529 research outputs found

    Aspectos inmunogenéticos del HLA-G en el aborto de primer trimestre

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    El objetivo del presente proyecto de tesis doctoral es investigar las moléculas del HLA-G y HLA-E desde el punto de vista inmunogenético en las detenciones espontáneas del embarazo en el primer trimestre de la gestación, puesto que ambos antígenos de histocompatibilidad, según la literatura, tienen un papel fundamental en el establecimiento de la tolerancia materno-fetal y en el mantenimiento del embarazo. Realizan funciones tan importantes como la inmunosupresión de células inmunes maternas para que el feto sea capaz de escapar del ataque del sistema inmunológico materno. Para la determinación de este objetivo utilizamos muestras de cariotipo embrionario normal, donde se desconoce la causa que llevó a la pérdida de la gestación y utilizamos como grupo de referencia las detenciones espontáneas del embarazo donde se obtiene un cariotipo embrionario anormal, suponiendo que en estos casos la causa del aborto es la anomalía cromosómica. Utilizamos también una novedosa técnica de recogida de muestras como es la histeroembrioscopia, donde la obtención del tejido se realiza de una forma pura y con la mínima contaminación materna posible, dando una mayor fiabilidad al cariotipo fetal. Por un lado quisimos determinar la distribución de determinados polimorfismos del HLA-G en nuestra población de estudio, así como la presencia o ausencia de un determinado polimorfismo en muestras de trofoblasto embrionario de pacientes con abortos espontáneos de primer trimestre de cariotipo normal y compararla con los polimorfismos de las pacientes con embarazos de cariotipo anormal. Además, puesto que se cree que es poco probable que un único polimorfismo sea capaz de producir la pérdida de la gestación, realizamos la agrupación de los diferentes polimorfismos encontrados en haplotipos con el objetivo de evaluar la distribución en nuestra población de estudio y compararla con nuestro grupo de referencia. No encontramos diferencias significativas entre los dos grupos de comparación en los distintos aspectos analizados. También, quisimos evaluar el patrón e intensidad de expresión de los antígenos de histocompatibilidad HLA-G y HLA-E en distintos tejidos como trofoblasto embrionario, líquido amniótico y sobrenadantes de medios de cultivo de trofoblasto procedentes de gestaciones detenidas de cariotipo normal y los resultados fueron comparados con los de las muestras de cariotipo anormal. No encontramos diferencias significativas entre los dos grupos de comparación en los distintos aspectos analizados. Por último, quisimos determinar la relación entre los polimorfismos analizados en la región genética del HLA-G, asociados previamente en otros estudios a la alteración de la expresión de HLA-G, así como los haplotipos generados mediante dichos polimorfismos, y la expresión proteica de esta molécula de sistema inmune en la superficie celular del trofoblasto embrionario, para intentar evaluar la influencia que un determinado polimorfismo o un haplotipo puede tener sobre la secreción proteica. No se encontró ninguna asociación entre los polimorfismos del HLA-G y la alteración de su expresión proteica. Así como no se encontró ninguna asociación entre los haplotipos generados conforme a los polimorfismos del HLA-G y la alteración de su expresión proteica.The aim of the present project of doctoral thesis is to investigate the molecules of the HLA-G and HLA-E from the point of view immunogenetic in the spontaneous detentions of the pregnancy in the first trimester of the gestation, since both antigens of histocompatibility, according to the literature, have a fundamental role in the establishment of the mother - foetal tolerance and in the maintenance of the pregnancy. They realize functions as important as the immunosuppression of immune mother cells in order that the fetus is capable of escaping of the assault/attack of the immunological mother system. For this aim we use samples of karyotype embryonic normally, where there is not known the reason that led to the loss of the gestation and we use as group of reference the spontaneous detentions of the pregnancy where there is obtained an embryonic abnormal karyotype, supposing that in these cases the reason of the abortion is the chromosomal anomaly. We use also a new technology of samples collection since it is the hysteroembrioscopic, where the obtaining of the sample is realized of a pure form and with the minimal possible mother pollution, giving a major reliability to the foetal karyotype. On the one hand we wanted to determine the distribution of determined polymorphisms of the HLA-G in our population of study, as well as the presence or absence of a certain polymorphism in samples of trophoblast embryonic of patients with spontaneous abortions of the first trimester of normal karyotype and to compare it with the polymorphisms of the patients with pregnancies of abnormal karyotype. In addition, since it is believed that it is slightly probable that an only polymorphism is capable of producing the loss of the gestation, we grouping different polymorphisms in haplotypes with the aim to evaluate the distribution in our population of study and to compare it with our group of reference. We don`t found significant differences between both groups of comparison in the different analyzed aspects. Also, we wanted to evaluate the presence and intensity of expression of the antigens of histocompatibility HLA-G and HLA-E in different types of samples as trophoblast embryonic, amniotic fluid and supernatant of culture medium of trophoblast proceeding from arrested gestations of normal karyotype and the results were compared with those of the samples of abnormal karyotype. We don`t found significant differences between both groups of comparison in the different analyzed aspects. Finally, we wanted to determine the relation between the polymorphisms analyzed in the genetic region of the HLA-G, associated before in other studies to the alteration of the expression of HLA-G, as well as the haplotypes generated by means of founded polymorphisms, and the expression of this molecule of immune system in the cellular surface of the embryonic trophoblast. That is to said, we wanted to evaluate the influence that a certain polymorphism or haplotypes can have on the superficial molecular secretion. We didn´t find any association between the polymorphisms of the HLA-G and the alteration of his expression. As well as didn´t find any association between the haplotypes generated according to the polymorphisms of the HLA-G and the alteration of his expression

