253 research outputs found

    Resources for Osteopathic Medicine

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    Background Collection development for Colleges of Osteopathic Medicine (COMs) has been a challenge since strictly osteopathic resources are somewhat specialized in regard to content and acquisition. Description This poster will present a list of textbooks and journals needed to develop an osteopathic library collection. Organizations and publishers with osteopathic resources will also be described. Conclusions A “top ten” list of osteopathic titles as well as a comprehensive list of osteopathic books and resources provide collection development guidelines for Colleges of Osteopathic Medicine as well as for librarians in other types of medical facilities. Creation of a QR code will provide access to the lists of resource

    Variação linguística e ensino na Escola Polo Municipal Rural São Manuel Anastácio-MS

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    Monografia (graduação)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade UnB Planaltina, Licenciatura em Educação do Campo, 2013.Este trabalho consiste em investigar as variedades linguísticas existentes no Assentamento São Manoel e na escola com alunos das series finais , no intuito de compreender como as variações são trabalhadas em sala de aula, por professores de língua portuguesa das séries finais, do Ensino Fundamental, 8º e 9º anos. Buscamos subsídios nos teóricos linguistas para a realização deste estudo na pesquisa de campo e para analisar os dados recolhidos de moradores da comunidade e estudantes. Está fundamentado em uma pesquisa qualitativa com base teórica da sociolinguística. O estudo teórico da sociolinguística mostra que a língua tem um mar de diversidade, que permeia entre os falantes e está em constante transformação. A falta de conhecimento dos professores de língua portuguesa, sobre a variedade linguística, faz com que o estudo linguístico fique limitado nos livros didáticos e gramática normativa, dificultando uma visão ampla sobre as variedades linguísticas dos alunos. Desta forma, este estudo das variações contribuirá na construção de sujeitos críticos, com visão ampla da língua humana, com a finalidade de compreender as variedades sem estigmatizá-las

    Conexão entre competência em informação e as disciplinas fontes de informação e serviço de referência: um mapa conceitual

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    Analysis of the theoretical and practical possibilities of applying information literacy models in the disciplines Information Sources and Reference Service, based on their teaching plans. Documentary research, comparing the literature on the subject and the teaching plans of the subjects of Information Sources and Reference Service offered in the undergraduate course in Librarianship of the University of the State of Santa Catarina. The results of the documentary analysis point to a close relationship between the disciplines and the chosen model of information competence, especially with the discipline of Information Sources. Its application facilitates a learning that leads the future librarian to act as mediator in the process of developing abilities for the search, access, assimilation of information in order to solve problems and to build an environment of generation and transmission of knowledge to the community of users. It presents at the end a conceptual map developed from bibliographical and documentary research

    Characteristics of effective peer mentorship for primiparous mothers: Qualitative findings from a peer support program

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    The early days of motherhood can be challenging, especially for first-time mothers. These challenges can predispose women to maternal distress, and social support—such as that offered by peers—can be important in assisting mothers to manage such distress. While existing research has identified that first time mothers often seek for and value peer support programs (e.g., practical advice, not feeling alone), few researchers have investigated factors that contribute to successful peer support and mentorship for primiparous women. Insight into these factors can be key to enhancing the success of future peer support interventions. Thematic analysis was applied to thirty-six semi structured interviews conducted with fourteen primiparous mothers and seventeen peer mentors in a peer support program. Four key factors were identified and included: expectations about the peer mentor relationship, independence of peer mentor (i.e., not part of the mother’s immediate circle of friend or family), nature of contact between primiparous mothers and peer mentors (e.g., frequency, content of conversation), and similarities between primiparous mothers and peer mentors (e.g., pregnancy and parenting experience, personality, beliefs). This study adds to existing research on factors that contribute to building successful peer mentor relationships for primiparous women. The identification of additional factors that influence peer mentor relationships, and the interplay between those factors appear important in the formulation of support networks for first time mothers. To encourage successful peer support relationships, future intervention developers need to understand the dynamics between these factors and their influence on successful relationships in a peer support context


