15 research outputs found

    Exercising No Harm Rule: Claims for Damage and Loss Due Climate Change Effects

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    The act of utilising all the resources owned by a state, including natural resources, is the right of every state. However, its use is prohibited if it causes harm to other states. This is then referred to as the principle of no harm rule in international law. Therefore, each state is responsible not for causing damage to other States' environments or areas outside the limits of its jurisdiction. This article will analyse the development of the no harm rules and its application model for claiming state responsibility. As normative research, it used secondary data as the main data, and the primary, secondary and tertiary legal materials were analysed qualitatively. In discussion, this principle has long existed as customary international law to mitigate transboundary pollution. In the case of the environment in general, many studies have applied this principle. However, due to the uniqueness of the climate change issue, evidence and proof of the impacts caused cannot be used as the basis for a lawsuit like ordinary environmental cases. Based on the discussion and simulation conducted, it is concluded that the no harm rules principle can be applied to climate change issues. However, this principle is not satisfactory and has limitations in its application


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    Konflik bersenjata yang terjadi di suatu negara akan menimbulkan dampak yang negatif bagi suatu negara, seperti hancurnya benda cagar budaya yang merupakan identitas masyarakat dan peradaban dunia, padahal perlindungan benda cagar budaya diatur oleh hukum internasional. Sehingga perlunya Regulasi Peraturan Perundang-Undangan yang mengatur perlindungan benda cagar budaya pada saat konflik bersenjata. (Armed Conflict).Penulisan skripsi ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan menjelaskan penggunaan The Blue Shield Emblem yang di atur di dalam The 1954 Hague Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict and its Two (1954 and 1999) Protocols, terhadap benda cagar budaya untuk memberikan perlindungan benda cagar budaya pada saat konflik bersenjata.Untuk memperoleh data dalam penulisan skripsi ini dilakukan penelitian kepustakaan yaitu dengan mempelajari serta menganalisa konvensi, peraturan perundang-undangan, buku, surat kabar, tulisan ilmiah, dan literatur-literatur yang relevan dengan skripsi ini.Hasil penelitian dari penulisan skripsi ini menunjukkan bahwa walaupun Indonesia sudah memiliki Hukum Nasional tentang Benda Budaya, akan tetapi Indonesia belum bisa melaksanakan kewajiban untuk melindungi benda cagar budaya yang ada di Indonesia pada saat konflik bersenjata karena tidak adanya peraturan penggunaan lambang perisai biru. Sehubungan dengan hal tersebut langkah-langkah yang seharusnya Pemerintah Indonesia tempuh adalah mencantumkan perlindungan benda cagar budaya pada saat konflik bersenjata yang sesuai dengan The 1954 Hague Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict and its Two (1954 and 1999) Protocols pada Regulasi Peraturan Perundang-Undangan Republik Indonesia.Disarankan kepada Pemerintah Indonesia untuk memasukkan pedoman penggunaan The Blue Shield Emblem kedalam suatu regulasi hukum yang ada di Indonesia. Perlunya implementasi penggunaan lambang perisai biru (The Blue Shield Emblem) untuk melakukan perlindungan dan penghormatan kepada benda cagar budaya. Kemudian Pemerintah Indonesia harus memberikan edukasi terhadap masyarakat Indonesia mengenai penggunaan lambang perisai biru, kewajiban dan hak yang akan melekat terhadap benda budaya yang menggunakan lambang perisai biru tersebut

    Nilai Multikultural dalam Pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam (PAI) di Sekolah: Studi terhadap Upaya Membina Karakter Siswa di SMKN 1 Gerung

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    This study aims to examine three main problems, namely: multicultural values ??contained in Islamic Education (PAI) learning; the process of investing multicultural values ??in PAI learning; methods of character building through multicultural values ??in PAI learning. The study was conducted at SMK 1 Gerung, West Lombok. Data analysis techniques include data collection, data reduction, data display and conclusion verification. The findings show that multicultural values ??contained in PAI learning content include tolerance values, equality values, unity values, kinship values, and justice values. The planting of multicultural values ??in PAI learning at SMK 1 Gerung uses two methods, namely the exemplary method and the habituation method. The impact of planting multicultural values ??on students is the growth of mutual tolerance, respect, accepting the opinions of others, mutual cooperation, not hostile, and the absence of conflict due to differences in culture, ethnicity, language, customs, and religion. Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji tiga permasalahan utama, yaitu: nilai-nilai multikultural yang terdapat dalam pembelajaran PAI; proses penanaman nilai multikultural dalam pembelajaran PAI; metode pembinaan karakter melalui nilai multikulturalal dalam pembelajaran PAI. Penelitian dilakukan di SMKN 1 Gerung. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan pada penelitian ini meliputi pengumpulan data, reduksi data, penyajian data dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa nilai-nilai multikultural yang terdapat dalam buku mata pelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam meliputi nilai toleransi, nilai kesamaan, nilai persatuan, nilai kekerabatan, dan nilai keadilan. Penanaman nilai-nilai multikultural dalam pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam di SMKN 1 Gerung menggunakan dua metode yaitu metode keteladanan dan metode pembiasaan. Dampak penanaman nilai-nilai multikultural terhadap siswa yaitu tumbuhnya sikap saling toleran, menghormati, menerima pendapat orang lain, saling bekerjasama, tidak bermusuhan, dan tidak adanya konflik karena perbedaan budaya, suku, bahasa, adat istiadat, dan agama. &nbsp

