636 research outputs found

    Assessing the Effects of Banana Pingers as a Bycatch Mitigation Device for Harbour Porpoises (Phocoena phocoena)

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    This is the final version. Available on open access from Frontiers Media via the DOI in this recordData Availability Statement: The raw data supporting the conclusions of this article will be made available by the authors, without undue reservation, to any qualified researcher.Bycatch is a significant cause of population declines of marine megafauna globally. While numerous bycatch mitigation strategies exist, acoustic alarms, or pingers, are the most widely adopted strategy for small cetaceans. Although pingers have been shown to be an effective measure for numerous species, there are some concerns about their long-term use. Bycatch is recognized as a persistent problem in waters around Cornwall, United Kingdom, where several cetacean species are resident, with harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) being the most-commonly sighted. In this study, we assessed the effects of a Banana Pinger (Fishtek Marine Limited) on harbour porpoises in Cornwall between August 2012 and March 2013. Two passive acoustic loggers (C-PODs; Chelonia Limited) were deployed 100 m apart to record cetacean activity during cycles of active and inactive pinger periods. Harbour porpoises were 37% less likely to be detected at the C-POD near the pinger when the pinger was active, while they were only 9% less likely to be detected 100 m further away. The effect of the pinger was constant over the study period at both C-PODs despite the temporal variation in harbour porpoise detections. In addition, we found no evidence of reduced pinger effect with changing environmental conditions. Furthermore, harbour porpoise detections at the C-POD near the pinger did not depend on the time elapsed since the pinger turned off, with harbour porpoises returning to the ensonified area with no delay. Together these results suggest that (1) harbour porpoises did not habituate to the pinger over an 8-month period, (2) the pinger effect is very localized, and (3) pinger use did not lead to harbour porpoise displacement over the study period, suggesting an absence of long-term behavioral effects. We suggest that the deployment of pingers on fishing nets would likely reduce net-porpoise interactions, thereby mitigating bycatch of harbour porpoises and potentially other cetacean species. As the small-scale fishery dominates in United Kingdom waters, there is an acute need for cost-effective mitigation strategies with concurrent monitoring to be implemented rapidly in order to address the problem of harbour porpoise, and more generally, cetacean bycatch.Whale and Dolphin ConservationFishtek Marine Limite

    CO2 budgeting at the regional scale using a Lagrangian experimental strategy and meso-scale modeling

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    An atmospheric Lagrangian experiment for regional CO2 budgeting with aircraft measurements took place during the CarboEurope Regional Experiment Strategy campaign (CERES) in south-west France, in June 2005. The atmospheric CO2 aircraft measurements taken upstream and downstream of an active and homogeneous pine forest revealed a CO2 depletion in the same air mass, using a Lagrangian strategy. This field experiment was analyzed with a meteorological meso-scale model interactively coupled with a surface scheme, with plant assimilation, ecosystem respiration, anthropogenic CO2 emissions and sea fluxes. First, the model was carefully validated against observations made close to the surface and in the atmospheric boundary layer. Then, the carbon budget was evaluated using the numerous CERES observations, by upscaling the surface fluxes observations, and using the modeling results, in order to estimate the relative contribution of each physical process. A good agreement is found between the two methods which use the same vegetation map: the estimation of the regional CO2 surface flux by the Eulerian meso-scale model budget is close to the budget deduced from the upscaling of the observed surface fluxes, and found a budget between −9.4 and −12.1μmol.m−2.s−1, depending on the size of the considered area. Nevertheless, the associated uncertainties are rather large for the upscaling method and reach 50%. A third method, using Lagrangian observations of CO2 estimates a regional CO2 budget a few different and more scattered, (−16.8μmol.m−2.s−1 for the small sub-domain and −8.6μmol.m−2.s−1 for the larger one). For this budgeting method, we estimate a mean of 31% error, mainly arising from the time of integration between the two measurements of the Lagrangian experiment. The paper describes in details the three methods to assess the regional CO2 budget and the associated error

    Haalbaarheidstudie: regenwater opvangen en benutten op luchthaven Schiphol

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    Voor een effectieve bescherming van beschikbare (zoet)waterbronnen is het opvangen en benutten van regenwater op regionale schaal noodzakelijk, evenals het vergroten van de regionale zelfvoorzienendheid. Deze studie op het terrein van luchthaven Schiphol laat zien dat regenwateropvang van verschillende oppervlakten haalbaar is, maar dat voor volledige dekking een vrij grote berging noodzakelijk is

    De baten van de KRW : een eerste inventarisatie naar de potentiële baten van schoner water voor de land- en tuinbouw

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    In de landbouw wordt water vooral gebruikt voor: - beregening van gewassen (ongeveer 50-150 miljoen m3 per jaar); - drenking van vee (ongeveer 100 miljoen m3 per jaar). Wanneer als gevolg van de KRW de waterkwaliteit verbetert, kan dit tot baten voor de landbouw leiden. In de strategische MKBA voor de KRW is een eerste inschatting gemaakt van de kosten en baten van de KRW. In die studie is voor de baten voor de landbouw een pm post opgenomen. Achtergrondrapport voor de ex ante evaluatie kaderrichtlijn water (KRW

