1,057 research outputs found

    Edirneli Nazmi ve Türki-i Basit Hareketi

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    Şeyhi'nin Hüsrev ü Şirin'i ve Rumi'nin Şirin ü Perviz'i

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    The Effect of Science Teaching Based on POE Strategy on the Academic Achievement and Attitudes of Fifth-Grade Students in the Distance Education Process

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    The aim of this study is to examine the effect of science teaching based on POE (Predict-Observe-Explain) technique on the academic achievement and attitudes of fifth-grade students in the distance education process. The study was carried out with the quasi-experimental design of quantitative research methods and an approach in which pretest and posttest applications were applied to the experimental and control groups. The research sample consists of 72 fifth grade students, 36 of whom are in the experimental group and 36 in the control group. Data collection tools included an academic achievement test and an attitude scale regarding learning science. The collected data were analyzed with the SPSS package program. The research results concluded that science teaching based on online POE technique increased the students’ academic achievement. Meanwhile, the attitude towards science learning was independent from teaching based on POE strategy


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    In this study, we mainly aim to investigate the fundamentals of complex golden conjugate connections. We study the relation between complex conjugate connections and complex golden conjugate connections. We first investigate the similarity of structural tensors and virtual tensors that are defined almost complex geometry with almost complex golden geometry and then describe complex golden conjugate connections through the tensors stated here

    Letter from a Brazilian Supporter to Geraldine Ferraro

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    Letter from a Brazilian supporter to Geraldine Ferraro.https://ir.lawnet.fordham.edu/vice_presidential_campaign_correspondence_1984_international/1257/thumbnail.jp

    The Effects of Export Import Coverage Ratio on Economy

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    In this research, a conceptual model was tested in order to clarify the relationship between the foreign trade balance and economic growth. Therefore the main purpose of the research is to examine the effect of the ratio of exports to imports on economic growth. Reliability-tested secondary data prepared by international institutions were used for per capita GDP values and the ratio of countries' exports to imports. Regression analysis was performed using the mentioned data using the SPSS computer program.  The per capita GDP values of 126 countries for the years 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018 and the ratio of the countries' exports to their imports were used in the study. By performing regression analysis, it was concluded that there is a statistically significant relationship between GDP values and the export- import coverage ratio values of the countries


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    This study aims to determine the effects of the learning station method on seventh grade students’ conceptual understanding levels regarding the light unit and their views about this technique. Mixed method integrating both quantitative and qualitative methods was used in the research. In the quantitative part of the research quasi-experimental pretest-posttest control group design was employed. The study group of the research consisted of 41 7th grade students attending a middle school in Eskişehir (22 experimental, 19 control group). Four open-ended questions prepared by the researcher teacher were applied to both groups as pretest and posttest. Pretest data of the experimental and control groups were compared and no significant difference between average test scores was detected. The analysis of average posttest scores of the two groups revealed that the average score of the experimental group, who learned the light unit with the learning station method, was higher than the control group, who learned the same unit with the current program. Additionally, semi-structured interviews were conducted with five students randomly selected from the experimental group. The students expressed in their answers that science lesson conducted with learning stations was efficient and fun and they learned the topic more permanently than usual. Extensive use of learning station method with diverse activities is recommended to all science teachers as a result of the study.  Article visualizations

    Quantum transport regimes in quartic dispersion materials with Anderson disorder

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    Mexican-hat-shaped quartic dispersion manifests itself in certain families of single-layer twodimensional hexagonal crystals such as compounds of groups III-VI and groups IV-V as well as elemental crystals of group V. Quartic band forms the valence band edge in various of these structures, and some of the experimentally confirmed structures are GaS, GaSe, InSe, SnSb and blue phosphorene. Here, we numerically investigate strictly-one-dimensional (1D) and quasi-one dimensional (Q1D) nanoribbons with quartic dispersion and systematically study the effects of Anderson disorder on their transport properties with the help of a minimal tight-binding model and Landauer formalism. We compare the analytical expression for the scaling function with simulation data to deduce about the domains of diffusion and localization regimes. In 1D, it is shown that conductance drops dramatically at the quartic band edge compared to a quadratic band. As for the Q1D nanoribbons, a set of singularities emerge close to the band edge, which suppress conductance and lead to short mean-free-paths and localization lengths. Interestingly, wider nanoribbons can have shorter mean-free-paths because of denser singularities. However, the localization lengths do not necessarily follow the same trend. The results display the peculiar effects of quartic dispersion on transport in disordered systems

