193 research outputs found

    Modeling the Near-Infrared Luminosity Functions of Young Stellar Clusters

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    We present the results of numerical experiments designed to evaluate the usefulness of near-infrared luminosity functions for constraining the Initial Mass Function (IMF) of young stellar populations. From this numerical modeling, we find that the luminosity function of a young stellar population is considerably more sensitive to variations in the underlying initial mass function than to either variations in the star forming history or assumed pre-main-sequence (PMS) mass-to-luminosity relation. To illustrate the potential effectiveness of using the KLF of a young cluster to constrain its IMF, we model the observed K band luminosity function of the nearby Trapezium cluster. Our derived mass function for the Trapezium spans two orders of magnitude in stellar mass (5 Msun to 0.02 Msun), has a peak near the hydrogen burning limit, and has an IMF for Brown Dwarfs which steadily decreases with decreasing mass.Comment: To appear in ApJ (1 April 2000). 37 pages including 11 figures, AAS: ver 5.

    The influence of nova nucleosynthesis on the chemical evolution of the Galaxy

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    We adopt up-to-date yields of 7Li, 13C, 15N from classical novae and use a well tested model for the chemical evolution of the Milky Way in order to predict the temporal evolution of these elemental species in the solar neighborhood. In spite of major uncertainties due to our lack of knowledge of metallicity effects on the final products of explosive nucleosynthesis in nova outbursts, we find a satisfactory agreement between theoretical predictions and observations for 7Li and 13C. On the contrary, 15N turns out to be overproduced by about an order of magnitude.Comment: 8 pages, latex, 3 figures. To appear in "The Chemical Evolution of the Milky Way: Stars versus Clusters", eds. F. Giovannelli and F. Matteucci (Kluwer: Dordrecht

    A Test of Pre-Main-Sequence Lithium Depletion Models

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    Despite the extensive study of lithium depletion during pre-main-sequence contraction, studies of individual stars show discrepancies between ages determined from the HR diagram and ages determined from lithium depletion (Song et al. 2002, White & Hillenbrand 2005) indicating open questions in the pre-main-sequence evolutionary models. To further test these models, we present high resolution spectra for members of the Beta Pictoris Moving Group (BPMG), which is young and nearby. We measure equivalent widths of the 6707.8 Angstrom Li I line in these stars and use them to determine lithium abundances. We combine the lithium abundance with the predictions of pre-main-sequence evolutionary models in order to calculate a lithium depletion age for each star. We compare this age to the age predicted by the HR diagram of the same model. We find that the evolutionary models under-predict the amount of lithium depletion for the BPMG given its nominal HR diagram age of ~12 Myr (Zuckerman et al. 2001), particularly for the mid-M stars, which have no observable Li I line. This results in systematically older ages calculated from lithium depletion isochrones than from the HR diagram. We suggest that this discrepancy may be related to the discrepancy between measured M-dwarf radii and the smaller radii predicted by evolutionary models.Comment: Accepted by ApJ; 21 pages, 5 figure

    Dynamics of Circumstellar Disks II: Heating and Cooling

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    We present a series of 2-d (r,ϕr,\phi) hydrodynamic simulations of marginally self gravitating disks around protostars using an SPH code. We implement simple dynamical heating and we cool each location as a black body, using a photosphere temperature obtained from the local vertical structure. We synthesize SEDs from our simulations and compare them to fiducial SEDs derived from observed systems. These simulations produce less distinct spiral structure than isothermally evolved systems, especially in the inner third of the disk. Pattern are similar further from the star but do not collapse into condensed objects. The photosphere temperature is well fit to a power law in radius with index q1.1q\sim1.1, which is very steep. Far from the star, internal heating (PdVPdV work and shocks) are not responsible for generating a large fraction of the thermal energy contained in the disk matter. Gravitational torques responsible for such shocks cannot transport mass and angular momentum efficiently in the outer disk. Within \sim5--10 AU of the star, rapid break up and reformation of spiral structure causes shocks, which provide sufficient dissipation to power a larger fraction of the near IR energy output. The spatial and size distribution of grains can have marked consequences on the observed near IR SED and can lead to increased emission and variability on 10\lesssim 10 year time scales. When grains are vaporized they do not reform into a size distribution similar to that from which most opacity calculations are based. With rapid grain reformation into the original size distribution, the disk does not emit near infrared photons. With a plausible modification to the opacity, it contributes much more.Comment: Accepted by ApJ, 60pg incl 24 figure

    Timing an Accreting Millisecond Pulsar: Measuring the Accretion Torque in IGR J00291+5934

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    We present here a timing analysis of the fastest accreting millisecond pulsar IGR J00291+5934 using RXTE data taken during the outburst of December 2004. We corrected the arrival times of all the events for the orbital (Doppler) effects and performed a timing analysis of the resulting phase delays. In this way we find a clear parabolic trend of the pulse phase delays showing that the pulsar is spinning up as a consequence of accretion torques during the X-ray outburst. The accretion torque gives us for the first time an independent estimate of the mass accretion rate onto the neutron star, which can be compared with the observed X-ray luminosity. We also report a revised value of the spin period of the pulsar.Comment: Proceedings of the Frascati Workshop 2005: Multifrequency Behaviour of High Energy Cosmic Sources, Vulcano, May 23-28. 7 pages including 1 figur

