22 research outputs found

    Latitude dictates plant diversity effects on instream decomposition

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    Running waters contribute substantially to global carbon fluxes through decomposition of terrestrial plant litter by aquatic microorganisms and detritivores. Diversity of this litter may influence instream decomposition globally in ways that are not yet understood. We investigated latitudinal differences in decomposition of litter mixtures of low and high functional diversity in 40 streams on 6 continents and spanning 113 degrees of latitude. Despite important variability in our dataset, we found latitudinal differences in the effect of litter functional diversity on decomposition, which we explained as evolutionary adaptations of litter-consuming detritivores to resource availability. Specifically, a balanced diet effect appears to operate at lower latitudes versus a resource concentration effect at higher latitudes. The latitudinal pattern indicates that loss of plant functional diversity will have different consequences on carbon fluxes across the globe, with greater repercussions likely at low latitudes

    Estimates of benthic invertebrate community variability and its environmental determinants differ between snapshot and trajectory designs

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    Abstract Long-term data sets are essential for biodiversity research and monitoring. Researchers use 2 major approaches in the study of temporal variability of biological communities: 1) the trajectory approach (monitoring sites across several consecutive years) and 2) the snapshot approach (comparing sites among few sampling events several years apart). We used data on benthic macroinvertebrate communities in 23 near-pristine forested streams to compare these 2 approaches for different study periods ranging from 3 to 14 y. We asked whether the level of temporal turnover and the identity of the best explanatory variables underlying it were comparable across studies based on differing approaches, study periods, or total duration. The 2 approaches yielded partly different stories about the level of community variability and its environmental correlates. With the snapshot approach, variation in community similarity and factors explaining it reflected short-term (e.g., year-specific) conditions, which could be misinterpreted as long-term trends, the difference being most evident for periods that began or ended in an extreme drought year. Our results imply that snapshot studies may lead to ambiguous conclusions, whereas the trajectory approach yielded more consistent results. Trajectory data of differing length showed minor differences, apart from studies with the shortest durations. Overall, our results suggest that time sequences of ∌6 y of trajectory data (i.e., 6 generations for most benthic invertebrates in boreal streams) may be needed for the among-year similarity of macroinvertebrate communities in near-pristine streams to stabilize. If temporal replication is limited (snapshots/very short time sequences) the outcome depends strongly on the particular years included in a comparison. Based on our results, we advise caution when basing conclusions on a comparison of a few (e.g., just 2) occasions several years apart or on very short time sequences

    Downstream impacts of peatland drainage on headwater stream biodiversity and ecosystem functioning

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    Abstract Intensive peatland drainage alters the physico-chemical status of the recipient streams, potentially leading to the loss of biodiversity and impaired ecosystem functioning. However, the extent of these changes, and particularly their impacts on downstream ecosystems, remain poorly understood. We studied the downstream effects of peatland drainage on stream biodiversity (aquatic bryophytes and macroinvertebrates) and key ecosystem processes (primary productivity, organic matter (OM) decomposition and OM standing stock). Our survey design comprised upstream (directly below drainage network) and downstream (∌300 m downstream) locations in 18 boreal headwater streams encompassing an extensive gradient of peatland drainage intensity (0–48 %). Drainage modified environmental conditions, with nutrient (TP, TN) and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentrations and inorganic sediment cover increasing with intensifying drainage, in both upstream and downstream sites. Species richness of both benthic macroinvertebrates and bryophytes was strongly reduced with increasing drainage intensity. Upstream and downstream sites responded in a similar manner, suggesting wide-ranging impacts of drainage on stream biodiversity. Regardless of site location, ecosystem processes were unrelated to drainage intensity. Our results confirm that intense peatland drainage not only modifies environmental conditions and biodiversity in adjoining streams, but these impacts propagate further downstream in the stream network. To prevent further degradation of drainage-impacted freshwater ecosystems, large-scale peatland restoration is needed, with prioritization of sites with the greatest potential (least drainage-induced damage) for biodiversity recovery

