6,071 research outputs found

    The group of strong Galois objects associated to a cocommutative Hopf quasigroup

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    Let H be a cocommutative faithfully flat Hopf quasigroup in a strict symmetric monoidal category with equalizers. In this paper we introduce the notion of (strong) Galois H-object and we prove that the set of isomorphism classes of (strong) Galois H-objects is a (group) monoid which coincides, in the Hopf algebra setting, with the Galois group of H-Galois objects introduced by Chase and Sweedler

    Phenology of woody species: a review

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    An attempt has been made to synthesize a brief account on research advances on various phases of phenology. Climate has positive impact on the timing of phenology; cold-air drainage may influence the start of leaf growth, however leaf phenology in tropical evergreen forests is not determined by the seasonality of precipitation. Climate warming in late winter and spring may enhance sensitivity of the growing season’s spatial response due to the relationship of beginning date to temperature. Elevated temperature strongly influences greater in C3 plants than in C4 plants but the disadvantages of warming may be considerably attenuated by elevated CO2, especially for C3 grasses. Species with high wood densities can able to store only limited quantities of water in their trunks; leaf fall in these species occurred during the dry season. Flowering phenology may be changing faster and precipitation may play a more important role in semi-arid grasslands than in humid-temperate systems. Peak flowering and fruiting are dependent on seasons for both endemic and non-endemic species. Population sensitivity to global warming might be stable for a given species, in spite of its possible local adaptation. It might be possible for ecologists to establish comprehensive networks for long-term monitoring of potential photosynthetic capacity from regional to global scales by linking satellite-based programme. Use of satellite-derived metrics,such as VARI, may be used for evaluating the spatial patterns and temporal dynamics of species composition across broad geographic regions

    Estructura de inversión tectónica en la Cordillera Oriental de los Andes, entre 23º y 24º S, Provincia de Jujuy, NO de Argentina

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    The Eastern Cordillera and Subandean Ranges betwen 23" and 24" S exhibits an E-verging basement-involved reverse faults and thrusts. Most of the faults are generated by the inversion of the N-S trending extensional faults during compressional tectonics process. Structural and kinematic analysis allow us to distinguish severa1 stages dunng the compressional event. The thrust faulting started at 17 to 14 Ma in westermost tectonics units of the Eastern Cordillera and at 11Ma in eastern thrust sheets. The compressional deformation has been transferred to the Subandean Ranges at 8,5 Ma and lasted, and it probably contemporaneous with the second generation of thrust (out of sequence thrust) in the Eastern Cordillera

    Interaction Effects on the Magneto-optical Response of Magnetoplasmonic Dimers

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    The effect that dipole-dipole interactions have on the magneto-optical (MO) properties of magnetoplasmonic dimers is theoretically studied. The specific plasmonic versus magnetoplasmonic nature of the dimer's metallic components and their specific location within the dimer plays a crucial role on the determination of these properties. We find that it is possible to generate an induced MO activity in a purely plasmonic component, even larger than that of the MO one, therefore dominating the overall MO spectral dependence of the system. Adequate stacking of these components may allow obtaining, for specific spectral regions, larger MO activities in systems with reduced amount of MO metal and therefore with lower optical losses. Theoretical results are contrasted and confirmed with experiments for selected structures

    Módulo online de cinemática como soporte a la enseñanza semipresencial de la Física en Ingeniería

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    Las nuevas tecnologías en materia de información y comunicación nos ofrecen las oportunidades para un mayor aprovechamiento de las herramientas y recursos, que permita mejorar el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje. Aprovechando las nuevas oportunidades que ofrecen medios como internet se diseñó y desarrolló un sistema hipermedial (website) denominado: programa SEHCP (Software Educativo Hipermedia Cinemática de la Partícula) como soporte al proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje del tema Cinemática de la Partícula. El software fue utilizado por una muestra representativa de los tipos de destinatarios para los que fue diseñado y la consiguiente evaluación diagnóstica; la muestra estuvo conformada por alumnos de la asignatura Física Mecánica y alumnos del Curso Introductorio de la Facultad de Ingeniería de la Universidad de Carabobo-Venezuela

    Smash (co)products and skew pairings

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    Let [tau] be an invertible skew pairing on (B,H), where B and H are Hopf algebras in a symmetric monoidal category C with (co)equalizers. Assume that H is quasitriangular. Then we obtain a new algebra structure such that B is a Hopf algebra in the braided category HHYD and there exists a Hopf algebra isomorphism w: B[infinity]H --> B [tau]H in C, where B[infinity]H is a Hopf algebra with (co)algebra structure the smash (co)product and B [tau] H is the Hopf algebra defined by Doi and Takeuchi