457 research outputs found

    O papel dos neurosteróides na depressão e ansiedade

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    Monografia realizada no âmbito da unidade de Estágio Curricular do Mestrado Integrado em Ciências Farmacêuticas, apresentada à Faculdade de Farmácia da Universidade de CoimbraEsteróides neuroativos que são sintetizados no cérebro e no sistema nervoso a partir do colesterol são conhecidos como “Neuroesteroides”. Estas moléculas e os seus derivados sintéticos influenciam a função de múltiplos mecanismos de sinalização incluindo os recetores do ácido gama-aminobutírico e do glutamato, o maior neurotransmissor inibitório e excitatório respetivamente no sistema nervoso central. Estes esteroides exercem funções muito importantes, pois contribuem na mielinização e na organização da conetividade cerebral. Sob situações de stress, as concentrações dos neuroesteroides, tal como da alopregnanolana e alotetrahidroxicorticosterona, estão alteradas. Perante esta situação tem sido sugerido que a desregulação da síntese dos neuroesteroides tem influência nas doenças psiquiátricas relacionadas com o stress, incluindo alterações de humor e ansiedade. Os transtornos depressivos são frequentes e representam uma carga importante para a sociedade contemporânea. Estas alterações psicológicas representam a maior causa de deficiência nas sociedades ocidentais, e compreendem cerca de 40 % das doenças que resultam na incapacidade de trabalhar de forma produtiva. Ao longo do trabalho, irei abordar o papel do ácido gama-aminobutírico e dos neuroesteroides no stress e na depressão e eventuais estratégias na manipulação da sua síntese no Sistema Nervoso Central e os potenciais fins terapêuticos.The neuroactive steroids which are synthesized in the brain and nervous system from cholesterol are known as ‘‘Neurosteroids”. These agents and their synthetic derivatives influence the function of multiple signaling pathways including receptors for γ-aminobutyric acid and glutamate, the major inhibitory and excitatory neurotransmitters in the central nervous system. These steroids have crucial functions such as contributing to the myelination and organization of the brain connectivity. Under the stressful circumstances, the concentrations of neurosteroid products such as allopregnanolone and allotetrahydrodeoxycorticosterone alter. It has been suggested that dysregulation of neurosteroid production plays a role in the pathophysiology of stress and stress-related psychiatric disorders, including mood and anxiety disorders. Depressive disorders are frequent, representing an important burden for contemporary society. These mental disorders are among the leading causes of disability in western societies, and comprise approximately 40% of illnesses that result in an inability to work productively. Then, I will review evidence indicating a role for for γ-aminobutyric acid and neurosteroids in stress and depression, and focus on potential strategies that can be used to manipulate central nervous system neurosteroid synthesis and function for therapeutic purposes

    Bin-picking de precisão usando um sensor 3D e um sensor laser 1D

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    The technique that is being used by a robot to grab objects that are randomly placed inside a box or on a pallet is called bin-picking. This process is of great interest in an industrial environment as it provides enhanced automation, increased production and cost reduction. Bin-picking has evolved greatly over the years due to tremendous strides empowered by advanced vision technology, software, and gripping solutions which are in constant development. However, the creation of a versatile system, capable of collecting any type of object without deforming it, regardless of the disordered environment around it, remains a challenge. To this goal, the use of 3D perception is unavoidable. Still, the information acquired by some lower cost 3D sensors is not very precise; therefore, the combination of this information with the one of other devices is an approach already in study. The main goal of this work is to develop a solution for the execution of a precise bin-picking process capable of grasping small and fragile objects without breaking or deforming them. This may be done by combining the information provided by two sensors: one 3D sensor (Kinect) used to analyse the workspace and identify the object, and a 1D laser sensor to determine the exact distance to the object when approaching it. Additionally, the developed system may be placed at the end of a manipulator in order to become an active perception unit. Once the global system of sensors, their controllers and the robotic manipulator are integrated into a ROS (Robot Operating System) infrastructure, the data provided by the sensors can be analysed and combined to provide a bin-picking solution. Finally, the testing phase demonstrated the viability and the reliability of the developed bin-picking process.À tecnologia usada por um robô para agarrar objetos que estão dispostos de forma aleatória dentro de uma caixa ou sobre uma palete chama-se binpicking. Este processo é de grande interesse para a industria uma vez que oferece maior autonomia, aumento de produção e redução de custos. O binpicking tem evoluido de forma significativa ao longo dos anos graças aos avanços possibilitados pelo desenvolvimento tecnológico na área da visão, software e soluções de diferentes garras que estão em constante evolução. Contudo, a criação de um sistema versátil, capaz de agarrar qualquer tipo de objeto sem o deformar, independentemente do ambiente desordenado à sua volta, continua a ser o principal objetivo. Para esse fim, o recurso à perceção 3D é imprescindível. Ainda assim, a informação adquirida por sensores 3D não é muito precisa e, por isso, a combinação deste com a de outros dispositivos é uma abordagem ainda em estudo. O objetivo principal deste trabalho é então desenvolver uma solução para a execução de um processo de bin-picking capaz de agarrar objetos pequenos e frágeis sem os partir ou deformar. Isto poderá ser feito através da combinação entre a informação proveniente de dois sensores: um sensor 3D (Kinect) usado para analisar o espaço de trabalho e identificar o objeto, e um sensor laser 1D usado para determinar a sua distância exata e assim se poder aproximar. Adicionalmente, o sistema desenvolvido pode ser acoplado a um manipulador de forma a criar uma unidade de perceção ativa. Uma vez tendo um sistema global de sensores, os seus controladores e o manipulador robótico integrados numa infraestrutura ROS (Robot Operating System), os dados fornecidos pelos sensores podem ser analisados e combinados, e uma solução de bin-picking pode ser desenvolvida. Por último, a fase de testes demonstrou, depois de alguns ajustes nas medidas do sensor laser, a viabilidade e fiabilidade do processo de bin-picking desenvolvido.Mestrado em Engenharia Mecânic

