=1.27+/-0.02). The flat power-law emission extends over the whole observed energy range; there is no evidence of intrinsic absorption, which has been claimed in PKS 0537-286 and other high z quasars. However, there is evidence for weak Compton reflection. A redshifted iron K line, observed at 1.5 keV - corresponding to 6.15 keV in the quasar rest frame - is detected at 95% confidence. If confirmed, this is the most distant iron K line known. The line equivalent width is small (33eV), consistent with the `X-ray Baldwin effect' observed in other luminous quasars. The reflected continuum is also weak (R=0.25). We find the overall spectral energy distribution of PKS 0537-286 is dominated by the X-ray emission, which, together with the flat power-law and weak reflection features, suggests that the X-radiation from PKS 0537-286 is dominated by inverse Compton emission associated with a face-on relativistic jet.Comment: 6 pages, accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysics Letter

    The XMM-Newton serendipitous survey. VII. The third XMM-Newton serendipitous source catalogue

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    Thanks to the large collecting area (3 x ~1500 cm2^2 at 1.5 keV) and wide field of view (30' across in full field mode) of the X-ray cameras on board the European Space Agency X-ray observatory XMM-Newton, each individual pointing can result in the detection of hundreds of X-ray sources, most of which are newly discovered. Recently, many improvements in the XMM-Newton data reduction algorithms have been made. These include enhanced source characterisation and reduced spurious source detections, refined astrometric precision, greater net sensitivity and the extraction of spectra and time series for fainter sources, with better signal-to-noise. Further, almost 50\% more observations are in the public domain compared to 2XMMi-DR3, allowing the XMM-Newton Survey Science Centre (XMM-SSC) to produce a much larger and better quality X-ray source catalogue. The XMM-SSC has developed a pipeline to reduce the XMM-Newton data automatically and using improved calibration a new catalogue version has been produced from XMM-Newton data made public by 2013 Dec. 31 (13 years of data). Manual screening ensures the highest data quality. This catalogue is known as 3XMM. In the latest release, 3XMM-DR5, there are 565962 X-ray detections comprising 396910 unique X-ray sources. For the 133000 brightest sources, spectra and lightcurves are provided. For all detections, the positions on the sky, a measure of the quality of the detection, and an evaluation of the X-ray variability is provided, along with the fluxes and count rates in 7 X-ray energy bands, the total 0.2-12 keV band counts, and four hardness ratios. To identify the detections, a cross correlation with 228 catalogues is also provided for each X-ray detection. 3XMM-DR5 is the largest X-ray source catalogue ever produced. Thanks to the large array of data products, it is an excellent resource in which to find new and extreme objects.Comment: 23 pages, version accepted for publication in A&

    Properties Of The Hard X-ray Radiation From The Black Hole Candidates: Cygnus X-1 And 1E1740.7-2942

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    The entire dataset of the GRANAT/SIGMA observations of Cyg X-1 and 1E1740.7-2942 in 1990-1994 was analyzed in order to search for correlations between primary observational characteristics of the hard X-ray (40-200 keV) emission - hard X-ray luminosity, hardness of the spectrum (quantified in terms of the best-fit thermal bremsstrahlung temperature kT) and the RMS of short-term flux variations. Although no strict point-to-point correlations were detected certain general tendencies are evident. It was found that for Cyg X-1 the spectral hardness is in general positively correlated with relative amplitude of short-term variability. The correlation of similar kind was found for X-ray transient GRO J0422+32 (X-ray Nova Persei 1992). For both sources an approximate correlation between kT and L_X was found. At low hard X-ray luminosity - below 10E37 erg/sec - kT increases with L_X. At higher luminosity the spectral hardness depends weaker or does not depend at all on the hard X-ray luminosity. The low luminosity end of these approximate correlations (low kT and low RMS) corresponds to extended episodes of very low hard X-ray flux occurred during SIGMA observations.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figures, uses mn.sty, epsf.sty, psfig.tex; Accepted for publication in MNRAS; Also available at http://hea.iki.rssi.ru/~sik/PAPERS/mnras97.ps.gz (gzipped PostScript