2 research outputs found
Alkali-soluble and insoluble fluoride in erupted and unerupted sound enamel of human third molars in vivo
- Author
- Arends
- Baijot-Stroobants
- Brand
- Brudevold
- Bruun
- Bruun
- Bruun
- Caslavska
- Dijkman
- Driessens
- Fricke
- Gabriel
- Gibbs
- Grobler
- Grobler
- Grobler
- Grobler
- Grøn
- Hastie
- Kirkegaard
- Koch
- Lagerlöf
- Manly
- McCann
- McCann
- Mellberg
- Mellberg
- Miller
- Mushanoff
- Nakagaki
- Palmara
- Patel
- Retief
- Retief
- Retief
- Retief
- Rølla
- Saxegaard
- Stamm
- Söremark
- Ten Cate
- Vogel
- Weatherell
- Weatherell
- Weatherell
- Wöltgens
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- 01/01/1990
- Field of study
The oral complications of specific anticancer therapy
- Author
- Addy
- Allbright
- Ambrus
- Arnim
- Ashley
- Awward
- Baker
- Beck
- Bedwinek
- Ben Aryeh
- Bernier
- Bersani
- Beumer
- Bhaskar
- Brinkman
- Brown
- Burnett
- Campbell
- Carl
- Carl
- Carl
- Cheator
- Cherry
- Cline
- Coffin
- Crosby
- Daeffler
- Daeffler
- Daly
- DeWalt
- DeWalt
- Driezen
- Driezen
- Driezen
- Driezen
- Driezen
- Driezen
- Driezen
- Dudjak
- Eilers
- Ettinger
- Fine
- Gannon
- Ginsberg
- Gjermo
- Goepfert
- Goldman
- Graebner
- Graf
- Guyton
- Harris
- Hinchliffe
- Holloway
- Holmes
- Holmes
- Howarth
- Inagki
- Johnson
- Kelner
- Klastersky
- Krajewski
- Lane
- Lavelle
- Leahy
- Lobene
- Loe
- MacMillan
- Marino
- Marsh
- Martin
- Marx
- Maurer
- McElroy
- McElwain
- McGaw
- McKendrick
- Meyer
- Miller
- Morrish
- Morton
- Mushanoff
- Navazesh
- Nolte
- O'Leary
- O'Neil
- Okada
- Ostchega
- Parker
- Passos
- Peterson
- Pizzarello
- Potchen
- Rahn
- Regezi
- Rohrer
- Rolla
- Ross
- Roth
- Rubin
- Savostin-Asling
- Schiott
- Schum
- Segelman
- Shafer
- Shannon
- Shannon
- Sheffield
- Shepherd
- Silverstone
- Skoglund
- Smith
- Sodicoff
- Sonis
- Sonis
- Sonis
- Speedie
- Steele
- Stevens
- Sullivan
- Sumner
- Tassman
- Thoma
- Trowbridge
- Vahlsing
- van Drimmelen
- Vowles
- Weaver
- Wilderman
- Wiley
- Williams
- Wright
- Wynder
- Zach
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- Field of study