    Deflamin, an edible anti-inflammatory and anticancer protein isolated from legume seeds

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    Doutoramento em Biologia / Instituto Superior de Agronomia. Universidade de LisboaPrevious reports revealed a novel MMP-2 and -9 inhibitor in Lupinus albus seeds, named deflamin, with a strong potential as a nutraceutical for inflammatory bowel diseases (IBDs). In the present work our goal was 1) to better understand deflamin’s mode of action and 2) to produce an effective delivery system for it to be incorporated in IBD functional diets. Deflamin was found to be an oligomer comprising similar fragments from δ-conglutin and β-conglutin. It inhibited MMP-2 and -9 activities but not their gene expression and presented no cytotoxic effects. In vivo, it effectively reduced gelatinases activity in situ, hence minimizing the risk of secondary effects. Based on a previous patented method we were able to develop a lupin protein concentrate (LPC) which was used as an additive to cookies (10g/100g dough). Sweet and savory, as well as different flours (wheat, rice, buckwheat, oat, kamut and spelt) were tested. Overall, the LPC was found to improve the organoleptic and physical properties of the cookies. The biochemical compositions of all cookies with LPC presented higher protein and a golden-brown coloring. Furthermore, the aw and moisture content values suggested a high stability food product. Whilst the baking itself did not interfere with the gelatinase inhibitory activity in the cookies, the type of flour and the presence of sugar did, suggesting that the presence of carbohydrates can interfere with deflamin. Our final goal was tested the efficacy of the LPC in vivo, either alone or as added to cookies using two different types of colitis. Results confirmed that the LPC alone was effective against TNBS-induced colitis, in a dose dependent-manner, reducing more than 50% the DAI scores and inhibiting MMP-9 activity. When added to cookies, the LPC induced a significant protective effect against acetic acid-induced colitis, reducing lesion, oxidative stress and DNA damage levels. Overall, deflamin was shown to be an efficient and safe way to reduce IBDs symptoms, without prompting secondary effects. The developed LPC was found to be effective as a delivery system for deflamin and besides its activity towards MMP-9, the LPC further added a higher nutritional and antioxidant value to the already potential health benefits of deflamin. These findings can open new perspectives and novel approaches to tackle IBDS via functional diets.N/

    The financial sustainability of Microcredit in Portugal

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    Microcredit and microfinance emerged in the 1970’s in Bangladesh and other developing countries and expanded rapidly worldwide as a business model financially sustainable and able to fight poverty and social exclusion. Empirical evidence confirms microcredit ability to mitigate poverty but its financial sustainability is controversial. Using 2006-2009 Portuguese micro-level data, we estimate the failure rate of Portuguese micro-credit projects as 20,6%/year that, to be financially sustainable, would require a real interest rate by 25%/year. Using a territorial variable on a discrete Cox proportional hazard model with censured data, we estimate that the failure rate of those micro-credit projects located in the worst-case NUTS II Portuguese regions (Alentejo and Centro) and promoted by lower schooling people is significantly higher than best-case.Microcredit, Firms failure rate, Poverty, Financial sustainability

    Public–private collusion

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    We study collusion between a public firm and a private firm facing linear demand and quadratic costs. We characterize the collusive outcome that results from Nash bargaining and compare it to the non-cooperative outcome. If the public firm’s taste for consumer surplus is mild, both firms reduce output (as in a private duopoly). If it is intermediate, while the public firm reduces output, the private firm expands output to such an extent that total output increases. If it is strong, the private firm’s output expansion does not compensate for the public firm’s output contraction, and thus total output decreases. We also characterize collusion sustainability, and assess the impact of relative bargaining power, degree of cost convexity, public firm’s taste for total surplus, and cost asymmetry. We conclude that, by reducing the productive inefficiency that is caused by the public firm being more expansionary, collusion may lead to higher profits and consumer surplus.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    O caso das Termas de Chão de Pena

