635 research outputs found

    Drought Resistance And Productivity Of Wheat And Soybean Isogenic Lines With Different Photoperiodic Sensitivity

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    The results of the study of drought tolerance of isogenic (NILs – near isogenic lines) by genes PPD (photoperiod) wheat lines and isogenic by genes ЕЕ (early maturation) soybean lines, that control the photoperiodic sensitivity are presented. In field experiments the photoperiodic sensitivity of the lines when grown under natural long days (16 hours at a latitude of Kharkov) and under artificial short-day (9 hours) is determined. The results showed that line PРD-D1A and PPD-A1a wheat and soybean lines L 71-920 had a weak photoperiodic sensitivity (weak PPDS) and line PPD-B1a wheat and soybean lines L 71-920 - strong photoperiodic sensitivity (strong PPDS). Wheat and soybean lines with weak PPDS were more productive. When simulating drought action on seed germination (20% strength mannitol solution - rapid method), it was showed that the seeds of soybean and wheat lines with weak PPDS have a higher germination than seeds of the lines with strong PPDS. When simulating soil drought (30% FMC – field moisture capacity of the soil) under growing experiment, it was revealed that the biomass accumulation indices of plants, leaf relative water content (RWC) and proline content in leaves lines with weak PPDS were higher than in the photoperiodic lines with strong PPDS. So, all used methods for determining drought tolerance showed that the low photoperiodic sensitivity lines are more resistant to drought.It is assumed that wheat genes PPD and soybean genes EE can participate in the formation of resistance to drought. Genotypes with low photoperiodic sensitivity should be used in breeding soybean and wheat drought resistance

    Проблема гендерної рівності в науці: досягнення та виклики (Problem of gender equality in science: achievements and challenges)

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    У статті проаналізовано заходи, спрямовані на впровадження гендерної рівності в науковій галузі з метою повнішого використання інтелектуального потенціалу жінок-учених. Підсумовано основні досягнення на цьому шляху, визначено напрямки, на яких необхідно зосередити подальші зусилля як у сфері наукових досліджень, так і в управлінській науковій і соціальній сферах. Наголошено на важливості досвіду західних країн з гендерної політики для України. На підставі результатів аналізу участі обох гендерних груп науковців у програмах Державного фонду фундаментальних досліджень за 2015 р, обґрунтовано необхідність підвищення наукової активності українських жінок-вчених. (The measures for the implementation of gender equality in the scientific sector to more fully use the intellectual potential of women scientists were analysed. The main achievements in this direction were summed up, and the directions in which it is necessary to focus further efforts both in research and in management science and social spheres were identified. For several decades it was carried out a large number of measures to more fully explore the possibilities of using the intellectual potential of the female half of humanity and gender equality in science, which is the main area of implementation of educational knowledge and which progress provides economic and social development of society. An increase in the participation of women in all fields of scientific research, and the average attainment of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy confidently approaching gender parity as in 28 countries of the European Union, US and Canada; significant progress over the last two decades reached also in attracting women to the fields of Science, Physics and Mathematics profile, such as geological, engineering, computer science, economics, chemistry and physics. It was found that the inclusion of the gender dimension in the process of acquiring knowledge changes their quality, efficiency and structure of research and, therefore science is not gender neutral. The new strategy documents for the EU 2016-2019 years stressed that the issue of gender equality remains important in all areas of modern politics of this structure. In the field of research and innovation policy it is planned to solve this problem by supporting the program «Horizon – 2020» through cooperation and research organizations of member countries within the European Research Area. This identified three focus areas, namely gender equality in scientific careers, gender balance in decision-making and the integration of gender approach in research and innovation

    Evaluation of quality of life in patients with hepatitis using specific questionnarire SF-LDQOL

