34 research outputs found

    Revue d'histoire du Bas-Saint-Laurent, vol. 12 (3-4)

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    Mot de l'éditeur -- Au micro de CJBR -- La grande histoire de CJBR -- Jules-A. Brillant et le poste CJBR -- Avec CJBR, un bon en avant pour le Bas St-Laurent -- CJBR, l'école -- L'annonceur: un éducateur populaire -- Sandy Burgess : le journaliste que j'ai connu -- "Ce pays qui est le mien" -- Un demi-siècle d'information: que de nouvelles! -- Journaliste de père en fils à CJBR -- Le théâtre à CJBR -- 50 ans de musique à CJBR, le château fort de la mélodie française -- Poésie, théâtre, jazz et originalité avec Michel Garneau -- Les "Chroniques du dimanche", l'âge d'or de la critique culturelle à CJBR -- "Si CJBR m'était conté..." -- L'évolution technologique, un élément-clef de l'histoire des 50 ans de radiodiffusion -- La publicité à CJBR, quarante ans de croissance -- Des pionnières à CJBR -- 1958-1972, des années enrichissantes -- De Trois-Pistoles à Rimouski -- Le sport et son enracinement dans le milieu régional -- "Debout c'est l'heure", c'est Jean Brisson qui sonne le réveil -- "Par une belle journée de tempête" -- Et on repart vers la centain

    State of the Art Review: Emerging Therapies: The Use of Insulin Sensitizers in the Treatment of Adolescents with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)

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    PCOS, a heterogeneous disorder characterized by cystic ovarian morphology, androgen excess, and/or irregular periods, emerges during or shortly after puberty. Peri- and post-pubertal obesity, insulin resistance and consequent hyperinsulinemia are highly prevalent co-morbidities of PCOS and promote an ongoing state of excess androgen. Given the relationship of insulin to androgen excess, reduction of insulin secretion and/or improvement of its action at target tissues offer the possibility of improving the physical stigmata of androgen excess by correction of the reproductive dysfunction and preventing metabolic derangements from becoming entrenched. While lifestyle changes that concentrate on behavioral, dietary and exercise regimens should be considered as first line therapy for weight reduction and normalization of insulin levels in adolescents with PCOS, several therapeutic options are available and in wide use, including oral contraceptives, metformin, thiazolidenediones and spironolactone. Overwhelmingly, the data on the safety and efficacy of these medications derive from the adult PCOS literature. Despite the paucity of randomized control trials to adequately evaluate these modalities in adolescents, their use, particularly that of metformin, has gained popularity in the pediatric endocrine community. In this article, we present an overview of the use of insulin sensitizing medications in PCOS and review both the adult and (where available) adolescent literature, focusing specifically on the use of metformin in both mono- and combination therapy

    Evidence for a Functional Quorum-Sensing Type AI-1 System in the Extremophilic Bacterium Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans

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    Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans is one of the main acidophilic chemolithotrophic bacteria involved in the bioleaching of metal sulfide ores. The bacterium-mineral interaction requires the development of biofilms, whose formation is regulated in many microorganisms by type AI-1 quorum sensing. Here, we report the existence and characterization of a functional type AI-1 quorum-sensing system in A. ferrooxidans. This microorganism produced mainly acyl-homoserine lactones (AHL) with medium and large acyl chains and different C-3 substitutions, including 3-hydroxy-C(8)-AHL, 3-hydroxy-C(10)-AHL, C(12)-AHL, 3-oxo-C(12)-AHL, 3-hydroxy-C(12)-AHL, C(14)-AHL, 3-oxo-C(14)-AHL, 3-hydroxy-C(14)-AHL, and 3-hydroxy-C(16)-AHL. A quorum-sensing genetic locus that includes two open reading frames, afeI and afeR, which have opposite orientations and code for proteins with high levels of similarity to members of the acyl synthase (I) and transcriptional regulator (R) protein families, respectively, was identified. Overexpression of AfeI in Escherichia coli and the associated synthesis of AHLs confirmed that AfeI is an AHL synthase. As determined by reverse transcription-PCR, the afeI and afeR genes were transcribed in A. ferrooxidans. The transcription levels of the afeI gene were higher in cells grown in sulfur and thiosulfate media than in iron-grown cells. Phosphate starvation induced an increase in the transcription levels of afeI which correlated with an increase in AHL levels. Two afe boxes which could correspond to the AfeR binding sites were identified upstream of the afeI gene. This is the first report of a functional type AI-1 quorum-sensing system in an acidophilic chemolithotrophic microorganism, and our results provide a very interesting opportunity to explore the control and regulation of biofilm formation during the bioleaching process

