57 research outputs found


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    Diabetes mellitus remains one of the most pressing problems in the 21st century. The research objective was to study the level of glycotoxins and oxidation-reduction potential of a serum/cell at the complicated and uncomplicated course of diabetes mellitus type 2 was and find the ways to correct the disorder. Materials and methods. There were three groups of patients aged from 55 up to 70 years, a total of 80 people. The main group (group No. 3) was presented by 40 men suffering from a diabetes mellitus type 2 with a macrovascular disease of the lower extremities. Depending on the chosen remedy and the carried-out therapy, patients of the first group were sectioned into subgroups on 20 people, in the 2nd subgroup additionally N-acetylcysteine solution was introduced in a daily dose of 600 mg once, intravenously, within 7 days. Definition of the studied indicators was made by HPLS methods, prior to therapy, for the third and seventh day. Results. Obtained data confirm activation of polyol pathway of glucose disintegration. Antioxidant potential of the serum and cells decreases. Using N-acetylcysteini in complex therapy reduces implications of carbonyl and oxidative stresses, due to multiple decrease of the final products of glycation. Conclusions. When identifying the presented indicators in patients with diabetic macroangiopathy of the lower extremities, the administration of N-acetylcysteine, intravenously in a daily dose of 600 mg (7 days course) is recommended


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    The research of content of primary and secondary (lipohydroperoxides, malondialdehyde) products of free radical oxidation of lipids in blood serum, and. indices of activity of antioxidant enzymes (glutathione peroxidase and. glutathione reductase) in 62 patients with pancreatic diabetes of type II. In 28 patients of them, the disease was complicated by suppurative inflammation of the foot. On the basis of these data we proposed a method of forecasting of the development of infectious complications in these patients at the stage of pre-clinical manifestations. This allows to make necessary pharmacological correction in the treatment of patients with pancreatic diabetes promptly to prevent the development of diabetic foot syndrome

    N-ацетилцистеин: фармакокинетические параметры и влияние на концентрацию эндогенных аминотиолов

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    We studied the pharmacokinetic parameters of N-acetylcysteine at a single oral and intravenous administration of healthy volunteers. Elimination half-life (t1/2) within 2 hours and the maximum concentration in blood (Cmax) after 1 hour after administration was more than 10 times higher when intravenous on a comparison with oral administration. Effect of exchange rate on intravenous administration of N-acetylcysteine (1 200 mg/day for one week) the concentration of endogenous aminothiols in patients with diseases that are accompanied by oxidative stress (ischemic stroke and vascular complications of diabetes mellitus) are also studied. In ischemic stroke example it shows that the concentration of cysteine in plasma was increased by 1,6 times, and homocysteine levels did not change, as the ratio of reduced and oxidized cysteine (CysSH / CysSSCys). The content of total and free glutathione in red blood cells was not significantly changed, but significantly increased GSH / GSSG ratio, characterizing the antioxidant capacity of cells. We conclude that the inclusion in the scheme of N-acetylcysteine therapy of these diseases, accompanied by a more favorable clinical outcome due to a significant increase in antioxidant capacity of cells and tissues.Исследовали фармакокинетические параметры N-ацетилцистеина при однократном пероральном и в/в введении у здоровых добровольцев. Период полувыведения (t1/2) в пределах 2 ч, максимальная концентрация в крови (Cmax) через 1 ч после введения была более чем в 10 раз выше при в/в введении по сравнению с пероральным. Также изучено влияние курсового в/в введения N-ацетилцистеина (1 200 мг/сут в течение одной недели) на концентрацию эндогенных аминотиолов у пациентов с заболеваниями, сопровождающимися оксидативным стрессом (ишемический инсульт и сосудистые осложнения сахарного диабета). На примере ишемического инсульта показано, что концентрация цистеина в плазме возрастала в 1,6 раза, а уровень гомоцистеина не менялся, как и соотношение восстановленного и окисленного цистеина (CysSH/CysSSCys). Содержание общего и свободного глутатиона в эритроцитах достоверно не менялось, зато значительно возрастал коэффициент GSH/GSSG, характеризующий антиоксидантный потенциал клеток. Таким образом, включение в схемы терапии N-ацетилцистеина указанных заболеваний сопровождается более благоприятным клиническим исходом за счёт значительного увеличения антиоксидантного потенциала клеток и тканей


