125 research outputs found

    Global assistance in caring for Syrian refugees

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    Weak discrete maximum principles

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    summary:We introduce weak discrete maximum principles for matrix equations associated with some elliptic problems. We also give an example on discrete maximum principles

    Bayes classifiers for imbalanced traffic accidents datasets

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    [EN] Traffic accidents data sets are usually imbalanced, where the number of instances classified under the killed or severe injuries class (minority) is much lower than those classified under the slight injuries class (majority). This, however, supposes a challenging problem for classification algorithms and may cause obtaining a model that well cover the slight injuries instances whereas the killed or severe injuries instances are misclassified frequently. Based on traffic accidents data collected on urban and suburban roads in Jordan for three years (2009-2011); three different data balancing techniques were used: under sampling which removes some instances of the majority class, oversampling which creates new instances of the minority class and a mix technique that combines both. In addition, different Bayes classifiers were compared for the different imbalanced and balanced data sets: Averaged One-Dependence Estimators, Weightily Average One-Dependence Estimators, and Bayesian networks in order to identify factors that affect the severity of an accident. The results indicated that using the balanced data sets, especially those created using oversampling techniques, with Bayesian networks improved classifying a traffic accident according to its severity and reduced the misclassification of killed and severe injuries instances. On the other hand, the following variables were found to contribute to the occurrence of a killed causality or a severe injury in a traffic accident: number of vehicles involved, accident pattern, number of directions, accident type, lighting, surface condition, and speed limit. This work, to the knowledge of the authors, is the first that aims at analyzing historical data records for traffic accidents occurring in Jordan and the first to apply balancing techniques to analyze injury severity of traffic accidents. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.The authors are grateful to the Police Traffic Department in Jordan for providing the data necessary for this research. Griselda Lopez wishes to express her acknowledgement to the regional ministry of Economy, Innovation and Science of the regional government of Andalusia (Spain) for their scholarship to train teachers and researchers in Deficit Areas, which has made this work possible. The authors appreciate the reviewers' comments and effort in order to improve the paper.Mujalli, R.; López-Maldonado, G.; Garach, L. (2016). Bayes classifiers for imbalanced traffic accidents datasets. Accident Analysis & Prevention. 88:37-51. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aap.2015.12.003S37518

    Partisipasi Awam dalam Penggalian Hukum Islam (Studi Analisis Proses Pencarian 'Illat dan Hikmah Hukum Sebagai Proses Penelitian Ilmiah)

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    :  Lay participation can be the alternative in the details of law excavation process (istinbath law) to form a Fiqh characters which are righteous likulli zaman wa makan. Since the main character of the discourse of the fiqh never irrespective from the change and development, its changing goes along with the world changing and develops by following the development of the universe. Basically the Islamic law excavation rooted in the searching process of 'illat and legal wisdom (Masalik' illat and wisdom). Before the legal was set, the motive behind every legal regulation was first looked. Whether the motive is on the worship or people benefit motive, as well as other motives. Masalik 'illat and wisdom contain research process just like other the research processes. In the context of tahqiqul manath (such as the dangerous of smoking) lay people can participate, while in the context of takhriij al-Manath (for instance any harmful thing is forbidden) becomes purely jurists' competence. And with this lay khash involvement, fiqh formula product (is expected) to really run in accordance with the will of the shari'ah and in line with the will of the benefit of the people

    Evaluation of Injury Severity for Pedestrian VehicleCrashes in Jordan Using Extracted Rules

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    [EN] Pedestrian safety is a major concern throughout the world because pedestrians are considered to be the most vulnerable roadway users. This paper sought to identify the main factors in pedestrian-vehicle crashes that increase the risk of a fatality or severe injury. Pedestrian-vehicle crashes which occurred in urban and suburban areas in Jordan between 2009 and 2011 were investigated. Extracted rules from Bayesian networks were used to identify factors related to severity of pedestrian-vehicle crashes. To obtain as much information as possible about these factors, three subsets were used. The first and second subsets contain all types of collisions (pedestrian and nonpedestrian), in which the first subset used collision type as a class variable and the second subset used injury severity. The third subset contains pedestrian collisions only and used injury severity as the class variable. The results indicate that when using collision type as the class variable, better performance was obtained and that the following variables increase the risk of fatality or severe injury: roadway type, number of lanes, speed limit, lighting, and adverse weather conditions.Mujalli, R.; Garach, L.; López-Maldonado, G.; Al-Rousan, T. (2019). Evaluation of Injury Severity for Pedestrian VehicleCrashes in Jordan Using Extracted Rules. Journal of Transportation Engineering. 145(7):04019028-1-04019028-13. https://doi.org/10.1061/JTEPBS.0000244S04019028-104019028-13145