    Hydrogenation of furfural over supported Pd catalysts

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    Lignocellulosic biomass is the most abundant and economical non-fossil carbon source. Furthermore, it is not competitive with the food chain, coming from lignocellulosic wastes including agricultural and food processing, local urban solid and forestry wastes. However, these are made up of complex carbohydrates (mainly, cellulose and hemicellulose), which require to be broken down in their respective monomers. The hemicellulose is mainly composed of pentosans, which, after an initial hydrolysis step, are dehydrated to furfural. Furfural is an important platform molecule, since it has a wide range of applications, being considered the main chemical, aside from bioethanol, obtained from the sugar platform for the synthesis of chemicals, for plastics, agrochemical and pharmaceutical industries. In the present work, the hydrogenation of furfural in gas phase has been studied by using Pd as active phase, and different metal oxides as support, in order to elucidate the influence of the support on the catalytic performance. Furfural can be converted into chemicals with important applications in many different industrial fields. Thus, reduction of furfural can proceed through different pathways depending on the experimental conditions, where the nature of the catalysts plays a key role. In the case of Pd-based catalysts, the main products come from the decarbonylation of furfural.The catalytic results reveals that the nature of the support exerts an important influence on furfural conversion and yield. The highest conversion (92% after 5 h of TOS at 463 K) was attained with a Pd-SiO2 catalyst, with a furan yield of 70 mol%. This catalyst is the most selective to furan and a moderate deactivation is only observed after 5 h reaction. The catalytic performance demonstrates that decarbonylation reaction was the main pathway, although the formation of furfuryl alcohol and 2-methylfuran also suggests that the hydrogenation of the carbonyl group of furfural takes place.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tec

    Nuevos datos sobre la presencia de Coronopus navasii (Brassicaceae) en el Sistema Ibérico

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    New data concerning the presence of Coronopus navasii (Brassicaceae) in the Iberian System. Information on two new localities of Coronopus navasii Pau found in the Iberian System is provided. The conservation status of the species in this geographical area is discussed in the light of the last field work

    Enrofloxacin-based therapeutic strategy for the prevention of endometritis in susceptible mares

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    Enrofloxacin (EFX) is often used empirically to prevent uterine infections in mares in order to improve efficiency on Commercial Embryo Transfer Farms. This study investigated the uterine distribution of EFX and its metabolite ciprofloxacin (CFX) in mares and assessed the minimal inhibitory concentrations (MIC) of EFX against various common pathogens as a basis for establishing a rational dosing schedule. Plasma and uterine pharmacokinetic (PK) studies were performed in two groups (n = 5) of healthy mares following intravenous (i.v.) administration of EFX at either 2.5 and at 5 mg/kg bodyweight. Plasma and endometrial tissue samples, taken before for up to 48 h after treatment were analysed by Reverse Phase HPLC. MIC values for wild strains of Gram-negative (Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa) and Gram-positive bacteria (β-haemolytic streptococci) ranged from 0.25-2 and 1.5-3.0 μg/mL respectively. In terms of tissue distribution, the sum of the endometrial concentrations of the parent drug (EFX) and its active metabolite (CFX) (in terms of AUC), exceeded those in plasma by 249% and 941% following administration of EFX at 2.5 and 5 mg/kg respectively. After i.v. treatment with EFX at 5 mg/kg, endometrial concentrations of EFX and CFX above the MIC value were detected for 36-48 and 22-43 h posttreatment for Gram-negative and -positive isolates respectively. Concentrations above MIC were maintained for much shorter periods at the lower (2.5 mg/kg) treatment dose. Based on these results, a conventional dose (5 mg/kg) of EFX given prebreeding followed by two further doses at 36-48 h postbreeding are proposed as a rational strategy for using of EFX as a preventative therapy against a variety of common bacterial strains associated with equine endometritis.Fil: González, C. Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias. Departamento de Fisiopatología. Laboratorio de Farmacología; ArgentinaFil: Moreno, L.. Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias. Departamento de Fisiopatología. Laboratorio de Farmacología; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Fumuso, E..Fil: García, J..Fil: Rivulgo, M..Fil: Confalonieri, A..Fil: Sparo, M..Fil: Sánchez Bruni, S.

