410 research outputs found

    Response to waterlogging and drought of timothy and related Phleum species: phenotype and transcriptome diversity

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    Timothy (Phleum pratense) is a cool-season perennial forage grass commonly used in temperate regions for silage, hay and grazing. Climate change is causing abiotic stresses on agriculture and there is an increasing need for tolerant cultivars. To expand the gene pool for breeding stress-tolerant cultivars, the diversity in natural populations can be exploited. One goal of this study was to understand the diversity of plant traits among a set of Phleum accessions in response to waterlogging and drought stress. A second goal was to identify accessions with putative beneficial traits based on their responses in growth, development, anatomy, and transcriptome. Diversity in biomass and development was evaluated in the field and in a greenhouse for a large collection of 244 wild and domesticated accessions of timothy and two related species, turf timothy (P. nodosum) and alpine timothy (P. alpinum), from different locations and habitats in Europe. Large diversity was found between species and accessions. The groups of wild accessions and cultivars of P. pratense differed in development, but not in biomass. The same pattern was found for P. nodosum. A subset of 19 wild accessions and cultivars from the large collection, were studied in a greenhouse for physiological responses to 21 days of waterlogging, and to 28 days of drought followed by a recovery period. The Phleum species and accessions differed in their response to waterlogging and drought and in their ability to recover. Under waterlogging, some accessions had beneficial adaptations in root growth and aerenchyma formation in roots that were positive for shoot biomass production. In drought, shoot growth was severely affected, but P. nodosum had a greater ability to produce tillers than P. pratense. Based on indexes for drought stress tolerance and resilience, some wild accessions appeared to be more tolerant and to have better recovery. Interestingly, one wild P. pratense accession appeared to have tolerance to both waterlogging and drought. Eight accessions were further investigated for transcriptional responses to waterlogging and drought. Clear differences in the expression pattern due to stress were observed, and abundant tissue-specific (leaf or root) expression to stress was found. Differentially expressed genes (DEGs) associated with stress responses, transport, hormone biosynthesis were found in response to waterlogging and drought. In all three species, DEGs were mainly accession specific. Interestingly, in P. pratense, a wild accession and an old cultivar shared 56 DEGs under drought and showed a similar phenotypic response. The knowledge gained on the diversity of trait responses and transcriptome, together with the identified accessions, are valuable resources for further pre-breeding and development of stress-resilient cultivars

    Mejoramiento de la gestión de micro, pequeñas y medianas empresas del sector del turismo vitivinícola

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    Fil: Moreno, Silvana. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas


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    El espacio virtual simboliza el paradigma que tiende a ser dominante en el mundo actual, tendencia que se materializa en la creciente emergencia de mecanismos y procedimientos que virtualizan las dinámicas sociales. Esta tendencia que no es ajena al escenario educativo, paulatinamente va alterando sus lógicas organizativas, académicas y pedagógicas en torno a la virtualización de las prácticas de enseñanza y de aprendizaje. Estos procesos dan lugar a la configuración de una opción pedagógica diferente de la educación convencional, la enseñanza virtual. Los rasgos que singularizan a esta modalidad educativa suponen la emergencia de nuevos roles del docente y del estudiante. En este sentido, es objetivo de la investigación analizar las variaciones que definen la docencia virtual. Para este propósito, desde una lógica cualitativa se indagan las prácticas de enseñanza de los docentes tutores de una carrera que se desarrolla mediante modalidad virtual. Los resultados preliminares permiten considerar que las mutaciones del rol docente se analizan desde tres niveles: un nivel macro-institucional, un nivel micro-mediacional, y un nivel meso-interactivo

    PSP vdc: propuesta de adaptación del proceso de software personal para incorporar dise

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    Este trabajo presenta una solución para la aplicación simultánea de un subconjunto de reglas contextuales (un formalismo de reescritura para el análisis y etiquetado de segmentos de texto), basada en técnicas de estado finito. Esta solución implica la definición de un nuevo tipo de autómatas finitos, los transductores sobre estructuras atributo-valor y el álgebra de expresiones regulares asociada a ellos. La aplicación de las reglas sobre un texto de entrada se modela como una cascada de reemplazos basados en segmentos del texto y el contexto en que aparecen

    Mercado informal e género: A importância das Rabidantes para o desenvolvimento de Cabo Verde