    Espectrometria de raios gama e emissão de radônio em solos da região do Maciço Sienítico Piquiri (Cachoeira do Sul e Encruzilhada do Sul, RS)

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    This study was focused in performing a gamma radiation survey and measurements of radon concentration in soils from the Piquiri Syenite Massif, an intrusion located at central area of the Rio Grande do Sul State. This intrusion has alkaline affiliation with high concentrations of uranium in accessory minerals as zircon, sphene, apatite, and others. The gamma radiation measurements were made considering a grid with squares about 2 km side each, using the gamma spectrometer RS-125, obtaining counts per second (cps), dose rate (DR) and concentrations of K, eU and eTh. Moreover, measurements of 220Rn and 222Rn in soil were made using the AlphaGUARD equipment. The counts per second values obtained in this study range from 130 to 1045, the dose rate from 28.9 nSv/h to 424.6 nSv/h, the K concentration from 0.5 % to 8.3 %, the eU concentration from 0.8 ppm to 25.8 ppm, and the eTh concentration from 3.0 ppm to 99.2 ppm. The distribution of K defines with relatively precision the lithological contacts of the Piquiri Syenite Massif and between the two main facies of the intrusion (Main and Marginal Facies). The Main Facies of the syenite contains the highest concentrations of eTh, while the highest concentrations of eU were measured in the north area of this facies. The 220Rn and 222Rn concentrations range from 10 kBq/m3 to 550 kBq/m3 and from 5 kBq/m3 to 400 kBq/m3 , respectively, in the Main and Marginal Facies. The high values of radon measured in Main Facies of the Piquiri Syenite Intrusion may indicate high potential risk to the health of inhabitants in the area.Foram realizadas medidas de radiação gama e de concentração de radônio em solos da região do Maciço Sienítico Piquiri, região central do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul. Esta intrusão apresenta afinidade alcalina na qual a mineralogia acessória compreende presença relativamente abundante de titanita, apatita e zircão, entre outros minerais que podem conter elevadas concentrações de urânio. As medições de radiação gama foram feitas a partir de uma malha com quadrículas de 2 km de lado, utilizando o Espectrômetro de Radiação Gama RS-125, obtendo-se resultados em contagem por segundo (cps), taxa de dose (Dr) e concentrações de K, eU e eTh. As medidas de 220Rn e 222Rn no ar dos solos foram feitas com uso do equipamento AlphaGUARD. Os valores de cps obtidos neste estudo variam entre 130 e 1045, os de taxa de dose, entre 28,9 nSv/h e 424,6 nSv/h e as concentrações de K, entre 0,5 % e 8,3 %. As concentrações de eU se situam entre 0,8 ppm e 25,8 ppm, e as concentrações de eTh entre 3,0 ppm e 99,2 ppm. A distribuição de K permite definir com relativa precisão os contatos litológicos do Maciço sienítico Piquiri com as rochas adjacentes e entre as duas fácies (Fácies de Borda e Fácies Principal). As maiores concentrações de eTh estão na Fácies Principal do sienito, e as maiores concentrações de eU foram medidas na zona norte desta fácies. Os resultados de 220Rn e 222Rn para o ar contido no solo variam entre 10 kBq/m3 e 550 kBq/ m3 e entre 5 kBq/m3 e 400 kBq/m3 , respectivamente, para a Fácies Principal e de Borda. As elevadas concentrações de Rn na Fácies Principal podem indicar potencial risco à saúde dos habitantes da área

    Chemical Weathering of Loess and Its Contribution to Global Alkalinity Fluxes to the Coastal Zone During the Last Glacial Maximum, Mid‐Holocene, and Present

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    Loess sediments are windblown silt deposits with, in general, a carbonate grain content of up to 30%. While regionally, loess was reported to increase weathering fluxes substantially, the influence on global weathering fluxes remains unknown. Especially on glacial‐interglacial time scales, loess weathering fluxes might have contributed to land‐ocean alkalinity flux variability since the loess areal extent during glacial epochs was larger. To quantify loess weathering fluxes, global maps representing the loess distribution were compiled. Water chemistry of rivers draining recent loess deposits suggests that loess contributes over‐proportionally to alkalinity concentrations if compared to the mean of alkalinity concentrations of global rivers (~4,110 µeq L−1 for rivers draining loess deposits and ~1,850 µeq L−1 for the total of global rivers), showing comparable alkalinity concentration patterns in rivers as found for carbonate sedimentary rocks. Loess deposits, covering ~4% of the ice‐ and water‐free land area, increase calculated global alkalinity fluxes to the coastal zone by 16%. The new calculations lead to estimating a 4% higher global alkalinity flux during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) compared to present fluxes. The effect of loess on that comparison is high. Alkalinity fluxes from silicate‐dominated lithological classes were ~28% and ~30% lower during the LGM than recent (with loess and without loess, respectively), and elevated alkalinity fluxes from loess deposits compensated for this. Enhanced loess weathering dampens due to a legacy effect changes in silicate‐dominated lithologies over the glacial‐interglacial time scale

