1,201 research outputs found

    Chandra Measurements of a Complete Sample of X-ray Luminous Galaxy Clusters: The Luminosity-Mass Relation

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    We present the results of work involving a statistically complete sample of 34 galaxy clusters, in the redshift range 0.15\lez\le0.3 observed with ChandraChandra. We investigate the luminosity-mass (LMLM) relation for the cluster sample, with the masses obtained via a full hydrostatic mass analysis. We utilise a method to fully account for selection biases when modeling the LMLM relation, and find that the LMLM relation is significantly different than the relation modelled when not account for selection effects. We find that the luminosity of our clusters is 2.2±\pm0.4 times higher (when accounting for selection effects) than the average for a given mass, its mass is 30% lower than the population average for a given luminosity. Equivalently, using the LMLM relation measured from this sample without correcting for selection biases would lead to the underestimation by 40% of the average mass of a cluster with a given luminosity. Comparing the hydrostatic masses to mass estimates determined from the YXY_{X} parameter, we find that they are entirely consistent, irrespective of the dynamical state of the cluster.Comment: 31 pages, 43 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Associations between diurnal preference, sleep quality and externalizing behaviours: a behavioural genetic analysis

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    Background - Certain aspects of sleep co-occur with externalizing behaviours in youth, yet little is known about these associations in adults. The present study: (1) examines the associations between diurnal preference (morningness versus eveningness), sleep quality and externalizing behaviours; (2) explores the extent to which genetic and environmental influences are shared between or are unique to these phenotypes; (3) examines the extent to which genetic and environmental influences account for these associations. Method - Questionnaires assessing diurnal preference, sleep quality and externalizing behaviours were completed by 1556 young adult twins and siblings. Results - A preference for eveningness and poor sleep quality were associated with greater externalizing symptoms [r=0.28 (95% CI 0.23–0.33) and 0.34 (95% CI 0.28–0.39), respectively]. A total of 18% of the genetic influences on externalizing behaviours were shared with diurnal preference and sleep quality and an additional 14% were shared with sleep quality alone. Non-shared environmental influences common to the phenotypes were small (2%). The association between diurnal preference and externalizing behaviours was mostly explained by genetic influences [additive genetic influence (A)=80% (95% CI 0.56–1.01)], as was the association between sleep quality and externalizing behaviours [A=81% (95% CI 0.62–0.99)]. Non-shared environmental (E) influences accounted for the remaining variance for both associations [E=20% (95% CI −0.01 to 0.44) and 19% (95% CI 0.01–0.38), respectively]. Conclusions - A preference for eveningness and poor sleep quality are moderately associated with externalizing behaviours in young adults. There is a moderate amount of shared genetic influences between the phenotypes and genetic influences account for a large proportion of the association between sleep and externalizing behaviours. Further research could focus on identifying specific genetic polymorphisms common to both sleep and externalizing behaviours

    Redshift Evolution in the Iron Abundance of the Intracluster Medium

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    Clusters of galaxies provide a closed box within which one can determine the chemical evolution of the gaseous baryons with cosmic time. We studied this metallicity evolution in the hot X-ray emitting baryons through an analysis of XMM-Newton observations of 29 galaxy clusters in the redshift range 0.3 < z < 1.3. Taken alone, this data set does not show evidence for significant evolution. However, when we also include a comparable sample of 115 clusters observed with Chandra (Maughan et al. 2008) and a lower redshift sample of 70 clusters observed with XMM at z < 0.3 (Snowden et al. 2008), there is definitive evidence for a decrease in the metallicity. This decrease is approximately a factor of two from z = 0 to z \approx 1, over which we find a least-squares best-fit line Z(z) / Z_{\odot} = (0.46 \pm 0.05) - (0.38 \pm 0.03)z. The greatest uncertainty in the evolution comes from poorly constrained metallicities in the highest redshift bin

    South-West extension of the hard X-ray emission from the Coma cluster

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    We explore the morphology of hard (18-30 keV) X-ray emission from the Coma cluster of galaxies. We analyze a deep (1.1 Ms) observation of the Coma cluster with the ISGRI imager on board the \emph{INTEGRAL} satellite. We show that the source extension in the North-East to South-West (SW) direction (17\sim 17') significantly exceeds the size of the point spread function of ISGRI, and that the centroid of the image of the source in the 18-30 keV band is displaced in the SW direction compared to the centroid in the 1-10 keV band. To test the nature of the SW extension we fit the data assuming different models of source morphology. The best fit is achieved with a diffuse source of elliptical shape, although an acceptable fit can be achieved assuming an additional point source SW of the cluster core. In the case of an elliptical source, the direction of extension of the source coincides with the direction toward the subcluster falling onto the Coma cluster. If the SW excess is due to the presence of a point source with a hard spectrum, we show that there is no obvious X-ray counterpart for this additional source, and that the closest X-ray source is the quasar EXO 1256+281, which is located 6.16.1' from the centroid of the excess. The observed morphology of the hard X-ray emission clarifies the nature of the hard X-ray "excess" emission from the Coma cluster, which is due to the presence of an extended hard X-ray source SW of the cluster core.Comment: 7pages, 10 figure

