416 research outputs found

    Une politique documentaire pour la collection des ouvrages de référence de la BCU Centrale de Fribourg: premières étapes

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    Ce travail propose une redéfinition de la collection de référence de la Bibliothèque Cantonale et Universitaire de Fribourg (BCU) se trouvant dans les espaces publics de la Bibliothèque Centrale. Cette restructuration concerne autant les missions de la collection (et par conséquence son contenu et son public) que sa gestion. Ainsi, après avoir rapidement présenté la BCU, situé la collection en rapport au fonds de la Centrale et établi un état de lieu de la collection et de sa gestion, l'auteur présente deux textes constituant la première étape pour une politique documentaire rédigée de la collection. Dans les détails, sa proposition, se basant sur le modèle de Calenge, est constituée par une charte de la collection et un plan de développement pour l'année 2014

    La biografía de una generación católica. Giuseppe Dossetti en el centenario de su nacimiento

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    Se ha cumplido el centenario del nacimiento de Giuseppe Dossetti (1913–1996), político, vicesecretario (1945–1951) de la Democracia Cristiana italiana, líder de su ala izquierda en el ayuntamiento de Bolonia hasta 1958, fue más tarde sacerdote y fundador de una comunidad monástica. El texto examina su experiencia individual, poniéndola en contraste con los itinerarios personales de una generación católica entre fascismo y democracia. Tras una breve aproximación al problema histórico de la nueva clase política católica, analiza las características de la formación de esta generación y la forma en que aquellos jóvenes católicos pasaron a la polític

    La biografía de una generación católica. Giuseppe Dossetti en el centenario de su nacimiento

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    Se ha cumplido el centenario del nacimiento de Giuseppe Dossetti (1913–1996), político, vicesecretario (1945–1951) de la Democracia Cristiana italiana, líder de su ala izquierda en el ayuntamiento de Bolonia hasta 1958, fue más tarde sacerdote y fundador de una comunidad monástica. El texto examina su experiencia individual, poniéndola en contraste con los itinerarios personales de una generación católica entre fascismo y democracia. Tras una breve aproximación al problema histórico de la nueva clase política católica, analiza las características de la formación de esta generación y la forma en que aquellos jóvenes católicos pasaron a la polític

    Análise biomecânica da postura sentada

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    Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Centro de Educação Física e Desporto

    Anticipation of wheelchair and rollerblade actions in spinal cord injured people, rollerbladers, and physiotherapists

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    Embodied Cognition Theories (ECT) postulate that higher-order cognition is heavily influenced by sensorimotor signals. We explored the active role of somatosensory afferents and motor efferents in modulating the perception of actions in people who have suffered a massive body-brain disconnection because of spinal cord injury (SCI), which leads to sensory-motor loss below the lesion. We assessed whether the habitual use of a wheelchair enhances the capacity to anticipate the endings of tool-related actions, with respect to actions that have become impossible. In a Temporal Occlusion task, three groups of participants (paraplegics, rollerbladers and physiotherapists) observed two sets of videos depicting an actor who attempted to climb onto a platform using a wheelchair or rollerblades. Three different outcomes were possible, namely: a) success (the actor went up the step); b) fail (the actor stopped before the step without going up) and c) fall (the actor fell without going up). Each video set comprised 5 different durations increasing in complexity: in the shortest (600ms) only preparatory body movements were shown and in the longest (3000ms) the complete action was shown. The participants were requested to anticipate the outcome (success, fail, fall). The main result showed that the SCI group performed better with the wheelchair videos and poorer with rollerblade videos than both groups, even if the physiotherapists group never used rollerblades. In line with the ECT, this suggests that the action anticipation skills are not only influenced by motor expertise, but also by motor connection

    Rubber hand illusion induced by touching the face ipsilaterally to a deprived hand: evidence for plastic "somatotopic" remapping in tetraplegics

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    Background: Studies in animals and humans indicate that the interruption of body-brain connections following spinal cord injury (SCI) leads to plastic cerebral reorganization.Objective: To explore whether inducing the Rubber Hand Illusion (RHI) via synchronous multisensory visuo-tactile bodily stimulation may reveal any perceptual correlates of plastic remapping in SCI.Methods: In 16 paraplegic, 16 tetraplegic and 16 healthy participants we explored whether RHI may be induced by tactile stimuli involving not only the left hand but also the left hemi-face. Touching the participants actual hand or face was either synchronous or asynchronous with tactile stimuli seen on a rubber hand. We assessed two components of the illusion, namely perceived changes in the real hand in space (indexed by proprioceptive drift) and ownership of the rubber hand (indexed by subjective responses to an ad-hoc questionnaire).Results: Proprioceptive drift and ownership were found in the healthy group only in the condition where the left real and fake hand were touched simultaneously. In contrast, no drift was found in the SCI patients who, however, showed ownership after both synchronous and asynchronous hand stroking. Importantly, only tetraplegics showed the effect also after synchronous face stroking.Conclusions: RHI may reveal plastic phenomena in SCI. In hand representation-deprived tetraplegics, stimuli on the face (represented contiguously in the somatic and motor systems), drive the sense of hand ownership. This hand-face remapping phenomenon may be useful for restoring a sense of self in massively deprived individuals

