2,777 research outputs found

    Analysis of the Creep and the Influence on the Modulus Improvement Factor (MIF) in Polyolefin Geocells Using the Stepped Isothermal Method

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    The article shows the analysis of the behavior at long-term deformation of geocells for a set time period, due to its importance on the modulus improvement factor (MIF), which is considered in the design stage of a reinforced pavement structure with geocells. When inquiring into the research about the structural behavior that exists in the geocells, as well as the distribution of stresses that this generates, in order to determine how important the existence of a deformation in the geocell is. We proceeded with the sampling and execution of the test “modified stepped isothermal method (SIM) for geocells.” The test was carried out under the comparison of the materials and thicknesses of the sample, with the purpose to analyze the influence on the behavior of a pavement structure. The stresses generated at the level of the granular subbase layer of a pavement are taken into account as load effects

    Métodos de pronóstico de cosecha para el cultivo del café Coffea arábica l. en Colombia. una revisión bibliográfica

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    La caficultura es un pilar fundamental de la economía agrícola nacional, labor que depende del trabajo de cientos de pequeños productores que en su mayoría son quienes aportan la mayor cantidad de producción de café en el país, sin embargo, para estas pequeñas áreas de cultivo, el acceso a tecnologías con el objetivo de aumentar la productividad y rendimiento de los cultivos no ha sido efectivo por diversas situaciones de origen social, ambiental o político. La transferencia de tecnología ha sido lenta, y se ha limitado la incorporación de técnicas de manejo para aumentar la productividad, tal es el caso del uso de los pronósticos de cosecha, que tiene como objetivo realizar una estimación aproximada del volumen productivo del cafetal o de una cosecha en particular, este es un método que facilita la toma de decisiones, el manejo de los recursos y la gestión general de actividad cafetera. Existen diversos métodos para realizar una estimación de la cosecha, de los cuales se tomaron los más representativos en el país, y algunos de los más utilizados a nivel internacional con el fin de describir y analizar su funcionalidad, este trabajo tiene como objetivo realizar una comparación de los diferentes métodos de pronóstico de cosecha para el café. Palabras Clave: Pronostico, Cosecha, Estimación, Producción.Coffee farming is a fundamental pillar of the national agricultural economy, a task that depends on the work of hundreds of small producers, most of whom are the ones who contribute the largest amount of coffee production in the country, however, for these small cultivation areas, access to technologies with the aim of increasing crop productivity and yields has not been effective due to various situations of social, environmental, or political origin. Technology transfer has been slow, and the incorporation of management techniques to increase productivity has been limited, such as the use of harvest forecasts, which aims to make an approximate estimate of the productive volume of the coffee plantation or a particular harvest, this is a method that facilitates decision-making, resource management and the general management of the coffee activity. There are several methods to estimate the harvest, of which the most representative in the country were taken, and some of the most used internationally in order to describe and analyze their functionality, this work aims to make a comparison of the different harvest forecasting methods for coffee. Keywords: Forecast, Harvest, Estimation, Production

    Time Series Heterogeneous Co-execution on CPU+GPU

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    Time series motif (similarities) and discords discovery is one of the most important and challenging problems nowadays for time series analytics. We use an algorithm called “scrimp” that excels in collecting the relevant information of time series by reducing the computational complexity of the searching. Starting from the sequential algorithm we develop parallel alternatives based on a variety of scheduling policies that target different computing devices in a system that integrates a CPU multicore and an embedded GPU. These policies are named Dynamic -using Intel TBB- and Static -using C++11 threads- when targeting the CPU, and they are compared to a heterogeneous adaptive approach named LogFit -using Intel TBB and OpenCL- when targeting the co-execution on the CPU and GPU.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Desarrollo de un exoesqueleto para la rehabilitación del movimiento flexo-extensor del codo

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    En este trabajo de investigación se presenta el desarrollo de un dispositivo electro-mecánico para la rehabilitación del movimiento flexor-extensor del codo con potencial rehabilitatorio. Para la elaboración de este prototipo se diseñó y construyó una articulación del codo el cual permite realizar movimientos de 0° a 120°. El diseño del sistema de engranaje se realizó utilizando el software Solid Edge a partir de una selección previa del motor de paso que ofreciera el torque suficiente para lograr la flexión y extensión del codo, seguidamente para la construcción de este sistema se utilizó una impresión 3D en PLA. Dicho sistema se acoplo a un sistema estabilizador de brazo con bisagra. El prototipo se opera desde un aplicativo software en Android utilizando el IDE MITapp inventor, que le envía la angulación deseada a un dispositivo arduino el cual implementa un sistema de control digital. Para mejorar la percepción de la terapia con el exoesqueleto se elaboró un aplicativo software de telerehabilitación utilizando el IDE processing y el dispositivo de reconocimiento corporal Kinect, el cual guía al paciente en una terapia interactiva donde realizan la rehabilitación del movimiento de flexión y extensión guiando un objeto virtual de un ángulo a otro.In this research work, the development of an electro-mechanical device for the rehabilitation of the flexor-extensor movement of the elbow with rehabilitative potential is presented. For the development of this prototype, an elbow joint was designed and built which allows movements from 0 ° to 120 °. The design of the gear system was carried out using Solid Edge software from a previous selection of the step motor that offered enough torque to achieve flexion and extension of the elbow, then for the construction of this system a 3D printing was used in PLA. This system was coupled to a hinged arm stabilizer system. The prototype is operated from a software application on Android using the IDE MITapp inventor, which sends the desired angulation to an Arduino device which implements a digital control system. To improve the perception of exoskeleton therapy, a telerehabilitation software application was developed using IDE processing and a Kinect body recognition device, which guides the patient in an interactive therapy where they perform the rehabilitation of flexion and extension movement by guiding a virtual object from one angle to another