    Osmotic stress and phosphate limitation alter production of cell-to-cell signal molecules and rhamnolipid biosurfactant by Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

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    International audienceIn Pseudomonas aeruginosa, rhamnolipid production is controlled by the quorum-sensing system RhlRI, which itself depends on LasRI. These systems use cell-to-cell signal molecules: N-butyryl-l-homoserine lactone (C4-HSL) and N-(3-oxododecanoyl)-l-homoserine lactone (3OC(12)-HSL), respectively. Whereas both HSLs were produced in M63 medium, rhamnolipid synthesis was not achieved. Phosphate limitation reduced the HSL concentrations, while allowing rhamnolipid production. Hyperosmotic shock applied during the exponential growth phase stopped the accumulation of 3OC(12)-HSL, and prevented C4-HSL and rhamnolipid production. These defects result from lower expression of genes involved in C4-HSL and rhamnolipid syntheses. The osmoprotectant glycine betaine partially restored C4-HSL and rhamnolipid production

    Thermoregulation of N-Acyl Homoserine Lactone-Based Quorum Sensing in the Soft Rot Bacterium Pectobacterium atrosepticum▿

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    The psychrotolerant bacterium Pectobacterium atrosepticum produces four N-acyl homoserine lactones under a wide range of temperatures. Their thermoregulation differs from that of the exoenzyme production, described as being under quorum-sensing control. A mechanism involved in this thermoregulation consists of controlling N-acyl homoserine lactones synthase production at a transcriptional level

    in press. Investigation of the antifouling constituents from the brown alga Sargassum muticum (Yendo

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    Abstract One of the most promising alternatives to toxic heavy metal-based paints is offered by the development of antifouling coatings in which the active ingredients are compounds naturally occurring in marine organisms and operating as natural antisettlement agents. Sessile marine macroalgae are remarkably free from settlement by fouling organisms. They produce a wide variety of chemically active metabolites in their surroundings, potentially as an aid to protect themselves against other settling organisms. In this study, a dichloromethane extract from the brown seaweed Sargassum muticum was tested in situ and, after 2 months of immersion, showed less fouling organisms on paints in which the extract was included, compared to paints containing only copper after 2 months of immersion. No barnacles or mussels have been observed on the test rack. Identification by NMR and GC/MS of the effective compound revealed the abundance of palmitic acid, a commonly found fatty acid. Pure palmitic acid showed antibacterial activity at 44 µg mL −1 , and also inhibited the growth of the diatom Cylindrotheca closterium at low concentration (EC 50 =45.5 µg mL −1 ), and the germination of Ulva lactuca spores at 3 µg mL −1 . No cytotoxicity was highlighted, which is promising in the aim of the development of an environmentally friendly antifouling paint

    Methylobacterium extorquens AM1 produces a novel type of acyl-homoserine lactone with a double unsaturated side chain under methylotrophic growth conditions

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    AbstractAcyl-homoserine lactones (acyl-HSLs) have emerged as important regulatory molecules for many gram-negative bacteria. We have found that Methylobacterium extorquens AM1, a member of the pink-pigmented facultative methylotrophs commonly present on plant surfaces, produces several acyl-HSLs depending upon the carbon source. A novel HSL was discovered with a double unsaturated carbon chain (N-(tetradecenoyl)) (C14:2) and characterized by MS and proton NMR. This long-chain acyl-HSL is synthesized by MlaI that also directs synthesis of C14:1-HSL. The Alphaproteobacterium also produces N-hexanoyl-HSL (C6-HSL) and N-octanoyl-HSL (C8-HSL) via MsaI