    Paleoecology and proliferation of the bivalve Chondrodonta joannae (Choffat) in the upper Cenomanian (Upper Cretaceous) Adriatic Carbonate Platform of Istria (Croatia)

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    Chondrodonta joannae (Choffat) is a morphologically variable oyster-like bivalve with a predominately calcitic shell. An exceptional exposure of C. joannae-bearing strata of late Cenomanian age crops out along the seaside in northern Istria (Croatia) and permits a taphonomical and functional analysis in order to define the life habit and growth strategies of this bivalve. The C. joannae population from the studied succession is characterized by highly-elongated, large and curved shells, reaching about 50 cm in height and 5 cm in length. This shell shape is typical of the club-like bivalve morphotype, which was adapted to soft-bottom substrates with high sediment accumulation. The shell is slightly inequivalve and characterized by a reduced body cavity, a few centimetres high, and a dorsal region up to 10 times longer. The shell opening mechanism was mostly based on the resilium located between the chondrophores which protrude in the body cavity. The abandoned dorsal cavity is filled by a calcite hinge plate, the ventral edge of which acted as fulcrum for the valve flexibility. In the hinge plate, the function of chondrophores changed. They acted as a hinge to keep tightly interlocked the valves, which considerably emerged above the sediment-water interface. The individuals were arranged in low shrub-type congregations, which produced low-relief mounds. The functional morphology and taphonomic signature suggest that C. joannae individuals collected food at a greater distance from the bottom with respect to the co-occurring rudists. We speculate that the C. joannae proliferation could be related to a late Cenomanian phase of environmental instability predating the OAE2 with fluctuating climatic conditions and ocean fertility

    Motor versus body awareness: Voxel-based lesion analysis in anosognosia for hemiplegia and somatoparaphrenia following right hemisphere stroke

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    This is the accepted manuscript version of the following article: Valentina Moro, Simone Pernigo, Manos Tsakiris, Renato Avesani, Nicola M. J. Edelstyn, Paul M. Jenkinson, and Aikaterini Fotopoulou, ‘Motor versus body awareness: Voxel-based lesion analysis in anosognosia for hemiplegia and somatoparaphrenia following right hemisphere stroke’, Cortex, Vol 83, pp. 62-77, first published online 15 Jul 2016. The version of record is available online at doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cortex.2016.07.001 Published by Elsevier. © Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Anosognosia for hemiplegia (AHP) is informative about the neurocognitive basis of motor awareness. However, it is frequently associated with concomitant symptoms, such as hemispatial neglect and disturbances in the sense of body ownership (DSO). Although double dissociations between these symptoms have been reported, there is ongoing debate about whether they are manifestations of independent abnormalities, or a single neuro- cognitive deficit. We aimed to investigate the specificity of lesions associated with AHP by surpassing four, existing methodological limitations: (a) recruit a relatively large sample of patients (total N 1⁄4 70) in a multi-centre study; (b) identify lesions associated with AHP in grey and white matter using voxel-based methods; (c) take into account the duration of AHP and concomitant neglect symptoms; and (d) compare lesions against a control hemiplegic group, patients suffering from AHP and DSO, and a few, rare patients with selective DSO. Results indicated that acute AHP is associated with a wide network, mainly including: (1) the Rolandic operculum, (2) the insula and (3) the superior temporal gyri. Subcortically, damage mainly involved the basal ganglia and white matter, mostly the superior corona radiate, arcuate fasciculus and the part of the ventral, superior longitu- dinal fasciculus. Persistent symptoms were linked with wider damage involving fronto- temporal cortex and long white matter tracts. A shift in the latero-medial direction (mainly involving the basal ganglia and surrounding white matter) emerged when DSO was taken accounted for. These results suggest that while bodily awareness is processed by areas widely distributed across the brain, intact subcortical structures and white matter tracts may be necessary to support basic feelings of owning and controlling contralateral body parts. An accurate and ‘up-to-date’ awareness of our motor abilities, however, may rely also on intact processing in cortical areas which presumably allow higher-order in- ferences about the current state of the body.Peer reviewedFinal Accepted Versio

    The principies of muscular chains in avaliation of corporal discomfort and posture alterations in public transportation drivers