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    Catedra de chirurgie nr. 2, USMF „Nicolae Testemiţanu”, Chișinău, Republica Moldova, Conferința stiințifică „Nicolae Anestiadi – nume etern al chirurgiei basarabene” consacrată centenarului de la nașterea profesorului Nicolae Anestiadi 26 august 2016Introducere. Contribuția măsurării calității vieții (CV) în elaborarea deciziei terapeutice rămâne un subiect important atât pentru pacient cât și pentru medici . Scop: Evaluarea CV pacienților cirotici chirurgical asistați prin chestionare realizate specific pentru afecțiunile hepatice. Material și metodă. 65 de pacienți operați pentru ciroză hepatică și hipertensiune portală, au agreat sã participe la un studiu de evaluare a CV alături de 20 de subiecți normali. Lotul pacientilor încadrați în studiu a fost divizat în 3 grupe reprezentând pacienți care au suportat diferite intervenții chirurgicale: devascularizare azygoportală (45), șunt portosistemic ( 8) și transplant hepatic (12 ). Instrumentul de evaluare a fost chestionarul specific, modificat în clinică, SF- LDQOL. Rezultate. Analiza chestionarului privind CV a evidențiat că majoritatea pacientilor operați pentru ciroză hepatică în primii 3 ani postoperator au un trend pozitiv al calității vieții. Evaluarea CV în funcție de tratament indică diferențe notabile între pacienții apartinând diferitelor compartimente de îngrijire chirurgicală: scorul total al CV și subscorurile sale au fost mai puțin afectate la pacienții cu transplant comparativ cu cele ale pacienților din celelalte grupe. Subliniem că completarea tratamentului chirurgical cu tratamentul endoscopic și cu tratamentul antiviral, îmbunătățește semnificativ CV pacientului operat , iar evoluție postoperatorie complicată marcat afectează indicele CV, moment care atrage atenția asupra importanței screeningului hepatic postterapeutic. Concluzii. Scorul SF-LDQOL este un instrument fidel de cuantificare a CV și o componentă importantă a deciziei terapeutice.Introduction. Contribution of measuring quality of life (QOL) in developing therapeutic decision remains an important issue for both patients and physicians.Purpose. Assess of CV of cirrhotic patients assisted surgically by questionnaires performed specific for liver disease. Methods. 65 patients operated for liver cirrhosis and portal hypertension, agreed to participate in a study to assess the CV along with 20 normal persons. The group of patients enrolled in the study was divided into 3 groups representing the patients who have undergone for different surgical interventions: azygoportal devascularisation (45), portosystemic shunt (8) and liver transplantation (12). The type of assessment was specific questionnaire, clinically modificated, SF LDQOL. Results. Analysis of CV showed that most of patients operated for liver cirrhosis in the first 3 years after surgery had positive changes in quality of life. CV based treatment evaluation indicates notable differences between patients belonging to different compartments of surgical care: total score of CV and its subscores were less affected in group of transplanted patients compared with those from other groups. We emphasize that completing of surgery with endoscopic treatment and antiviral therapy significantly improves the CV of operated patient, but complicated postoperative evolution severely affects the patients’ CV indexes, a moment that highlights the importance of post therapeutic liver screening. Conclusions. SF-LDQOL score is a reliable instrument to quantify of patients’ CV and an important component in therapeutic decision

    Plant sulfolipid. II. Mutant study and phosphate deficiency

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    Study with SQDG-deficient mutants showed that formation of the sulfonic acid precursor, UDP-sulfoquinovose, in higher plants is considered to be catalyzed by the orthologous plant proteins SQD1. The second required plant enzyme, SQD2, is highly similar to glycosyltransferases and it is proposed that this protein represents sulfolipid synthase. The results of recent works have shown that for the stable activity PS II needs the presence of SQDG and that it participates in PS II recovering through some mechanism dependent on light. Under phosphate-limiting conditions a decrease in the content of one acidic lipid (PG) was accompanied by an increase in the content of the other acidic lipid (SQDG), which resulted in the maintenance of a certain level of total acidic lipids of chloroplast membranes

    Geochemistry of H2- and CH4-enriched hydrothermal fluids of Socorro Island, Revillagigedo Archipelago, Mexico. Evidence for serpentinization and abiogenic methane

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    Socorro Island is the exposed part of an approx. 4000-m-high volcanic edifice rising from the oceanic floor to approx. 1000 m asl at the northern part of the Mathematician Ridge, Western Pacific. The volcano is active, with the most recent basaltic eruption in 1993. Moderate fumarolic activity and diffuse degassing with a total CO2 flux of approx. 20 total day)1 are concentrated in the summit region of the volcano composed of a group of rhy- olite domes. Low-temperature, boiling point, fumaroles discharge gas with high H2 (up to 20 mol% in dry gas) and CH4 (up to 4 mol%). Both carbon and He isotopic ratios and abundances correspond to those in MORB flu- ids (d13CCO2 )5&; 3He ⁄ 4He = 7.6 Ra, CO2 ⁄ 3He = (2–3) · 109, where Ra is the atmospheric ratio 3He ⁄ 4He of 1.4 · 10)6. Light hydrocarbons (CH4, C2H6, C3H8, and C4H10) are characterized by a high C1 ⁄C2+ ratio of approx. 1000. Methane is enriched in 13C (d13CCH4 from )15 to )20&) and 2H (d2H from )80 to )120&), and hydrocarbons show an inverse isotopic trend in both d13C and d2H (ethane is isotopically lighter than methane). These isotopic and concentration features of light hydrocarbons are similar to those recently discovered in fluids from ultramafic-hosted spreading ridge vents and may be related to the serpentinization processes: H2 generation and reduction of CO2 to CH4 within high-temperature zone of volcano-seawater hydrothermal system hosted in basaltic and ultramafic rocks beneath a volcano edifice. The thermodynamic analysis of this unusual composition of the Socorro fluids and the assessment of endmember compositions are complicated by the near-surface cool- ing, condensation and mixing with meteoric water

