7,715 research outputs found

    On the Modular Specification of NFPs: A Case Study

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    The modular specification of non-functional properties of systems is a current challenge of Software Engineering, for which no clear solution exists. However, in the case of Domain-Specific Languages some successful proposals are starting to emerge, combining model-driven techniques with aspect-weaving mechanisms. In this paper we show one of these approaches in practice, and present the implementation we have developed to fully support it. We apply our approach for the specification and monitoring of non-functional properties using observers to a case study, illustrating how generic observers defining non-functional properties can be defined in an independent manner. Then, correspondences between these observers and the domain-specific model of the system can be established, and then weaved into a unified system specification using ATL model transformation. Such a unified specification can also be analyzed in a natural way to obtain the required non-functional properties of the system.This work is partially funded by Research Projects TIN2011-23795 and TIN2011-15497-E

    Influence of the Compaction Pressure and Sintering Temperature on the Mechanical Properties of Porous Titanium for Biomedical Applications

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    In the present work, the use of porous titanium is proposed as a solution to the difference in stiffness between the implant and bone tissue, avoiding the bone resorption. Conventional powder metallurgical technique is an industrially established route for fabrication of this type of material. The results are discussed in terms of the influence of compaction pressure and sintering temperature on the porosity (volumetric fraction, size, and morphology) and the quality of the sintering necks. A very good agreement between the predicted values obtained using a simple 2D finite element model, the experimental uniaxial compression behavior, and the analytical model proposed by Nielsen, has been found for both the Young’s modulus and the yield strength. The porous samples obtained by the loose sintering technique and using temperatures between 1000 °C −1100 °C (about 40% of total porosity) are recommended for achieving a suitable biomechanical behavior for cortical bone partial replacement.Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness of the State General Administration of Spain grant MAT2015-71284-

    Integración para el desarrollo científico y tecnológico

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    Radiografía sobre la situación del desarrollo científico y tecnológico en Jalisco en 1990. Se hace un análisis sobre la incorporación de los esfuerzos de la investigación para apoyar la integración de Jalisco en una dinámica que genere nuevas formas de producción accesibles y adecuadas a la realidad del estado. De igual forma, se habla del papel de la universidad en el ámbito de la investigación y de la divulgación, así como de la importancia de que ceda parte de sus recursos humanos para la continuidad de proyectos tecnológicos y científicos.ITESO, A.C

    Internet transparente

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    Si hay una característica que realmente guíe cada avance tecnológico esa es la levedad. En Internet, la levedad (junto con otras más de las que ya hemos hablado anteriormente) se ha convertido en el objeto inalcanzable de una búsqueda sin fin. Y es que la Red es el lugar de los deseos y de los sueños..

    Leer a los clásicos

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    Encontrarse de nuevo con el libro The psychology of everyday things (Norman, D. A., 1988) es siempre una agradable y tranquila aventura, principalmente si tenemos en cuenta que su año de publicación es 1988 (en 1990 cambiaría su título por: The design of everyday things), ya que en el ámbito de las nuevas tecnologías uno espera que nada permanezca igual más de diez años

    Centre de Noves Tecnologies i Nous Processos Alimentaris (CENTA), centre tecnològic per a la indústria alimentària

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    El Centre de Noves Tecnologies i Nous Processos Alimentaris (CENTA) és una iniciativa conjunta de l'Institut de Recerca i Tecnologia Agroalimentàries (IRTA) i la Universitat de Girona (UdG), amb dues seus, l'una a Monells i l'altra al Parc Tecnològic de la UdG, on es podran trobar les tecnologies més avançades dins del camp del tractament i processament d'aliments, tant per tractar líquids com sòlids. Aquest centre tindrà com a missió principal apropar les noves tecnologies a les empreses del nostre país, oferint-los diferents serveis. Probablement, el CENTA formarà part de la Xarxa de Centres Tecnològics del Centre d'Informació i Desenvolupament Empresarials (CIDEM), i es preveu que a partir del mes de març de 2006 es posin en funcionament les diferents instal·lacions.The Centre de Noves Tecnologies i Nous Processos Alimentaris is a joint venture between IRTA and the Universitat de Girona (UdG), with two working centres: one in Monells managed by IRTA, and the other at the Parc Tecnològic de la UdG, where there are the most advanced technologies referred to solid or liquid food processes. This Centre will have as a principal objective, to make that new technologies could be known and tested by the food industries of our country and supply them several specialised services. Probably, CENTA will form part of the Net of Technological Centres (Xarxa de Centres Tecnològics) created by CIDEM – Departament d’Indústria and it is foreseen that their laboratories and work-shops will start to be operative from march 2006