    Forecasting the circum-Mediterranean firs (Abies spp., Pinaceae) distribution: an assessment of a threatened conifers' group facing climate change in the twenty-first century

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    This study examines 10 different taxa within the genus Abies identified in the circum-Mediterranean area: A. alba, A. borisii-regis, A. cephalonica, A. cilicica, A. nebrodensis, A. nordmanniana subsp. equi-trojani, A. nordmanniana subsp. nordmanniana, A. numidica, A. pinsapo var. marocana and A. pinsapo var. pinsapo. We assess the potential distribution of these species in the Mediterranean Basin, most of Central-Northern Europe and Asia Minor through analysis of 8 bioclimatic variables. First, the potential distribution (suitability area) was calculated with Biomod2 package for R using 10 algorithms. Models were ensembled for the present period and then projected into two climate change scenarios (an intermediate and the most extreme) within two time slices (2041-2060 and 2081-2100) and two Global Circulation Models (GCMs). The analysis showed an increase in total suitable area under both forecasted scenarios. Abies spp. appeared to be resilient against climate change, showing a latitudinal and longitudinal migration trend in response to the loss of current habitats. A proposal of assisted migration (managed relocation) is suggested as an interesting alternative to guarantee the preservation of the most endangered species by promoting the establishment of new populations outside of their historical distribution area.The authors are grateful to the project financed by FEDER, Junta de Andalucía-Consejería de Economía y Conocimiento. Code: UHU-1262837. Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Córdoba / CBUA

    Estudio de los recursos de intervención psicosocial en violencia de género en Palma de Mallorca

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    El trabajo realiza un análisis crítico y propone alguna recomendaciones, de cara al perfeccionamiento de los recursos disponibles en Palma de Mallorca, para la atención de las victimas de violencia de Género.Se desarrolla a partir de los métodos de cualitativos de la investigación como la entrevista, la observación participante y del análisis del contenido. Los que han hecho posible profundizar en el conocimiento de las representaciones, valoraciones y vivencias de los profesionales que laboran en los recursos investigados. Como resultado se aporta un cuerpo de indicadores que dan cuenta del estado actual de estos recursos y sus perspectivas de futur

    A Disruptive Educational Project in Secondary Education. The Case of IES Cartagines.

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    The project presented here arises from the new educational needs that emanate from the changes taking place in the social, cultural, political, and economic spheres. The boundaries of formal education, as it has been understood until now, are being breached by new forms of learning, communication, and relationships, which are claiming their place in educational institutions. This is particularly relevant at the level of secondary education where the boundaries of conventional cultural and social systems are constantly being overwhelmed by these new realities (Fernández Enguita, 2016). This makes it necessary to rethink the systems of teaching and working in the educational system. Students at this educational level have a profile and resources closely linked to the knowmadic society (Cobo, 2016, Movarec, 2008), in which there is less and less sense in a teaching model based mainly on the unidirectional transmission of knowledge (Downes, 2017). This, in interaction with families, teachers and other educational agents, generates a world of conflicts of various kinds: curricular, social, attitudinal and expectations, etc.Ministerio de Economía y competitividad. RT2018-097144-b- 100 Uma20-FEDERIA-121 Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Accuracy and Survival Outcomes after National Implementation of Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy in Early Stage Endometrial Cancer

