784 research outputs found

    Cruises of the Albatross off San Diego and Other Parts of Southern California, 1889ā€“1916

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    Between 1889 and 1916, the U. S. Fish Commission steamer Albatross made numerous trips to waters off southern California, particularly in and near San Diego Bay. The typical pattern for many years was to conduct cruises in waters off the Pacific Northwest or Alaska in summer months and waters off southern California in winter months. The Albatross conducted the first depth soundings and benthic profiles for southern California waters and secured the first samples of many endemic marine animals of this region. Albatross collections formed the basis for numerous definitive monographs of invertebrates and vertebrates that were published in subsequent years. The Albatross anchored in San Diego Bay in 1894, conducting the first biological investigations of the bay, and returned to sample again in many subsequent years. The ship and its crew also examined Cortez and Tanner banks for exploitation potential and conducted the first biological investigations of southern Californiaā€™s tuna stocks in 1915 and 1916

    Species Profiles: Life Histories and Environmental Requirements of Coastal Fishes and Invertebrates (North Atlantic): American Lobster

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    Terrorism, Media and the State : An Incestuous Spiral

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    This chapter focuses on the relation between terrorism and publicity. It takes particular interest in how different societal actors within the political and administrative spheres and within the media itself use media for their specific purposes. The role of journalists is discussed in the light of recent debates on the role of media and media professionals in society, and the changes that occur due to the emergence of new forms of media that are outside of the regulation and responsibility that earlier has ā€“ at least to some extent ā€“ guided mass media. It arrives at a conclusion that legitimate power elites, illegitimate groups, media and journalists all find benefits in playing out the scare factor that makes terror work, thus sustaining an incestuous spiral built on fear

    The regulation of fertility in pre-industrial populations: a local study from eighteenth century Finland

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    The crude birth rate in Finland in the eighteenth century was more than 40 per thousand. At the same time there was considerable regional diversity. This study of a coastal population in southwestern Finland reveals that the fertility was well below that of the country as a whole and as low or even lower that that recorded for neighboring countries. A more detailed study of families in Houtskiir indicates that the pattern of fertility varied according to the socioeconomic standing of the family head. Differences in age at first marriage were a critical determinant of these variations but other important factors were birth spacing and the timing  of the last birth. A conscious attempt was made to limit family size

    Space and politics of identity: National Landscapes in a Finnish Film and how they were portrayed by the Media

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    O autor apresenta um conceito crĆ­tico sobre identidade cultural, por meio de sua prĆ³pria perspectiva nacional. A obra propƵe a construĆ§Ć£o de memĆ³rias coletivas da naĆ§Ć£o e do povo, a partir da paisagem nacional interna do autor. O artigo explora a relaĆ§Ć£o entre dois pĆ³los. Por um lado, ele analisa como a naĆ§Ć£o foi retratada visualmente na cultura popular durante um perĆ­odo de recessĆ£o econĆ“mica. Por outro lado, ele explora como a histĆ³ria da naĆ§Ć£o tinha sido organizada a fim de servir ao propĆ³sito de mobilizaĆ§Ć£o e unidade da naĆ§Ć£o nesta nova situaĆ§Ć£o.The autor advances a critical concept about cultural identity, through his own national perspective. The work puts forward a construction of collective memories of the nation and the people, from inside the author's national landscape. The paper explores the relationship between two poles. On the one hand, he looks at how the nation was portrayed in the visual form of popular culture during a time of economic recession. On the other hand, he explores how the history of the nation had been organized in order to serve the purpose of mobilization and unity of the nation in this new situation

    Family strategies, inheritance systems and the care of the elderly in historical perspective: eastern and western Finland

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    Bei der Untersuchung europƤischer Haushaltsstrukturen im 18. und 19. Jahrhundert werden die finnischen Haushalte nicht dem nordwesteuropƤischen, sondern dem osteuropƤischen Haushaltsmuster zugeordnet. Dabei zeigen sich nicht nur Unterschiede zwischen Stadt und Land, sondern auch zwischen Ost- und Westfinnland. Die auf der Grundlage von Steuerregistern, Einwohnerzahlen usw. aus dem Zeitraum 1686 bis 1900 erstellten Tabellen verdeutlichen, daƟ in Westfinnland die vertikale Stammfamilie und in Ostfinnland eine verzweigte horizontale Familienstruktur vorherrschten. Diese Unterschiede werden auf spezifische Erbschafts- und Landeigentumsregelungen zurĆ¼ckgefĆ¼hrt. In Ost- wie in Westfinnland waren die Haushalte ohne Landbesitz einfacher strukturiert. Die Versorgung der Ƥlteren Generation wandelte sich mit der zunehmenden sozialen Schichtung. WƤhrend im 18. Jahrhundert viele alte Menschen noch in ihrer Stammfamilie oder einem weitverzweigten Haushalt versorgt wurden, kamen im 19. Jahrhundert viele alte Menschen in eine schwierige Lage. (prf)'When structuring the famous North West European household system, Hajnal excluded Finland, on the assumption that the household system in Finland in the 18th and 19th centuries varied radically from the Northwest European pattern and more closesly resembled the one described as Eastern European (Hajnal 1965, 1983). Studies on local and regional level have revealed different family patterns not only in urban and rural environments but also in the countryside in the east and the west. In western Finland stem-families were common while in eastern Finland multiple family households with horizontal extension are frequently found. The origin of these differences can be traced to diverging systems within the framework of pre-industrial rural primary production. The economy created a favourable ground for specific arrangements of landownership and inheritance. Landless households in the east and the west were less complex in structure, and overall figures are largely affected by variation in social structure. The capacity of coping with old age changed over time. In the 18th century a large proportion of the elderly could be cared for within the stern or multiple family systems. However, the increasing social stratification in the 19th century placed many elderly people in a difficult position.' (author's abstract


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