795 research outputs found

    Temporal behavior of two-wave-mixing in photorefractive InP:Fe versus temperature

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    The temporal response of two-wave-mixing in photorefractive InP:Fe under a dc electric field at different temperatures has been studied. In particular, the temperature dependence of the characteristic time constant has been studied both theoretically and experimentally, showing a strongly decreasing time constant with increasing temperature

    Carrier trapping study on a Ge nanocrystal by two-pass lift mode electrostatic force microscopy

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    Trapped charges inside an isolated germanium nanocrystal (Ge NC) have been studied by two-pass lift mode electrostatic force microscopy (EFM) measurements at room temperature. From visualized EFM images, electrons and holes were proven to be successfully injected and trapped in the Ge NC and distributed homogenously at the edge of its truncated spherical morphology. The Ge NC is found to have iso-potential surface and behave as a conductive material after being charged. It is also shown that the dominant charge decay mechanism during discharging of Ge NCs is related to the leakage of these trapped charges. A truncated capacitor model is used to approximate the real capacitance between the tip and Ge NC surface and to quantitatively study these trapped charges. These investigations demonstrate the potential for Ge nanocrystal memory applications

    Prognostic value of p53 gene mutations in a large series of node- negative breast cancer patients

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    The most important subgroup of breast cancer patients for which reliable prognostic factors are needed are women without axillary lymph node involvement. Although overall, these patients have a good prognosis, it is known that 20-30% will experience a recurrence of the disease. To determine the prognostic significance of P53 tumor suppressor gene mutation, specimens from 113 primary breast cancers were evaluated for the presence of P53 alterations, as detected by cDNA sequencing of the entire coding sequence of the gene. The median follow-up for patients was 105 months. P53 gene mutation was an independent prognostic marker of early relapse and death. Our results suggest that P53 gene mutations could be an important factor to identify node-negative patients who have a poor prognosis in the absence of adjuvant therapy. Prospective studies should be designed to determine which therapy should be performed in this subgroup of patients

    A Flight Research Overview of WSPR, a Pilot Project for Sonic Boom Community Response

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    In support of NASAs ongoing effort to bring supersonic commercial travel to the public, NASA Dryden Flight Research Center and NASA Langley Research Center, in cooperation with other industry organizations, conducted a flight research experiment to identify the methods, tools, and best practices for a large-scale quiet (or low) sonic boom community human response test. The name of the effort was Waveforms and Sonic boom Perception and Response. Such tests will go towards building a dataset that governing agencies like the Federal Aviation Administration and International Civil Aviation Organization will use to establish regulations for acceptable sound levels of overland sonic booms. Until WSPR, there had never been an effort that studied the response of people in their own homes and performing daily activities to non-traditional, low sonic booms.WSPR was a NASA collaborative effort with several industry partners, in response to a NASA Aeronautics Research Mission Directorate Research Opportunities in Aeronautics. The primary contractor was Wyle. Other partners included Gulfstream Aerospace Corporation, Pennsylvania State University, Tetra Tech, and Fidell Associates, Inc.A major objective of the effort included exposing a community with the sonic boom magnitudes and occurrences expected in high-air traffic regions with a network of supersonic commercial aircraft in place. Low-level sonic booms designed to simulate those produced by the next generation of commercial supersonic aircraft were generated over a small residential community. The sonic boom footprint was recorded with an autonomous wireless microphone array that spanned the entire community. Human response data was collected using multiple survey methods. The research focused on essential elements of community response testing including subject recruitment, survey methods, instrumentation systems, flight planning and operations, and data analysis methods.This paper focuses on NASAs role in the efforts logistics and operations including human response subject recruitment, the operational processes involved in implementing the surveys throughout the community, instrumentation systems, logistics, flight planning, and flight operations. Findings discussed in this paper include critical lessons learned in all of those areas. The paper also discusses flight operations results. Analysis of the accuracy and repeatability of planning and executing the unique aircraft maneuver used to generate low sonic booms concluded that the sonic booms had overpressures within 0.15 pounds-per-square-feet of the planned values for 76 of t he attempts. Similarly, 90 of the attempts to generate low sonic booms within the community were successful

    Contribution of spatially explicit models to climate change adaptation and mitigation plans for a priority forest habitat

