60 research outputs found

    Crystal structure and Hirshfeld surface analysis of 2-{[(E)-(3-cyclo butyl-1H-1,2,4-triazol-5-yl)imino] meth yl}phenol

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    The title compound, C13H14N4O, was developed using the reaction of salicyl aldehyde and 3-amino-5-cyclo butyl-1,2,4-triazole in ethanol under microwave irradiation. This eco-friendly microwave-promoted method proved to be efficient in the synthesis of 2-{[(E)-(3-cyclo butyl-1H-1,2,4-triazol-5-yl)imino] meth yl}phenol in good yields and purity. The title compound is a Schiff base that exists in the phenol-imine tautomeric form and adopts an E configuration. The three independent mol ecules in the asymmetric unit (A, B and C) are not planar, the cyclo butyl and the phenol-imine rings are twisted to each other making a dihedral angle of 67.8 (4)° in mol ecule A, 69.1 (2)° in mol ecule B and 89.1 (2)° in mol ecule C. In each mol ecule an intra molecular O - H⋯N hydrogen bond is present, forming an S(6) ring motif. A Hirshfeld surface analysis was performed to investigate the contributions of the different inter molecular contacts within the supra molecular structure. The major inter actions are H⋯H (53%), C⋯H (19%) and N⋯H (17%) for mol ecule A, H⋯H (50%), N⋯H (20%) and C⋯H (20%) for mol ecule B and H⋯H (57%), C⋯H (14%) and N⋯H (13%) for mol ecule C

    Investigation of factors predicting job satisfaction of school counsellors in Turkey

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    Job satisfaction can be defined as individuals' perceptions of satisfaction towards their profession. This concept is also considered to be important for the school counselling profession because school counsellors’ high level of job satisfaction is assumed to have positive effects not only on them but also on their students and accordingly on the education system. Therefore, it is thought that it is important to examine the factors that predict job satisfaction of school counsellors. For this purpose, this study was conducted on 194 (female=145 and male=49) school counsellors in Turkey. As a result of the research, it was determined that there was a significant positive relationship between school counsellors’ job satisfaction and professional self-esteem. In addition, job satisfaction of school counsellors working in the private sector was found to be higher than those working in the public sector. It was found that job satisfaction of school counsellors did not differ significantly according to gender, age and school level variables

    Перша генерація нової програми навчання англійської мови: чи успішне її впровадження?

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    Scientific and technological advancements, global trends and societies’ needs lead policymakers to change foreign language teaching policies. Turkey made its latest reform in English Language Teaching Program in 2013 and a generation has already been educated with the new program since then. In this context, this study aimed to evaluate this program over the very first generation through the eyes of implementers, namely the language teachers in the field. For this purpose, a study group was formed with 16 language teachers who have at least 10 years of experience and teach at primary level public schools in Kütahya Province, Turkey. Their views regarding the major changes (age, methodology, materials, and assessment) offered by the new program were collected through semi-structured interviews. The design of this research was qualitative. The data obtained at the end of the research were analyzed using descriptive analysis technique. The researcher transcribed the interviews, examined them and determined the sub-themes. In order to ensure the reliability of the research, the opinions of another expert in the field were asked. The results show that although there are still certain problems they are facing, the majority of the English language teachers agree on the policies, support the new program, and think we are on the right road to teach / learn English.У статті наголошено, що науково-технічні досягнення сьогодення, світові тенденції та потреби суспільства змушують політиків змінювати політику викладання іноземної мови. Зазначено, що Туреччина запровадила останню реформу програми викладання англійської мови в 2013 році, і з того часу підростаюче покоління вже вчиться відповідно до нових вимог цієї програми. У цьому контексті представлене дослідження мало на меті оцінити успішність цієї програми протягом першого покоління виконавців програми, а саме викладачів англійської мови, які безпосередньо реалізували на практиці нововведення. Для цього було створено навчальну групу з 16 викладачів англійської мови, які мають принаймні 10 років педагогічного досвіду та викладають у державних школах початкового рівня в провінції Кютах’я, Туреччина. Їх думки щодо основних змін (вік, методологія, матеріали та оцінка), запропонованих новою програмою, були зібрані за допомогою напівструктурованих інтерв’ю. Отримані результати узагальнено на основі використання методики описового аналізу. У дослідженні також була використана експертна оцінка. З’ясовано, що, хоча існують певні проблеми у навчанні іноземної мови за новою програмою, більшість викладачів позитивно оцінюють нову програму навчання англійської мови в країні