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    Accuracy; Sentinel lymph node biopsy; Endometrial cancerPrecisión; Biopsia del ganglio linfático centinela; Cáncer de endometrioPrecisió; Biòpsia del gangli limfàtic sentinella; Càncer d'endometriBackground Sentinel lymph node (SLN) biopsy has recently been accepted to evaluate nodal status in endometrial cancer at early stage, which is key to tailoring adjuvant treatments. Our aim was to evaluate the national implementation of SLN biopsy in terms of accuracy to detect nodal disease in a clinical setting and oncologic outcomes according to the volume of nodal disease. Patients and Methods A total of 29 Spanish centers participated in this retrospective, multicenter registry including patients with endometrial adenocarcinoma at preoperative early stage who had undergone SLN biopsy between 2015 and 2021. Each center collected data regarding demographic, clinical, histologic, therapeutic, and survival characteristics. Results A total of 892 patients were enrolled. After the surgery, 12.9% were suprastaged to FIGO 2009 stages III–IV and 108 patients (12.1%) had nodal involvement: 54.6% macrometastasis, 22.2% micrometastases, and 23.1% isolated tumor cells (ITC). Sensitivity of SLN biopsy was 93.7% and false negative rate was 6.2%. After a median follow up of 1.81 years, overall surivial and disease-free survival were significantly lower in patients who had macrometastases when compared with patients with negative nodes, micrometastases or ITC. Conclusions In our nationwide cohort we obtained high sensitivity of SLN biopsy to detect nodal disease. The oncologic outcomes of patients with negative nodes and low-volume disease were similar after tailoring adjuvant treatments. In total, 22% of patients with macrometastasis and 50% of patients with micrometastasis were at low risk of nodal metastasis according to their preoperative risk factors, revealing the importance of SLN biopsy in the surgical management of patients with early stage EC.Open Access Funding provided by Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona

    Esters of Cinnamic Acid as Green Plasticizers for Polylactide Formulations with Improved Ductility

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    [EN] This study demonstrates the potential of different cinnamate esters, namely methyl trans-cinnamate (MC), isobutyl cinnamate (IBC), allyl cinnamate (AC), and ethyl cinnamate (EC), as environmentally friendly plasticizers for polylactide (PLA). Plasticized PLA formulations with a constant nominal wt% of 20 of each plasticizer are compounded in a twin-screw co-rotating extruder and subsequently processed by injection molding. The results show exceptional plasticization efficiency of AC with an increase in elongation at break from 3.9% (neat PLA), up to 339.4% and a remarkable increase in impact strength, thus showing great potential to overcome the main drawback related to PLA intrinsic brittleness. The incorporation of cinnamates in a PLA matrix leads to a decrease in Tg from 61.7 °C down to 36.1 °C for the plasticized PLA formulation containing 20 wt% AC. Thermogravimetry analysis reveals that a slight plasticizer loss occurs during processing, as it happens with other monomeric plasticizers, but this phenomenon does not limit their plasticization efficiency. Therefore, the results obtained in this study confirm the suitability of a new family of organic compounds derived from the esterification of cinnamic acid as green plasticizers for PLA with improved toughness, with comparable, or even superior, ductile properties of typical plasticizers for PLA.This research is a part of the grant PID2020-116496RB-C22, funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and the grant TED2021-131762A-I00, funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and by the European Union "NextGenerationEU"/PRTR. Authors also thank Generalitat Valenciana-GVA for funding this research through the grant numbers AICO/2021/025 and CIGE/2021/094. Funding for open access charge: Universitat Politecnica de Valencia. Funded with Aid for First Research Projects (PAID-06-22), Vice-rectorate for Research of the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia (UPV). JaumeGomez-Caturla wants to thank Generalitat Valenciana-GVA, for his FPI grant(ACIF/2021/185) and grant FPU20/01732 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and by ESF Investing in your future. Juan Ivorra-Martinez wants to thank FPU19/01759 grant funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and by ESF Investing in your future. Virginia Moreno wants to thank Generalitat Valenciana-GVA for funding a postdoc position through the APOSTD program co-funded by ESF Investing in your future, grant number CIAPOS/2021/67. D. Lascano acknowledge the Margarita Salas postdoctoral grant from the Ministerio de Universidades, Spain, funded by the European Union-Next Generation EU. Microscopy Services at UPV are also acknowledged by their help in collecting and analyzing images. Open access funding provided by Universitat Politecnica de Valencia within the CRUE/UNIRIS gold Agreement.Barandiaran, A.; Gómez-Caturla, J.; Ivorra-Martinez, J.; Lascano-Aimacaña, DS.; Sellés, M.; Moreno-García, V.; Fenollar, O. (2023). Esters of Cinnamic Acid as Green Plasticizers for Polylactide Formulations with Improved Ductility. Macromolecular Materials and Engineering. 308(8). https://doi.org/10.1002/mame.202300022308