1,071 research outputs found

    Biologically active compounds from selected aphyllophorales mycelial cultures

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    The obtained results confirm the hypothesis that mycelial cultures of domestic species of aphyllophorales are able to accumulate biologically active metabolites.Uzyskane wyniki wskazują, że przebadane kultury mycelialne krajowych gatunków grzybów afylloforoidalnych są zdolne do akumulacji metabolitów aktywnych biologicznie


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    The contribution presents the level of living of population in Poland against the background of the selected countries of the European Union. The key to the selection of objects was the year of their accession to the European Union. All the selected countries joined the European Union in 2004. The study covered years 2004 and 2009. It was based on the data collected by the Central Statistical Office of Poland, the Statistical Office of the EU and the OECD. In order to estimate level of living methods of multivariate statistical analysis were applied. On the basis of the synthetic variable, created for the research purposes, a ranking of countries was constructed

    Wieczne choro za Bałkanem – „Rycerz” Wery Mutafczijewej w korowodzie bułgarskich diabłów

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    Kim jest Romajos? Materiały z konferencji studencko-doktoranckiej, 25-26 kwietnia 2014 r., ŁódźPublikacja sfinansowana ze środków przyznanych przez Prorektora UŁ ds. studenckich i toku studió

    The level of living of population in the EU countries

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    The article deals with differentiation of living standard of population in the European Union countries. The study was based on the data collected by the Central Statistical Office of Poland, the Statistical Office of the EU and the OECD. In order to estimate level of living methods of multivariate statistical analysis were applied. On the basis of the synthetic variable, created during the study, a ranking of countries was constructed

    The Implementation of Reflexive Methodology and a Storyline in Dual-Language Field Research

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    This article attempts to illustrate the process of incorporating a model of reflexivity into dual- language field research as an alternative method of scientific enquiry. It also contributes to the ongoing discussion regarding how to approach reflexivity in a methodologically consistentmanner. The study is rooted in classical grounded theory and therefore it did not attempt to test or expand upon any existing or preconceived theory. However, it began with a research question on how mainstream curricula address the nature of minority cultural diversity. The research was conducted in primary schools in Texas in the United States, where dual-language curricula incorporate cultural aspects of students’ backgrounds. An overt non-participantobservation research technique was applied. The researcher was observing in an unobtrusive manner and making notes within the study environment. The codes and concepts emerging from the data were “put into dialogue” with the researcher’s voice, existing concepts and knowledge. The dialogue took place before, during, and after data collection as part of a literature review, and later to discuss the concepts and categories that emerged from the data. A storyline is used here to present the findings and emerging theories. This study demonstrates that the use of the model of reflexivity in GT research strengthens the rigor of the research process and the development of the researcher

    The spatial differentiation of Polish household food expenditures

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    The aim of the paper is to analyse spatial differentiation of food expenditures in Poland in the years 1998-2006. The study is based upon the data collected by the Central Statistical Office. In order to evaluate an influence of the determinants that differentiate the level of the food expenses, the error component regression models are estimated. The results of the statistical analysis of household food expenditures are presented as well

    Communication management in Polish IT Companies

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    Effective communication management is a crucial component of project management as it reduces non-productive effort, prevents duplication, helps to eliminate mistakes, manage uncertainty and generate ideas that lead to better solutions. It also encourages team-work, increases motivation and ensures the involvement of all team members. The larger the project, the more significant communication is for the results, because communication is the coordinating mechanism, which most strongly influences the results. That is why we should search for methods and tools to support this area of project management. The aim of the paper is to present the recent findings concerning methods and tools supporting communication processes, which are mostly used by project teams, kinds of communication, which prevail in realization of projects and kinds of media, indicated as the most popular among project team members. The paper also depicts the project managers' opinion concerning the factors, which cause communication problems as well as t

    The female-male gap in life expectancy in Poland

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    The difference in life expectancy between the sexes in Poland started to decline only in 1991, equaling 8.4 years in 2009. In addition, with the rapid increase in male excess mortality between 1989 and 1991, the sex gap also increased. With the exception of excess mortality of male infants, the female advantage in mortality grows with age and reaches the maximum at the age of 65–70 years in 2009. The excess mortality of male infants decreased over the studied years from a contribution of over a year to the sex gap in life expectancy at birth in 1959, to less than a month in 2009. Differences in life expectancy at birth between the sexes in Poland are greater in rural than in urban areas and there is a variation between the voivodships: from 7.9 years in 2008 in the Pomorskie voivodship to 10.2 years in Lubelskie. The largest variation in the sex gap in life expectancy was that between different educational groups: and the gap decreased with the level of educational attainment. Diseases of the circulatory system are a major group of causes of death, with the highest contribution to the sex gap in life expectancy, and were the largest factor in the narrowing of the sex gap between 1991 and 2006. External causes of death were the second-largest group contributing to the sex gap in life expectancy at birth in 1991, and to the narrowing of the gap in the studied period. Over the years under study, the importance of malignant neoplasms for the phenomenon in consideration increased, but at the same time life expectancy of both sexes rose due to improvements in mortality from this group of causes. According to our estimates, smoking- and alcohol-related causes of death together explained about 50% of the total difference in life expectancy at birth between the sexes in the years 1989–2006. In this period, the sex gap in life expectancy due to these causes of death increased, which is opposite to what was reported for other developed countries

    The importance of public consultations in the processes of urban revitalisation

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    Artykuł prezentuje sposoby prowadzenia konsultacji społecznych dotyczących rewitalizacji miejskich terenów nadrzecznych oraz ich wyniki, a także uzasadnia konieczność przeprowadzania badań w tym zakresie. Problematyka ta odnosi się ściśle do Bydgoszczy, miasta, które położone jest nad Wisłą, Brdą i Kanałem Bydgoskim, a rzeki tworzące oś hydrograficzną miasta wyznaczają przestrzeń publiczną. Artykuł omawia przyjętą metodologię konsultacji społecznych pełniących ważną rolę w określeniu kierunków rozwoju i zagospodarowania terenów nadrzecznych. Konsultacje społeczne przeprowadzone zostały w ramach prac nad rozprawą doktorską autorki „Tereny nadrzeczne w strukturze przestrzenno-funkcjonalnej Bydgoszczy. Problemy rozwoju i rewitalizacji” (UAM, Poznań 2012).The article presents methods of conducting public consultations on the regeneration of urban riverside areas and their results, and also justifies the need for research in this field. This issue relates closely to Bydgoszcz, a city that is located on the Vistula and Brda rivers and the Bydgoszcz Canal. The rivers form the hydrographic axis of the city and define its public space. The article discusses the methodology adopted for public consultations which play an important role in determining the direction of riverside land development and use. The public consultations were carried out within the framework of the author’s doctoral dissertation entitled ‘The riverside areas in the spatial and functional structure of Bydgoszcz. Problems of development and regeneration.