19 research outputs found

    Production Lot Sizing Problem with the Lead Time

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    The issue in lot sizing problem is to plan production processes, so that mean the production quantities must be equal to customer demand quantities such that the inventory cost and setup production cost is minimized. In this work, we use the model Multi Level Capacitated Lot Sizing problem with consideration the Lead times, which means that the problem of finding a feasible solution is complex. For this, we propose a new formula in comparison with the classic model. The efficiency of the new formula is demonstrated and infeasible solutions are solved by a heuristic method that's based on Lagrangian relaxation. Computational tests conducted in 1000 instances with up to 40 components and 16 periods have shown that optimal solutions were obtained on average 96.43% of the large instances. For the improvement of the best solution, the heuristic is able to find the efficiency with 97.62% on average. The solution quality is evaluated through initial iterations, the average solution time provided by Lagrangian relaxation is less than 0.43s

    Diversité algale du Parc National d’Al-Hoceima et étude pharmaco-chimique de l’algue brune Carpodesmia tamariscifolia (Hudson) Orellana & Sansón (Cystoseira tamariscifolia)

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    Ce manuscrit de thèse comprend six chapitres, le premier présente une revue bibliographique des principaux sujets de la thèse, le chapitre 2 correspond à une présentation générale de l’aire d’étude, les chapitres 3, 4 et 5 concernent les études réalisées au cours de ces années de recherche. Ces trois chapitres ont été conçus sur la base des articles publiés ou soumis incluant les objectifs de l’étude, la méthodologie, les résultats obtenus, la discussion et la conclusion. Le dernier chapitre synthétise les conclusions générales et les perspectives futures de cette recherche


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    Sports as attraction is no longer limited to a simple physical activity for entertainment, it is considered as a full-fledged sector whose social and economic stakes are limitless; but again, its political influence is undeniable. Countries use it as a strong argument to convey and defend their political interests. Football, the most popular sport in the world, has become a marker of identity for many nations; some countries have even been primarily referred to as a football country, Brazil as a case in point. In Morocco, football is the first sports activity par excellence. Today, it is clear that football dominates the other sports on the level of media coverage, on the financial level and even in terms of infrastructure. We should, however, state that Morocco has recently focused sports and made it one of its priorities. Huge investments have emerged, and several strategies have been deployed, such as the 2016-2026 strategy to improve football management in all its aspects. But the failure to achieve results persists despite the invested billions of dirhams and the efforts of the Moroccan government. Moroccan football officials have long justified these poor results by the lack of financial resources, and they believe that through financial investments, football will manage to take a leading position at the regional and international levels. Time has proven the assumption to be a mere deception, and despite large investments made in the sector, both football clubs and the national team are still lagging behind. The problem is not purely financial as most officials would believe; the management of Moroccan football suffers from several social, economic, and managerial deficiencies. This article will attempt to revisit some aspects of Moroccan football; its predicaments and challenges

    Effect of micro TiO₂ on cement mortar

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    TiO2 is a primary photocatalytic ingredient. If incorporated into building materials, it can keep surfaces clean and significantly reduce smog-forming air pollutants. Many researchers have focused on the ability of Nano TiO2 to reduce NOx emissions or other pollutants. However, developing countries are unable to widely utilize Nano materials due to cost and technology barriers, in spite of their great need to find means for protecting structures from pollution and improve air quality. Some studies proved that micro TiO2 (commercial grade) also has photocatalytic properties. However, the effect of this inclusion on key mechanical and durability properties needs to be verified before being recommended for wide use. In this research the effect of commercial grade TiO2 powder on fresh state flow, compressive strength, shrinkage, sulfate resistance and carbonation. The results indicated that TiO2 decreased the workability as mortars became more sticky and dry with increased TiO2 content. The compressive strength was also reduced in TiO2 containing samples compared to the control samples especially at early ages .However, TiO2 powder as an additive in mortar was useful in reducing carbonation due to the filler effect. No samples in the current investigation showed signs of cracking or expansive mass loss due to sulfate exposure. It is recommended that TiO2 powder should be used as an additive to the mortar plaster to help in controlling the air pollution problem. However, some mix adjustment may be needed to counteract the loss in flow and strength due to the inclusion of TiO2 powder