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    Climate change will impact forest ecosystems, their biodiversity and the livelihoods they sustain. Several adaptation and mitigation strategies to counteract climate change impacts have been proposed for these ecosystems. However, effective implementation of such strategies requires a clear understanding of how climate change will influence the future distribution of forest ecosystems. This study uses maximum entropy modelling (MaxEnt) to predict environmentally suitable areas for cork oak (Quercus suber) woodlands, a socio-economically important forest ecosystem protected by the European Union Habitats Directive. Specifically, we use two climate change scenarios to predict changes in environmental suitability across the entire geographical range of the cork oak and in areas where stands were recently established. Up to 40 % of current environmentally suitable areas for cork oak may be lost by 2070, mainly in northern Africa and southern Iberian Peninsula. Almost 90 % of new cork oak stands are predicted to lose suitability by the end of the century, but future plantations can take advantage of increasing suitability in northern Iberian Peninsula and France. The predicted impacts cross-country borders, showing that a multinational strategy, will be required for cork oak woodland adaptation to climate change. Such a strategy must be regionally adjusted, featuring the protection of refugia sites in southern areas and stimulating sustainable forest management in areas that will keep long-term suitability. Afforestation efforts should also be promoted but must consider environmental suitability and land competition issues

    Automatsko brojanje putnika u javnom željezničkom prijevozu uporabom waveleta

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    Previously, we introduced a passengers’ counting algorithm in public rail transport. The main disadvantage of that algorithm is it lacks automatic event detection. In this article, we implement two automatic wavelet-based passengers counting algorithms. The new algorithms employ the spatial-domain Laplacian-of-Gaussian-based wavelet, and the frequency-domain applied Non-Linear Difference of Gaussians-based wavelet bandpass video scene filters to extract illumination invariant scene features and to combine them efficiently into the background reference frame. Manual segmentation of the scene into rectangles and tiles for detecting an object as seated is no longer needed as we now apply a boundary box tracker on the segmented moving objects’ blobs. A scene map is combined with the wavelet-based methods and the boundary box for multi-camera object registration. We have developed a novel holistic geometrical approach for exploiting the scene map and the recorded video sequences from both cameras installed in each train coach to separate the detected objects and locate their positions on the scene map. We test all the algorithms with several video sequences recorded from the both cameras installed in each train coach. We compare the previously developed non-automatic passengers’ counting algorithm with the two new automatic wavelet-based passengers’ counting algorithms, and an additional spatial-domain automatic non-wavelet based Simple Mixture of Gaussian Models algorithm.U prethodnim radovima uveli smo algoritam za brojanje putnika u javnom željezničkom prijevozu. Glavna manjkavost dosadašnjeg algoritma odsustvo je sustava za automatsko otkrivanje događaja. U ovom radu implementirali smo dva algoritma za automatsko brojanje putnika temeljena na waveletima. Novi algoritmi koriste LoG (Laplacian-of-Gaussian-based) wavelete u prostornoj domeni i pojasne filtre temeljene na waveletima nastalim na nelinearnim razlikama Gaussovih funkcija u frekvencijskoj domeni, pomoću kojih se izdvajaju značajke neosjetljive na razlike u osvjetljenju iz pojedine scene. Te značajke kombiniraju se u referentnu sliku koja prikazuje pozadinu scene. Ručna segmentacija scene u pravokutnike korištena u prethodnom algoritmu više nije potrebna jer se sada koristi automatsko praćenje rubova na segmentiranim objektima. Mapa scene kombinirana je s wavelet metodama i okvirom granica slike u svrhu registracije objekata pomoću više kamera. Razvili smo i novi cjeloviti geometrijski pristup koji koristi mapu scene i snimljeni videozapis iz dvije kamere postavljene u svakom vagonu vlaka pomoću kojeg možemo odvojiti detektirane objekte i locirati njihove položaje na mapi scene. Algoritmi su ispitani na nekoliko videosekvenci snimljenih s dvije kamere u vagonima. Usporedili smo ranije razvijene neautomatske algoritme za brojanje putnika s dva nova algoritma i s jednostavnim MoG algoritmom u prostornoj domeni

    Interactions between Natural Populations of Human and Rodent Schistosomes in the Lake Victoria Region of Kenya: A Molecular Epidemiological Approach

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    One of the world's most prevalent neglected diseases is schistosomiasis, which infects approximately 200 million people worldwide. Schistosoma mansoni is transmitted to humans by skin penetration by free-living larvae that develop in freshwater snails. The origin of this species is East Africa, where it coexists with its sister species, S. rodhaini. Interactions between these species potentially influence their epidemiology, ecology, and evolutionary biology, because they infect the same species of hosts and can hybridize. Over two years, we examined their distribution in Kenya to determine their degree of overlap geographically, within snail hosts, and in the water column as infective stages. Both species were spatially and temporally patchy, although S. mansoni was eight times more common than S. rodhaini. Both species overlap in the time of day they were present in the water column, which increases the potential for the species to coinfect the same host and interbreed. Peak infective time for S. mansoni was midday and dawn and dusk for S. rodhaini. Three snails were coinfected, which was more common than expected by chance. These findings indicate a lack of obvious isolating mechanisms to prevent hybridization, raising the intriguing question of how the two species retain separate identities