36 research outputs found
Dissolved Strontium, Sr/Ca Ratios, and the Abundance of Acantharia in the Indian and Southern Oceans
We report measurements of strontium concentrations and Sr/Ca ratios in the Indian and Southern Oceans, which show that subtle geochemical variations along the main thermocline are the product of calcium carbonate (CaCO3) and celestite (SrSO4) precipitation and dissolution. Our calculations suggest that celestite skeletons precipitated by Acantharia contribute up to 10 mol % of the combined amount of carbonate and celestite shells precipitated in the Indian Ocean. The data suggest that the distribution of the concentration of strontium in the global ocean is governed by the different modes of deep-water formation in the Southern Ocean and North Atlantic. The formation of Antarctic bottom waters from strontium-rich, upwelled deep waters forms a southern end member contrasted with the strontium depleted North Atlantic deep water. The difference in strontium concentrations and Sr/Ca ratios of the different water masses reported here is maintained by precipitation, export, and dissolution of CaCO3 and SrSO4. These preformed strontium concentrations correlate linearly with nitrate and phosphate concentrations in the Indian Ocean, but this correlation is weaker in low latitudes, where the mixotrophic lifestyle of Acantharia allows them to thrive in nutrient-depleted environments
The aim of research was to develop technology fermented whey drink with Melissa extract. The samples of Lemon Melissa were collected during June-August in the village Krasne in Lviv region, dried at 40 °C. Ratio of dry Melissa and extractant (purified water) was 1: 1. The duration of the extraction process is 60 minutes at 60 °C. To prepare the whey drinks used native whey obtained from the cottage cheese with a mass fraction of solids 5.5% acidity 70 °T and lit whey obtained by using the thermal denaturation at a temperature of 90–95 °C with subsequent separation of proteins. Whey drinks were produced reservoir manner. For fermentation used starter Kefir12 of company Chr.Hansen. For improvement of color used natural coloring agent «Caramel», the quantity of that in the experimental samples ranged from 0.5 to 1.5 kg/t. It was established the optimal dose of prescription components, including the whey lighted, sugar, Melissa extract, dye"Caramel", acidity regulator and ferment preparation.
Целью исследований было разработать технологию ферментированных сывороточных напитков с экстрактом мелиссы. Образцы мелиссы лимонной были собраны в течение июня-августа в пгт. Красне Львовской области, высушено при температуре 40 °С. Соотношение сухой мелиссы и экстрагента (очищенной воды) 1:1. Продолжительность процесса извлечения составляет 60 мин. при температуре 60 °С. Для приготовления сывороточных напитков использовали нативную молочную сыворотку, полученную из-под творога, с массовой долей сухих веществ 5,5 %, кислотностью 70 °Т и осветленную молочную сыворотку, полученную с помощью тепловой денатурации при температуре 90–95 °С с последующим отделением белков. Сывороточные напитки изготавливали резервуарным способом. Для сквашивания использовали закваску Kefir12 компании Chr.Hansen. Для улучшения цвета использовали натуральный краситель «Карамель», количество которого в опытных образцах составляло от 0,5 до 1,5 кг/т.Установлены оптимальные дозы рецептурных компонентов, в частности сыворотки осветленной, сахара, экстракта мелиссы, красителя «Карамель», регулятора кислотности и заквасочного препарата.Метою досліджень було розробити технологію ферментованих сироваткових напоїв із екстрактом меліси. Зразки меліси лимонної було зібрано протягом червня-серпня у смт. Красне Львівської області, висушено за температури 40 °С. Співвідношення сухої меліси та екстрагенту (очищеної води) 1:1. Тривалість процесу екстрагування складає 60 хв. при температурі 60 ºС. Для приготування сироваткових напоїв використовували нативну молочну сироватку, отриману з-під сиру кисломолочного з масовою часткою сухих речовин 5,5%, кислотністю 70 °Т, та освітлену молочну сироватку, отриману за допомогою теплової денатурації за температури 90–95 °С з наступним відділенням білків. Сироваткові напої виготовляли резервуарним способом. Для заквашування використовували закваску Kefir12 компанії Chr.Hansen. Для покращення кольору використовували натуральний барвник «Карамель», кількість якого у дослідних зразках становила від 0,5 до 1,5 кг/т.