    Analysis of Crystallinity and Physical Properties of the Bio-solar Gemstone

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    Abstract – Bio-solar is one of the natural gemstones found in the province of Aceh in Indonesia. A recent study suggested that this gemstone could be considered as a vesuvianite type of gemstone. Nevertheless, detail information of this bio-solar gemstone is still unknown. We do not know whether the bio-solar gemstone is crystalline or amorphous. The specific gravity and the hardness of this gemstone are also still unknown. This information is essential to determine the quality of a gem. To answer those questions, we have used x-ray diffraction to study the bio-solar gemstone from the province of Aceh in Indonesia. The physical properties (specific gravity and hardness) of this gemstone have also been measured. We found that the bio-solar gemstone is composed by CaO, SiO2, MgO, Al2O3, Fe2O3, and TiO2 phases. Our results revealed that the bio-solar gem is a crystalline material, not amorphous. The average crystallite size of this gemstone is found to be 353 Å (35 nm). Moreover, the specific gravity of bio-solar gemstone is found to be 3.09 – 3.34. Its hardness is 3 to 4 mohs. Thus, the bio-solar is a good quality gemstone. Our finding confirmed that the bio-solar could be classified as a vesuvianite gemstone

    The Synchronization Process of Legal System in Tunggu Tubang Land Certification

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    The study on the Tunggu Tubang Land Certification in the Semende area aims to examine 3 (three) problems, they are aspects of historical and sociological rechts supporting and inhibiting; synchronization of the legal system, as well as; alternative arrangements for facilitation of Tunggu Tubang land certification. The research used a normative juridical approach. The results of the study state that the study of synchronization of the legal system, there are no obstacles to the certification of Tunggu Tubang land, with the argument that the Tunggu Tubang land comes from private land (land of customary land), or civil rights/private rights/privaatrecht according to the western legal system, and does not include the power of rights. The Ulayat as common property of the community, therefore basically can be certified. Alternative facilitation of Tunggu Tubang land certification can be done by heeding the legal concept of the Tunggu Tubang Institution which stipulates that, Tunggu Tubang which contains the principles: There is land that is jointly owned by the descendants of the female line of the founder of Tunggu Tubang; there is an administrator who is not entitled to sell/transfer the land of Tunggu Tubang, but only manages it for the benefit of the descendants of the founder of Tunggu Tubang

    Is It Necessary to Include Promise in a Deed of Granting of Mortgage Rights?

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    To secure the funds that have been granted to the debtor, in loan agreement between creditor and debtor, a guarantee agreement is usually included. One form of collaterals that is most in demand is land collateral. This research aims to analyze funds security that has been handed over to debtors in connection with loan agreement and promises (clauses) inclusion in a Deed of Granting of Mortgage Rights. This normative research uses statutory, conceptual and interpretive approaches. This study examines several deeds to search and analyze the promises (clauses) in the guarantee agreement. The result shows that the loan agreement includes a promise to provide collateral that will be attached with mortgage rights, to secure the credit that has been given to the debtor as security for repayment of credit loan. Therefore, the loan agreement contains rights and obligations of parties as a form of prudential principles. Furthermore, a Deed of granting of mortgage rights considerably needs to include promises (clauses) as a manifestation of conditions related to the guarantee provided. In its regulation (Mortgage Rights Law), these promises are optional (not mandatory) being included in a Deed of granting of mortgage rights. However, in practice these promises are always included in a deed at the creditor’s request, with the aim being a kind of self-protection to creditor. However, Mortgage Rights Law also provides a balance of protection to debtors, namely promises that are prohibited from being included that creditors can immediately own the object of mortgage rights when the debtor defaults. If such promise is included, then the Deed of Granting of Mortgage Rights is null and void


