307 research outputs found

    Análise de conteúdo do relatório final da Comissão Parlamentar De Inqúerito – CPI do leite da ALE/RO a partir do paradigma estrutura-conduta-desempenho

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    This study conducted a content analysis on the final report of the Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry - CPI Legislative Assembly Rondônia investigating possible price-fixing in the milk chain in Rondônia. The research was based on the paradigm Structure-Conduct-Performance (SCP) addressed by Theory of Industrial Organization. The Productive Chain of dairy farming is a major socio-economic activities of Rondônia, and any relationship problem between productive agents can result in reducing their competitiveness. The theory of industrial organization which seeks to analyze the current market structure in a particular industry (sector), where the behavior of agents present in the industry and the performance of this segment in view of the structure and behavior of agents. A comparative critical analysis of the Final Report of the CPI on the work developed by the committee with the paradigm of ECD was performed. The research identified that the work of CPI Milk did not follow the principles of analysis of ECD paradigm, failing to identify a potential cartel formation it has set.Esta pesquisa realizou uma análise de conteúdo sobre o relatório final da Comissão Parlamentar de Inquérito – CPI da Assembleia Legislativa de Rondônia que investigou possível formação de cartel na cadeia produtiva do leite em Rondônia. A pesquisa se apoiou no paradigma Estrutura-Conduta-Desempenho (ECD) abordado pela Teoria da Organização Industrial. A Cadeia Produtiva da pecuária de leite é uma das principais atividades socioeconômicas de Rondônia, e qualquer problema de relacionamento entre os agentes produtivos pode resultar em redução de sua competitividade. A teoria da Organização Industrial busca analisar qual a estrutura de mercado vigente em uma determinada indústria (setor), qual o comportamento dos agentes presentes nessa indústria e o desempenho desse segmento tendo em vista a estrutura e o comportamento dos agentes. Foi realizada uma análise crítica comparativa do Relatório Final da CPI, relativo aos trabalhos desenvolvidos pela comissão com o paradigma da ECD. A pesquisa identificou que os trabalhos da CPI do Leite não seguiram os princípios de análise do paradigma ECD, não conseguindo identificar uma potencial formação de cartel a que se propôs

    Carbono e nitrogênio do solo sob diferentes usos e posições na paisagem no Brasil central

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    In Central Brazil, plateaus, the most common geomorphologic form, have been undergoing intense conversion from native vegetation to pasture and agriculture in recent decades. We used carbon stable isotope ratios (δ13C) and nitrogen stable isotope ratios (δ15N) to assess possible changes in soil organic matter dynamics under such land use modifications. This study aimed to evaluate the differences in soil δ13C and δ15N and C and N stocks between native vegetation and agricultural or pasture areas in different locations of a plateau in the savannas of Central Brazil. We sampled soil up to 100 cm depth in pasture areas in the summit of the plateau and no-tillage and conventional tillage on the border of a plateau, as well as soils under native vegetation in both landscape locations. Both soil δ13C and δ15N, and C and N stocks showed no differences between land uses. The different relationships between δ15N and C/N ratio at different locations indicated distinct behavior of the soil organic matter between the summit and border of the plateau. Therefore, in addition to land-use, landscape location contributes to both δ13C and δ15N, and C and N stocks in the soil of the plateau.No Brasil Central, os planaltos são a forma geomorfológica mais comum e vêm sofrendo intensa conversão de vegetação nativa em pastagem e agricultura nas últimas décadas. Os isótopos estáveisde carbono (δ13C) e de nitrogênio (δ15N) foram usados neste estudo para acessar possíveis mudanças na dinâmica da matéria orgânica no solo nestas áreas convertidas. Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar as diferenças no δ13C e no δ15N e nos estoques C e N do solo entre a vegetação nativa e áreas agrícolas ou de pastagem em diferentes posições de um planalto nas savanas do Brasil Central. Foram coletadas amostras de solo até 100 cm de profundidade em áreas de pastagem no topo e plantio direto e convencional na borda do planalto, bem como solos sob vegetação nativa em ambas as posições. O δ13C, o δ15N e os estoques de C e N não mostraram diferenças entre os usos da terra. As diferentes relações entre δ15N e a razão C/N em cada posição indicam um comportamento distinto da matéria orgânica do solo entre o topo e a borda do planalto. Portanto, além do uso da terra, a posição da paisagem contribui para os valores de δ13C e δ15N e os estoques de C e N no solo desse planalto

    Different Teaching Approaches and Use of Active Learning Strategies as Tools for Inter- and Transdisciplinary Education

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    This work reports a review on some of the ways in which education and research can be used to solve today’s complex problems by taking into account teaching and learning strategies that go beyond traditional teaching strategies. It revisits different teaching approaches and connects them directly to uni-, pluri-, multi-, inter-, and transdisciplinary attitudes, and how educational professionals think of the subject of teaching. This discussion reflects on how teachers tend to reproduce procedures they observed in their own graduation programs and why experienced teachers opt for inter- and transdisciplinary attitudes. Using a qualitative approach, this work illustrates the results from a Project-Based Learning strategy applied to a group of Major Engineering students to solve problems at the University’s Campus. Participants included 25 students engaged to Physics Engineering program supervised by different faculty members, experienced undergraduate and graduate students, and technicians, who had mentored the undergraduate students’ teams, all working in subjects closely related to the projects. The products developed by the teams show evidence that the students were motivated and engaged in the projects; this supports the premise that inter- and transdisciplinary approaches drive collaboration in the execution of projects, develop soft skills and permit knowledge development in an articulate and complex way thereby leading to a broader education of the students

