54 research outputs found

    Aranžmani hiperravnina

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    U ovom radu upoznali smo se sa raznim aranžmanima hiperravnina i elementarnim pojmovima povezanim uz aranžmane hiperravnina. Istražili smo tehnike računanja područja aranžmana, kao što su brisanje-ograničavanje, korištenje karakterističnog polinoma te metoda konačnih polja. Kroz rad smo dokazali nekoliko važnijih teorema među kojim se ističe Zaslavskyjev teorem po svojoj važnosti, i iz kojega slijede mnogi rezultati. Na više primjera smo pokazali primjenu teorije i izračunali broj područja raznih aranžmana.n this work various hyperplane arrangements have been explored and we introduced many basic terms connected with hyperplane arrangements. Technics for counting regions of arrangements were explained, such as deletion-restriction, using characteristic polynomial and finite field method. We proved several important theorems, most importantly Zaslavsky theorem, which leads to many results. On numerous examples we showed application of theory and computed the number of regions of various arrangements

    Aranžmani hiperravnina

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    U ovom radu upoznali smo se sa raznim aranžmanima hiperravnina i elementarnim pojmovima povezanim uz aranžmane hiperravnina. Istražili smo tehnike računanja područja aranžmana, kao što su brisanje-ograničavanje, korištenje karakterističnog polinoma te metoda konačnih polja. Kroz rad smo dokazali nekoliko važnijih teorema među kojim se ističe Zaslavskyjev teorem po svojoj važnosti, i iz kojega slijede mnogi rezultati. Na više primjera smo pokazali primjenu teorije i izračunali broj područja raznih aranžmana.n this work various hyperplane arrangements have been explored and we introduced many basic terms connected with hyperplane arrangements. Technics for counting regions of arrangements were explained, such as deletion-restriction, using characteristic polynomial and finite field method. We proved several important theorems, most importantly Zaslavsky theorem, which leads to many results. On numerous examples we showed application of theory and computed the number of regions of various arrangements

    Incorporation of capric acid in pumpkin seed oil by sn-1,3 regioselective lipase-catalyzed acidolysis

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    Structured lipids (SLs) are novel triacylglycerols obtained by changing the native fatty acid (FA) profiles or by the incorporation of a new desired FA in the acylglycerol backbone. These modified fats present important medical and functional properties for food applications. This work aimed to synthetize a MLM-type SL, which consists of triacylglycerols containing a medium-chain FA (M) at sn-1,3 positions and a long-chain FA (L) at sn-2 position, by acidolysis of pumpkin seed oil with capric acid, catalyzed by a commercial lipase preparation from Thermomyces lanuginosa (Lipozyme TL IM). Reactions were performed at 45 degrees C, in solvent-free media, at 1: 2 molar ratio (pumpkin seed oil: capric acid) and a fixed amount of immobilized lipase of 5%, 10%, 15% or 20%. Incorporations of C10: 0 increased with time up to 31 h (29.9 +/- 0.7 mol-%) when 5% lipase load was used. Significant differences were only observed between the results obtained with 5 and 20% of biocatalyst load. The subsequent experiment was carried out with 5% lipase load, at 45 degrees C, 1: 2 molar ratio and in the presence of n-hexane. The results showed slightly higher incorporation yields in the presence of solvent, namely at 48 h-reaction (34.7 +/- 1.0 mol-%). However, since the structured lipids are to be used in food products, together with environmental and economic concerns, solvent-free systems are preferred. In this study, the synthesis of a MLM-type SL from pumpkin seed oil for food uses was well succeeded