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    Pembelajaran Daring merupakan salah satu alternative pada proses kegiatan belajar mengajar di masa pandemi Covid-19. Penelitian ini memfokuskan pada bagaimana implementasi pembelajaran daring yang diterapkan guru di MI Fathul Akbar NW Tempos, bagaimana persepsi siswa terhadap pembelajaran daring yang diterapkan guru di MI Fathul Akbar NW Tempos, dan bagaimana strategi efektif untuk pembelajaran daring di MI Fathul Akbar NW Tempos. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif, teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan yakni observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Analisis data yang digunakan berupa reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan/verifikasi. Adapun hasil penelitian menggambarkan 1) Implementasi Pembelajaran daring di MI Fathul Akbar NW Tempos telah dilaksanakan dengan sangat baik, sesuai ketentuan-ketentuan yang berlaku. Disamping itu sebagai penunjang kegiatan pembelajaran daring di MI Fathul Akbar NW Tempos diterapkan pembelajaran tatap muka selama dua jam dalam dua kali seminggu. 2) Persepsi siswa terhadap pembelajaran bermacam-macam, pertama ada yang sangat setuju dan mendukung pembelajaran daring dikarenakan melihat kondisi dan situasi serta pengimplementasian yang dirasa cukup dapat memberikan pemahaman yang cukup. Kedua, beberapa siswa kurang setuju dan berminat terkait pembelajaran daring dikarenakan terlalu monotonnya cara penyampaian guru dan sulit dapat memahami materi pelajaran. 3)Strategi yang efektif terhadap pengimplementasian pembelajaran daring di MI Fathul Akbar NW Tempos adalah dengan mengkreasikan teknik penyampaian pembelajaran agar tidak monoton dan membuat siswa merasa bosan untuk mengakses pembelajaran

    Legal Certainty of Cabotage Principle Regarding Sea Transportation in Indonesia

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    Shipping between domestic ports must be transported by ships with Indonesian flags and operated by national shipping companies, meaning the cabotage principle. The aim is to prevent and reduce dependence on foreign ships carrying out Indonesia's maritime territory. However, in regulating and implementing the cabotage principle, it is not sure that it can be applied absolutely, which can be interpreted as not reflecting legal certainty. This study aims to analyze the legal certainty of implementation of the cabotage principle in Indonesian territorial waters. This research is a normative study that uses legal, historical, interpretation and case approaches. The case and interpretation approaches are used to examine the cabotage principle concept in legislation and several relevant cases brought to Indonesian courts. The results shows that the regulation of the cabotage principle on sea transportation is found in the form of laws, presidential regulations, presidential instructions and ministerial regulations. However, in other various regulations, the cabotage principle does not apply absolutely (semi-protectionist) or inconsequently. On the one hand, this is because it prohibits foreign ships from operating in Indonesian territory to carry passengers and/or goods between islands or ports. On the other hand, foreign ships are allowed for other activities that do not include carrying passengers and/or goods with certain conditions and approval from the government. The application of the cabotage principle based on judges' considerations in cases submitted to the State Administrative, Supreme and the Constitutional Courts has fulfilled legal certainty according to the Shipping Law. However, the protection of national Shipping must be prioritized, and the use of foreign ships should be considerably tightened unless Indonesian-flagged vessels are not insufficiently available

    Altpreussische Zeitung, Nr. 70 Sonnabend 23 März 1895, 47. Jahrgang

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    „Altpreussische Zeitung und Anzeiger für Stadt und Land” była organem elbląskich demokratów. Gazeta liczyła 4 strony, a ukazywała się od poniedziałku do niedzieli, nakład osiągnął 11000 egzemplarzy. Zamieszczała aktualne informacje ze świata i wiadomości lokalne oraz informacje z Malborka i Ostródy, gdzie posiadała swoje filie. Ważną stroną gazety były reklamy, zapowiedzi teatralne i koncertów muzycznych. Raz w tygodniu ukazywał się dodatek specjalny m.i. : Der hausfreund. Tägliche Beilage zur „Altpreussischen Zeitung” ; "Tägliche Unterhaltungsbeilage", w którym zamieszczano zapowiedzi literackie i powieści w odcinkach. (Gazeta zmieniała swoją nazwę – np. od nr 297/1895 r. zmienia nazwę na „Altpreußische Zeitung : Elbinger Tageblatt”)

    Kommunikationsstrategier vid afasi till följd av stroke.

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