259 research outputs found

    A Sustainable Economic Growth Path For Peru ?

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    Moody Man: Improving creative teamwork through dynamic affective recognition

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    While a significant part of communication in the workplace is now happening online, current platforms don’t fully support socio-cognitive nonverbal communication, which hampers the shared understanding and creativity of virtual teams. Given text-based communication being the main channel for virtual collaboration, we propose a novel solution leveraging an AI-based, dynamic affective recognition system. The app provides live feedback about the affective content of the communication in Slack, in the form of a visual representation and percentage breakdown of the ‘sentiment’ (tone, emoji) and main ‘emotion states’ (e.g. joy, anger). We tested the usability of the app in a quasi-experiment with 30 participants from diverse backgrounds, linguistic analysis and user interviews. The findings show that the app significantly increases shared understanding and creativity within virtual teams. Emerged themes included impression formation assisted by affective recognition, supporting long-term relationships development; identified challenges related to transparency and emotional complexity detected by AI

    Finite element analysis of hydrogen retention in ITER plasma facing components using FESTIM

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    The behaviour of hydrogen isotopes in ITER monoblocks was studied using the code FESTIM (Finite Element Simulation of Tritium In Materials) which is introduced in this publication. FESTIM has been validated by reproducing experimental data and the Method of Manufactured Solutions was used for analytical verification. Following relevant plasma scenarios, both transient heat transfer and hydrogen isotopes (HIs) diffusion have been simulated in order to assess HIs retention in monoblocks. Relevant materials properties have been used. Each plasma cycle is composed of a current ramp up, a current plateau, a current ramp down and a resting phase before the following shot. 100 cycles are simulated. The total HIs inventory in the tokamak during resting phases reaches 1.8 x 10(-3) mgwhereas during the implantation phases it keeps increasing as a power law of time. Particle flux on the cooling channel of the monoblock is also computed. The breakthrough time is estimated to be t = 1 x 10(5) s which corresponds to 24 cycles. Relevance of 2D modelling has been demonstrated by comparing the total HIs inventory obtained by 2D and 1D simulations. Using 1D simulations, a relative error is observed compared to 2D simulations which can reach -25% during the resting phase. The error during implantation phases keeps increasing.Peer reviewe

    A Sustainable Economic Growth Path For Peru ?

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    Évolution géologique de la marge ouest-ibérique

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    This paper is a summary of the results of the authors recent researches about the Western Iberian continental margin. During the Mesozoic, the margin is affected by two consecutive extensional phases interpreted as the result from two episodes of rifting in the Atlantic. Then during Cenozoic, subsidence was interrupted by compression and related deformation, specially during Eocene time. Ante-mesozoic basement controls the structural and sedimentary evolution of the margin

    La marge continentale sud-portugaise: évolution structurale et sédimentaire

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    The structural and sedimentary evolution of the portuguese continental margin South of Setúbal Canyon is outlined from the study of many seismic reflection profiles and rocks samples. During Triassic and Early Liassic time, a distension affects the Algarve margin that belongs to the Mesogean area. Off Baixo Alentejo rifting phases at Late Jurassic and Early Cretaceous times induced opening or widening of the adjacent part of the Atlantic ocean. Alpine orogeny is inferred to explain the Eocene and Miocene deformation of the margin specially along the main NE-SW fractures

    Nmrk2 gene is upregulated in dilated cardiomyopathy and required for cardiac function and nad levels during aging

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    Dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) is a disease of multifactorial etiologies, the risk of which is increased by male sex and age. There are few therapeutic options for patients with DCM who would benefit from identification of common targetable pathways. We used bioinformatics to identify the Nmrk2 gene involved in nicotinamide adenine dinucleotde (NAD) coenzyme biosynthesis as activated in different mouse models and in hearts of human patients with DCM while the Nampt gene controlling a parallel pathway is repressed. A short NMRK2 protein isoform is also known as muscle integrin binding protein (MIBP) binding the α7β1 integrin complex. We investigated the cardiac phenotype of Nmrk2-KO mice to establish its role in cardiac remodeling and function. Young Nmrk2-KO mice developed an eccentric type of cardiac hypertrophy in response to pressure overload rather than the concentric hypertrophy observed in controls. Nmrk2-KO mice developed a progressive DCM-like phenotype with aging, associating eccentric remodeling of the left ventricle and a decline in ejection fraction and showed a reduction in myocardial NAD levels at 24 months. In agreement with involvement of NMRK2 in integrin signaling, we observed a defect in laminin deposition in the basal lamina of cardiomyocytes leading to increased fibrosis at middle age. The α7 integrin was repressed at both transcript and protein level at 24 months. Nmrk2 gene is required to preserve cardiac structure and function, and becomes an important component of the NAD biosynthetic pathways during aging. Molecular characterization of compounds modulating this pathway may have therapeutic potential

    Self-Medication Practices, Use of Brand-Name, and Over-the-Counter Medicines by Peruvian Older Adults

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    Background Older adults are a particularly vulnerable group to drug use and self-medication. The aim of the study was to evaluate self-medication as a factor associated with the purchase of brand-name and over-the-counter (OTC) drugs in older adults in Peru. Methods A secondary analysis was performed using an analytical cross-sectional design of data from a nationally representative survey from 2014 to 2016. The exposure variable was self-medication, defined as the purchase of medicines without a prescription. The dependent variables were purchases of brand-name and OTC drugs, both as a dichotomous response (yes/no). Information of sociodemographic variables, health insurance, and the types of drugs purchased by the participants was collected. Crude prevalence ratios (PR) were calculated and adjusted using generalized linear models of the Poisson family, considering the complex sample of the survey. Results In this study, 1,115 respondents were evaluated, with a mean age of 63.8 years and a male proportion of 48.2%. The prevalence of self-medication was 66.6%, while the proportions of purchases of brand-name and OTC drugs were 62.4% and 23.6%, respectively. The adjusted Poisson regression analysis revealed an association between self-medication and the purchase of brand-name drugs (adjusted PR [aPR]=1.09; 95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.01–1.19). Likewise, self-medication was associated with the purchase of OTC medications (aPR=1.97; 95%CI: 1.55–2.51). Conclusions This study evidenced a high prevalence of self-medication in Peruvian older adults. Two-thirds of the surveyed people bought brand-name drugs, whereas one-quarter bought OTC drugs. Self-medication was associated with a greater likelihood of buying brand-name and OTC drugs

    Agrometerological study of semi-arid areas : an experiment for analysing the potential of time series of FORMOSAT-2 images (Tensift-Marrakech plain)

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    Earth Observing Systems designed to provide both high spatial resolution (10m) and high capacity of time revisit (a few days) offer strong opportunities for the management of agricultural water resources. The FORMOSAT-2 satellite is the first and only satellite with the ability to provide daily high-resolution images over a particular area with constant viewing angles. As part of the SudMed project, one of the first time series of FORMOSAT-2 images has been acquired over the semi-arid Tensift-Marrakech plain. Along with these acquisitions, an experimental data set has been collected to monitor land-cover/land-use, soil characteristics, vegetation dynamics and surface fluxes. This paper presents a first analysis of the potential of these data for agrometerological study of semi-arid areas
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