    Excess of nitrogen reduces temporal variability of stream diatom assemblages

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    Abstract Nutrient enrichment degrades water quality and threatens aquatic biota. However, our knowledge on (dis)similarities in temporal patterns of biota among sites of varying level of nutrient stress is limited. We addressed this gap by assessing temporal (among seasons) variation in algal biomass, species diversity and composition of diatom assemblages in three streams that differ in nutrient stress, but are otherwise similar and share the same regional species pool. We monitored three riffle sections in each stream bi-weekly from May to October in 2014. Temporal variation in water chemistry and other environmental variables was mainly synchronous among riffles within streams and often also among streams, indicating shared environmental forcing through time. We found significant differences in diatom assemblage composition among streams and, albeit less so, also among riffles within streams. Diatom assemblages in the two nutrient-enriched streams were more similar to each other than to those in the nutrient-poor stream. Taxa richness did not differ consistently among the streams, and did not vary synchronously at any spatial scale. Temporal variation in diatom assemblage composition decreased with increasing DIN:TotP ratio, likely via a negative effect on sensitive taxa while maintaining favorable conditions for certain tolerant taxa, irrespective of season. This relationship weakened but remained significant even after controlling for stochastic effects, suggesting deterministic mechanisms between nutrient levels and diatom assemblage stability. After controlling for stochastic effects temporal variability was best explained by DIN suggesting that excess of nitrogen reduces temporal variability(intra-annual beta diversity) of diatom assemblages. The high temporal variation, and especially the lack of temporal synchrony at the within streams scale, suggests that single sampling at a single site may be insufficient to reliably assess and monitor a complete stream water body. Our results also showed that measures including species identity outperform traditional diversity metrics in detecting nutrient stress in streams

    Partitioning of benthic biodiversity in boreal streams:contributions of spatial, inter-annual, and seasonal variability

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    Abstract 1. Studies on biodiversity patterns should optimally relate different scales of temporal community variability to spatial variability. Although temporal biodiversity variability is often negligible compared to spatial variation, it may still constitute a substantial source of overall community variability in stream ecosystems. Boreal streams exhibit seasonally recurring environmental periodicity, which can be expected to induce synchronous dynamics of abiotic variables among sites, and consequently, to produce spatial synchrony of deterministically controlled biological communities with higher intra- than inter-annual community variability. 2. We sampled benthic macroinvertebrates in 10 near-pristine boreal streams on three different seasons (spring, summer, autumn) across 4 consecutive years in northern Finland. We aimed to identify the relative contributions of spatial, inter-annual, and seasonal variability to overall benthic biodiversity; and relate variation in benthic invertebrate communities to key environmental factors, particularly in-stream habitat diversity. 3. Among-site spatial variability was clearly the most important source of variation for both species richness and community dissimilarity. Of the two temporal scales, inter-annual variability contributed more to variation in taxonomic richness and seasonal variability slightly more to variability in community composition. 4. Only inter-annual variation differed systematically from random expectation, indicating strong stability (low variability) of stream macroinvertebrate communities across years, with less variation at sites with higher substrate heterogeneity. Considering the distinct seasonality of the boreal stream environment, seasonal variability accounted for an unexpectedly low amount of total community variability. 5. Although differences between seasons were small, autumnal sampling is likely to be the least susceptible to climatic vagaries, thus providing the most consistent and predictable conditions for benthic sampling in boreal streams, particularly for bioassessment purposes. Exceptional climatic conditions are becoming more frequent in northern Europe, probably causing substantial and largely unpredictable changes in benthic community composition. As a result, the importance of temporal (relative to spatial) community variability may increase

    Bacterial communities in a subarctic stream network:spatial and seasonal patterns of benthic biofilm and bacterioplankton

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    Abstract Water-column bacterial communities are assembled by different mechanisms at different stream network positions, with headwater communities being controlled by mass effects (advection of bacteria from terrestrial soils) while downstream communities are mainly driven by environmental sorting. Conversely, benthic biofilms are colonized largely by the same set of taxa across the entire network. However, direct comparisons of biofilm and bacterioplankton communities along whole stream networks are rare. We used 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing to explore the spatiotemporal variability of benthic biofilm (2 weeks old vs. mature biofilm) and water-column communities at different network positions of a subarctic stream from early summer to late autumn. Amplicon sequence variant (ASV) richness of mature biofilm was about 2.5 times higher than that of early biofilm, yet the pattern of seasonality was the same, with the highest richness in midsummer. Biofilm bacterial richness was unrelated to network position whereas bacterioplankton diversity was negatively related to water residence time and distance from the source. This pattern of decreasing diversity along the network was strongest around midsummer and diminished greatly as water level increased towards autumn. Biofilm communities were phylogenetically clustered at all network positions while bacterioplankton assemblages were phylogenetically clustered only at the most downstream site. Both early and mature biofilm communities already differed significantly between upstream (1st order) and midstream (2nd order) sections. Network position was also related to variation in bacterioplankton communities, with upstream sites harbouring substantially more unique taxa (44% of all upstream taxa) than midstream (20%) or downstream (8%) sites. Some of the taxa that were dominant in downstream sections were already present in the upmost headwaters, and even in riparian soils, where they were very rare (relative abundance <0.01%). These patterns in species diversity and taxonomic and phylogenetic community composition of the riverine bacterial metacommunity were particularly strong for water-column communities, whereas both early and mature biofilm exhibited weaker spatial patterns. Our study demonstrated the benefits of studying bacterioplankton and biofilm communities simultaneously to allow testing of ecological hypotheses about biodiversity patterns in freshwater bacteria

    Do latitudinal gradients exist in New Zealand stream invertebrate metacommunities?