Встановлено оптимальні дози рецептурних компонентів, зокрема сироватки освітленої, цукру, екстракту меліси, барвника «Карамель», регулятора кислотності та заквашувального препарату.
Annual sulfur cycle in a warm monomictic lake with sub-millimolar sulfate concentrations.
We studied the annual variability of the concentration and isotopic composition of main sulfur species and sulfide oxidation intermediates in the water column of monomictic fresh-water Lake Kinneret. Sulfate concentrations in the lake are <1 mM and similar to concentrations that are proposed to have existed in the Paleoproterozoic ocean. The main goal of this research was to explore biogeochemical constrains of sulfur cycling in the modern low-sulfate fresh-water lake and to identify which processes may be responsible for the isotopic composition of sulfur species in the Precambrian sedimentary rocks. RESULTS: At the deepest point of the lake, the sulfate inventory decreases by more than 20% between March and December due to microbial sulfate reduction leading to the buildup of hydrogen sulfide. During the initial stages of stratification, sulfur isotope fractionation between sulfate and hydrogen sulfide is low (11.6 ‰) and sulfur oxyanions (e.g. thiosulfate and sulfite) are the main products of the incomplete oxidation of hydrogen sulfide. During the stratification and at the beginning of the lake mixing (July-December), the inventory of hydrogen sulfide as well as of sulfide oxidation intermediates in the water column increases and is accompanied by an increase in sulfur isotope fractionation to 30 ± 4 ‰ in October. During the period of erosion of the chemocline, zero-valent sulfur prevails over sulfur oxyanions. In the terminal period of the mixing of the water column (January), the concentration of hydrogen sulfide decreases, the inventory of sulfide oxidation intermediates increases, and sulfur isotope fractionation decreases to 20 ± 2 ‰. CONCLUSIONS: Sulfide oxidation intermediates are present in the water column of Lake Kinneret at all stages of stratification with significant increase during the mixing of the water column. Hydrogen sulfide inventory in the water column increases from March to December, and sharply decreases during the lake mixis in January. Sulfur isotope fractionation between sulfate and hydrogen sulfide as well as concentrations of sulfide oxidation intermediates can be explained either by microbial sulfate reduction alone or by microbial sulfate reduction combined with microbial disproportionation of sulfide oxidation intermediates. Our study of sulfur cycle in Lake Kinneret may be useful for understanding the range of biogeochemical processes in low sulfate oceans over Earth history
Archaeological Geophysical Prospection in Peatland Environments: case studies and suggestions for future practice
Peatland environments, in contrast to ‘dry-land’ sites, preserve organic material, including anthropogenic objects, because they are anaerobic, and are therefore of great importance to archaeology. Peat also preserves macro- and micro- paleoenvironmental evidence and is the primary resource for understanding past climates and ecology. Archaeological sites often lie within or at the base of wet, deep, homogenous peat rendering them invisible to surface observers. As a result, they most often c..