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    O objetivo do presente estudo foi identificar as cadeias musculares comprometidas em motoristas de transporte coletivo (MTC), e sua relação com o posto de trabalho. As variáveis analisadas foram as alterações posturais, o desconforto corporal referido durante a execução das atividades, e os hábitos de vida relacionados à prática de atividade física. Para a amostra foram selecionados 33 motoristas do transporte coletivo de Florianópolis (SC) com mais de dez anos no exercício da função. Os instrumentos de coleta de dados foram o protocolo de avaliação posturaldesenvolvido sob os princípios das cadeias musculares, questionário com questões referentes as condições de trabalho, de saúde, hábitos e estilo de vida relacionado a prática de atividade física, além da composição corporal, do teste de flexibilidade pelo método de Wells e da escala de desconforto para as diferentes partes do corpo. Os resultados foram analisados utilizando: estatística descritiva, média, desvio padrão, percentual e o software EPI-Info. A partir da análise verificou-se percentuais significativos de desconforto corporal na coluna vertebral,principalmente na região lombar. As queixas mais relatadas foram: cãibras, formigamentos, dormência e dores localizadas. Já no que se refere a análise da postura através das cadeias musculares, observou-se alterações posturais com conseqüente comprometimento muscular. Portanto, conclui-se que a atividade diária do MTC provoca diferentes níveis de constrangimentos músculo-esqueléticos, a ponto de produzir desconfortos corporais significativos que influenciam sua qualidade de vida no trabalho. Isto está diretamente associado às condições de trabalho, as pausas, a jornada diária, as condições de saúde, como também, a prática de atividade física, onde 62,4% da amostra apresentaram redução dos índices de desconforto corporal, comprovando seus benefícios, que podem tornar-se mais eficientes se somados aosexercícios compensatórios e as posturas auto-corretivas fundamentais para o realinhamento postural.The present study aims to identify injured/committed muscular chains in public transportation drivers (PTD) and their relation to their duties/jobs. The analyzed variables were the posture alterations, the body discomfort referred during the performance of the PTD regular duties and daily habits related to physical activities. For the sample, thirty-three public transportation drivers from Florianópolis (SC) were selected. All of them have more than ten years of experience within this occupation. The datatools were gathered through the posture evaluation protocol developed under the muscle chain principles, questionnaires in which there arc questions regarding work and health conditions, habits and life style in relation to physical activity practice, besides the corporal composition and flexibility test by the Wells method and the discomfort scale for the different parts of the body. The results were analyzed using: descriptive statistic, average, standard deviation, percentage and the EPI-info software. Significant percentage of corporal discomfort in the spine, mainly in the lumbar area was verified from the analysis: Cramps, tingle sensation, numbness, and located pains were the most related complaints. Concerning posture analysis through muscular chains, posturealterations were observed with consequent muscular harm. Therefore, we conclude that the PTD daily physical activity causes different levels of muscle-skeletal embarrassments on the point of to produce significant corporal discomfort that influence in their work life quality. And this is directly associated to work conditions, the pauses, the daily work, health conditions as well as the physical activity practice. The study showed that 62,4% of the sample pointed out the reduction in the coiporal discomfort rate, proving the physical activity practice benefits in which can become more efficient if they arc added to compensatory exercises and the autocorrective postures fundamental for the posture re-alignment

    On the relation between body and movement space representation: an experimental investigation on spinal cord injured people

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    Body Representation (BR) and Movement Space Perception (MSP) are fundamental for human beings in order to move in space and interact with object s and other people. Both BR and space representation change after spinal cord injuries in complete paraplegic individuals (CPP), who suffer from lower limbs paralysis and anesthesia. To date, the interaction between BR and MSP in paraplegic individuals rem ains unexplored. In two consecutive experiments, we tested I ) if the individual\u2019s wheelchair is embodied in BR; and ii) if the embodied wheelchair modifies the MSP. For the first question a speeded detection task was used. Participants had to respond to v isual stimuli flashing on their trunk, legs or wheelchair. In three counterbalanced conditions across participant, they took part to the experiment while: 1) sitting in their wheelchair, 2) in another wheelchair, or 3) with the LEDs on a wooden bar. To in dicate the embodiment, there was no difference in the CPP\u2019s responses for LEDs on the body and personal wheelchair while these were slower in other conditions After this, while sitting in their or another wheelchair, CPPs were asked to judge the slope of a ramp rendered in immersive virtual reality and to estimate the distance of a flag positioned over the ramp. When on their own wheelchair, CPPs perceived the flag closer than in the other wheelchair. These results indicate that the continuous use of a too l induces embodiment and that this i mpact on the perception of MSP