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    Abstract That biodiversity declines with latitude is well known, but whether a metacommunity process is behind this gradient has received limited attention. We tested the hypothesis that dispersal limitation is progressively replaced by mass effects with increasing latitude, along with a series of related hypotheses. We explored these hypotheses by examining metacommunity structure in stream invertebrate metacommunities spanning the length of New Zealand’s two largest islands (∌1,300 km), further disentangling the role of dispersal by deconstructing assemblages into strong and weak dispersers. Given the highly dynamic nature of New Zealand streams, our alternative hypothesis was that these systems are so unpredictable (at different stages of post-flood succession) that metacommunity structure is highly context dependent from region to region. We rejected our primary hypotheses, pinning this lack of fit on the strong unpredictability of New Zealand’s dynamic stream ecosystems and fauna that has evolved to cope with these conditions. While local community structure turned over along this latitudinal gradient, metacommunity structure was highly context dependent and dispersal traits did not elucidate patterns. Moreover, the emergent metacommunity types exhibited no trends, nor did the important environmental variables. These results provide a cautionary tale for examining singular metacommunities. The considerable level of unexplained contingency suggests that any inferences drawn from one-off snapshot sampling may be misleading and further points to the need for more studies on temporal dynamics of metacommunity processes

    Perspective: The challenge of ecologically sustainable water management

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    Sustainable water resource management is constrained by three pervasive myths; that societal and environmental water demands always compete with one another; that technological solutions can solve all water resource management problems; and that environmental solutions to protect and maintain freshwater resources are more expensive and less dependable than technological solutions. We argue that conservation and good stewardship of water resources can go a long way toward meeting societal demands and values. Furthermore, water requirements to sustain ecosystem health and biodiversity in rivers and their associated coastal systems can be well aligned with options for human use and deliver a suite of ecosystem goods and services to society. However, to achieve ecologically sustainable water management, we propose several key issues that must be addressed. The objective of this opinion paper is to stimulate discussion across traditional discipline boundaries with the aim of forging new partnerships and collaborations to meet this pressing challenge of ecologically sustainable water management.Centre for Invasion Biolog

    Bacterial communities at a groundwater-surface water ecotone:gradual change or abrupt transition points along a contamination gradient?

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    Summary Microbial communities contribute greatly to groundwater quality, but the impacts of land-use practices on bacteria in groundwaters and groundwater-dependent ecosystems remain poorly known. With 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing, we assessed bacterial community composition at the groundwater-surface water ecotone of boreal springs impacted by urbanization and agriculture, using spring water nitrate-N as a surrogate of contamination. We also measured the rate of a key ecosystem process, organic matter decomposition. We documented a recurrent pattern across all major bacterial phyla where diversity started to decrease at unexpectedly low nitrate-N concentrations (100–300 Όg L−1). At 400 NO3−-N ÎŒg L−1, 25 bacterial exact sequence variants showed a negative response, resulting in a distinct threshold in bacterial community composition. Chthonomonas, Acetobacterales and Hyphomicrobium were the most sensitive taxa, while only three taxa (Duganella, Undibacterium and Thermoanaerobaculaceae) were enriched due to increased contamination. Decomposition rate responded unimodally to increasing nitrate-N concentration, with a peak rate at ~400 NO3−-N ÎŒg L−1, parallelly with a major shift in bacterial community composition. Our results emphasize the utility of bacterial communities in the assessment of groundwater-dependent ecosystems. They also call for a careful reconsideration of threshold nitrate values for defining groundwater ecosystem health and protecting their microbial biodiversity

    Drainage-induced browning causes both loss and change of benthic biodiversity in headwater streams

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    Abstract Concentrations of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) have increased over the past few decades, causing freshwater browning. Impacts of browning on biodiversity have been little studied, despite many of the individual stressors associated with browning being known to control freshwater communities. We explored the responses of benthic invertebrates along a wide gradient of DOC concentrations (3.6–27 mg L⁻Âč) in 63 boreal streams variously impacted by peatland drainage or peat production. DOC was a prime determinant of macroinvertebrate diversity and abundance, with the strongest negative response in algal scrapers. Threshold indicator taxa analysis indicated an abrupt community change at 12–13 mg DOC L⁻Âč, with only four taxa increasing, while 13 taxa decreased along the gradient. Our findings of both a gradual loss and abrupt change of biodiversity along a browning gradient provide a benchmark against which changes to stream biodiversity relative to the predicted browning trend can be gauged