    Major depressive episode in hospital workers during the Covid-19 pandemic in Brazil

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    OBJECTIVES: To estimate prevalence and factors associated with major depressive episode (MDE), emphasizing occupational aspects, in workers of a public teaching hospital that is a reference for Covid-19 treatment. METHODS: A cross-sectional study was carried out between October and December 2020, after the first peak of the pandemic, interviewing 1155 workers. The prevalence of MDE was estimated using the Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9) algorithm. Multivariate hierarchical analysis was conducted using Poisson regression to assess associated factors. RESULTS: MDE prevalence was 15.3% (95%CI: 13.3–17.5) and was higher among young, white and female workers, those with a family history of depression, resident professionals, nursing professionals, workers who were exposed to three or more situations of moral dilemma, and those who had to put off a physiological need until later. Having a risk factor for Covid-19, being a smoker and being physically inactive were also positively associated with MDE. CONCLUSIONS: The study points to the considerable prevalence of MDE among tertiary health care workers; reviewing work processes is essential to reduce occupational stress and minimize the effects of the pandemic on mental health, preventing those problems from becoming chronic

    Odontogenic Keratocyst: A Case Report Emphasizing on Root Canal Treatment after Surgical Intervention

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    This article presents a case of odontogenic Keratocyst (OKC) located in the mandible, involving teeth 36 to 45, with significant loss of alveolar bone and aseptic pulp necrosis, emphasizing on root canal treatment after surgical intervention. Orthopantomogram and computed tomography examinations revealed an extensive, well-defined, and multilocular radiolucent lesion. Histopathological examination after incisional biopsy confirmed OKC, which was removed completely with enucleation and curettage, followed by the endodontic treatments of teeth 36 to 45 using reciprocating nickel-titanium files (Reciproc) in a single session. Afterwards, teeth 33 to 36 underwent apical surgery to create an appropriate bone development. Panoramic radiographic images showed bone formation and no sign of recurrence after one-year follow-up. In conclusion, this surgical approach, combined with the endodontic treatments of the teeth involved in the lesion, was effective for the management of OKC, promoting injury regression and preservation of the natural teeth.Keywords: Dental Pulp Necrosis; Enucleation; Odontogenic Cysts; Odontogenic Keratocyst; Root Canal Therap

    Qualidade da carne e desempenho de frangos de corte alimentados com dietas contendo selênio levedura e selenito de sódio

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    The objective of this work was to evaluate performance parameters, carcass and cut yields, meat quality, plasma glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px) activity, and selenium tissue deposition for broilers fed with Se from organic (Se-yeast) and inorganic (sodium selenite) sources. A total of 1,200 Cobb 500 chicks, males with one day of age, were randomly distributed into four treatments with ten replicates. The treatments consisted of two Se-yeast levels (3,000 and 2,000 ppm), sodium selenite (45.7%), and the combination between sodium selenite and 3,000 ppm Se-yeast. All diets, based on corn and soybean meal, were supplemented with 0.3 ppm Se. Among treatments, there were no differences for performance, carcass and cut yields, and meat quality. Diets containing only Se-yeast provided meat with lower values of thiobarbituric acid reactive substances. A higher GSH-Px activity was observed with 3,000 ppm Se-yeast and a greater deposition of Se in the muscle tissue with Se-yeast. The sources of Se do not affect performance parameters and carcass yield; however, the organic source 3,000 ppm Se-yeast results in a greater deposition of the mineral in the muscle and in a greater oxidative stability in the meat.O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar parâmetros de desempenho, rendimento de carcaça e cortes, qualidade de carne, atividade plasmática de glutationa peroxidase (GSH-Px) e deposição tecidual de selênio em frangos de corte alimentados com Se de fontes orgânica (Se-levedura) e inorgânica (selenito de sódio). Um total de 1.200 pintos Cobb 500, machos com um dia de idade, foram distribuídos inteiramente ao acaso em quatro tratamentos, com dez repetições. Os tratamentos consistiram de dois níveis de Se-levedura (3.000 e 2.000 ppm), de selenito de sódio (45,7%), e da combinação entre selenito de sódio e 3.000 ppm de Se-levedura. Todas as dietas, à base de milho e farelo de soja, foram suplementadas com 0,3 ppm de Se. Entre os tratamentos, não houve diferenças quanto a desempenho, rendimento de carcaça e de cortes, e qualidade de carne. Dietas apenas com Se-levedura proporcionaram carnes com menores valores de substâncias reativas ao ácido tiobarbitúrico. Observaram-se maior atividade de GSH-Px com 3.000 ppm Se-levedura e maior deposição muscular de Se com Se-levedura. As fontes de Se não afetam os parâmetros de desempenho e o rendimento de carcaça; no entanto, a fonte orgânica 3.000 ppm de Se-levedura resulta em maior deposição do mineral no músculo e maior estabilidade oxidativa da carne

