461 research outputs found

    Consideraciones metodológicas sobre el análisis de la frecuencia de tallas en el estudio del crecimiento de la cigala Nephrops norvegicus (L.).

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    The structure of length distributions of Nephrops norvegicus was investigated in order to understand the adequacy of length frequency analysis for estimation of growth rates and growth parameters. Samples from two areas were used: the Atlantic Ocean off the South coast of Portugal and the Euboikos Gulf in the Mediterranean. Monthly samples were obtained from October 1993 to October 1995. For each area, month and sex, the samples were analyzed using the program MIX in order to identify the mean length for each of the groups composing the length distributions. The mean values were used to estimate increments between consecutive groups within the same sample. Biological information extracted from the same samples and referring to maturation and molting cycles, was used in conjunction with the mean values estimated in this work to interpret modal progression and growth rates. Results show that modal progression analysis is not appropriate because the modes do not progress in a manner that allows the following of a particular group. Growth rates based on increments verified within each sample were also investigated. This approach proved to be better, although there were still some problems due to large year to year variability and the fact that the magnitude of the increments did not decrease with increasing size. This also poses problems regarding the fitting of growth curves to these data; in particular when deceleration of growth is required, as in the case of the von Bertalanffy growth curve.Se estudia la estructura de la distribución de tallas de la cigala, Nephrops norvegicus con el fin de comprender si la estimación de las tasas y parámetros de crecimiento, por medio del análisis de las frecuencias de tallas, es adecuado. Se usaron muestras mensuales desde octubre de 1993 a octubre de 1995 procedentes de dos áreas, una del Atlántico (costa sur de Portugal) y la otra del Golfo de Euboikos (en Grecia). Por cada área se estudió el crecimiento por sexo y mes mediante el programa MIX, para identificar la talla media de los grupos en que se descompone la frecuencia de tallas. Estos valores medios se utilizaron para estimar los incrementos entre grupos consecutivos dentro de cada muestra. Con el fin de hacer la interpretación del proceso de crecimiento con la máxima información biológica posible, paralelamente se tuvo en cuenta el momento de la maduración en las tallas y el espectro de los ciclos de muda. Los resultados muestran que el análisis de la progresión modal no es adecuado para el estudio de crecimiento en la cigala, ya que las modas no progresan de manera que puedan seguirse en el tiempo para un grupo particular. Por otro lado se estudiaron las tasas de crecimiento basadas en los incrementos verificados dentro de cada grupo. Esta segunda aproximación resultó ser la mejor, a pesar de persistir algunos problemas debidos a la variabilidad observada entre años y al hecho de que la magnitud de los incrementos no decrece con el aumento de talla. Esto también conlleva problemas relativos al ajuste de las curvas de crecimiento sobre estos datos; en particular cuando se requiere contemplar la desaceleración de crecimiento, como es el caso de la utilización de la curva de crecimiento de von Bertalanffy

    Estudio del crecimiento de Nephrops norvegicus (L.) En diferentes áreas del Mediterráneo y del atlántico adyacente

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    A comparative study of the growth of Nephrops norvegicus among different areas in the Mediterranean Sea and the adjacent Atlantic was conducted. MIX and Bhattacharya´s length-based methods were used for age determination. Both methods were used for all the studied areas. For the estimation of the growth parameters two non-linear methods, based on the results of the length frequency analysis, were used; the Gauss-Newton method, implemented by the SAS program, was applied using the results of the MIX and the FISHPARM program using the results of the Bhattacharya´s method. The identification of the age groups and their mean lengths-at-age as well as the estimation of the growth parameters proved to be difficult. A question regarding the adequacy of the von Bertalanffy model was also posed. Remarkable differences were obvious between sexes in the number of identified age groups and their mean lengths-at-age as well as in their growth parameters in all areas. The comparison of the results obtained for the studied areas showed differences, which could not be considered very important except in the case of the Nephrops population of the Alboran Sea, which was characterised by a high growth rate. All other areas seemed to be close; among them the populations from Euboikos Gulf and Catalan Sea being the most different.Se realiza el estudio comparativo del crecimiento de Nephrops norvegicus en diferentes áreas del Mediterráneo y del Atlántico adyacente. Para la determinación de la edad los datos se han analizado utilizando el programa MIX y el método de Bhattacharya. Además, se han utilizado dos métodos no-lineales para la estimación de los parámetros de crecimiento basados en los resultados del análisis de frecuencias de tallas: el método de Gauss-Newton, aplicado a través del programa SAS y FISHPARM. Para el primer método se utilizaron los resultados de MIX y para el segundo los resultados del método de Battacharya. Se notó que la identificación de los grupos de edad y de las tallas medias por edad, así como la estimación de los parámetros de crecimiento, es difícil. Además, se discute la conveniencia del modelo von Bertalanffy aplicado a N. norvegicus. Se han encontrado diferencias en todas las áreas de estudio entre los dos sexos, tanto en el número de grupos de edad identificados y sus tallas medias, como en los valores de los parámetros de crecimiento. Sin embargo, la comparación de los resultados obtenidos para cada área de estudio ha mostrado diferencias que no se pueden considerar importantes, excepto en el caso de la población del Mar de Alborán, la cual indica un ritmo de crecimiento más rápido. Todas las demás áreas tienen crecimientos similares, diferenciándose algo más las del Golfo de Euboikos y las del Mar Catalán