    Microbiological Assessment of Moringa Oleifera Extracts and Its Incorporation in Novel Dental Remedies against Some Oral Pathogens

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    AIM: To assess the antibacterial and antifungal potentials of different parts of Moringa oleifera plant using different extraction methods in attempts to formulate natural dental remedies from this plant.MATERIAL AND METHODS: Three solvents extracts (Ethanol, acetone, and ethyl acetate) of different parts of Egyptian Moringa tree were prepared and tested against oral pathogens: Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus mutans, and Candida albicans using disc diffusion method; As well as to incorporate the plant extract to formulate experimental toothpaste and mouthwash.  The two dental remedies  were assessed against the same microbial strains. Statistical analysis was performed using One-Way ANOVA test to compare the inhibition zone diameter and t-test.RESULTS: Ethanol  extracts  as well as leaves extracts demonstrated the highest significant mean inhibition zone values (P ≤ 0.05) against Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus mutans growth. However, all extracts revealed no inhibition zone against Candida albicans. For dental remedies, experimental toothpaste exhibited higher mean inhibition than the mouthwash against Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus mutans and only the toothpaste revealed antifungal effect against Candida albicans.CONCLUSION: The different extracts of different parts of Moringa showed an antibacterial effect against Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus mutans growth. The novel toothpaste of ethanolic leaves extract has antimicrobial and antifungal potential effects all selected strains

    Bridging the gap: Using design based activities to develop problem-solving skills in Qatari high school students

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    A substantial number of secondary school students are accepted into engineering schools without adequate exposure to key engineering based skills, such as analytical thinking, problem solving, critical thinking and design. Unfamiliarity with the practical skills needed in engineering leaves students unprepared, leading to poor academic performance and demotivating them about engineering. It is critical that students be able to apply learnt scientific concepts to solve real life problems. In this paper, we will present a set of design-based learning activities created to help develop the analytical thinking and problem solving skills of students in local Qatari secondary schools. We will discuss implementation details of these design-based learning activities along with results, comments from participating students and teachers as well as data analysis.qscienc

    Lista de algas marinas del Parque Nacional de Alhucemas en Marruecos (Área Marina Protegida del Mediterráneo)

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    The Mediterranean basin is a marine biodiversity hot spot. Despite this, the macroalgal diversity of the Mediterranean Sea is still not fully known, especially in the Mediterranean Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) including, Al-Hoceima National Park of Morocco (PNAH). This paper provides the first comprehensive checklist of the seaweeds of PNAH, based chiefly on our own original collections, and complimented by literature records. Using present-day taxonomy, the total number of taxa at both specific and infraspecific levels currently accepted is 306 taxa with 207 Rhodophyta (39 families), 51 Ochrophyta (13 families) and 48 Chlorophyta (12 families). Ninety five of these species were not found in our samples, 93 were new to the PNAH, and the taxonomic identity of 26 taxa was amended. From the totality of taxa, ten species were reported for the first time from Morocco: 9 Rhodophyta and one green alga. Furthermore, 12 others species (10 red, 1 brown and 1 green alga) are new records for the Mediterranean coast of Morocco. Besides this, confirmed records are mentioned for 20 species, whether in Africa, in Morocco or in the Moroccan Mediterranean coast. This accessible checklist to the international community could serve as an infrastructure for future algal investigations of the taxa in this Specially Protected Area of Mediterranean Importance