    Gravity Indicators in the Near-Infrared Spectra of Brown Dwarfs

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    We investigate the sensitivity to temperature and gravity of the strong absorption features in the J- and K-band spectra of substellar objects. We compare the spectra of giants and young M dwarfs (of low gravity) to field M and L dwarfs (of high gravity) and to model spectra from the Lyon group. We find that low-resolution spectra of M4 - M9 stars and young brown dwarfs at R ~ 350 and S/N > 70 can determine the spectral type to a precision of pm 1 subtype, using the H2O and CO bands, and can measure the surface gravity to pm 0.5 dex, using the atomic lines of KI and NaI. This result points toward the development of photometric spectral indices to separate low-mass members from foreground and background objects in young clusters and associations. We also emphasize the complexity of the interpretation of the empirical quantities (e.g., spectral types) in terms of the physical variables (e.g., temperature, opacities) in the cool atmospheres of young brown dwarfs.Comment: Accepted to ApJ, 44 pages & 10 figures, preliminary results reported in astro-ph/020822

    Quantitative Evidence for an Intrinsic Age Spread in the Orion Nebula Cluster

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    Aims. We present a study of the distribution of stellar ages in the Orion Nebula Cluster (ONC) based on accurate HST photometry taken from the HST Treasury Program observations of the ONC utilizing the most recent estimate of the cluster's distance (Menten et al. 2007). We investigate the presence of an intrinsic age spread in the region and a possible trend of age with the spatial distribution. Methods. We estimate the extinction and accretion luminosity towards each source by performing synthetic photometry on an empirical calibration of atmospheric models (Da Rio et al. 2010) using the package Chorizos (Maiz-Apellaniz 2004). The position of the sources in the HR-diagram is compared with different theoretical isochrones to estimate the mean cluster age and age dispersion. Through Monte Carlo simulations we quantify the amount of intrinsic age spread in the region, taking into account uncertainties on the distance, spectral type, extinction, unresolved binaries, accretion and photometric variability. Results. According to Siess et al. (2000) evolutionary models the mean age of the Cluster is 2.2 Myr with a scatter of few Myrs. With Monte Carlo simulations we find that the observed age spread is inconsistent with a coeval stellar population, but is in agreement with a star formation activity between 1.5 and 3.5 Myrs. We also observe light evidence for a trend of ages with spatial distribution.Comment: 12 pages, 12 figures, Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    The Orbit and Occultations of KH 15D

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    The unusual flux variations of the pre-main-sequence binary star KH 15D have been attributed to occultations by a circumbinary disk. We test whether or not this theory is compatible with newly available data, including recent radial velocity measurements, CCD photometry over the past decade, and photographic photometry over the past 50 years. We find the model to be successful, after two refinements: a more realistic motion of the occulting feature, and a halo around each star that probably represents scattering by the disk. The occulting feature is exceptionally sharp-edged, raising the possibility that the dust in the disk has settled into a thin layer, and providing a tool for fine-scale mapping of the immediate environment of a T Tauri star. However, the window of opportunity is closing, as the currently visible star may be hidden at all orbital phases by as early as 2008.Comment: To appear in ApJ [16 pages, 13 figures

    Optical Spectroscopy of the Surface Population of the rho Ophiuchi Molecular Cloud: The First Wave of Star Formation

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    We present the results of optical spectroscopy of 139 stars obtained with the Hydra multi-object spectrograph. The objects extend over a 1.3 square degree area surrounding the main cloud of the rho Oph complex. The objects were selected from narrowband images to have H alpha in emission. Using the presence of strong H alpha emission, lithium absorption, location in the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram, or previously reported x-ray emission, we were able to identify 88 objects as young stars associated with the cloud. Strong H alpha emission was confirmed in 39 objects with line widths consistent with their origin in magnetospheric accretion columns. Two of the strongest emission-line objects are young, x-ray emitting brown dwarf candidates with M8 spectral types. Comparisons of the bolometric luminosities and effective temperatures with theoretical models suggest a medianage for this population of 2.1 Myr which is signifcantly older than the ages derived for objects in the cloud core. It appears that these stars formed contemporaneously with low mass stars in the Upper Scorpius subgroup, likely triggered by massive stars in the Upper-Centaurus subgroup.Comment: 35 pages of postscript which includes seven figures (some of which are multi-panel) and four postscript tables. Astronomical Journal (in press

    X-ray and optical observations of the unique binary system HD49798/RXJ0648.0-4418

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    We report the results of XMM-Newton observations of HD49798/RXJ0648.0-4418, the only known X-ray binary consisting of a hot sub-dwarf and a white dwarf. The white dwarf rotates very rapidly (P=13.2 s) and has a dynamically measured mass of 1.28+/-0.05 M_sun. Its X-ray emission consists of a strongly pulsed, soft component, well fit by a blackbody with kT~40 eV, accounting for most of the luminosity, and a fainter hard power-law component (photon index ~1.6). A luminosity of ~10^{32} erg/s is produced by accretion onto the white dwarf of the helium-rich matter from the wind of the companion, which is one of the few hot sub-dwarfs showing evidence of mass-loss. A search for optical pulsations at the South African Astronomical Observatory 1.9-m telescope gave negative results. X-rays were detected also during the white dwarf eclipse. This emission, with luminosity 2x10^{30} erg/s, can be attributed to HD 49798 and represents the first detection of a hot sub-dwarf star in the X-ray band. HD49798/RXJ0648.0-4418 is a post-common envelope binary which most likely originated from a pair of stars with masses ~8-10 M_sun. After the current He-burning phase, HD 49798 will expand and reach the Roche-lobe, causing a higher accretion rate onto the white dwarf which can reach the Chandrasekhar limit. Considering the fast spin of the white dwarf, this could lead to the formation of a millisecond pulsar. Alternatively, this system could be a Type Ia supernova progenitor with the appealing characteristic of a short time delay, being the descendent of relatively massive stars.Comment: Accepted for publication on The Astrophysical Journa