    İrhâsâtla ilgili rivâyetlerin metin ve anlam açısından değerlendirilmesi

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    İrhâsât, Allah tarafından peygamber olarak gönderilen insanların, vahiy almadan önceki yaşamlarında meydana gelen hârikulâde olayları ifade eder. Hz. Muhammed’in de özellikle doğumu esnasında olağanüstü bazı hadiselerin yaşandığı nakledilmektedir. Bu makalede, siyer-meğâzî kaynakları esas alınarak, Hz. Peygamberin nübüvvetiyle ilişkilendirilen aşağıdaki hârikulâde hadiselerle ilgili rivâyetler incelenmektedir: Hz. Muhammed doğduğunda; Busrâ’yı aydınlatan bir nurun çıkması, Mekke’de bir yıldızın doğması/yıldızların sarkması, Kisrâ’nın sarayının on dört burcunun yıkılması, Mecusilerin hiç sönmeden yanan ateşlerinin sönmesi ve Sâva Gölü’nün kuruması. Çalışmada şu tespitler yapılmaktadır: Söz konusu hadiselere ilişkin haberler, rivâyet tekniği ve anlamı açısından telif mümkün olmayan sayıda ve nitelikte çelişki içermektedir. Resûlullah’ın vefatından sonra üretilen ve tarihî seyir içerisinde şekillenen bu rivâyetlerin çıkışında nübüvvet kurumunu ispat etme, Hz. Peygamberi yüceltme ve Ehl-i kitapla peygamber yarıştırma gibi faktörler belirleyici olmuştur

    Ebu Hanife ve Siyaset

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    Ebû Hanîfe bir siyaset adamı değildir. Aynı zamanda siyaset teorisiyle ilgili müstakil bir eser de yazmamıştır. Ancak bu durum onun, dönemindeki yöneticilerle hiçbir ilişkisinin ve dolayısıyla siyasete dair görüşlerinin olmadığı anlamına gelmemektedir. Makalede, dönemin yöneticileriyle olan ilişkilerinden hareketle, Ebû Hanîfe’nin siyasetle ilgili görüşleri tespit edilmeye çalışılmaktadır. Çalışmada, Ebû Hanîfe’nin siyaset anlayışının dayandığı ilkeler tespit edilmiştir. Ebû Hanîfe, devlet yönetiminde adaletin belirleyici olmasını savunmuştur. Ebû Hanîfe, Emevî ve Abbasîler döneminde iktidar talebinde bulunan bazı muhalif liderleri, mesela Ehlibeyti desteklemiştir. Sözü edilen âlim, devletin farklı dinî, siyasî, etnik ve kültürel yapılar/kesimler karşısında eşit mesafede bulunması gerektiği tezini savunmuştur. Ebû Hanîfe’ye göre dinî, siyasî ve hukukî konularda farklı düşünmek ve bu düşünceleri dile getirmek, meşru insanî bir haktır. Adı geçen bilgin, yargı bağımsızlığı ilkesinin uygulanmasını istemiştir. Söz konusu ilke gözetilmediği için Emevîler ve Abbasîler döneminde, tüm baskılara rağmen, kadılık görevini kabul etmemiştir. Ebû Hanîfe’ye göre kuruluş şekli, temel felsefesi, yapısı ve işleyişi bakımından meşruiyet sorunu yaşayan devlet ya da iktidar, söz konusu meşruiyet problemini aşmak için dini ve dinî olanı istismar etmemelidir. Ayrıca Ebû Hanîfe siyaset anlayışı gereği, yöneticilere bağımlı hale gelmemek ve dolayısıyla özgürlüğünü kaybetmemek için kazandıklarıyla geçinmeyi ve böylece sivil âlim olarak kalmayı tercih etmiştir. Aynı zamanda siyasal gelişmeler karşısında duyarlı davranmış ve din dışı olarak gördüğü politikalara muhalefet etmiştir