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    Scientific and technological advancements, global trends and societies’ needs lead policymakers to change language teaching policies. Turkey made its latest reform in English Language Teaching Program in 2013 and a generation has already been educated with the new program since then. In this context, this study aimed to evaluate this program over the very first generation through the eyes of implementers, namely the language teachers in the field. For this purpose, a study group was formed with 16 language teachers who have at least 10 years of experience and teach at primary level public schools in Kütahya Province, Turkey. Their views regarding the major changes (age, methodology, materials, and assessment) offered by the new program were collected through semi-structured interviews. The results show that although there are still certain problems they are facing, the majority of the language teachers agree on the policies, support the new program, and think we are on the right road to teach / learn English

    Thermal non-linear stresses in an adhesively bonded and laser-spot welded single-lap joint during laser-metal interaction

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    In this study the transient thermal analysis of an adhesively bonded and laser-spot welded joint was carried out based on a thermal model developed for the laser-spot welding of multi-layered sheets using a pulsed Nd:YAG laser. In the thermal stress analysis the material non-linear properties of adhesive and sheets were considered using the non-linear finite element method. The keyhole formation and temperature distributions around the keyhole were analysed for the different sheet materials, i.e. aluminium, steel and titanium, used widely in the automotive and aerospace applications. The laser beam causes small heat-affected zones in the sheets and adhesive layer. As a result non-uniform temperature and thermal strain distributions arise in the vicinity of the keyhole. However, thermal strains are incompatible along the adhesive-sheet interfaces since the adhesive and sheets have different thermal and mechanical properties. Consequently, non-uniform stress distributions were observed around the keyhole causing permanent deformations in the adhesive and sheets. Especially, the free ends of the adhesive-upper sheet and the adhesive-lower sheet interfaces were subjected to considerable plastic strains. The free ends of the adhesive-plate interfaces corresponding to the keyhole boundaries arise as most critical zones; therefore, the first crack initiation in the adhesive layer can be expected from these zones. The residual stresses around the keyhole due to plastic strains would contribute the fast crack growth along the adhesive-plate interfaces when the laser beam-metal interaction ceases

    Investigation of the Effect of Paclitaxel and Pycnogenol on Mitochondrial Dynamics in Breast Cancer Therapy

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of microtubule organization inhibitor Paclitaxel and natural standardized flavonoid extract from the bark of French maritime pine (pycnogenol) on mitochondrial dynamics in breast cancer cell lines which have non-metastatic (67NR) and high metastatic (4T1) potential. 67NR and 4T1 breast cancer lines were cultured in DMEM-F12 medium and passaged every 2–3 days. Experimental groups is control group, paclitaxel group and pycnogenol group. We used 0.5 µM for Paclitaxel and 20 µg for pycnogenol and cells incubated 24 h. Mfn-1 antibody for mitochondrial fusion, Drp-1 antibody for mitochondrial fission, Pink1 antibody for mitophagy were evaluated using indirect immunohistochemistry technique. The distributions of immunohistochemical intensities of primary antibodies were graded semi-quantitatively. Scores of staining intensities were graded as mild, moderate, strong and very strong statistics were comparatively evaluated by using H-score. It was found that the usage of paclitaxel and pycnogenol were helpful in terms of cancer therapy. Immunohistochemical studies showed that Mfn-1, Drp-1 and Pink1 expressions significantly changed experimental groups for mitochondrial dynamics. Therefore, our study revealed that mitochondrial dynamics may be a potential target to improve the antineoplastic activity of paclitaxel and pycnogenol in breast cancer in the future