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    O presente trabalho debruça-se sobre o estudo das potencialidades turísticas de um georrecurso, a água, explorado desde a antiguidade para fins mineromedicinais. No caso presente, para além de várias noções relacionadas com a atividade turística e com o termalismo, foi estudado com especial atenção, a antiga estação termal de Chão de Pena, um conjunto de edifícios de inegável valor patrimonial, no Concelho do Sabugal, que se encontra abandonado e em acelerado processo de degradação. Com efeito, construídos no início do século passado, supostamente por uma família Espanhola, que terá vindo para a região, acompanhando a filha nos tratamentos com estas águas a uma suposta doença de pele. Sendo posteriormente explorado como Hotel Termal, e estando atualmente em ruínas, com este trabalho procurou-se encontrar, de forma fundamentada, sobretudo tendo em consideração as caraterísticas do georrecurso, uma nova forma de equacionar a sua exploração turística integrada nos circuitos e potencialidades da região de forma sustentada.The present work is concerned on the study of the touristic potential of a georesource, the water, explored since antiquity for medicinal mineral purposes. In this case, in addition to several concepts related with the tourism and the hydrotherapy, was studied, with special attention, the ancient thermal spa in the Chão of Pena place, where is located a set of buildings of undeniable heritage value in the municipality if Sabugal, which is abandoned and in accelerated process of degradation. Indeed, constructed early in the last century, supposedly by a Spanish family who had come to the region watching the daughter in her treatments with these waters to a supposed skin disease. Being later explored as Hotel Thermal, and remained to our days in ruins, this work aimed to find, in a reasoned manner, especially taking into account the characteristics of the georesource, a new way to solving your tourist exploration integrated in the circuits and potential of the regions in a sustained manner

    Technological potential of a Lupin protein concentrate as a nutraceutical delivery system in baked cookies

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    Previous reports have shown that lupin protein extracts (LE) contain a polypeptide named deflamin with a potent matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-9 inhibitory activity. The aim of our study was to develop an efficient delivery method for incorporating deflamin into cookies using different alternative flours. A lupin protein concentrate (10 g protein/100 g cookie dough) was added to gluten and gluten-free flours to produce savoury cookies, and its impacts on the physical properties of doughs and cookies, as well on the maintenance of deflamin’s anti-MMP-9 activity, were analysed. The results showed that the biochemical compositions of all cookies with LE presented higher protein and ash contents when compared to the control cookies. Rice, buckwheat and oat doughs were firmer than the others, whereas the addition of LE to kamut and buckwheat flours made cookies significantly firmer than the controls. Additionally, strong interactions between LE and several flours were observed, yielding different impacts on the MMP-9 bioactivity. Overall, the only flour that did not interfere with the desired nutraceutical activities was buckwheat, with 60% MMP-9 inhibitory activity and a concomitant reduction of colon cancer migration; hence, buckwheat flour was revealed to be a good vehicle to deliver bioactive deflamin, showing strong potential as a functional food to be used in preventive or curative approaches to gastrointestinal diseasesinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Sintomatología musculoesquelética en estudiantes de enfermería: un análisis de concepto

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    Objective: to analyze the musculoskeletal symptomatology concept in undergraduate nursing students through Rodgers' evolutionary method. Method: An integrative review of the literature was performed for the identification and selection of ten articles. A concept analysis was performed according to Rodgers' evolutionary method. Article search was performed using the EBOSCO Host platform, Virtual Health Library and Google scholar for the years from 2004 to 2018. Results: Based on the 3 elements of Rodgers model we found: 1) substitute terms and related concepts, where musculoskeletal disorders and musculoskeletal symptoms were highlighted; 2) as essential attributes of the concept we highlight pain and discomfort, as well as, measurement using the Nordic Musculoskeletal Questionnaire; and 3) risk factors were identified as antecedents, and the consequences were the impact on students' lives. Conclusions: This study contributes to the knowledge and clarification of the concept of musculoskeletal symptomatology in nursing students

    Collaborative work among teachers: a study developed at the Polytechnic Institute of Benguela

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    As schools currently face increasing complexity, teachers' work requires the development and consolidation of collaborative work practices that contribute to more efficient and effective regulation of teaching and learning processes. Research carried out in the context of teachers' collaborative work has highlighted its importance as one of the factors of change, development and improvement of teaching organizations [1], [2], [3], [4]. Thus, teacher collaboration is urgent, and now is the time for teacher collaboration to be considered as an institutional objective. In this sense, the primary purpose of this paper is to raise awareness about the dynamics of collaborative work among teachers from the Polytechnic Institute of Benguela. In order to respond to the research problem, three objectives were outlined, namely: i) to identify teachers' conceptions about teachers’ collaborative work; ii) to characterize the work dynamics that teachers claim to develop and iii) to investigate factors that may facilitate or hinder the development of teachers' collaborative work. The methodology adopted in this research assumed a primarily exploratory nature. The empirical study took place in the academic year of 2018 at the Polytechnic Institute of Benguela. The main data collection technique was a survey by questionnaire, applied to all of the institution’s 94 teachers, with 76 validated answers. Descriptive statistical analysis was the data analysis technique used. The main results of the study point to the predominance of teachers' individual work at the Polytechnic Institute of Benguela. They also reveal that teachers are aware of the benefits that collaborative work can bring to their professional development and express a willingness to experience more opportunities to develop collaborative work with colleagues.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio