525 research outputs found

    The industrial social service in Chile: the bounds of field of knowledge of “extensive control”, 1920-1950

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    Indexación: Revista UNAB.Este artículo estudia el proceso de construcción de los saberes y prácticas de las visitadoras sociales industriales chilenas durante la primera mitad del siglo XX, mediante las cuales dotaron de sentido profesional al “control extensivo” dentro de las nacientes industrias nacionales. En particular, pondremos atención a los saberes, actores y sociabilidades que dieron forma a este campo de experticia, que tuvo dos momentos claramente diferenciados en su constitución. A través de las memorias y revistas de las dos escuelas de visitadoras sociales más antiguas del país, se realiza un análisis que releva autores, espacios de asociatividad y prácticas laborales, para cartografiar el campo de saber del control extensivo en la industria.This paper studies the process of building knowledge and practices by which the chilean industrial social workers provided with professional sense to the “extensive control” during the first half of the twentieth century. Especially we will put attention to the knowledge, actors and sociabilities that gave form to this field of expertise that had two moments clearly differentiated in his constitution. Through analysis of the journals of the more important schools of visiting social the country, we realized an analysis of the more important authors, spaces of sociability and labor practices, to make the cartography of the field of knowledge of “extensive control” in the chilean industry.http://revistahumanidades.unab.cl//wp-content/uploads/2017/06/El-servicio-social-industrial-en-Chile.-Los-deslindes-del-campo-de-saber-sobre-el-control-extensivo-1920-1950.pd

    Evaluation of Enzyme Additives on the Nutritional Use of Feeds with a High Content of Plant Ingredients for Mugil cephalus

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    The Mugilidae are a group of fish with a great interest for aquaculture due to their omnivorous profile, rapid growth, and resistance to environmental variations. The selection of feed ingredients for these species is currently focused on an extensive use of plant by-products, with this being limited by their content in anti-nutritive factors (mainly phytate and non-starch polysaccharides; NSPs). Nevertheless, specific enzymes can be used to counteract some of those negative effects. In the present study, the effect of pretreating two high-plant feeds with a mixture of enzymes (glucanases + phytase) on the digestive use of protein and phosphorus by juvenile mullets (Mugil cephalus) was assessed using both in vitro and in vivo assays. The enzymatic treatment significantly modified the potential bioavailability of some nutrients, such as a reduction of sugars, pentoses, and phytic phosphorus. Also, it increased the digestibility of protein in one of the feeds but reduced that of phosphorus in both of them. The potential usefulness of enzyme treatment and the information provided by the two types of assays are discusse

    Independencia, nación y nacionalismo en México. Un ensayo de interpretación sobre un proceso multidimensional

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    Con este ensayo nos proponemos interrelacionar dos procesos. En el primer caso nos referimos a un proceso corto, coincidente con la ruptura con el orden colonial y con la guerra de independencia. El segundo, tiene que ver con un lento, accidentado y multidimensional proceso de construcción de la nación mexicana y de emergencia del nacionalismo como ideología dominante. Este último proceso, aunque reconoce en la ruptura del orden colonial un punto de quiebre, atraviesa todo el siglo XIX y parte del XX, destacando especialmente las etapas transcurridas entre la derrota de la invasión francesa y la revolución mexicana, y el período de construcción de un estado postrevolucionario durante las décadas de 1920 y 193


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    Ontogeny of digestive enzymatic capacities in juvenile seahorses Hippocampus guttulatus fed on different live diets

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    12 páginas, 2 tablas, 3 figurasDifferences in survival and growth rates in seahorse Hippocampus guttulatus juveniles feeding on Artemia sp. or copepods have been related to specific digestive capacities of seahorse newborn, which are capable of actively forage on available prey from the first day of live. Other seahorse species, such as H. abdominalis and H. hippocampus, show high success feeding on Artemia nauplii suggesting species-specific differences in the digestibility of prey among seahorses. In this study, the profiles of digestive enzyme activity during the initial 15 days after release (DAR) were very low for trypsin, chitinase and α-amylase. In contrast, higher activities towards any of the assayed substrates for lipase (butyrate, octanoate and oleate) were evident from 0 DAR onwards. From 15 DAR onwards, the effect of diet composition became evident in juveniles previously fed on a mixed diet (Artemia + copepods), which showed a clear increase in all the assayed enzymes when compared with juveniles fed on Artemia as a sole prey. As a practical applicability of this study, a feeding schedule ensuring an adequate digestibility of the prey is proposed based on ontogenetic enzymatic activities of seahorse juveniles fed on different preyThe study was financed by the Spanish Government (Plan Nacional, Project CGL2009-08386) and the Regional Government of Galicia (Xunta de Galicia, Project 09MDS022402PR). A. Blanco was supported by PhD JAE-Pre grants (Junta para la Ampliación de Estudios Program) from the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), co-financed by the European Social FundPeer reviewe

    Crisis del régimen oligárquico, transformación del sistema político y reforma universitaria en la Córdoba de 1918 / Crisis of the oligarchical regime, political system transformation and university reform in Cordoba in 1918

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    El objetivo de este ensayo es reflexionar sobre la influencia contextual de las transformaciones que experimentaba el sistema político en Argentina durante la segunda década del siglo XX, sobre los sucesos de la reforma universitaria cordobesa de 1918. En ese cometido procuraremos, en primer lugar, sintetizar los argumentos clásicos que han relacionado de manera causal ambos procesos. En segundo lugar, intentaremos reflexionar sobre algunos inconvenientes que presentan las intenciones de establecer tales relaciones causales. Finalmente, trataremos de identificar algunas condiciones derivadas de las transformaciones en el nivel del régimen político que, en la medida en que modificaban los escenarios en que tenían lugar las disputas por espacios de poder, guardan relación con el proceso de la reforma universitaria.   Abstract The objective of this essay is to reflect on the contextual influence of the transformations experienced by the political system in Argentina during the second decade of the twentieth century, on the events of the Cordovan university reform of 1918. In this task we will try, in the first place, to synthesize the classic arguments that have causally related both processes. Secondly, we will try to reflect on some disadvantages that the intentions of establishing such causal relations present. Finally, we will try to identify some conditions derived from the transformations of the level of the political regime that, insofar as they modified the scenarios where the disputes over spaces of power took place, are related to the process of the university reform. Keywords: University reform; political regime; Córdob

    La Reforma Universitaria Cordobesa de 1918: Contextos y Protagonistas

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     Nuestro objetivo en este artículo es contribuir a explicar, en un primer momento, las condiciones de posibilidad del movimiento de la reforma universitaria cordobesa de 1918, a partir del análisis del contexto social, político y cultural cordobés en vísperas de la reforma. En un segundo momento, procuraremos rescatar esos procesos contextuales para explicar los clivajes que dividían aguas en la coyuntura de 1918 y, en consecuencia, visualizar a aliados y antagonistas de los reformistas cordobeses.Our objective in this article is to contribute to explain, at first, the conditions of possibility of the movement of the University of Córdoba reform of 1918, from the analysis of the social, political and cultural context of Córdoba on the eve of the reform. In a second moment, we will try to rescue those contextual processes to explain the cleavages that divided waters in the juncture of 1918 and, consequently, visualize allies and antagonists of the Cordoban reformers.Nuestro objetivo en este artículo es contribuir a explicar, en un primer momento, las condiciones de posibilidad del movimiento de la reforma universitaria cordobesa de 1918, a partir del análisis del contexto social, político y cultural cordobés en vísperas de la reforma. En un segundo momento, procuraremos rescatar esos procesos contextuales para explicar los clivajes que dividían aguas en la coyuntura de 1918 y, en consecuencia, visualizar a aliados y antagonistas de los reformistas cordobeses

    Is energy intensity a driver of structural change? Empirical evidence from the global economy

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    Producción CientíficaInput–output tables (IOTs) provide a relevant picture of economic structure as they represent the composition and interindustry relationships of an economy. The technical coefficients matrix (A matrix) is considered to capture the technological status of an economy; so, it is of special relevance for the evaluation of long-term, structural transformations, such as sustainability transitions in integrated assessment models (IAMs). The A matrix has typically been considered either static or exogenous. Endogenous structural change has rarely been applied to models. The objective of this paper is to analyze energy intensity, a widely used variable in IAMs, and its role as a driver of structural change. We therefore identify the most relevant technical coefficients in the IOTs time series and estimate an econometric model based on the energy intensity of five different final end-use energy sources. The results of this analysis show that energy intensity has a significant influence on the evolution of the A matrix and should therefore be taken into consideration when analyzing endogenous structural change in models.Ministerio de Asuntos Económicos y Transformación Digital, project MODESLOW (grant ECO2017-85110-R)European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program. Project “Low Carbon society: An enhanced modelling tool for the transition to sustainability (LOCOMOTION) grant award H2020-LC-CLA-01-2018, n. 82110

    Valuations and Monetary Legitimacy: money`s legitimacy in a system of Financial Aid Scholars at a Public University

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    En este artículo busco mostrar cómo se legitima un tipo de dinero específico: el dinero de las becas de apoyo económico a las trayectorias estudiantiles en una Universidad Pública argentina del conurbano bonaerense. Para ello propongo una combinación de dos perspectivas de análisis: la sociología de las valuaciones (monetarias) y la sociología del dinero. A partir de esto, analizo principalmente los dispositivos de juicio desplegados desde el sistema de becas de la Universidad y muestro cuáles son los efectos prácticos de las valuaciones en la política universitaria en cuestión.In this article, I seek to show how a specific type of money is legitimized: the money from a scholarship aid for financial student trajectory support at an Argentine Public University located in the Buenos Aires suburbs. For this, I propose a combination of two analysis perspectives: the sociology of (monetary) valuations and the sociology of money. From this, I analyze the judgment devices deployed by the University scholarship system. This allows me to show what are the practical effects that valuations do in this kind of university policy.Fil: Moyano, Fernando Javier. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de San Martín. Instituto de Altos Estudios Sociales; Argentina. Universite de Paris; Franci

    Valuaciones y legitimidad monetaria: la legitimidad del dinero en un sistema de becas de apoyo económico en la Universidad Pública

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    En este articulo busco mostrar cómo se legitima un tipo de dinero especifico: el dinero de una beca de apoyo económico a las trayectorias estudiantiles en una Universidad Pública argentina situada en el conurbano bonaerense. Para ello propongo una combinación de dos perspectivas de análisis: la sociología de las valuaciones (monetarias) y la sociología del dinero. A partir de ello, analizo principalmente los dispositivos de juicio desplegados desde el sistema de becas de la Universidad y muestro cuales son los efectos prácticos de las valuaciones en la política universitaria en cuestión