655 research outputs found

    Transcriptional analysis of Mycobacterium fortuitum cultures upon hydrogen peroxide treatment using the novel standard rrnA-P1

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The ability of an intracellular pathogen to establish infection depends on the capacity of the organism to survive and replicate inside the host. <it>Mycobacterium fortuitum </it>is a bacteria that contains genes involved in the detoxification of the oxygen reactive species such as those produced by the host during the infection. In this work, we investigate the effects of hydrogen peroxide on the transcription and expression of these genes by developing a real time quantitative PCR technique (qRT-PCR) using the ribosomal promoter region (<it>rrn</it>A-P1) as reference product for quantification of the mRNA levels.</p> <p>Results</p> <p><it>M. fortuitum </it>cultures were treated with different hydrogen peroxide concentrations (0.02 to 20 mM) during several periods of time (30 to 120 minutes). The activity of the enzymes KatGII and SodA, and the transcription of corresponding genes were evaluated. The transcriptional regulator <it>fur</it>AII gene was also studied.</p> <p>The ribosomal promoter region <it>rrn</it>A-P1 was validated as referential product under the stress conditions checked by qRT-PCR.</p> <p>Minor changes were observed under the conditions tested except when bacteria were incubated in the presence of 20 mM hydrogen peroxide. Under those conditions, the levels of transcription of the three genes under study increased at 30 minutes of treatment. The viability of the bacteria was not influenced under the conditions tested.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>In this work, we have quantified transcriptional responses to stress suggesting that, the opportunistic pathogen <it>M. fortuitum </it>is more resistant and differs in behaviour in the presence of hydrogen peroxide, when compared to the major pathogen <it>Mycobacterium tuberculosis </it>and the saprophyte <it>Mycobacterium smegmatis</it>. Besides, we demonstrate the mycobacterial non-coding region <it>rrn</it>A-P1 to be a suitable reference product in the analysis of qRT-PCR transcriptional data of <it>M. fortuitum</it>.</p

    La investigación en educación musical en la base de datos ERIC

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    En este artículo se describe un análisis bibliométrico de los artículos de investigación en Educación Musical indexados en la base ERIC y publicados durante el período de 1995 a 2007. Estos artículos constituyen el 54% del total de artículos censados en la base relacionados con la Educación Musical. Como resultado se ofrece un listado con las 10 revistas que contienen más de 20 artículos sobre Educación Musical del total censado; La suma de los artículos publicados por las cuatro principales revistas constituye el 60% del total. Ninguna de las cuatro aparece censada en el JCR Social Sciences. La casi totalidad de los autores de dichos artículos trabajan en solitario y de forma ocasional, sin que parezca que existen grupos de investigación o líneas fuertemente consolidadas.This article describes a bibliometrical analysis of articles on research in Music Education published from 1995 to 2007 and included in ERIC database. These articles represent 54% of all music education articles included in this database. The results show a list with 10 journals which has more than 20 of these articles. The sum of the articles contained in the first four journals is equivalent to 60% of music education articles published from 1995 to 2007. None of these journals are at JCR Social Sciences. Almost all authors of the revised articles usually work alone and occasionally. It seems that there are not research groups or strong consolidated research directions. The most common subjects are: students (attitudes, motivation and effectiveness); teachers; musical composition (activities and music techniques

    Article title: Analysis of the evolution in the idea of sustainability of future teachers after an intervention in the classroom

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    Hemos llevado a cabo una intervención con futuros maestros de Educación Primaria con la intención de trabajar el concepto de sostenibilidad. La secuencia desarrollada incluye la elaboración de un proyecto y una unidad didáctica por investigación escolar. A través de un portafolio los alumnos expresaron sus reflexiones sobre su idea de sostenibilidad. Para analizarlas se diseñó una tabla de niveles con indicadores. Más de la mitad del alumnado ha tenido una evolución significativa progresando desde ideas ligadas a aspectos físico-naturales exclusivamente, hacia un modelo emergente que incluye aspectos más sociales, complejos e interconectados.We have carried out an intervention with future teachers of Primary Education with the intention of working on the concept of sustainability. The sequence includes the elaboration of a project and a didactic unit by school research. Through a portfolio the students expressed their thoughts on their idea of sustainability. To analyze them, a table of levels with indicators was designed. More than half of the students have had a significant evolution progressing from ideas linked to natural physical aspects exclusively, towards an emerging model that includes more social, complex and interconnected aspects