    Anti-corrosion ceramic coatings on the surface of Nd-Fe-B repelling magnets

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    The results of vacuum-arc deposition of thin ZrO₂coatings to protect the surface of Nd-Fe-B permanent magnets used as repelling devices in orthodontics are presented. The structure, phase composition and mechanical properties of zirconium dioxide films have been investigated by means of SEM, XRD, EDX, XRF and nanoindentation method. It was revealed the formation of polycrystalline ZrO₂ films of monoclinic modification with average grain size 25 nm. The influence of the ZrO₂ coating in terms of its barrier properties for corrosion in quasi-physiological 0.9 NaCl solution has been studied. Electrochemical measurements indicated good barrier properties of the coating on specimens in the physiological solution environment

    Dynamics and mass balance of El Chichón crater lake, Mexico.

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    The mass balance of El Chichón crater lake is controlled by precipitations, evaporation and seepage through the lake bottom. The main non-meteoric source of water and Cl for the lake is a boiling spring (Soap Pool) discharging saline and neutral water with a variable flow rate from 0 to 30 kg/s inside the El Chichón crater. Variations in lake volume over time were approximately determined from digitized photographic views of the lake using an empirical relationship between depth of the lake and surface area, obtained after four bathymetric surveys. The best correlation between the observed changes in lake volume, Cl content and the measured flow rate of Soap Pool was obtained by a box-model for the Cl mass balance. Based on a trend in the Cl content of the Soap Pool water a model of a “buried” initial crater lake is proposed

    Some aspects of periodontitis pathogenesis in children.

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    Inflammatory processes in the tissues surrounding tooth root are frequent enough and develop as the direct complication of caries. As acute periodontitis is manifested with grinding toothache and violation of ph­y­sio­logical act of chewing, symptoms of general intoxication, the continuous sluggish chronic periodontitis is harmful and dangerous to the organism as well. It forms the state of chronic оdontogenetic intoxication and chroneosepsis with wrong functioning of some internal organs and body systems. The like complications can cause significant disturbance to the function of kidneys, liver, heart, joints and their treatment without ablating focus of inflammation is often in- effective; this must be taken into account by doctors-interns. However, scanning of the oral cavity by conservative means has its difficulties mostly because of ignoring pathogenesis of such inflammation. That is why activity of ferments of blood dehydrogenases from the periapical tissues of the teeth affected with the chronic periodontitis was studied. The level of succinate dehydrogenase and alpha-glycerophosphate degydrogenase of lymphocytes of 110 schoolchildren aged 13-17 years old was studied. The main group of examined individuals included those of infected with tuber­culousis – 50 individuals, and the control group (60 individuals) – clinically healthy ones without tuberculousis desease. All schoolchildren had 1 or 2 teeth affected with chronic periodontitis of the apical localization. The re­searchers found that a significant inhibition of activity of succinate dehydrogenase and alpha-glycerophosphate degydrogenase ferments occurs in the inflammatory periodontal tissues, which indicates to local immunity decline, and as a consequence, pathogenic bacteria activation. In people infected with tuberculousis these violations were  more developed. Such features of periodontitis pathogenesis must be taken into account when providing a combined treatment

    Assessment of the content in volatile substances in dry white and red wines obtained with different yeast strains from the "Trifeshti" wine center

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    Saccharomyces cerevisiae is the predominant yeast species in spontaneous wine fermentations and thus it is the main responsible for the chemical and sensory properties of wines. The use of autochthonous yeast strains, besides assuring the maintenance of the typical sensory properties of the wines of any given region, can contribute to promoting or retaining the natural S. cerevisiae biodiversity. This study aims to determine specific enological characteristics of local yeasts and their potential in the production of volatile compounds and their influence on wine quality. The influence of several local yeasts strains on the chemical properties, the aromatic compounds, and finally, the sensory analysis of the white wine cv. 'Aligote' and the red wine cv. 'Cabernet Sauvignon' was analyzed obtained from the grapes production of 2018. The obtained results showed a positive influence of local yeasts on the chemical and sensory properties of dry red and white wines. They also contributed to the formation of a very complex flavor, being able to be used to produce ”Trifeshti” wine with a unique and desirable aroma, with distinctive characteristics of the grape growing area