    An estimate of the terrestrial carbon budget of Russia using inventory-based, eddy covariance and inversion methods

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    We determine the carbon balance of Russia, including Ukraine, Belarus and Kazakhstan using inventory based, eddy covariance, Dynamic Global Vegetation Models (DGVM), and inversion methods. Our current best estimate of the net biosphere to atmosphere flux is -0.66 Pg C yr-1. This sink is primarily caused by forests that using two independent methods are estimated to take up -0.69 Pg C yr-1. Using inverse models yields an average net biosphere to atmosphere flux of the same value with a interannual variability of 35%. The total estimated biosphere to atmosphere flux from eddy covariance observations over a limited number of sites amounts to -1 Pg C yr-1. Fires emit 137 to 121 Tg C yr-1 using two different methods. The interannual variability of fire emissions is large, up to a factor 0.5 to 3. Smaller fluxes to the ocean and inland lakes, trade are also accounted for. Our best estimate for the Russian net biosphere to atmosphere flux then amounts to -659 Tg C yr-1 as the average of the inverse models of -653 Tg C yr-1, bottom up -563 Tg C yr-1 and the independent landscape approach of -761 Tg C yr-1. These three methods agree well within their error bounds, so there is good consistency between bottom up and top down methods. The best estimate of the net land to atmosphere flux, including the fossil fuel emissions is -145 to -73 Tg C yr-1. Estimated methane emissions vary considerably with one inventory-based estimate providing a net land to atmosphere flux of 12.6 Tg C-CH4yr-1 and an independent model estimate for the boreal and Arctic zones of Eurasia of 27.6 Tg C-CH4yr-1

    Organisational climates for diversity and their impacts on managerial attitudes and perceptions in the NHS and retail industry

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    Croplands cover about 12% of the ice-free terrestrial land surface. Compared with natural ecosystems, croplands have distinct characteristics due to anthropogenic influences. Their global gross primary production (GPP) is not well constrained and estimates vary between 8.2 and 14.2 Pg C yr−1. We quantified global cropland GPP using a light use efficiency (LUE) model, employing satellite observations and survey data of crop types and distribution. A novel step in our analysis was to assign a maximum light use efficiency estimate (ϵ*GPP) to each of the 26 different crop types, instead of taking a uniform value as done in the past. These ϵ*GPP values were calculated based on flux tower CO2 exchange measurements and a literature survey of field studies, and ranged from 1.20 to 2.96 g C MJ−1. Global cropland GPP was estimated to be 11.05 Pg C yr−1 in the year 2000. Maize contributed most to this (1.55 Pg C yr−1), and the continent of Asia contributed most with 38.9% of global cropland GPP. In the continental United States, annual cropland GPP (1.28 Pg C yr−1) was close to values reported previously (1.24 Pg C yr−1) constrained by harvest records, but our estimates of ϵ*GPP values were considerably higher. Our results are sensitive to satellite information and survey data on crop type and extent, but provide a consistent and data-driven approach to generate a look-up table of ϵ*GPP for the 26 crop types for potential use in other vegetation models

    Land surface scheme conceptualisation and parameter values for three sites with contrasting soils and climate

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    International audienceThe objective of the present study is to test the performance of the ECMWF land surface module (LSM) developed by Viterbo and Beljaars (1995) and to identify primary future adjustments, focusing on the hydrological components. This was achieved by comparing off-line simulations against observations and a detailed state-of-the-art model over a range of experimental conditions. Results showed that the standard LSM, which uses fixed vegetation and soil parameter values, systematically underestimated evapotranspiration, partly due to underestimating bare soil evaporation, which appeared to be a conceptual problem. In dry summer conditions, transpiration was seriously underestimated. The bias in surface runoff and percolation was not of the same sign for all three locations. A sensitivity analysis, set up to explore the impact of using standard parameter values, found that implementing specific soil hydraulic properties had a significant effect on runoff and percolation at all three sites. Evapotranspiration, however affected only slightly at the temperate humid climate sites. Under semi-arid conditions, introducing site specific soil hydraulic properties plus a realistic rooting depth improved simulation results considerably. Future adjustments to the standard LSM should focus on parameter values of soil hydraulic functions and rooting depths and, conceptually, on the bare soil evaporation parameterisation and the soil bottom boundary condition. Implications of changing soil hydraulic properties for future large-simulations were explored briefly. For Europe, soil data requirements can be fulfilled partly by the recent data base HYPRES. Sandy and loamy sand soils will then cover about 65% of Europe, whereas in the present model 100% of the area is loam. Keywords: land surface model; soil hydraulic properties; water balance simulation</p
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