    Growth studies on Norway lobster, Nephrops norvegicus (L.), in different areas of the Mediterranean Sea and the adjacent Atlantic

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    A comparative study of the growth of Nephrops norvegicus among different areas in the Mediterranean Sea and the adjacent Atlantic was conducted. MIX and Bhattacharya's length-based methods were used for age determination. Both methods were used for all the studied areas. For the estimation of the growth parameters two non-linear methods, based on the results of the length frequency analysis, were used; the Gauss-Newton method, implemented by the SAS program, was applied using the results of the MIX and the FISHPARM program using the results of the Bhattacharya's method. The identification of the age groups and their mean lengths-at-age as well as the estimation of the growth parameters proved to be difficult. A question regarding the adequacy of the von Bertalanffy model was also posed. Remarkable differences were obvious between sexes in the number of identified age groups and their mean lengths-at-age as well as in their growth parameters in all areas. The comparison of the results obtained for the studied areas showed differences, which could not be considered very important except in the case of the Nephrops population of the Alboran Sea, which was characterised by a high growth rate. All other areas seemed to be close; among them the populations from Euboikos Gulf and Catalan Sea being the most different.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Combining selection models and population structures to inform fisheries management: a case study on hake in the Mediterranean bottom trawl fishery

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    The reduction of juvenile catch and discards are important targets in fisheries policy. This work examines how selection models can predict the size structure (LFD) of discards and landings considering the effects of area, time period, gear and fisher behaviour. Additional exploitation indicators related to the gear used, fisher's selection pattern, and discards were also estimated. The approach is demonstrated in a study concerning hake in the Mediterranean trawl fishery, focusing on high (HRA) and low (LRA) recruitment areas in the Saronikos Gulf (Eastern Mediterranean) during two periods (June, September) using two codends (40 mm square-40S, 50 mm diamond-50D mesh). The predicted discards LFDs revealed generally higher percentages in the HRA in June when using the 50D. The predicted landings LFDs showed higher percentages in the LRA in September for both codends, but undersized hake were always included. LFDs and exploitation indicators indicated that both codends were inappropriate for sustainable fishing of hake in the HRA, where 50D performed worse than the 40S. Fishing with both codends in the LRA in September revealed the lowest discards rates and minimum sizes of landings close to MCRS (minimum conservation reference size). These results can provide information to fisheries management aiming to protect juveniles and reduce discards through spatio-temporal fishing closures

    Movements of three large coastal predatory fishes in the northeast Atlantic: a preliminary telemetry study

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    Labrus bergylta, Dicentrarchus labrax and Conger conger are common predators of northeast Atlantic coastal ecosystems and are studied here for the first time with ultrasonic telemetry in their natural environment. We demonstrate the viability of using this technology with these species and used movement information to obtain preliminary short-term results on site fidelity, diel activity patterns and home range sizes. Two complementary telemetry methods were used: manual and automatic tracking along a stretch of coast characterized by its high wave exposure (A Coruña, NW Spain). C. conger stayed in the area for the longest periods of time (17 days), occasionally leaving their refuges at dusk or during the night to search for food. Their home range was very small (604 m2). L. bergylta were not detected by the automatic receivers but the size of their home range (between 2874 and 5184 m2), shows that they are highly sedentary with very limited movements. D. labrax left the area for the longest periods (9 days) and were detected during both night and day. Their home range was the largest (up to 26396 m2), evidencing complex spatial behaviour on a large scale

    The diet and feeding ecology of Conger conger (L. 1758) in the deep waters of the Eastern Ionian Sea

