335 research outputs found

    Total Synthesis of Paracaseolide A

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    The total synthesis of paracaseolide A, a valuable cell-cycle progression inhibitor, was accomplished in 8 steps from known compounds, with 6.6% overall yield. The synthetic strategy creates strong potential for diversification

    Use of molecular modelling to probe the mechanism of the nucleoside transporter NupG.

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    Nucleosides play key roles in biology as precursors for salvage pathways of nucleotide synthesis. Prokaryotes import nucleosides across the cytoplasmic membrane by proton- or sodium-driven transporters belonging to the Concentrative Nucleoside Transporter (CNT) family or the Nucleoside:H(+) Symporter (NHS) family of the Major Facilitator Superfamily. The high resolution structure of a CNT from Vibrio cholerae has recently been determined, but no similar structural information is available for the NHS family. To gain a better understanding of the molecular mechanism of nucleoside transport, in the present study the structures of two conformations of the archetypical NHS transporter NupG from Escherichia coli were modelled on the inward- and outward-facing conformations of the lactose transporter LacY from E. coli, a member of the Oligosaccharide:H(+) Symporter (OHS) family. Sequence alignment of these distantly related proteins (∼ 10% sequence identity), was facilitated by comparison of the patterns of residue conservation within the NHS and OHS families. Despite the low sequence similarity, the accessibilities of endogenous and introduced cysteine residues to thiol reagents were found to be consistent with the predictions of the models, supporting their validity. For example C358, located within the predicted nucleoside binding site, was shown to be responsible for the sensitivity of NupG to inhibition by p-chloromercuribenzene sulphonate. Functional analysis of mutants in residues predicted by the models to be involved in the translocation mechanism, including Q261, E264 and N228, supported the hypothesis that they play important roles, and suggested that the transport mechanisms of NupG and LacY, while different, share common features

    SRH and HrQOL: does social position impact differently on their link with health status?

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Self-rated Health (SRH) and health-related quality of life (HRQoL) are used to evaluate health disparities. Like all subjective measures of health, they are dependent on health expectations that are associated with socioeconomic characteristics. It is thus needed to analyse the influence played by socioeconomic position (SEP) on the relationship between these two indicators and health conditions if we aim to use them to study health disparities. Our objective is to assess the influence of SEP on the relationship between physical health status and subjective health status, measured by SRH and HRQoL using the SF-36 scale.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We used data from the French National Health Survey. SEP was assessed by years of education and household annual income. Physical health status was measured by functional limitations and chronic low back pain.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Regardless of their health status, people with lower SEP were more likely than their more socially advantaged counterparts to report poor SRH and poorer HRQoL, using any of the indicators of SEP. The negative impact of chronic low back pain on SRH was relatively greater in people with a high SEP than in those with a low SEP. In contrast, chronic low back pain and functional limitations had less impact on physical and mental component scores of quality of life for socially advantaged men and women.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Both SRH and HRQoL were lower among those reporting functional limitations or chronic low back pain. However, the change varied according SEP and the measure. In relative term, the negative impact of a given health condition seems to be greater on SRH and lower on HRQoL for people with higher SEP in comparison with people with low SEP. Using SRH could thus decrease socioeconomic differences. In contrast using HRQoL could increase these differences, suggesting being cautious when using these indicators for analyzing health disparities.</p

    Sulfide geochronology along the Endeavour Segment of the Juan de Fuca Ridge

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    Forty-nine hydrothermal sulfide-sulfate rock samples from the Endeavour Segment of the Juan de Fuca Ridge, northeastern Pacific Ocean, were dated by measuring the decay of 226Ra (half-life of 1600 years) in hydrothermal barite to provide a history of hydrothermal venting at the site over the past 6000 years. This dating method is effective for samples ranging in age from ∼200 to 20,000 years old and effectively bridges an age gap between shorter- and longer-lived U-series dating techniques for hydrothermal deposits. Results show that hydrothermal venting at the active High Rise, Sasquatch, and Main Endeavour fields began at least 850, 1450, and 2300 years ago, respectively. Barite ages of other inactive deposits on the axial valley floor are between ∼1200 and ∼2200 years old, indicating past widespread hydrothermal venting outside of the currently active vent fields. Samples from the half-graben on the eastern slope of the axial valley range in age from ∼1700 to ∼2925 years, and a single sample from outside the axial valley, near the westernmost valley fault scarp is ∼5850 ± 205 years old. The spatial relationship between hydrothermal venting and normal faulting suggests a temporal relationship, with progressive younging of sulfide deposits from the edges of the axial valley toward the center of the rift. These relationships are consistent with the inward migration of normal faulting toward the center of the valley over time and a minimum age of onset of hydrothermal activity in this region of 5850 years