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    Introducción: El planeamiento familiar representa un conjunto de acciones que auxilian la pareja que pretende tener hijos y también a quien prefiera adiar el crecimiento de la familia con anticoncepción. Objetivo: Evaluar el impacto de las actividades de planeamiento familiar del PET-Red Cigüeña en visitas domiciliarias y salas de espera. Metodología: Estudio transversal de naturaleza cuantitativa a través del análisis retrospectivo de las actividades del PET-Red Cigüeña en el periodo de enero de 2013 a enero de 2014, y contabilización del número de gestaciones de la unidad antes y después de las actividades del proyecto. Resultados/Conclusión: Había 47 gestantes en el comienzo de las actividades del PET-Red Cigüeña. Tras las actividades de visitas domiciliares a las mujeres y salas de espera con orientaciones sobre asuntos referentes a la gestación y planeamiento familiar, ese número cayó para 30 gestantes. Eso significa una reducción de 38% en el índice de gestaciones de la ESF Menino Deus.Introdução: O planejamento familiar representa um conjunto de ações que auxiliam o casal que pretende ter filhos e também quem prefere adiar o crescimento da família com anticoncepção. Objetivo: Avaliar o impacto das atividades de planejamento familiar do PET-Rede Cegonha em visitas domiciliares e salas de espera. Metodologia: Estudo transversal de natureza quantitativa através da análise retrospectiva das atividades do PET-Rede Cegonha, no período de janeiro de 2013 a janeiro de 2014, e contabilização do número de gestações da unidade antes e depois das atividades do projeto. Resultados/Conclusão: Havia 47 gestantes no início das atividades do PET-Rede Cegonha. Após as atividades de visitas domiciliares às mulheres e salas de espera com orientações sobre assuntos referentes à gestação e planejamento familiar esse número caiu para 30 gestantes. Isso significa uma redução de 38% no índice de gestações da ESF Menino Deus

    Patient safety in plastic surgery: a systematic review

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    Introduction: patient safety has become an increasingly present topic in health research. Plastic surgery is a specialty in evidence, and it is necessary to adapt patient safety to its particularities. Methods: Systematic review to investigate actions related to patient safety in plastic surgery. MEDLINE and SCIELO were chosen to locate the studies. The descriptors: "patient safety" and "plastic surgery" were used in the MEDLINE database. In SCIELO, the descriptors: "segurança do paciente" e "cirurgia plástica" were used. In both cases, the publication period was between 2012-2018, totaling 15 articles. Results: The countries that published the most on the subject were the United States and Brazil. The most frequent concern was safety related to the training of plastic surgery residents. Tools like the checklist have also been used to improve security. Another concern that requires more study will be if the weekends have higher complications with surgeries performed during the week. However, well-formulated medical records, as well as the Informed Consent Form (ICT), appear to have a more solid basis in patient safety. Pre-anesthetic consultation also seems to favor patient safety. Furthermore, finally, the use of WhatsApp seems to be a safe tool, and that improves the care provided by the medical team. Conclusion: The need for more in-depth studies on this topic is emphasized, considering that a systematized protocol was not found