    Buenas prácticas de innovación docente en la Universidad de Córdoba

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    Acercar el mundo empresarial de la provincia a la Universidad de Córdoba es el principal reto de esta iniciativa. Para ello, los docentes del área de Organización de Empresas han elaborado cuatro casos de empresas – Covap, Faasa Aviación, Esparta Desing y Cruzber- que por su cercanía despiertan la curiosidad del alumnado y ofrecen la posibilidad de conocer sus instalaciones. La difusión de los casos –la elaboración de cada uno de ellos tiene un coste de unos 2.000 euros– se ha realizado en formato papel, a través libros y revistas, y también vía Internet

    Artificial neural networks for predicting real estate prices

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    Econometric models, in the estimation of real estate prices, are a useful and realistic approach for buyers and for local and fiscal authorities. From the classical hedonic models to more data driven procedures, based on Artificial Neural Networks (ANN), many papers have appeared in economic literature trying to compare the results attained with both approaches. We insist on the use of ANN, when there is enough statistical information, and will detail some comparisons to hedonic modeling, in a medium size city in the South of Spain, with an extensive set of data spanning over several years, collected before the actual downturn of the market. Exogenous variables include each dwelling's external and internal data (both numerical and qualitative), and data from the building in which it is located and its surroundings. Alternative models are estimated for several time intervals, and enabling the comparison of the effects of the rising prices during the bull market over the last decade

    Self-Description Questionnaire II (short version): evidence of reliability and validity in a sample of chilean adolescents

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    El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar la fiabilidad y validez de las puntuaciones de la versión breve del Self-Description Questionnaire II (SDQ-II-S) en población chilena. La muestra se compuso de 1255 adolescentes chilenos, con un rango de edad de 13 a 17 años (M = 15.10; DT = 1.30). El análisis factorial confirmatorio corroboró la estructura original de 11 factores correlacionados del SDQ-II-S. La multidimensionalidad del cuestionario también fue avalada por la pequeña magnitud de las correlaciones entre los 11 factores (M = 0.26). Los coeficientes alfa de Cronbach variaron desde 0.70 hasta 0.84, y se destacó una adecuada fiabilidad. Para profundizar en el análisis de la validez de constructo del SDQ-II-S, se relacionaron las puntuaciones de las diferentes escalas con puntuaciones en medidas de ansiedad (Inventario de Ansiedad Estado-Rasgo) y autoeficacia (Escala de Autoeficacia Percibida Específica de Situaciones Académicas). Los resultados pusieron de manifiesto que estos cuestionarios permiten analizar constructos diferenciados aunque relacionados. Los datos de este trabajo destacan que el SDQ-II-S presenta adecuadas propiedades psicométricas en población chilena, contrarrestando las carencias existentes en lo que respecta a la evaluación del autoconcepto, y resaltan interesantes aplicaciones tanto en el ámbito aplicado como en el de la investigación.This study sought to analyse the reliability and validity of the scores from the Short Version of the Self-Description Questionnaire II (SDQ-II-S). The sample consisted of 1255 Chilean adolescents with an age range of 13–17 years (M = 15.10; SD = 1.30). Confirmatory factor analyses verified the original correlated 11-factor structure of the SDQ-II-S. The multidimensionality of the questionnaire was also supported by small magnitude of correlations among factors (M = 0.26). Cronbach's alpha coefficients ranged from 0.70 to 0.84, showing adequate reliability. For further analyses of the construct validity of SDQ-II-S, scores of the different scales were related to scores on anxiety (State Anxiety Inventory-Trait) and self-efficacy measurements (Academic Situations Specific Perceived Self-Efficacy Scale). The results revealed that those questionnaires assess different –yet related– constructs. The data presented indicate that the SDQ-II-S shows adequate psychometric properties in the Chilean population, thereby countering the current scarcity of appropriate self-concept assessment measurements, and displaying interesting applications both in the applied and research areas