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    The diet of the European conger eel Conger conger was investigated for the first time in the Eastern Mediterranean. Fish dominated the European conger eel diet in the deep waters of E. Ionian Sea. All other prey taxa were identified as accidental preys. However, intestine analysis showed that Natantia, Brachyura and Cephalopoda might have a more important contribution in the diet of the species. C. conger exhibited a benthopelagic feeding behavior as it preyed upon both demersal and mesopelagic taxa. The high vacuity index and the low stomach and intestine fullness indicated that the feeding intensity of the species in the deep waters of Eastern Ionian Sea was quite low. C. conger feeding strategy was characterised by specialisation in various resource items. A between-phenotype contribution to niche width was observed for some prey categories. European Conger eel feeding specialisation seemed to be an adaptation to a food-scarce environment, as typified in deep-water habitat

    New Fisheries-related data from the Mediterranean Sea (November, 2016)

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    In this fourth Collective Article, with fisheries-related data from the Mediterranean, we present weight-length relationships for eight deep-sea fish species (Brama brama, Conger conger, Etmopterus spinax, Molva macrophthalma, Mora moro, Pagellus bogaraveo, Phycis blennoides) from the Eastern Ionian Sea; Scyliorhinus canicula from various locations in the Mediterranean Sea and weight-length relationships and condition factor of five Mugilidae species (Liza aurata, Liza saliens, Liza ramada, Mugil cephalus, Chelon labrosus) from a Mediterranean lagoon in the Ionian Sea. Moreover, we present otolith weight, fish length and otolith length relationships of the red mullet (Mullus barbatus) in the Aegean and Ionian Sea and otolith weight relationships in European hake (Merluccius merluccius) from the Greek Seas

    DeepOtolith v1.0: An Open-Source AI Platform for Automating Fish Age Reading from Otolith or Scale Images

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    Every year, marine scientists around the world read thousands of otolith or scale images to determine the age structure of commercial fish stocks. This knowledge is important for fisheries and conservation management. However, the age-reading procedure is time-consuming and costly to perform due to the specialized expertise and labor needed to identify annual growth zones in otoliths. Effective automated systems are needed to increase throughput and reduce cost. DeepOtolith is an open-source artificial intelligence (AI) platform that addresses this issue by providing a web system with a simple interface that automatically estimates fish age by combining otolith images with convolutional neural networks (CNNs), a class of deep neural networks that has been a dominant method in computer vision tasks. Users can upload otolith image data for selective fish species, and the platform returns age estimates. The estimates of multiple images can be exported to conduct conclusions or further age-related research. DeepOtolith currently contains classifiers/regressors for three fish species; however, more species will be included as related work on ageing will be tested and published soon. Herein, the architecture and functionality of the platform are presented. Current limitations and future directions are also discussed. Overall, DeepOtolith should be considered as the first step towards building a community of marine ecologists, machine learning experts, and stakeholders that will collaborate to support the conservation of fishery resources.publishedVersio

    Impacts on biodiversity from codend and fisher selection in bottom trawl fishing

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    Fisheries have important impacts on marine biodiversity. In this work, combined information on the abundance, species richness, diversity indices, species composition, trophic level and vulnerability index were examined for the first-time to detect differences in five units related to trawl fishing: the fish assemblage entering the trawl codend, and the escaping, retained, discarded and landed fractions, derived by the gear and fisher selection practices. The work was based on a case study conducted in the Mediterranean Sea, using three different meshes in the trawl codend (40mm-40D and 50mm-50D diamond meshes, and 40 mm-40S square meshes) and a cover of the codends with small mesh size. In general, trawl fishing produces an escaping fraction that was always lower in abundance, richness, and vulnerability index, similar in diversity indices and trophic level, and different in species composition compared to the fish assemblage entering the codend. In almost all cases, fishers selected as landings a fraction that was the lowest in diversity indices, and the highest in trophic level. In contrast, fishers discarded a fraction that was the highest in diversity and vulnerability index, and the lowest in trophic level. Although the three codends did not differ significantly in the fraction of escapees in terms of diversity indices, trophic level, and vulnerability index, the 40S codend showed a significantly higher percentage in the escaping number of species and individuals, and less differences in the species composition; in addition, lower percentage in abundance of discards and higher of landings in the retained catch (0.6:1) than did the other two codends (0.9:1). It was suggested that an urgent modification of the trawl for the elimination of the discarded highly vulnerable species (e.g. Elasmobranchs) is needed, and that trawl species-selectivity should be improved by allowing escape or avoiding catch of the discarded fraction to minimize biodiversity losses.publishedVersio