    Multiple malignant tumors in patient with hairy cell leukemia: case report

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    Cilj: Cilj rada je prikazati slučaj pacijenta s metakronom pojavom liposarkoma, leukemije vlasastih stanica (engl. Hairy cell leukemia, HCL) i karcinomom bubrega te se osvrnuti na dosadašnje literaturne podatke o pojavi višestrukih malignih bolesti u pacijenata s HCL. Prikaz slučaja: Prikazan je slučaj 38-godišnjeg pacijenta kojemu je nakon operacije i radioterapije liposarkoma utvrđena patološka metabolička aktivnost koštane srži na PET/CT-u (engl. Positron emission tomography/Computed tomography) što je pobudilo sumnju na postojanje limfoproliferativne bolesti te je upućen na hematološku obradu kojom je utvrđena HCL. Bolesnik je neko vrijeme samo praćen te se nakon pogoršanja parametara bolesti sprovelo liječenje HCL kladribinom čime se postigla remisija hematološke bolesti. U daljnjem tijeku se rutinski učinila ultrasonografija abdomena kojom se ustanovi fokalna lezija lijevog bubrega. Nakon učinjene urološke obrade, učinjena je parcijalna nefrektomija, a patohistološkom analizom utvrđeno je da se radi o svijetlostaničnom tipu karcinoma podrijetla bubrežnih tubula. Zaključak: Bolesnici oboljeli od HCL imaju povećan rizik od razvoja drugih zloćudnih bolesti, kako različitih solidnih tumora, tako i drugih hematoloških novotvorina. Tijekom praćenja pacijenta s HCL potrebno je misliti na moguću pojavu drugih tumora budući da su sekundarne maligne bolesti čest uzrok morbiditeta i mortaliteta u ovoj grupi pacijenata. Važno je bolesnike s ovom vrstom limfoproliferativne bolesti pažljivo pratiti i vršiti sve uobičajene mjere primarne i sekundarne prevencije drugih vrsta raka. Potrebna su daljnja istraživanja mogućeg učinka kemoterapije na pojavu sekundarnih tumora u ovoj grupi bolesnika, ali isto tako imunoloških i eventualnih drugih patofizioloških mehanizama same HCL koji mogu dovesti do češće pojave drugih zloćudnih novotvorina.Aim: To present a patient with metachronous occurrence of liposarcoma, HCL (hairy cell leukemia) and renal cell carcinoma and analyze previous literature data about occurrence of multiple malignancies in HCL patients. Case report: We report a case of a 38-year-old patient who operated and treated liposarcoma with radiotherapy and in whom was found pathological metabolic activity of bone marrow on PET/CT (Positron emission tomography/Computed tomography). This finding raised a suspicion about the existence of lymphoproliferative disease and the patient was sent to hematological examination in which was revealed that patient has HCL. The patient was monitored and treatment with cladribine was started after there was deterioration in the blood count. Subsequently remission occured. Abdominal ultrasound was done and focal lesion of left kidney was found. Partial nefrectomy of the left kidney was done. Histopathological analysis revealed clarocellular kidney carcinoma. Conclusion: The patients with HCL have a higher risk of developing other malignant diseases, both solid tumors, and other hematologic neoplasms. It is important to think of secondary malignancies during the patient's monitoring, since secondary malignances are a frequent cause of morbidity and mortality in HCL patients. The patient with this type of limphoproliferative disease needs to be closely monitored and also needs to keep up with primary and secondary measures to prevent cancer development. Further research about the correlation of chemotherapy and incidence of secondary malignancies is needed, but also it is important to research immunological and other pathophysiological mechanisms which can increase the occurence of secondary malignancies

    Design, Synthesis, Spectroscopic Characterisation and In Vitro Cytostatic Evaluation of Novel Bis(coumarin-1,2,3-triazolyl)benzenes and Hybrid Coumarin-1,2,3-triazolyl-aryl Derivatives

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    In this work, a series of novel 1, 2, 3-triazolyl-coumarin hybrid systems were designed as potential antitumour agents. The structural modification of the coumarin ring was carried out by Cu(I)-catalysed Huisgen 1, 3-dipolar cycloaddition of 7-azido-4-methylcoumarin and terminal aromatic alkynes to obtain 1, 4-disubstituted 1, 2, 3-triazolyl-coumarin conjugates 2a–g, bis(1, 2, 3-triazolyl-coumarin)benzenes 2h–i and coumarin-1, 2, 3-triazolyl-benzazole hybrids 4a–b. The newly synthesised hybrid molecules were investigated for in vitro antitumour activity against five human cancer cell lines, colon carcinoma HCT116, breast carcinoma MCF-7, lung carcinoma H 460, human T-lymphocyte cells CEM, cervix carcinoma cells HeLa, as well as human dermal microvascular endothelial cells (HMEC-1). Most of these compounds showed moderate to pronounced cytotoxic activity, especially towards MCF-7 cell lines with IC50 = 0.3–32 μM. In addition, compounds 2a–i and 4a–b were studied by UV-Vis absorption and fluorescence spectroscopy and their basic photophysical parameters were determined

    A Review of Wireless Sensor Technologies and Applications in Agriculture and Food Industry: State of the Art and Current Trends

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    The aim of the present paper is to review the technical and scientific state of the art of wireless sensor technologies and standards for wireless communications in the Agri-Food sector. These technologies are very promising in several fields such as environmental monitoring, precision agriculture, cold chain control or traceability. The paper focuses on WSN (Wireless Sensor Networks) and RFID (Radio Frequency Identification), presenting the different systems available, recent developments and examples of applications, including ZigBee based WSN and passive, semi-passive and active RFID. Future trends of wireless communications in agriculture and food industry are also discussed

    Identity in postmodernity on the example of the graphich novel Watchmen

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    Grafički roman Watchmen jedno je od djela koja su definirala glavne odrednice postmoderne.U radu se definiraju pojmovi postmoderne, društva spektakla s produžetkom na masovnu kulturu, identiteta u kulturi i šire, te stripa. Svi oni dolaze do izražaja unutar samoga djela te tako čine važan dio proučavanja. Likovi unutar Watchmena napisani su kao duboko iskvarene osobe, koje se međusobno razlikuju u svim zamislivim aspektima. Detaljan presjek svakoga lika pruža uvid u tehnike kojima su se autori koristili pri stvaranju grafičkoga romana. Fragmentiranost, spektakularizacija, mitologizacija itd. samo su neke od postmodernih metoda kojima su se autori koristili i koje se u ovom radu analiziraju.The graphic novel Watchmen is one of the works that defined the main aspects of the postmodern times. This work defines the concepts of postmodernity, society of spectacle with an extension to mass culture, identity in culture and beyond, and comics. All of them come to the forefront within the graphic novel itself and thus form an important part of the study. Characters within Watchmen are written as deeply flawed individuals, different from each other in every imaginable way. A detailed look into each character provides an insight into the techniques the authors used to create that graphic novel. Fragmentation, spectacularization, mythologizing, etc. are just some of the postmodern methods used by the authors, into which this work enters