    Increasing Senior Enrollment in 3SquaresVT

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    Background: Hunger Free Vermont’s mission is to feed more Vermonters, teach the community about healthy food and nutrition and lead advocacy and education efforts to end hunger in Vermont. In Vermont 11.4% of all seniors are considered food insecure. To address this issue, Hunger Free Vermont has taken on the task of increasing enrollment in 3Squares Vermont, the state food stamps program. 68% of people in VT who are eligible for 3SqVT are enrolled. Surprisingly, only 29.2% of eligible seniors are enrolled. Our study focuses on the leaders of community organizations who impact seniors. Through focus groups we assessed their: - Knowledge of the 3SqV program - Knowledge of senior enrollment and food insecurity - Ideas about the barriers leading to low enrollment - Solutionshttps://scholarworks.uvm.edu/comphp_gallery/1056/thumbnail.jp

    Bioinformatics insights into the genes and pathways on severe COVID-19 pathology in patients with comorbidities

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    Background: Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) infection is known for its severe clinical pathogenesis among individuals with pre-existing comorbidities. However, the molecular basis of this observation remains elusive. Thus, this study aimed to map key genes and pathway alterations in patients with COVID-19 and comorbidities using robust systems biology approaches.Methods: The publicly available genome-wide transcriptomic datasets from 120 COVID-19 patients, 281 patients suffering from different comorbidities (like cardiovascular diseases, atherosclerosis, diabetes, and obesity), and 252 patients with different infectious diseases of the lung (respiratory syncytial virus, influenza, and MERS) were studied using a range of systems biology approaches like differential gene expression, gene ontology (GO), pathway enrichment, functional similarity, mouse phenotypic analysis and drug target identification.Results: By cross-mapping the differentially expressed genes (DEGs) across different datasets, we mapped 274 shared genes to severe symptoms of COVID-19 patients or with comorbidities alone. GO terms and functional pathway analysis highlighted genes in dysregulated pathways of immune response, interleukin signaling, FCGR activation, regulation of cytokines, chemokines secretion, and leukocyte migration. Using network topology parameters, phenotype associations, and functional similarity analysis with ACE2 and TMPRSS2—two key receptors for this virus-we identified 17 genes with high connectivity (CXCL10, IDO1, LEPR, MME, PTAFR, PTGS2, MAOB, PDE4B, PLA2G2A, COL5A1, ICAM1, SERPINE1, ABCB1, IL1R1, ITGAL, NCAM1 and PRKD1) potentially contributing to the clinical severity of COVID-19 infection in patients with comorbidities. These genes are predicted to be tractable and/or with many existing approved inhibitors, modulators, and enzymes as drugs.Conclusion: By systemic implementation of computational methods, this study identified potential candidate genes and pathways likely to confer disease severity in COVID-19 patients with pre-existing comorbidities. Our findings pave the way to develop targeted repurposed therapies in COVID-19 patients

    Short Communication: Aging of basalt volcanic systems and decreasing CO<sub>2</sub> consumption by weathering

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    Basalt weathering is one of many relevant processes balancing the global carbon cycle via land-ocean alkalinity fluxes. The CO2 consumption by weathering can be calculated using alkalinity and is often scaled with runoff and/or temperature. Here it is tested if information on the surface age distribution of a volcanic system is a useful proxy for changes in alkalinity production with time. A linear relationship between temperature normalized alkalinity fluxes and the Holocene area fraction of a volcanic field was identified, using information from 33 basalt volcanic fields, with an r2=0.91. This relationship is interpreted as an aging function and suggests that fluxes from Holocene areas are ~10 times higher than those from old inactive volcanic fields. However, the cause for the decrease with time is probably a combination of effects, including a decrease in alkalinity production from surface near material in the critical zone as well as a decline in hydrothermal activity and magmatic CO2 contribution. A comparison with global models suggests, that global alkalinity fluxes considering Holocene active basalt areas are ~70% higher than the average from these models imply. The contribution of Holocene areas to the global basalt alkalinity fluxes is however only ~6%, because identified, mapped Holocene basalt areas cover only ~1% of the existing basalt areas. The large trap basalt proportion on the global basalt areas today reduces the relevance of the aging effect. However, the aging effect might be a relevant process during periods of globally, intensive volcanic activity, which remains to be tested