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    Background. In many countries, hysterectomy is one of the most frequently performed surgical procedures.The objective of our analysis was to assess the social and medical characteristics of young reproductive-age patients who underwent hysterectomy.Materials and methods. A retrospective study involved 140 women aged 18–35 years (median age 29.4 ± 4.7 years) who underwent emergency or elective hysterectomy in the hospitals of Zabaykalsky Krai for a period of 5 years (January 1, 2013, to December 31, 2017).Results. 51.4 % of patients were housewives; 52.9 % were single; 55.7 % had bad habits (smoking, alcohol consumption). These women had a high incidence of socially significant infections: HIV – 3.6 %, active forms of tuberculosis – 1.5 %. 89.3 % of hysterectomies were emergent and 10.7 % were elective (p = 0.0001; OR = 69.4; 95% CI 32.6–148.1). The indications for the emergency hysterectomy were uterine myoma (80 %) and cervical or ovarian cancer (20 %). The obstetrical complications were the main indications for the emergency surgery: placenta abruption – 24.0 %; placenta previa – 20.8 % (placenta increta and/or percreta – 16.8 %; massive antenatal bleeding – 4.0 %); postpartum hemorrhage after vaginal delivery and caesarean section 19.2 %; septic and/or hemorrhagic shock in early miscarriages (from 8 to 19 weeks of gestation) 15.2 %. Mortality was registered in case of emergency hysterectomy only (4.3 %). Half of the deaths (50 %) occurred in cases of complicated miscarriages.Conclusion. To preserve the reproductive potential of young women of reproductive age, it is necessary to increase their social and cultural level, and responsibility for their own health and gender behavior

    Потребление кальция кормящими женщинами и детьми из групп риска по снижению минеральной плотности кости в различные возрастные периоды в условиях г. Томска

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    We have studied the calcium consumption by nursing mothers and children from risk groups on decreased mineral bone density in different age periods under conditions of Tomsk. The calcium content in breast milk in the first six month of lactation was determined by the method of instrumental neutron-activation analysis. It has been found that the calcium consumption by the most nursing mothers corresponded to physiological norms. In the lactation dynamics, the calcium content in the breast milk decreased at the third month and increased at the sixth month of lactation. The average calcium consumption was (834,3 ± 132,3) mg in children aged of 1—3 and (959,0 ± 99,5) mg/day in children of 4—6 years old. Among schoolchildren, the average calcium consumption was (860,3 ± 98,2) mg/day in the age of 7—10 and (777,9 ± 59,3) mg/day in eth age of 11—18. It is 1,2—1,6 times lower than the recommended norm. In teenagers, the calcium deficit in food is more often compared to preschool children.Изучено потребление кальция кормящими женщинами и детьми из групп риска по снижению минеральной плотности кости в различные возрастные периоды в условиях г. Томска. Определено содержание кальция в грудном молоке в первые 6 мес лактации методом инструментального нейтронно-активационного анализа. Установлено, что потребление кальция большинством кормящих женщин соответствовало физиологическим нормам. В динамике лактации содержание кальция в грудном молоке снижалось к 3-му и повышалось к 6-му мес лактации. Средняя величина потребления кальция составила (834,3 ± 132,3) мг у детей в возрасте 1—3 лет и (959,0 ± 99,5) мг/сут у детей 4—6 лет. Среди школьников средняя величина потребления кальция составила (860,3 ± 98,2) мг/сут в возрасте 7—10 лет и (777,9 ± 59,3) мг/сут в возрасте 11—18 лет, что в 1,2—1,6 раза меньше рекомендуемой нормы. У подростков дефицит кальция в питании более распространен по сравнению с детьми дошкольного возраста