    The XMM-LSS survey: the Class 1 cluster sample over the extended 11 deg2^2 and its spatial distribution

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    This paper presents 52 X-ray bright galaxy clusters selected within the 11 deg2^2 XMM-LSS survey. 51 of them have spectroscopic redshifts (0.05<z<1.060.05<z<1.06), one is identified at zphot=1.9z_{\rm phot}=1.9, and all together make the high-purity "Class 1" (C1) cluster sample of the XMM-LSS, the highest density sample of X-ray selected clusters with a monitored selection function. Their X-ray fluxes, averaged gas temperatures (median TX=2T_X=2 keV), luminosities (median LX,500=5×1043L_{X,500}=5\times10^{43} ergs/s) and total mass estimates (median 5×1013h1M5\times10^{13} h^{-1} M_{\odot}) are measured, adapting to the specific signal-to-noise regime of XMM-LSS observations. The redshift distribution of clusters shows a deficit of sources when compared to the cosmological expectations, regardless of whether WMAP-9 or Planck-2013 CMB parameters are assumed. This lack of sources is particularly noticeable at 0.4z0.90.4 \lesssim z \lesssim 0.9. However, after quantifying uncertainties due to small number statistics and sample variance we are not able to put firm (i.e. >3σ>3 \sigma) constraints on the presence of a large void in the cluster distribution. We work out alternative hypotheses and demonstrate that a negative redshift evolution in the normalization of the LXTXL_{X}-T_X relation (with respect to a self-similar evolution) is a plausible explanation for the observed deficit. We confirm this evolutionary trend by directly studying how C1 clusters populate the LXTXzL_{X}-T_X-z space, properly accounting for selection biases. We point out that a systematically evolving, unresolved, central component in clusters and groups (AGN contamination or cool core) can impact the classification as extended sources and be partly responsible for the observed redshift distribution.[abridged]Comment: 33 pages, 21 figures, 3 tables ; accepted for publication in MNRA

    Elevated genetic diversity in an F2:6 population of quinoa (<i>Chenopodium quinoa</i>) developed through an inter-ecotype cross

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    Quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa) is a seed crop of the Andean highlands and Araucanian coastal regions of South America that has recently expanded in use and production beyond its native range. This is largely due its superb nutritional value, consisting of protein that is rich in essential amino acids along with vitamins and minerals. Quinoa also presents a remarkable degree of tolerance to saline conditions, drought, and frost. The present study involved 72 F2:6 recombinant inbred lines (RIL) and parents developed through hybridization between highland (0654) and coastal (NL-6) germplasm groups. The purpose was to characterize the quinoa germplasm developed, to assess the discriminating potential of 21 agro-morpho phenological traits, and to evaluate the extent of genetic variability recovered through selfing. A vast amount of genetic variation was detected among the 72 lines evaluated for quantitative and qualitative traits. Impressive transgressive segregation was measured for seed yield (22.42 g/plant), while plant height and maturity had higher heritabilities (73 and 89%, respectively). Other notable characters segregating in the population included panicle and stem color, panicle form, and resistance to downy mildew. In the Principal Component analysis, the first axis explained 74% of the total variation and was correlated to plant height, panicle size, stem diameter, biomass, mildew reaction, maturation, and seed yield; those traits are relevant discriminatory characters. Yield correlated positively with panicle length and biomass. UPGMA based cluster analysis identified three groups: one consisting of late, mildew-resistant, high yielding lines; one having semi-late lines with intermediate yield and mildew susceptibility; and a third cluster consisting of early to semi-late accessions with low yield and mildew susceptibility. This study highlighted the extended diversity regenerated among the 72 accessions and helped to identify potentially adapted quinoa genotypes for production in the Moroccan coastal environment

    A natural history of efavirenz drug-induced liver injury

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    Background. Efavirenz (EFV), a non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor, has been a component of first-line antiretroviral therapy (ART) in the South African HIV/AIDS programme since 2004. It is extensively used in ART programmes in other low- and middle-income countries. The natural history of the previously recognised EFV drug-induced liver injury (DILI) is not known.Objectives. To define and establish a causality assessment for EFV DILI and document its natural history by detailing a patient cohort. All relevant features characterising the patterns of clinical and histological injury, the duration of clinical and biochemical recovery and the associated mortality rate were documented. Factors associated with specific histological patterns of liver injury were analysed.Methods. Patients were prospectively included after meeting causality and inclusion criteria for EFV DILI. Clinical, demographic and liver histological features (where possible) were documented from the time of presentation and throughout follow-up. Prednisone at 0.25 - 0.5 mg/kg was initiated at the discretion of the treating hepatologist.Results. Fifty patients were prospectively included in the analysis. The median age was 34 (interquartile range (IQR) 29 - 39) years, males being older than females (p=0.014). Most (92%) were female, and 86% were of black African ethnicity. The median duration of ART at presentation was 6 months, with half of the women having initiated ART during pregnancy, at a median gestation of 24 (IQR 11 - 36) weeks. The median CD4 nadir at ART treatment initiation was 517 cells/µL, with no significant difference in CD4 nadir between those who were pregnant and those who were not (p=0.6). The median RUCAM (Roussel Uclaf Causality Assessment Method) score was 7, and among the 75% of patients who had liver biopsies, three histological patterns were identified: submassive necrosis (60%), nonspecific hepatitis (35%), and mixed cholestatic hepatitis (5%). On multivariate analysis, predictors for the development of submassive necrosis included younger age (&lt;30 years; p=0.045), ART initiation in pregnancy (p=0.02), and a baseline CD4 count &gt;350 cells/µL (p=0.018). For the nonspecific hepatitis group, pregnancy was also an associated factor (p=0.04). The mortality rate was 14%, with a median time from admission to death of 15 days. The median (IQR) time to initial hospital discharge was a lengthy 33 (24 - 52) days. Biochemical recovery was prolonged, necessitating a follow-up period of more than a year at an outpatient specialist clinic, with 86% of patients initiating a protease inhibitor-based ART regimen successfully.Conclusions. EFV DILI is a severe drug complication of ART with appreciable mortality and significant inpatient morbidity, requiring prolonged hospitalisation and follow-up