Доцільність використання насіння чіа у технології кефіру
Modern pace of social development led to many problems and danger of eating food. Today in Ukraine is the actual problem that is associated with quality and character of the nutrition. This problem depends on the purchasing power for ensure of the valuable food ration. One of the priorities of scientific research in recent years is the development of products functional setting. These products will help humanity to solve problems with nutrition and finding new untraditional raw ingredients with a high content of biologically active substances. As a source of protein we have chosen untraditional raw materials, namely, chia seeds. Useful properties of chia seeds have a wide variety, so it started to use as food additives. Chia effectively helps in combating depression treatment, epilepsy, sclerosis and Alzheimer's disease and normalizes blood pressure. Seeds stimulates the work of intestines and digestive system as a whole due to the high content of dietary fiber, preventing the formation of constipation and promoting the removal of harmful substances from the body. The aim of research was to study the possibility of a combination of this herbal ingredients of milk-based products in the production kefir functionality. In chia seeds determined organoleptic and physico-chemical parameters. It was proved way to prepare and stage the introduction of chia seeds in the production kefir thermostatic method. Seeds prepared as follows: purified from the impurities using wire sieve № 0,80, washed for 10 min. at 20 °C and mixed with the pasteurized drinking water at a ratio of 1 : 10 seed to water at 45 °C. Then left to swell for 30 minutes. Because chia seeds were characterized by high hydrophilic properties, due to the adsorption of water, its volume has increased 10 times. At interaction the seeds with a liquid formed gel-like state mixture. Prototypes kefir with chia seeds obtained by entering different amounts of chia seeds (3 to 10% of the total weight of the product).Сегодня в Украине актуальной есть проблема, связанная с качеством и характером питания, которая зависит от покупательной способности населения для обеспечения полноценного пищевого рациона. Одним из приоритетных направлений научных исследований последних лет является разработка продуктов функционального назначения, которые могли бы помочь человечеству решить проблемы с питанием и поиском новых нетрадиционных сырьевых ингредиентов с высоким содержанием биологически активных веществ. В качестве источника белка нами было избрано нетрадиционное сырье, а именно, семена чиа. Целью исследований было изучение возможности сочетания этого растительного компонента с молочной основой при производстве кефира функционального назначения. В семенах чиа определяли органолептические и физико-химические показатели. Был осуществлен подбор оптимального способа подготовки и этапа внесения семян чиа в технологии кефира термостатного способа производства. Семена подготавливали следующим образом: очищали от примесей с помощью сита проволочного № 0,80, промывали в течении 10 мин. при температуре 20 °С и смешивали с пастеризованной питьевой водой в соотношении семян к воде 1:10 при температуре 45 °С. Оставляли для набухания на 30 мин. Поскольку семена чиа характеризируются высокими гидрофильными свойствами, то в результате адсорбции воды, его объем увеличивался в 10 раз.Сьогодні в Україні актуальною є проблема, пов’язана з якістю та характером харчування, що залежить від купівельної спроможності населення для забезпечення повноцінного харчового раціону. Одним із пріоритетних напрямків наукових досліджень останніх років є розроблення продуктів функціонального призначення, які б могли допомогти людству вирішити проблеми з харчуванням та пошуком нових нетрадиційних сировинних інгредієнтів із високим вмістом біологічно активних речовин. Як джерело білка нами було обрано нетрадиційну сировину, а саме, насіння чіа. Метою досліджень було вивчення можливості поєднання цього рослинного компоненту з молочною основою при виробництві кефіру функціонального призначення. В насінні чіа визначали органолептичні та фізико-хімічні показники. Було обґрунтовано спосіб підготовки та етап внесення насіння чіа при виробництві кефіру термостатним способом. Насіння підготовлювали таким чином: очищували від домішок за допомогою сита дротяного № 0,80, промивали протягом 10 хв. при температурі 20 °С та змішували з пастеризованою водою питною у співвідношенні насіння до води 1 : 10 при температурі 45 °С. Залишали для набубнявіння на 30 хв. Оскільки насіння чіа характеризується високими гідрофільними властивостями, то внаслідок адсорбції води, його об’єм збільшився в 10 разів
Hydrocarbon-related microbial processes in the deep sediments of the Eastern Mediterranean Levantine Basin