    Perfectionism during childhood and adolescence. Bibliometric and thematic analysis (2004-2014)

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    El perfeccionismo es un rasgo de la personalidad caracterizado por la imposición a uno mismo de unas normas de desempeño poco realistas, la motivación por ser perfeccionista y la percepción del entorno como demasiado exigente y crítico. Este estudio tuvo por objeto analizar la literatura científica sobre perfeccionismo en niños y adolescentes, publicada en 4 bases de datos (Web of Science, Scopus, PsycINFO y Education Resources Information Center), entre el año 2004 y el 2014. Se obtuvieron 325 documentos que fueron analizados con base en distintos indicadores bibliométricos, como el análisis de la producción temporal, las revistas y autores más productivos sobre el tópico y el índice de coautoría, así como un análisis y discusión de las características de la población, los principales instrumentos empleados y las temáticas identificadas. Se halló una tendencia a elaborar los trabajos en colaboración y un número considerable de grandes productores (Gordon L. Flett, Paul L. Hewitt, Andrew P. Hill y Bart Soenens). Destacaron la Frost Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale y la Child and Adolescent Perfectionism Scale como los 2 instrumentos más empleados para evaluar el perfeccionismo en niños y adolescentes. Igualmente, prevalecieron los estudios realizados en adolescentes frente a aquellos con participantes de población infantil. Se observó que la mayor parte de los documentos analizados se centraron en analizar la relación entre el perfeccionismo y la psicopatología. Por último, se discuten las temáticas identificadas, las limitaciones encontradas y los aspectos consolidados, sirviendo como referencia para la realización de futuros estudios sobre el campo del perfeccionismo durante la infancia y la adolescencia.Perfectionism is a personality trait characterized by the self-imposition of unrealistic standards of performance, the motivation to be a perfectionist and the perception of the environment as too demanding and critical. The aim of this study was to analyze the scientific literature on perfectionism in children and adolescents. The documents were collected from 4 databases (Web of Science, Scopus, PsycINFO and Education Resources Information Center), limiting the period between 2004 and 2014. These 325 documents were analyzed with different bibliometric indicators such as the analysis of the temporal productivity, the most productive journals and authors, and the co-authored index, as well as an examination and discussion of the population characteristic, the main instruments used, and the issues identified. It was found a tendency to develop collaborative work and a considerable number of big producers (Gordon L. Flett, Paul L. Hewitt, Andrew P. Hill y Bart Soenens). The Frost Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale and the Child and Adolescent Perfectionism Scale were the most used instruments to assess perfectionism in children and adolescents. Likewise, there were more studies in adolescents than in children. It was observed that most of the documents analyzed focused on examine the relationship between perfectionism and psychopathology. Finally, the main identified issues are discussed, found limitations and consolidated areas, serving as a reference for future studies on the field of perfectionism during childhood and adolescence.Parte de esta investigación está subvencionada por la ayuda para la contratación de personal investigador en formación predoctoral, Programa VALi + d, concedida a María Vicent, y el proyecto «Evaluación de la ansiedad escolar y su relación con variables psicoeducativas en la infancia. Estudio de la eficacia de un programa preventivo» (EDU2012-35124), cuyo IP es el doctor José Manuel García Fernández

    High temperature internal friction in a Ti–46Al–1Mo–0.2Si intermetallic, comparison with creep behaviour