    Textural Characteristics and Energetic Parameters of Activated Carbon Monoliths: Experiments and Monte Carlo Simulations

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    Disc-type activated carbon monoliths were prepared through chemical activation of coconut shell and African palm pits with phosphoric acid at different concentrations, without using any binder. The structures thereby produced were studied experimentally by nitrogen adsorption at 77 K, carbon dioxide adsorption at 273 K and immersion calorimetry in benzene. The experimental data allowed the textural and energetic characterization of the microporous solids to be obtained, viz. BET areas between 752 and 1711 m2/g,micropore volumes between 0.32 and 0.61 cm3/g, ultramicropore volumes between 0.11 and 0.24 cm3/g and immersion enthalpy values between 95.85 and 147.7 J/g. Grand Canonical Monte Carlo (GCMC) simulations were used to analyze the experimental results, providing an interpretation of, as well as a more detailed characterization, of the textural properties, such as the determination of the pore-size distribution (PSD) of each material.Fil: Vargas, Diana P.. Universidad Nacional de Colombia; ColombiaFil: Alexandre de Oliveira, José Carlos. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico San Luis. Instituto de Física Aplicada; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de San Luis; ArgentinaFil: Giraldo, Liliana. Universidad Nacional de Colombia; ColombiaFil: Moreno Piraján, Juan Carlos. Universidad de Los Andes; VenezuelaFil: López, Raúl Horacio. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico San Luis. Instituto de Física Aplicada; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de San Luis; ArgentinaFil: Zgrablich, Jorge Andres. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico San Luis. Instituto de Física Aplicada; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de San Luis; Argentin

    Ruta de emprendimiento rural para el Municipio de San Pedro de los Milagros – Antioquia.

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    El emprendimiento se ha convertido en una mega tendencia a nivel mundial, que ha impactado la vida social, política y sobretodo, la vida económica de los seres humanos. Se ha pasado de un capitalismo administrativo a un capitalismo emprendedor donde los protagonistas son las pequeñas y medianas empresas con gran potencial innovador y la noción de emprendimiento ocupa un lugar central en el motor de desarrollo económico, siendo un tema crucial de estudio tanto para la academia y para las mismas políticas públicas. Es así, como se planteó de proyecto aplicado “Ruta de emprendimiento rural para el Municipio de San Pedro –Antioquia”, donde se identifican las necesidades del municipio, teniendo en cuenta que el emprendimiento es un factor clave para el desarrollo económico y social de las comunidades rurales siguiendo los lineamientos del DNP y el marco normativo vigente en cuanto a la formulación de proyectos de inversión pública. Para el diseño de la Ruta de Emprendimiento Rural del Municipio de San Pedro de los Milagros, se utilizaron los estándares de la gestión de proyectos del PMBOK 6 Edición, en la elaboración del acta de constitución del proyecto, plan para la dirección del proyecto, EDT, gestión de las comunicaciones, gestión de los riesgos, gestión de los recursos y gestión de los interesados del proyecto. El tipo de investigación para el desarrollo del proyecto aplicado es cuantitativa descriptiva debido a que se utilizaron como técnica para recoger información un cuestionario electrónico que permitió caracterizar las necesidades de los emprendedores. Además, para la verificación de hipótesis teóricas e insumo para el diseño de la ruta de emprendimiento rural del Municipio. Finalmente, con el desarrollo de esta propuesta se creó una ruta que, de manera asertiva, conduce a la creación de micro, pequeña, mediana y famiempresas en el sector rural del municipio antioqueño que ayuda a dinamizar la economía local generando empleo, ingresos que se traducen en calidad de vida de los habitantes y empresas formales que aumentan el recaudo de impuesto municipal y por ende la posibilidad de aumentar el gasto público en proyectos de inversión social.Entrepreneurship has become a mega trend worldwide, which has impacted the social, political and especially the economic life of human beings. It has gone from administrative capitalism to entrepreneurial capitalism where the protagonists are small and medium sized companies with a great innovative potential. The idea of entrepreneurship takes an important place in the development of the economic, being a crucial subject of study for both academic and public policies. This is how the applied project "Rural Entrepreneurship Route for the Municipality of San Pedro - Antioquia" was proposed. Where the needs of the municipality are identified, having in mind that entrepreneurship is a key factor for the economic and social development of the rural communities following the guidelines of the National Development Plan and the current regulatory framework regarding to the formulation of public investment projects. For the design of the Rural Entrepreneurship Route of the Municipality of San Pedro de los Milagros, the project management body of knowledge 6 Edition was used in the preparation of the project constitution act; plan for the project management called work breakdown structure. And also for communication management, risk management, resource management and project stake holder management. The type of research for the development of the applied project is descriptive quantitative because an electronic questionnaire was used as a technique to collect information allowing to characterize the needs of the entrepreneurs for the verification of theoretical hypotheses and input for the design of the rural entrepreneurship route of the Municipality. Finally, with the development of this proposal, a successful route was created. Which leads to the creation of micro, small, medium and family businesses in the rural sector of the Antioquia municipality that helps to boost the local economy by generating employment, a new income that it is understand as a better quality of life for the inhabitants and also for the formal companies that can increase the collection of municipal taxes as well as the possibility of increase public spending on social investment projects