During the 2011 exploration season of the EV Nautilus in the Mediterranean Sea, we conducted a multidisciplinary study, aimed at exploring the microbial populations below the sediment–water interface (SWI) in the hydrocarbon-rich environments of the Levantine basin. Two c. 1000-m-deep locations were sampled: sediments fueled by methane seepage at the toe of the Palmachim disturbance and a patch of euxinic sediment with high sulfide and methane content offshore Acre, enriched by hydrocarbon from an unknown source. We describe the composition of the microbial population in the top 5 cm of the sediment with 1 cm resolution, accompanied by measurements of methane and sulfate concentrations, and the isotopic composition of this methane and sulfate (δ13CCH4, δ18OSO4, and δ34SSO4). Our geochemical and microbiological results indicate the presence of the anaerobic methane oxidation (AOM) coupled to bacterial sulfate reduction (BSR). We show that complex methane and sulfur metabolizing microbial populations are present in both locations, although their community structure and metabolic preferences differ due to potential variation in the hydrocarbon source
On Dorsal Prothoracic Appendages in Treehoppers (Hemiptera: Membracidae) and the Nature of Morphological Evidence
A spectacular hypothesis was published recently, which suggested that the “helmet” (a dorsal thoracic sclerite that obscures most of the body) of treehoppers (Insecta: Hemiptera: Membracidae) is connected to the 1st thoracic segment (T1; prothorax) via a jointed articulation and therefore was a true appendage. Furthermore, the “helmet” was interpreted to share multiple characteristics with wings, which in extant pterygote insects are present only on the 2nd (T2) and 3rd (T3) thoracic segments. In this context, the “helmet” could be considered an evolutionary novelty. Although multiple lines of morphological evidence putatively supported the “helmet”-wing homology, the relationship of the “helmet” to other thoracic sclerites and muscles remained unclear. Our observations of exemplar thoraces of 10 hemipteran families reveal multiple misinterpretations relevant to the “helmet”-wing homology hypothesis as originally conceived: 1) the “helmet” actually represents T1 (excluding the fore legs); 2) the “T1 tergum” is actually the anterior dorsal area of T2; 3) the putative articulation between the “helmet” and T1 is actually the articulation between T1 and T2. We conclude that there is no dorsal, articulated appendage on the membracid T1. Although the posterior, flattened, cuticular evagination (PFE) of the membracid T1 does share structural and genetic attributes with wings, the PFE is actually widely distributed across Hemiptera. Hence, the presence of this structure in Membracidae is not an evolutionary novelty for this clade. We discuss this new interpretation of the membracid T1 and the challenges of interpreting and representing morphological data more broadly. We acknowledge that the lack of data standards for morphology is a contributing factor to misinterpreted results and offer an example for how one can reduce ambiguity in morphology by referencing anatomical concepts in published ontologies
Macrophages Homing to Metastatic Lymph Nodes Can Be Monitored with Ultrasensitive Ferromagnetic Iron-Oxide Nanocubes and a 1.5T Clinical MR Scanner
Background: Due to the ability of macrophages to specifically home to tumors, their potential use as a delivery vehicle for cancer therapeutics has been suggested. Tracking the delivery and engraftment of macrophages into human tumors with a 1.5T clinical MR scanner requires the development of sensitive contrast agents for cell labeling. Therefore, this study aimed to determine whether intravenously injected macrophages could target a primary tumor as well as metastatic LNs, and whether these cells could be detected in vivo by MRI. Methodology: Peritoneal macrophages were obtained from BALB/c nude mice. The viability, phagocytotic capacity and migratory activity of the macrophages were assessed. MR imaging was performed using a clinical 1.5 T MR scanner and we estimated the T2 * of the labeled macrophages. Metastatic lymph nodes were produced in BALB/c nude mice. We administrated 2610 6 macrophages labeled with 50 mg Fe/mL FIONs intravenously into the mice. In the 3D T2 * GRE MR images obtained one day after the injection of the labeled macrophages or FION solution, the percentages of pixels in the tumors or LNs below the minimum normalized SI (signal intensity) threshold were summated and reported as the black pixel count (%) for the FION hypointensity. Tumors in the main tumor model as well as the brachial, axillary and inguinal lymph nodes in the metastatic LN models were removed and stained. For all statistical analyses, single-group data were assessed using t test or the Mann-Whitney test. Repeated measurements analysis of variance (ANOVA) with Tukey–Krame