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    Cabo Verde, um pequeno país insular, tem revelado capacidades para agendar e elaborar políticas públicas capazes de fazer face aos problemas de desenvolvimento. Contudo, partilha semelhanças estruturais com os restantes países da África Subsariana. Entre estes destacam-se problemas sociais como o desemprego, a pobreza e as desigualdades de género. Esta investigação de carácter empírico pretende analisar o papel das mulheres no desenvolvimento regional, sob a perspetiva de conceitos como género, mercado informal e economia alternativa, com especial atenção a temas selecionados como economia social e economia solidária. Consequentemente, foi realizado um levantamento de fatores sociais que podem influenciar o padrão de financiamento dos mercados informais. O estudo de caso pretendeu compreender o papel que as empresárias informais, ou Rabidantes, desempenham tanto no apoio às suas famílias como no desenvolvimento da sociedade cabo-verdiana. A análise e a pesquisa basearam-se em alguns dos aspetos fundamentais da realidade cabo-verdiana, nomeadamente: a exclusão social e a pobreza; a monoparentalidade e o abandono da família por parte dos homens; o acesso ao trabalho; o tipo de trabalho que é desempenhado; e as perspetivas pessoais. A pesquisa aponta que mulher cabo-verdiana encontra algumas barreiras na integração no mercado de trabalho e na sociedade em geral, surgindo a atividade informal de Rabidantes como sendo capaz de proporcionar uma nova forma de sustento e independência, além de proporcionar autoestima e a confiança.Cape Verde, a small island state, has demonstrated the capacity to design effective public policies aimed at handling development. However, it shares structural problems similar to other Sub-Saharan African countries. Among these are social issues such as unemployment, poverty, and gender inequality. This empirical research aims at analyzing the role of women in regional development based in concepts such as informal trade, alternative economy (with particular attention to selected themes such as social economy and solidarity economy), and gender. A list of social factors that may influence the funding pattern of informal trade was established. This work aimed to understand the role that women acting as informal entrepreneurs, or Rabidantes, play in supporting their families and how they contribute to the transformation of the Cape Verdean society. Some of the fragilities of the Cape Verdean reality were considered, namely social exclusion and poverty, single parenthood and the abandonment of the family by men, difficulties of access to work and paid labor, and personal perspectives. The research points out that Cape Verdean women overpass some of the barriers to integration into the labor market and society in general by performing the informal activity of Rabidantes. This activity provides them a new form of livelihood and independence, combined with self-esteem and confidence

    Correlación entre características mamográficas y anatomopatológicas de pacientes con cáncer de mama en el Hospital de Emergencias Grau 2012-2018

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    El cáncer de mama es la patología oncológica de mayor importancia en mujeres mayores de 50 años, puesto que su alta frecuencia e importante tasa de mortalidad, han convertido a esta patología en objeto de múltiples estudios enfocados a la prevención, diagnóstico temprano y tratamiento precoz. Aun así, sigue siendo la primera causa de muerte en pacientes oncológicos en Europa, América y en nuestro país

    “GÊNERO” NOS PLANOS NACIONAIS DE EDUCAÇÃO (2001 E 2014): discursos antifeministas e inflexões nos processos decisórios

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    Education plans, national, state and municipal, have been an important object of political dispute in recent years in Brazil and a terrain of strong action by anti-feminist movements and discourses. This has a form of reaction to the organization and results achieved by feminist struggles, specifically the emergence and uses of the concept of gender in international and national politics. The purpose of this article is to understand the stages in the preparation of the 2014 National Education Plan, identifying the moments of inflection in the process, and unveil the ruptures and continuities related to gender issues between the 2014-2024 PNE and its precedent, specifically in what it concerns issues of gender, sexuality and sexual orientation. The study is based on a literature review and documentary research. We found that advances in discussions on educational policies with a gender perspective occurred in moments of participation of civil society and social movements, and that the main moments of inflection occurred in institutional instances of political power. We conclude by the importance of strengthening democratic participation for the advances, or preservation of achievements, related to gender issues.Los planes educativos, nacionales, estatales y municipales, han sido un importante objeto de disputa política en los últimos años en Brasil y un terreno de fuerte acción de movimientos y discursos antifeministas. Esto tiene una forma de reacción a la organización y los resultados logrados por las luchas feministas, específicamente el surgimiento y usos del concepto de género en la política internacional y nacional. El propósito de este artículo es comprender las etapas en la elaboración del Plan Nacional de Educación 2014, identificando los momentos de inflexión en el proceso, y develar las rupturas y continuidades en materia de género entre el PNE 2014-2024 y su precedente, específicamente en lo que se refiere a cuestiones de género, sexualidad y orientación sexual. El estudio se basa en una revisión de la literatura y una investigación documental. Encontramos que los avances en las discusiones sobre políticas educativas con perspectiva de género ocurrieron en momentos de participación de la sociedad civil y los movimientos sociales y que los principales momentos de inflexión ocurrieron en instancias institucionales del poder político. Concluimos con la importancia de fortalecer la participación democrática para el avance o preservación de logros relacionados con la temática de género.Os planos de educação, nacional, estaduais e municipais, foram importante objeto de disputa política em anos recentes no Brasil e terreno de forte atuação de movimentos e discursos antifeministas. Esta tem disso uma forma de reação à organização e aos resultados alcançados pelas lutas feministas, especificamente à emergência e usos do conceito de gênero na política internacional e nacional. O objetivo deste artigo  é  compreender as etapas da elaboração do Plano Nacional de Educação de 2014, identificando os momentos de inflexão do processo, e desvendar as rupturas e continuidades relativas às questões de gênero entre o PNE 2014-2024 e seu precedente,  especificamente no que diz respeito às questões de gênero, sexualidade e orientação sexual. O estudo está baseado em revisão bibliográfica e pesquisa documental. Constatamos que os avanços nas discussões sobre políticas educacionais com perspectiva de gênero ocorreram nos momentos de participação da sociedade civil e dos movimentos sociais e que os principais momentos de inflexão ocorreram nas instâncias institucionais do poder político. Concluímos pela importância do fortalecimento da participação democrática para os avanços, ou conservação das conquistas, relativas às questões de gênero