    A comprehensive picture of baryons in groups and clusters of galaxies

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    (Abridged) Based on XMM-Newton, Chandra and SDSS data, we investigate the baryon distribution in groups and clusters and its use as a cosmological constraint. For this, we considered a sample of 123 systems, with total masses in the mass range M500 = ~ 10^13 - 4 x 10^15 h_70^-1 Msun. The gas masses and total masses are derived from X-ray data under the assumption of hydrostatic equilibrium and spherical symmetry. The stellar masses are based on SDSS-DR8 data. For the 37 systems out of 123 that had both optical and X-ray data available, we investigated the gas, stellar and total baryon mass fractions inside r2500 and r500, and the differential gas mass fraction within the spherical annulus between r2500 and r500, as a function of total mass. For the other objects, we investigated the gas mass fraction only. We find that the gas mass fraction inside r2500 and r500 depends on the total mass. However, the differential gas mass fraction does not show any dependence on total mass for systems with M500 > 10^14 Msun. We find that the total baryonic content increases with cluster mass. This led us to investigate the contribution of the ICL to the total baryon budget for lower mass systems, but we find that it cannot account for the difference observed. The gas mass fraction dependence on total mass observed for groups and clusters could be due to the difficulty of low-mass systems to retain gas inside the inner region. Due to their shallower potential well, non-thermal processes are more effective in expelling the gas from their central regions outwards. Since the differential gas mass fraction is nearly constant it provides better constraints for cosmology. Using our total f_b estimates, our results imply 0.17 < Omega_m < 0.55.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A; 16 pages, 9 figures, 1 tabl

    The XXL Survey X: K-band luminosity - weak-lensing mass relation for groups and clusters of galaxies

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    We present the K-band luminosity-halo mass relation, LK,500M500,WLL_{K,500}-M_{500,WL}, for a subsample of 20 of the 100 brightest clusters in the XXL Survey observed with WIRCam at the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope (CFHT). For the first time, we have measured this relation via weak-lensing analysis down to M500,WL=3.5×1013MM_{500,WL} =3.5 \times 10^{13}\,M_\odot. This allows us to investigate whether the slope of the LKML_K-M relation is different for groups and clusters, as seen in other works. The clusters in our sample span a wide range in mass, M500,WL=0.3512.10×1014MM_{500,WL} =0.35-12.10 \times 10^{14}\,M_\odot, at 0<z<0.60<z<0.6. The K-band luminosity scales as log10(LK,500/1012L)βlog10(M500,WL/1014M)\log_{10}(L_{K,500}/10^{12}L_\odot) \propto \beta log_{10}(M_{500,WL}/10^{14}M_\odot) with β=0.850.27+0.35\beta = 0.85^{+0.35}_{-0.27} and an intrinsic scatter of σlnLKM=0.370.17+0.19\sigma_{lnL_K|M} =0.37^{+0.19}_{-0.17}. Combining our sample with some clusters in the Local Cluster Substructure Survey (LoCuSS) present in the literature, we obtain a slope of 1.050.14+0.161.05^{+0.16}_{-0.14} and an intrinsic scatter of 0.140.07+0.090.14^{+0.09}_{-0.07}. The flattening in the LKML_K-M seen in previous works is not seen here and might be a result of a bias in the mass measurement due to assumptions on the dynamical state of the systems. We also study the richness-mass relation and find that group-sized halos have more galaxies per unit halo mass than massive clusters. However, the brightest cluster galaxy (BCG) in low-mass systems contributes a greater fraction to the total cluster light than BCGs do in massive clusters; the luminosity gap between the two brightest galaxies is more prominent for group-sized halos. This result is a natural outcome of the hierarchical growth of structures, where massive galaxies form and gain mass within low-mass groups and are ultimately accreted into more massive clusters to become either part of the BCG or one of the brighter galaxies. [Abridged]Comment: A&A, in pres