209 research outputs found

    Resolving Architectural Mismatches of COTS Through Architectural Reconciliation

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    The integration of COTS components into a system under development entails architectural mismatches. These have been tackled, so far, at the component level, through component adaptation techniques, but they also must be tackled at an architectural level of abstraction. In this paper we propose an approach for resolving architectural mismatches, with the aid of architectural reconciliation. The approach consists of designing and subsequently reconciling two architectural models, one that is forward-engineered from the requirements and another that is reverse-engineered from the COTS-based implementation. The final reconciled model is optimally adapted both to the requirements and to the actual COTS-based implementation. The contribution of this paper lies in the application of architectural reconciliation in the context of COTS-based software development. Architectural modeling is based upon the UML 2.0 standard, while the reconciliation is performed by transforming the two models, with the help of architectural design decisions.

    Object orientation without extending Z

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    The good news of this paper is that without extending Z, we can elegantly specify object-oriented systems, including encapsulation, inheritance and subtype polymorphism (dynamic dispatch). The bad news is that this specification style is rather different to normal Z specifications, more abstract and axiomatic, which means that it is not so well supported by current Z tools such as animators. It also enforces behavioural subtyping, unlike most object-oriented programming languages. This paper explains the proposed style, with examples, and discusses its advantages and disadvantages

    UML 1.4 versus UML 2.0 as Languages to Describe Software Architectures.

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    ML 1.4 is widely accepted as the standard for representing the various software artifacts generated by a development process. For this reason, there have been attempts to use this language to represent the software architec- ture of systems as well. Unfortunately, these attempts have ended in representa- tions (boxes and lines) already criticized by the software architecture commu- nity. Recently, OMG has published a draft that will constitute the future UML 2.0 specification. In this paper we compare the capacities of UML 1.4 and UML 2.0 to describe software architectures. In particular, we study extensions of both UML versions to describe the static view of the C3 architectural style (a simplification of the C2 style). One of the results of this study is the difficulties found when using the UML 2.0 metamodel to describe the concept of connector in a software architecture

    Architectural mismatch tolerance

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    The integrity of complex software systems built from existing components is becoming more dependent on the integrity of the mechanisms used to interconnect these components and, in particular, on the ability of these mechanisms to cope with architectural mismatches that might exist between components. There is a need to detect and handle (i.e. to tolerate) architectural mismatches during runtime because in the majority of practical situations it is impossible to localize and correct all such mismatches during development time. When developing complex software systems, the problem is not only to identify the appropriate components, but also to make sure that these components are interconnected in a way that allows mismatches to be tolerated. The resulting architectural solution should be a system based on the existing components, which are independent in their nature, but are able to interact in well-understood ways. To find such a solution we apply general principles of fault tolerance to dealing with arch itectural mismatche

    Specifying Self-configurable Component-based Systems with FracToy

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    International audienceOne of the key research challenges in autonomic computing is to define rigorous mathematical models for specifying, analyzing, and verifying high-level self-* policies. This paper presents the FracToy formal methodology to specify self-configurable component-based systems, and particularly both their component-based architectural description and their self-configuration policies. This rigorous methodology is based on the first-order relational logic, and is implemented with the Alloy formal specication language. The paper presents the dierent steps of the FracToy methodology and illustrates them on a self-configurable component-based example

    A Three-level Component Model in Component Based Software Development

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    International audienceComponent-based development promotes a software development process that focuses on component reuse. How to describe a desired component before searching in the repository? How to find an existing component that fulfills the required functionalities? How to capture the system personalization based on its constitutive components' customization? To answer these questions, this paper claims that components should be described using three different forms at three development stages: architecture specification, configuration and assembly. However, no architecture description language proposes such a detailed description for components that supports such a three step component-based development. This paper proposes a three-level ADL, named Dedal, that enables the explicit and separate definitions of component roles, component classes, and component instances

    Profiling and framing structures for pervasive information systems development

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    Pervasive computing is a research field of computing technology that aims to achieve a new computing paradigm. Software engineering has been, since its existence, subject of research and improvement in several areas of interest. Model-Based/Driven Development (MDD) constitutes an approach to software design and development that potentially contributes to: concepts closer to domain and reduction of semantic gaps; automation and less sensitivity to technological changes; capture of expert knowledge and reuse. This paper presents a profiling and framing structure approach for the development of Pervasive Information Systems (PIS). This profiling and framing structure allows the organization of the functionality that can be assigned to computational devices in a system and of the corresponding development structures and models, being. The proposed approach enables a structural approach to PIS development. The paper also presents a case study that allowed demonstrating the applicability of the approach.Fundação para a CiĂȘncia e a Tecnologia (FCT

    Enhancing dependability through flexible adaptation to changing requirements

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    This paper describes an architectural approach that facilitates the dynamic adaptation of systems to changing domain rules. The approach relies on 'coordination contracts', a modelling and implementation primitive we have developed for run-time reconfiguration. Our framework includes an engine that, whenever a service is called, checks the domain rules that are applicable and configures the response of the service before proceeding with the call. This approach enhances dependability in two essential ways: on the one hand, it guarantees that system execution is always consistent with the domain logic because service response is configured automatically (i.e., without any need for programmer intervention); on the other hand, it makes it possible for changes to be incorporated into existing domain rules, and from new rules to be created, with little effort, because coordination contracts can be superposed dynamically without having to change neither the client nor the service code. Our approach is illustrated through a case study in financial systems, an area in which dependability arises mainly in the guise of business concerns like adherence to agreed policies and conditions negotiated on a case-by-case basis. We report on an information system that ATX Software developed for a company specialised in recovering bad credit. We show in particular how, by using this framework, we have devised a way of generating rule-dependent SQL code for batch-oriented services

    Assessing architectural evolution: A case study

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    This is the post-print version of the Article. The official published can be accessed from the link below - Copyright @ 2011 SpringerThis paper proposes to use a historical perspective on generic laws, principles, and guidelines, like Lehman’s software evolution laws and Martin’s design principles, in order to achieve a multi-faceted process and structural assessment of a system’s architectural evolution. We present a simple structural model with associated historical metrics and visualizations that could form part of an architect’s dashboard. We perform such an assessment for the Eclipse SDK, as a case study of a large, complex, and long-lived system for which sustained effective architectural evolution is paramount. The twofold aim of checking generic principles on a well-know system is, on the one hand, to see whether there are certain lessons that could be learned for best practice of architectural evolution, and on the other hand to get more insights about the applicability of such principles. We find that while the Eclipse SDK does follow several of the laws and principles, there are some deviations, and we discuss areas of architectural improvement and limitations of the assessment approach