    Phenotypic Diversity in Domesticated and Wild Timothy Grass, and Closely Related Species for Forage Breeding

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    Timothy grass (Phleum pratense L.) is one of the most important forage crops in temperate regions. Forage production, however, faces many challenges, and new cultivars adapted to a changing climate are needed. Wild populations and relatives of timothy may serve as valuable genetic resources in the breeding of improved cultivars. The aim of our study is to provide knowledge about the phenotypic diversity in domesticated (cultivars, breeding lines and landraces) and wild timothy and two closely related species, P. nodosum (lowland species) and P. alpinum, (high altitude species) to identify potential genetic resources. A total of 244 accessions of timothy and the two related species were studied for growth (plant height, fresh and dry weight) and plant development (days to stem elongation, days to booting and days to heading) in the field and in a greenhouse. We found a large diversity in development and growth between the three Phleum species, as well as between the accessions within each species. Timothy showed the highest growth, but no significant difference was found between wild accessions and cultivars of timothy in fresh and dry weight. However, these two groups of accessions showed significant differences in plant development, where timothy cultivars as a group reached flowering earlier than the wild accessions. This suggests that there has not been a strong directional selection towards increased yield during the domestication and breeding of timothy; rather, timothy has been changed for other traits such as earlier heading. Principal component analysis and cluster analysis based on all traits revealed distinct clusters. Accessions falling within the same cluster showed similarities in the development and growth rather than the type of accession. The large diversity found in this study shows the potential of using timothy accessions as genetic resources in crosses with existing cultivars. Also, accessions of P. nodosum with favorable traits can be candidates for the domestication of a novel forage crop, and the high-altitude relative P. alpinum may be a source of genes for the development of more cold and stresstolerant cultivars

    Percepciones de los estudiantes de inglés de la Licenciatura en Lenguas Modernas de la PUJ sobre el impacto de la relación profesor-alumno en su rendimiento académico

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    El presente proyecto de investigación pretende identificar las percepciones de los estudiantes de inglés de la Licenciatura en Lenguas Modernas (LLM) de la Pontificia Universidad Javeriana (PUJ) sobre el impacto de la relación profesor-alumno en el desempeño académico de los estudiantes. Para averiguarlo se aplicaron dos instrumentos, una encuesta a la muestra total (cien estudiantes) y una entrevista a profundidad a veinticinco de ellos (seleccionados aleatoriamente).This research project aims to identify the perceptions of English students of the Bachelor's in Modern Languages (LLM) of the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana (PUJ) about the teacher-student relationship's impact on students' academic achievement. Two instruments were applied to the participant students. The total sample (one hundred students) was surveyed, and twenty five of them (randomly selected) were interviewed.Licenciado (a) en Lenguas ModernasPregrad

    Response to Waterlogging Stress in Wild and Domesticated Accessions of Timothy (Phleum pratense) and Its Relatives P. alpinum and P. nodosum

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    Timothy (Phleum pratense) is a cool-season perennial forage grass widely grown for silage and hay production in northern regions. Climate change scenarios predict an increase in extreme weather events with fluctuating periods of high rainfall, requiring new varieties adapted to waterlogging (WL). Wild accessions could serve as germplasm for breeding, and we evaluated the responses of 11 wild and 8 domesticated accessions of timothy, P. nodosum and P. alpinum from different locations in northern Europe. Young plants at tillering stage were exposed to WL for 21 days in a greenhouse, and responses in growth allocation and root anatomy were studied. All accessions produced adventitious roots and changed allocation of growth between shoot and root as a response to WL, but the magnitude of these responses varied among species and among accessions. P. pratense responded less in these traits in response to WL than the other two species. The ability to form aerenchyma in the root cortex in response to WL was found for all species and also varied among species and among accessions, with the highest induction in P. pratense. Interestingly, some accessions were able to maintain and even increase root growth, producing more leaves and tillers, while others showed a reduction in the root system. Shoot dry weight (SDW) was not significantly affected by WL, but some accessions showed different and significant responses in the rate of production of leaves and tillers. Overall correlations between SDW and aerenchyma and between SDW and adventitious root formation were found. This study identified two wild timothy accessions and one wild P. nodosum accession based on shoot and root system growth, aerenchyma formation and having a root anatomy considered to be favorable for WL tolerance. These accessions are interesting genetic resources and candidates for development of climate-resilient timothy varieties