    Economic impact of the first pass effect in mechanical thrombectomy for acute ischaemic stroke treatment in Spain: a cost-effectiveness analysis from the national health system perspective

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    Health economics; Neuroradiology; StrokeEconomia de la salut; Neuroradiologia; IctusEconomía de la Salud; Neurorradiología; IctusObjective The mechanical thrombectomy (MT) benefit is related to the degree of reperfusion achieved. First pass effect (FPE) is defined as complete/near revascularisation of the large-vessel occlusion (modified Thrombolysis in Cerebral Infarction (mTICI) 2c-3) after a single device pass. This study assessed the health benefit and economic impact of achieving FPE for acute ischaemic stroke (AIS) patients from the Spanish National Health System (NHS) perspective. Design A lifetime Markov model was used to estimate incremental costs and health outcomes (measured in quality-adjusted life-years (QALYs)) of patients that achieve FPE. A subanalysis of the Systematic Evaluation of Patients Treated With Neurothrombectomy Devices for Acute Ischaemic Stroke (STRATIS) registry was performed to obtain clinical outcomes. The base case included all patients that achieved at least a final mTICI ≥2 b, while the alternative scenario included all patients regardless of their final mTICI (0–3). Treatment costs were updated to reflect current practice based on expert panel consensus, while other acute and long-term costs were obtained from a previous cost-effectiveness analysis of MT performed in Spain. Sensitivity analyses were performed to assess the model’s robustness. Setting Spanish healthcare perspective. Participants AIS patients in Spain. Interventions FPE following MT. Outcome measures The model estimated QALYs, lifetime costs and net monetary benefit for the FPE and non-FPE group, depending on the inclusion of reperfusion groups and formal care costs. Results STRATIS subanalysis estimated significantly better clinical outcomes at 90 days for the FPE group in all scenarios. In the base case, the model estimated lifetime cost saving per patient of €16 583 and an incremental QALY gain of 1.2 years of perfect health for the FPE group. Cost savings and QALY gains were greater in the alternative scenario (-€44 289; 1.75). In all scenarios, cost savings were driven by the long-term cost reduction. Conclusion Achieving FPE after MT can lead to better health outcomes per AIS patient and important cost savings for the Spanish NHS.This study was sponsored by Medtronic

    Propuesta estratégica de mejora en la implementación de los estándares mínimos del Sistema de Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo (SG-SST) en la empresa Cruz Verde Colombia para el año 2020

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    El enfoque de este trabajo es valorar el sistema de gestión de seguridad y salud en el trabajo SGSST implementado en la empresa Cruz Verde, por medio de la autoevaluación en el diligenciamiento de la matriz de estándares mínimos, describiendo en un informe las condiciones actuales, identificando los posibles riesgos a los que están expuestos los colaboradores en las diferentes áreas, y de esta forma obtener un serie de resultados que permitan proponer acciones de mejora en pro de la prevención y mitigación de los riesgos laborales para dar cumplimiento a la normatividad legal vigente.The focus of this work is to assess the SGSST occupational health and safety management system implemented in the Cruz Verde company, through the self-assessment in the completion of the minimum standards matrix, describing in a report the current conditions, identifying the possible risks to which the collaborators are exposed in the different areas, and thus obtain a series of results that allow proposing improvement actions in favor of the prevention and mitigation of occupational risks in order to comply with current legal regulations