    Percepción del usuario en el autocuidado de úlcera en miembros inferiores

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    Objetivo: Conhecer a percepção do usuário no autocuidado de úlcera em membros inferiores. Método: Estudo qualitativo, exploratório e descritivo, realizado com 10 usuários atendidos no Programa de Assistência Comple- mentar de um Ambulatório de Feridas de Canoas (RS). A coleta dos dados deu-se entre outubro a novembro de 2016, por meio de informações contidas nos prontuários dos usuários e de entrevista semiestruturada. Resultados: A discussão dos resultados deu-se mediante a Análise Temática de Conteúdo, constituindo três categorias temáticas: autocuidado e o convívio com a úlcera, déficit de autocuidado e apoio ao usuário com úlcera e autocuidado e a rede de atenção no cuidado da úlcera, fundamentadas na Teoria de Enfermagem de Déficit de Autocuidado. Conclusões: O autocuidado resulta do diálogo entre usuário/enfermeiro/profissionais da saúde e do vínculo por eles estabelecido para um cuidado compartilhado, sendo o apoio de familiares e da rede de serviços um facilitador ou limitador do cuidado.Objective: To know the perception of users on self-care of ulcers in the lower limbs. Method: This is a qualitative, exploratory, and descriptive study conducted with 10 users registered in the complementary pro- gramme of a wound care clinic in Canoas, RS, Brazil. Data were collected using information from the medical records of the users and semi-structured interviews conducted between October and November 2016. Results: The results were discussed according to thematic content analysis with three thematic categories: self-care and living with the ulcer, self-care deficit and supporting users with ulcer, and self-care and the ulcer care network, based on the Nursing Self-Care Deficit Theory. Conclusions: Self-care is the result of dialogue between the user/nurse/health workers and the link they establish when they share care. The support of family members and the service can facilitate or limit care.Objetivo: Conocer la percepción del usuario en el autocuidado de úlcera en miembros inferiores. Método: Estudio cualitativo, exploratorio y descriptivo con 10 pacientes del Programa de Asistencia Complementaria de un Ambu- latorio de Heridas de Canoas (RS). Los datos fueron recolectados entre octubre y noviembre de 2016, en los registros médicos y por medio de entrevistas semiestructuradas. Resultados: La discusión de los resultados se dio mediante el Análisis Temático de Contenido, constituyendo tres categorías: auto- cuidado y la convivencia con la úlcera, déficit de autocuidado y apoyo al usuario con úlcera y autocuidado y la red de atención en el cuidado de la úlcera, fundamentadas en la Teoría de Enfermería de Déficit de Autocuidado. Conclusiones: El autocuidado resulta del diálogo entre usuario/enfermero/profesionales de la salud y del vínculo por ellos estableci- do para un cuidado compartido, siendo el apoyo de familiares y de la red de servicios un facilitador o limitador del cuidado

    Reliability and Comparison of Some GEANT4-DNA Processes and Models for Proton Transportation: An Ultra-Thin Layer Study

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    This chapter presents a specific reliability study of some GEANT4-DNA (version 10.02.p01) processes and models for proton transportation considering ultra-thin layers (UTL). The Monte Carlo radiation transport validation is fundamental to guarantee the simulation results accuracy. However, sometimes this is impossible due to the lack of experimental data and, it is then that the reliability evaluation takes an important role. Geant4-DNA runs in an energy range that makes impossible, nowadays, to perform a proper microscopic validation (cross-sections and dynamic diffusion parameters) and allows very limited macroscopic reliability. The chemical damage cross-sections reliability (experiment versus simulation) is a way to verify the consistency of the simulation results which is presented for 2 MeV incident protons beam on PMMA and PVC UTL. A comparison among different Geant4-DNA physics lists for incident protons beams from 2 to 20 MeV, interacting with homogeneous water UTL (2 to 200 nm) was performed. This comparison was evaluated for standard and five other optional physics lists considering radial and depth profiles of deposited energy as well as number of interactions and stopping power of the incident particle

    Specific secondary genetic alterations in mantle cell lymphoma provide prognostic information independent of the gene expression-based proliferation signature.

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    Purpose To compare the genetic relationship between cyclin D1 - positive and cyclin D1 - negative mantle cell lymphomas (MCLs) and to determine whether specific genetic alterations may add prognostic information to survival prediction based on the proliferation signature of MCLs. Patients and Methods Seventy-one cyclin D1 - positive and six cyclin D1 - negative MCLs previously characterized by gene expression profiling were examined by comparative genomic hybridization (CGH). Results Cyclin D1 - negative MCLs were genetically characterized by gains of 3q, 8q, and 15q, and losses of 1p, 8p23- pter, 9p21- pter, 11q21- q23, and 13q that were also the most common alterations in conventional MCLs. Parallel analysis of CGH aberrations and locus-specific gene expression profiles in cyclin D1 - positive patients showed that chromosomal imbalances had a substantial impact on the expression levels of the genes located in the altered regions. The analysis of prognostic factors revealed that the proliferation signature, the number of chromosomal aberrations, gains of 3q, and losses of 8p, 9p, and 9q predicted survival of MCL patients. A multivariate analysis showed that the gene expression-based proliferation signature was the strongest predictor for shorter survival. However, 3q gains and 9q losses provided prognostic information that was independent of the proliferative activity. Conclusion Cyclin D1 - positive and - negative MCLs share the same secondary genetic aberrations, supporting the concept that they correspond to the same genetic entity. The integration of genetic information on chromosome 3q and 9q alterations into a proliferation signature-based model may improve the ability to predict survival in patients with MCL