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    Advanced gamma-TiAl based intermetallics Mo-bearing have been developed to obtain the fine-grained microstructure required for superplastic deformation to be used during further processing. In the present work we have studied an alloy of Ti-46.8Al-1Mo-0.2Si (at%) with two different microstructures, ascast material with a coarse grain size above 300 mu m, and the hot extruded material exhibiting a grain size smaller than 20 mu m. We have used a mechanical spectrometer especially developed for high temperature internal friction measurements to study the defect mobility processes taking place at high temperature. The internal friction spectra at different frequencies has been studied and analyzed up to 1360 K in order to characterize the relaxation processes appearing in this temperature range. A relaxation peak, with a maximum in between 900 K and 1080 K, depending on the oscillating frequency, has been attributed to Ti-atoms diffusion by the stress-induced reorientation of Al-V-Ti-Al elastic dipoles. The high temperature background in both microstructural states, as-cast and extruded, has been analyzed, measuring the apparent activation parameters, in particular the apparent energies of E-cast(IF) = 4.4 +/- 0.05 eV and E-ext(IF) = 4.75 +/- 0.05 eV respectively. These results have been compared to those obtained on the same materials by creep deformation. We may conclude that the activation parameters obtained by internal friction analysis, are consistent with the ones measured by creep. Furthermore, the analysis of the high temperature background allows establish the difference on creep resistance for both microstructural states. (c) 2015 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd.This work was supported by the Spanish MICINN project CONSOLIDER-INGENIO 2010 CSD2009-00013, as well as by the Consolidated Research Group IT-10-310 from the Education Department and the project ETORTEK ACTIMAT from the Industry Department of the Basque Governmen

    Diferenças de gênero e idade na evasão escolar em uma mostra de adolescentes chilenos

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    El presente estudio tuvo por objeto analizar las diferencias de género y edad en rechazo escolar, en una muestra de adolescentes chilenos. Participaron 2678 estudiantes de Educación Media, 1169 chicos y 1509 chicas, con edades comprendidas entre 13 y 18 años. El rechazo escolar se midió a través de la School Refusal Assessment Scale-Revised for Children (SRAS-R-C), que evalúa el rechazo para evitar situaciones que producen afectividad negativa (Factor I), escapar de situaciones sociales y/o evaluativas (Factor II), llamar la atención de personas significativas (Factor III) y obtener recompensas tangibles fuera del colegio (Factor IV). Los resultados derivados del análisis de varianza revelaron que las chicas puntuaron significativamente más alto que los chicos en el Factor I, mientras que los chicos puntuaron significativamente más alto que las chicas en los Factores II y IV. Asimismo, se hallaron diferencias de edad en los cuatro factores que componen el rechazo escolar.The aim of this study was to analyze gender and age differences on school refusal in a Chilean adolescents’ sample. 2678 Middle School students, 1169 boys and 1509 girls, between 13 and 18 years old participated in our research. School refusal was assessed by the implementation of the School Refusal Assessment Scale-Revised for Children (SRAS-R-C), which measures the refusal to avoid school-based stimuli provoking negative affectivity (Factor I), escape from aversive social and/or evaluative situations (Factor II), attention seeking from significant people (Factor III), and pursue of tangible rewards outside of school (Factor IV). Results derived from analysis of variance revealed that the girls scored notably higher than the boys in factor I, while the boys scored notably higher than the girls in factors II and IV. Additionally, age differences were found for the four factors that integrate school refusal.O presente estudo teve como objetivo analisar as diferenças de acordo com sexo e idade na evasão escolar em uma mostra de adolescentes chilenos. Participaram 2.678 estudantes do Ensino Fundamental e Médio, 1.169 alunos e 2.678 alunas, com idade entre 13 e 18 anos. A evasão escolar foi medida através da School Refusal Assessment Scale-Revised for Children (SRAS-R-C) que a avalia para evitar situações que produzam afetividade negativa (Fator I), escapar de situações sociais e/ou avaliativas (Fator II), chamar a atenção de pessoas significativas (Fator III) e obter recompensas tangíveis fora da escola (Fator IV). Os resultados da análise de variância revelaram diferenças significativas para o Fator I, em nome das alunas, e para os Fatores II e IV, em favor dos alunos. Também foram encontradas diferenças de idade entre os quatro fatores que compõem o abandono escolar
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