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    Le sport n’est plus limité à une simple activité physique divertissante, il est considéré comme un secteur à part entier dont les enjeux sociaux et économiques sont très importants ; mais encore, son poids politique est incontestable. Les pays en font un argument solide pour transmettre et défendre leurs intérêts politiques. Le football, le sport le plus populaire au monde, représente aujourd’hui une référence identitaire pour plusieurs nations ; certains pays sont même reconnus avant tout comme étant des pays de football, le Brésil en fait l’exemple. Au Maroc, le football est le sport numéro un par excellence. Aujourd’hui, force est de constater que le foot domine les autres sports sur les plan de la couverture médiatique, sur le plan financier et même en terme d’infrastructures. Il faut, ainsi, reconnaitre que le Maroc a orienté depuis quelques années ses efforts vers ce sport et en a fait l’une de ses priorités. Des investissements colossaux ont vu le jour, et plusieurs stratégies ont été déployées, telle la stratégie 2016-2026 visant à améliorer la gestion footballistique dans tous ses volets. Or, la défaillance des résultats persiste et ce malgré les milliards de dirhams investis et les efforts déployés par l’Etat marocain. Les responsables du football marocain ont longtemps justifié ces mauvais résultats par le manque de moyens financiers, et que le fait d’injecter de l’argent permettra à celui-ci de s’imposer sur le plan mondial ou au moins sur le plan continental. Le temps a démontré le contraire, et là malgré ces investissements de grande taille, les résultats ne suivent pas, nos équipes -clubs et équipe nationale- ont du mal à réaliser des résultats satisfaisants. Le problème n’étant pas purement financier, la gestion du football marocain souffre de plusieurs lacunes à caractère sociale, économique, managériale. Cet article tentera tout d’abord de dérouler son état des lieux, de revisiter ses lacunes et de démontrer le lien qui existe entre argent et football

    Checklist of seaweeds of Al-Hoceima National Park of Morocco (Mediterranean Marine Protected Area)

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    Abstract The Mediterranean basin is a marine biodiversity hot spot. Despite this, the macroalgal diversity of the Mediterranean Sea is still not fully known, especially in the Mediterranean Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) including, Al-Hoceima National Park of Morocco (PNAH). This paper provides the first comprehensive checklist of the seaweeds of PNAH, based chiefly on our own original collections, and complimented by literature records. Using present-day taxonomy, the total number of taxa at both specific and infraspecific levels currently accepted   is 306 taxa with 207 Rhodophyta (39 families), 51 Ochrophyta (13 families) and 48 Chlorophyta (12 families). Ninety five of these species were not found in our samples, 93 were new to the PNAH, and the taxonomic identity of 26 taxa was amended. From the totality of taxa, ten species were reported for the first time from Morocco: 9 Rhodophyta and one green alga. Furthermore, 12 others species (10 red, 1 brown and 1 green alga) are new records for the Mediterranean coast of Morocco. Besides this, confirmed records are mentioned for 20 species, whether in Africa, in Morocco or in the Moroccan Mediterranean coast. This accessible checklist to the international community could serve as an infrastructure for future algal investigations of the taxa in this Specially Protected Area of Mediterranean Importance. Key words: Al-Hoceima National Park, Checklist, Mediterranean Marine Protected Areas, Morocco, Seaweeds. Resumen Lista de algas marinas del Parque Nacional de Alhucemas en Marruecos (Área Marina Protegida del Mediterráneo) La cuenca del Mediterráneo es un Hot Spot de biodiversidad marina. Aún así, la diversidad de macroalgas del Mediterráneo no está plenamente conocida, especialmente en las Áreas Marinas Protegidas del Mediterráneo (AMP) incluido el Parque Nacional de Alhucemas en Marruecos (PNAH). Este documento proporciona la primera lista exhaustiva de las algas marinas del PNAH. Usando la taxonomía actual, el número total de taxones a niveles específicos y infraespecíficos actualmente aceptados es de 306 taxones con 207 Rhodophyta (39 familias), 51 Ochrophyta (13 familias) y 48 Chlorophyta (12 familias). Noventa y cinco de estas especies no se encontraron en nuestras muestras, 93 eran nuevas en el PNAH y se modificó la identidad taxonómica de 26 taxones. De la totalidad de las macroalgas, 10 especies (9 Rhodophyta y 1 Ulvophyceae) fueron registradas por primera vez desde Marruecos. Además, 12 otras especies (10 Rhodophyta, 1 Phaeophyceae y 1 Ulvophyceae) son nuevos registros para la costa mediterránea de Marruecos. También, se mencionan los registros confirmados de 20 especies, ya sea en África, en Marruecos o en la costa mediterránea marroquí. Esta lista de algas accesibles a la comunidad internacional podría servir como una infraestructura para futuras investigaciones algales de los taxones en esta zona especialmente protegida de importancia para el Mediterráneo. Palabras clave: Parque Nacional de Alhucemas, Lista de algas, Áreas Marinas Protegidas del Mediterráneo, Marruecos, Algas marinas.