    Autolesão não suicida em adolescentes: Terapia Comunitária Integrativa como estratégia de partilha e de enfrentamento

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    Objetivo: apreender por meio da Terapia Comunitária Integrativa (TCI) os fatores relacionados à autolesão não suicida em adolescentes e à contribuição da mesma para as estratégias de enfrentamento. Método: estudo qualitativo, conduzido com adolescentes que participaram das rodas de Terapia Comunitária Integrativa, as quais foram gravadas eregistradas em diário de campo. Utilizou-se análise temática e fundamentou-se no Modelo de Habilidades de Vida. Resultados: a autolesão emergiu em seis rodas, como tema ou envolto a outro sofrimento vivenciado pelas adolescentes mulheres. Foram evidenciadas as categorias “Adolescência e autolesão não suicida: alívio da angustia”, “Roda de Terapia Comunitária Integrativa: espaço terapêutico” e suas subcategorias. Conclusões: as adolescentes encontram na autolesão não suicida uma forma para materializar e aliviar o sofrimento decorrente de múltiplos fatores. A Terapia Comunitária revelou um espaço vivo de partilha e de ressignificação do sofrimento.Objetivo: aprender a través de la Terapia Comunitaria Integradora (TCI) los fatores relacionados con la autolesión no suicida en adolescentes y su contribución a las estrategias de afrontamiento. Metodo: estudio cualitativo, conducido con adolescentes que participaron en las ruedas de TCI, las cuales fueron grabadas y registradas en diario de campo. Se utilizó análisis temáticos y se fundó en el Modelo de Habilidades de Vida. Resultados: La autolesión surgió en seis ruedas, como tema vinculado a otro sufrimiento. Del análisis surgieron las categorías “Adolescencia y autolesiones no suicidas: alivio de la angustia” y “Rueda de Terapia Comunitaria Integrativa: espacio terapéutico” y sus subcategorías. Conclusiones: Las adolescentes utilizan la autolesiónno suicida como forma de materializar y aliviar el sufrimiento resultante de múltiples factores. La Terapia Comunitaria reveló un espacio vivo de compartir y redefinir el sufrimiento.Objective: to learn though the Integrative Community Therapy (ICT) the factors related to non-suicidal self-harm in adolescents and their contribution to coping strategies. Method: a qualitative study, conducted with adolescents who participated in the Integrative Community Therapy wheels, which were saved and recorded in a field diary. Thematic analysis was used and it was based on the Life Skills Model. Results: self-harm has emerged on six wheels, as a themeor wrapped in other suffering. The following categories emerged from the analysis: “Adolescence and non-suicidal self-harm: Anguish relief” and “Integrative Community Therapy Wheel: Therapeutic space” and its subcategories. Conclusions: adolescents find in non-suicidal selfharm a way to materialize and alleviate the suffering resulting from multiple factors. Community Therapy revealed a living space of sharing and re-signification of suffering

    Terapia comunitária integrativa com adolescentes escolares: relato de experiência / Integrative community therapy with school adolescents: experience report

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    Objetivo: relatar a experiência de implantação da Terapia Comunitária Integrativa em uma escola pública. Descrição da experiência: participaram do estudo adolescentes de 12 a 18 anos, matriculados no ensino fundamental II e ensino médio. Foram conduzidas 31 rodas com 460 participantes. Utilizou-se como fonte de obtenção informação a participação observante e as fichas de apreciação e registro das rodas. Discussão: os principais temas que emergiram foram: estresse (64,5%) e os conflitos familiares (16,1%) e entre as principais estratégias de enfrentamento evidencia-se a busca de redes solidárias (90,3%), o autocuidado e a busca por recursos na cultura (45,2%). Conclusão: a experiência permitiu observar que a Terapia Comunitária Integrativa tem um papel fundamental na atenção à saúde mental do adolescente, sendo importante para o reconhecimento das redes solidárias e de apoio, no fortalecimento da autoestima e no desenvolvimento do olhar introspectivo

    Hand hygiene: a review of understanding and attitudes of healthcare professionals

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    Objective: Evaluate hand hygiene performed by health professionals in a public hospital and identify non-adherence factors for the correct technique. Methods: The professionals were submitted to a questionnaire, testing their knowledge of hand hygiene compliance for health professionals and were observed while hand washing. Results: 62,5% received training either during undergraduation course, or by the hospital, while 37,5% did not know how to do the technique. Regarding the reason for the noncompliance of proper hygiene techniques, 61,1% of professionals said that excessive professional activity, and insufficient time are the main causes. 44,4% mentioned the lack of priority of the institution as to the procedure and 16,6% lack the time to perform the technique. Conclusion: It appears that most of the professionals interviewed did not obey the rules recommended hand hygiene and the main reason is no time due to excessive workload